| ETHA Lend 
ETHA Price: | $0.00356 | | Volume: | $2.8 K | All Time High: | $2.87 | | Market Cap: | $104.4 K |
Circulating Supply: | 29,296,945 |
| Exchanges: | 3+
| Total Supply: | 30,000,000 |
| Markets: | 4+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 8
The last known price of #ETHA is $0.00356 USD.
Please note that the price of #ETHA was last updated over 140 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #ETHA statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest ETHA price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00356, and the exact last price of ETHA was $0.00356281.
The all-time high ETHA coin price was $2.87.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of ETHA with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for ETHA Lend crypto currency is #ETHA.
ETHA Lend is 3.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for ETHA Lend is $104,379.
ETHA Lend is ranking upwards to #1009 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is small today for #ETHA.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for ETHA Lend is $2,811. |
The circulating supply of ETHA is 29,296,945 coins, which is 98% of the total coin supply. |
 Yield Degens & On-chain Data Sleuths: We give You ETHA Lend V3! You loved the previous few iterations of ETHA UI, but we needed to pack it full of new features. So we re-designed the entire user flow from top to bottom! The new UI is radically different in terms of how it looks and feels — the user experience has been leveled up to make your time on the dApp more actionable, organized, and data/performance oriented. — What’s in the new UI? - ETHA’s UI v3 is packed with improvements and innovations: Access the dApp directly using your Web3 wallet, One App for all chains, Volumetric data: transaction volume, historical APYs, fees, and much more, Better Account-level analytics, Easy Governance of core protocol parameters, including vault performance and deposit fees, New Logo, Light and Dark modes are available, — Access the dApp directly using your non-custodial wallet - We are sunsetting the ETHA smart wallet (ESW) in a bid to make the user experience more seamless and hassle-free. No more additional button clicks to create an ETHA Smart wallet, transferring assets from your web3 wallet to ESW and vice versa. It’s DeFi as you know it, but better! We advise all protocol users to migrate their assets from the ETHA Smart wallet to their web3 wallets. To make the migration hassle-free, we have waived the withdrawal fees until April 3rd, 2023. — One App for all chains - Every yield opportunity across every supported chain is accessible all at once. On the ... 
|  ETHA Lend Weekly Report #61 Welcome back to another weekly Update, where we break down the most notable developments of the previous weeks at ETHA Lend Protocol. — Summary: - Bridge Vaults, New ETHA App Mobile view UI/Responsiveness — voting page/governance page/portfolio page, Exploring new vaults deployments, — Cross-chain eVaults: Deployment & Testing - We have made significant progress with cross-chain eVaults. The contracts have been deployed, and we are currently conducting comprehensive tests to ensure the contract functions as intended to allow user interactions. Responsiveness tests for voting, governance, and portfolio page on both ETHA Lend desktop & mobile view are complete. Here’s a sneak peek into our mobile UI: — Exploring new eVaults - Since inception, it’s been our mission to create a yield optimizer that you deserve in terms of user experience, innovation, and the variety of yield farming opportunities for all risk/reward appetites & market cycles. As such, the UX that we envisioned for you is ready for launch, and it’s time for us to focus on the next part of the roadmap — to bring new & unique yield farming strategies to ETHA Lend. Launching the leveraged farming eVaults is a step forwards toward this milestone while we explore more sustainable opportunities for you, including Uniswap LP vaults, High APY eVaults, etc. — Next up: - ETHA new UI launch, Campaigns & pa... 
|  ETHA Lend Weekly #60 Welcome back to another weekly Update, where we break down the most notable developments of the previous weeks at ETHA Lend Protocol. — Summary - Cross-chain feature and eVaults, New strategy & eVault unlocked, Bug Fixes, Wallet Migration, New ETHA mobile app, Portfolio page, — Implementing a feature for Cross-chain Asset Transfer - Before ETHA Lend deploys on a new chain, we want to ensure that the cross-chain UX has been established to provide users with a seamless asset transfer. Currently, we are testing the Anycall feature to create a bridge and call transaction using testnets. So far, we have implemented the multichain contracts and created a deploy script for the receiver contracts on the target chain. A hardhart has been developed for swapping in the sushi router, while another hardhat has been created for bridging and calling the receiver contract. Lastly, we have set up a test bridge between Mumbai (Polygon testnet) and BSC testnet for testing the Anycall feature. This feature will help us explore and unlock new utilities with cross-chain eVaults. — Leveraged Compounding eVaults - We have developed and tested the Aave Leveraged Compounding Vault. The harvest function is active. However, we are still working on adding other features before rolling on the new strategy and the vault. — veETHA Migration - We have identified a bug in the migration of vaults from smart wallets to web3 wal... 
|  ETHA Lend Weekly Recap #59 Welcome back to another weekly Update, where we break down the most notable developments of the previous weeks at ETHA Lend Protocol. — Summary - Creating new ETHA UI, Migrate all the data-fetching from the legacy app to the new design, Making the connectionModal for the app, Implemented eVaults filters, Deploy Gelato Resolvers for eVaults on Avax, Harvest function for the upcoming Aave Compounding eVault, — Creating new ETHA UI - We are completely revamping the main dApp page (Invest), portfolio page, activities, and governance page. We will release a blog post on all the new features and utilities that the upgrade brings once the UI is ready. Here’s a sneak peek 👀into what new utilities we are adding for ETHA voters, veETHA holders, eVault depositors, and account & protocol-level analytics enthusiasts. — Migrate all the data-fetching from the legacy app to the new design - The new design mainly constitutes next.js and Zapper functionality integration. Next.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building server-rendered React apps. By integrating Next.js into the new design, you will be able to take advantage of its features, such as automatic code splitting, optimized performance, and easy deployment. This will make building and maintaining the app easier and result in a faster and more seamless experience for the user. Zapper is a decentralized finance (DeFi) management tool that allow... 
|  ETHA Lend 2022 — A Year In Review ETHA Lend 2022 — A Year In Review - The 2022 season is coming to an end. Despite the markets not being kind to any of us, ETHA remained resilient. In this recap, we’ll go over all of the big milestones, statistics, and achievements to give you the full picture of how we progressed to this point. We’ll run the core highlights and finish off with a quick look into what 2023 holds for the protocol and our community. — 2022 Highlights by Numbers - 23.4 Million total protocol volume at peak, 5 Million in total swap volume at peak, ETHA goes multi-chain available on Polygon and Avalanche, New Vault type launched — auto compounding eVaults, Some of the highest APYs on USDT, GHST, and QI, Launch of veETHA token, Protocol decentralization, — Broadening the Horizons for eVaults - With sustainable DeFi yield gaining significant traction over the summer and heading into autumn, we saw the opportunity to strengthen the core product vertical that would be completely focused on the eVaults, which protocols and users could both utilize. For protocols, we premiered DeFi lego to utilize, and for users, we’d be a way to conveniently maximize your rewards based on your risk/reward appetite. During the same time, we integrated more DEXs, including Sushiswap, Paraswap, TraderJoe, and QiDAO, to explore more opportunities to execute dollar cost-averaging strategies on ETHA Lend. As of today, our best yield stra... 
|  ETHA Lend is Now Supported on imToken We’re proud to announce that the ETHA Lend protocol can now be accessed on imToken’s dApp browser! With this integration, users can now easily DCA their way on ETHA eVaults on the highly accessible imToken wallet & dApp browser. imToken is a time-honored crypto wallet on a mission to make digital life equally accessible to everyone. Some of its core features include multi-chain management, built-in decentralized exchange, a dApp browser, and more! imToken allows you to manage multiple wallets using a single private key, which opens up a wide range of digital assets. Additionally, by providing a unified and secure digital identity, imToken makes it astonishingly easy to discover and navigate a multitude of dApps. In this post, we’ll familiarize you with imToken and guide you through how to use imToken with ETHA Lend. — Using ETHA Lend with imToken - To get started, simply download and install version 2.0 of imToken’s mobile wallet and dApp browser (available both on iOS and Android). Once installed, either import your existing wallet (identity) or create a new one (Figure1)Figure 1 Finally, navigate to the “Browser section” at the bottom of the home screen page (Figure 2)Figure 2 In the “Search or input URL” area and type “ETHA Lend. Once the search result pops up, click on “ETHA Lend (Figure 3).”Figure 3 If you’re interacting using an existing wallet, you will land directly on ETHA Lend... 
|  ETHA Weekly Report #58 Welcome to the 58th edition of our weekly report series! New narratives continue to unfold in the market, but builders gotta build their loyal communities! Let’s dive into the development progress we’ve made since the last report! — Summary: - Launching new volatile & compounding eVaults (Sushi & Qi), Easing new volatile/compounding eVaults migration, Zapper Contract, Frontend, Community Update, — Launching migration for new Volatile & Compounding eVaults (Sushi & QiDAO) - We launched a new Sushiswap eVault (volatile) on ETHA-Polygon, and we’re preparing to launch the compounding eVaults for both Sushiswap and QiDAO — Easing our Qi eVault migration for users - Recently we migrated the Qi eVaults to the new Masterchef contract. For volatile Qi eVaults, users will have to use the “Migrate” button to move to the new vaults. For compounding eVaults, we have upgraded the strategy, automatically migrating users to the new contracts. So compounding eVault users don’t need to execute any transaction to migrate! — Zapper Contract - We are working on integrating a Zapper contract that facilitates vault deposits in a single transaction. Using this, users can perform one transaction to invest or withdraw in vaults. It’s similar to using the ETHA smart wallet but without needing to deploy a wallet. — Frontend - We’re migrating the dApp from the old method of creating a ... 
|  ETHA Weekly Report #57 Welcome to the 57th edition of our weekly newsletter series. The past week has been an extraordinarily painful time for many participants. In many ways, crypto was created as a solution to a mercurial financial system. And yet, when centralization creeps in, crypto itself begins to feel mercurial. On the flip side, the same events have brought to light the immediate need and appreciation for decentralized, transparent, and non-custodial instruments. These events remind us once again of the importance of what we’re building here in DeFi! As this crisis fades away, we will keep building because a new narrative is imminent, and decentralized instruments such as ETHA Lend will be at its forefront. Let’s dive in. — Summary - New Compounding eVault, ETHA Lend voting system, New Volatile Asset eVault, Gelato Resolvers, Frontend Updates, — New Compounding eVault - We’ve been working on a new compounding eVault strategy on QiDAO, which is now being implemented on the testnet and is currently in the testing phase. We expect to deploy it on the mainnet shortly. — Voting system - As we mentioned in the previous weekly report, the instant voting system allows every veETHA holder to be able to vote on the core protocol parameters, including performance fees, swap fees, and withdrawal fees, allowing us to further decentralized these settings. The weight of your vote is proportional to the number of veETHA token... 
|  ETHA Lend is Live on Safe! We’re constantly trying to bring radical improvements to user experience & as the protocol grows in complexity. And even better, if an improved UX comes with enhanced security for our users! We’re excited to officially announce that ETHA Lend is now integrated into the Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) Ecosystem Environment on two major chains, Polygon and Avalanche. Now, a little more about Safe. — What Is Safe? - Safe is the leader when it comes to serviceability, security, and self-custody. In simple terms, it’s a highly trusted platform for multi-sig wallets to operate safely. And multi-sig wallets are the top choice for blockchain-based organizations, being managed by a handful of nominated people. Multi-sig wallets operate with multi-signature addresses, so it takes more than one private key to authorize transactions. To ensure that no one can compromise the funds, transactions aren’t executed unless a minimum number of private keys approve them. Safe introduced multi-sig wallets to Safe Apps to create an environment where you can securely interact with premium authorized dApps. A powerful feature of the Safe is the ability to integrate third-party apps as Safe Apps, extending the functionality of its multi-signature wallet by providing a portal to DeFi from directly within its secure interface. We couldn’t wait to make the protocol available via Safe App. ETHA Lend is now supported as a Safe app, so ou... 
|  ETHA Weekly Report #56 Welcome to the 56th edition of our weekly report series. This report combines updates from a two-week sprint instead of the usual one-week. We have some exciting new developments to share with you, including new governance contracts that allow users to boost their ETHA emissions based on their veETHA balance. Another exciting feature is the — Suggested Investments Section for yield optimization, unlike ever before! — Summary: - Vault parameter changes via Instant Voting automated by Gelato, Masterchef contract deployment, Frontend fixes, — New Governance Feature — Instant Voting - We are building a smart contract that allows every veETHA holder to vote on the core protocol parameters, including withdrawal fees, performance fees, etc. With this, we aim to further decentralize the protocol by abstracting the cumbersome processes typically involved in protocol governance. The implementation also aligns long-term token holders and key DAO participants with the right to govern the core protocol parameters. We are leveraging Gelato’s Instant voting implementation to achieve this goal. The instant voting pool will utilize the weighted average of all votes and apply it linearly over 10 days. We are currently working on all three aspects of implementing this update on the protocol, including the smart contracts, UX & UI, and frontend integrations. — Masterchef Contract Deployment — Comple... 