| EosForce 
EOSC Price: | $0.0000929 | | Volume: | $10.6 K | All Time High: | $0.29 | | Market Cap: | $25.9 K |
Circulating Supply: | 279,199,873 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 367,111,643 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #EOSC is $0.0000929 USD.
Please note that the price of #EOSC was last updated over 60 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #EOSC statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest EOSC price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000929, and the exact last price of EOSC was $0.00009287.
The all-time high EOSC coin price was $0.29.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of EOSC with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for EosForce crypto currency is #EOSC.
EosForce is 3.8 years old. |
The current market capitalization for EosForce is $25,930.
EosForce is ranking downwards to #4146, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a modest volume of trading today on #EOSC.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for EosForce is $10,587. |
The circulating supply of EOSC is 279,199,873 coins, which is 76% of the total coin supply. |
EOSC has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #EOSC trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #EOSC purchase. |
 EOSC Weekly Report Technical research/ Foundation expansion/Forcelink oracle — Technical Progress. — Research on ERC721 protocol standardResearch on Loot ProjectResearch on Arweavecloud storage solution — Community News. — 1. EOSC Foundation is expanding its enrollment, and currently 6 members have joined. 2. Completed the preliminary development of Forcelink oracle.
|  EOSC Biweekly Report 06/21–07/04 Development Progress. — Development of XFORCE two-way cross-chain bridgeResearch on EVM contract optimization schemeResearch on equity-based voting and reward mechanism — Community News. — XFORCE two-way cross-chain function has been launchedEOSC withdrawal is available on BitForex from June 21th, 2021 at 10:00 (GMT+8) to July 5th, 2021 at 10:00 (GMT+8).
|  EOSC Withdrawal Is Available on BitForex Dear EOSC & BitForex users, Due to the community’s request and a long time for your patience. EOSC withdrawal will be available on BitForex from June 21th, 2021 at 10:00 (GMT+8) to July 5th, 2021 at 10:00 (GMT+8). All EOSC holders should noteEOSC withdrawal request is available from June 21th, 2021 at 10:00 (GMT+8).EOSC withdrawals will no longer be supported after July 5th, 2021 at 10:00 (GMT+8). Thank you for your patience and support!
|  EOSC Biweekly Report 06/07–06/20 Development Progress. — Cross-chain mining development of EOSC to BSC and HECOWeb development of EOSC Budget SystemForceLink EOSC oracle development — Community News. — The Proposal for EOSC Foundation to Increase USDC Holdings as Reserve Assets has been passed, and the specific plan is being implemented.The cross-chain mining of XFORCE to BSC and HECO mainnets is ongoing.
|  EOSC Weekly Report 05/31–06/06 Work Completed 1. EOSIO-based Externally Verifiable State Integrity solution; 2. Development of the EOSC Budget System webpage; 3. Development of ForceLink EOSC oracle. Community News 1. EOSC Foundation approved the Proposal for EOSC Foundation to Increase USDC Holdings as Reserve Assets; 2. The Proposal for Development of ForceLink EOSC Oracle has been approved; 3. The Proposal for XFORCE Mining Plan has been approved.
|  EOSC Weekly Report 05/17–05/23 Work Completed. — 1.EOSIO-based Externally Verifiable State Integrity solution 2.Multi-chain AMM solution on Binance Smart Chain and Huobi ECO Chain — Plan for Next Week. — 1.Ethereum cross-chain gateway based on EOSIO’s Externally Verifiable State Integrity 2.A meeting for core developers will be held to discuss the follow-up orientation of EOSC Budget System — Community News. — 1.EOSC’s cross-chain interoperability to BSC and HECO mainnet has been implemented so that community users can trade EOSC tokens on decentralized trading platforms such as Pancakeswap and MDX.
|  EOSC Weekly Report 05/10–05/16 Work Completed 1.Efficient AMM mechanism based on EOSIO 2.Completion of the Binance Smart Chain and Huobi ECO Chain cross-chain plan Plan for Next Week 1.EOSIO-based Externally Verifiable State Integrity solution 2.Multi-chain AMM solution on Binance Smart Chain and Huobi ECO Chain Community News 1.EOSC explorer has completed block synchronization
|  The Cross-Chain Interoperability of EOSC Assets on Huobi ECO Chain Is Realized EOSC Mainnet has been running stably for more than two years since it’s launch on June 22, 2018 (BJS) as the Blockchain technology and insdustry flourish. In order to accelerate the expansion of EOSC mainnet for DeFi in keeping with the Blockchain development trend, the EOSC community will launch the XFORCE cross-chain function to deliver the value of EOSC to other mainnets with more users, such as ETH, HECO, BSC, POLKADOT, etc., giving EOSC more value and application scenarios. — How does XFORCE Cross-Chain function work?. — From EOSC to other mainnets: Through the smart contract gateway deployed on EOSC mainnet, the user can transfer EOSC to the gateway to lock, and then the gateway will issue the corresponding amount of XFORCE to the specified address in the XFORCE contract of the corresponding cross-chain mainnet.From other mainnets to EOSC: If the corresponding XFORCE tokens are transferred from another mainnet to XFORCE contract, the XFORCE contract will immediately destroy these tokens, and then transfer the corresponding EOSC to the designated EOSC account through the smart contract gateway deployed on the EOSC mainnet. — HECO Cross-Chain Contract Address. — 0x8637ac40300296fe3e5c9e67f73ac1d16749a7bf — Cross-Chain Bridge. — https://xforce.fun/help (Support Math Wallet, Tokenpocket Wallet)
|  EOSC Biweekly Report #124 01/18–01/31 Work Completed 1. Research on the necessity of IPFS storage and the current implementations. 2. Referred to the implementation details of Tendermint Core 0.34 mempool. 3. Improved Js SDK test interface documentation. 4. Cross-chain transaction testing based on IBC’s multi-chain. Plan for Next Week 1. Research on the scheme of isomorphic cross-chain gateway adaption 2. Update Go SDK to V2.0 3. Add Cosmos SDK Logger module 4. Research on the necessity of IPFS storage and the current implementations Community News 1. Discussion about the cross-chain between EOSC and Ethereu
|  EOSC Biweekly Report #123 12/28/2020–01/10/2021 Work Completed 1. Implementation of IBC Adapter Module Demo. 2. Fixed the duplicate nonce problem in Tx-Pending Pool. 3. Refactored p2p support library of the light node. 4.Completed test on the read and write interface for serialized data. Plan for Next Week 1. Research on the necessity of IPFS storage and the current implementations. 2. Refer to the implementation details of Tendermint Core 0.34 mempool. 3. Improve Js SDK test interface documentation. 4. Cross-chain transaction test based on IBC’s multi-chain. Community News 1. The Christmas celebration in EOSC English community has been successfully concluded.