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Goose Finance  


EGG Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$287.6 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #EGG today is $0.00904 USD.

The lowest EGG price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00904, and the current live price for one EGG coin is $0.00903625.

The all-time high EGG coin price was $133.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of EGG with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Goose Finance crypto currency is #EGG.

Goose Finance is 4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Goose Finance is $287,562.

Goose Finance is ranked #920, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak volume of trading today on #EGG.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Goose Finance is $89.00.


The circulating supply of EGG is 31,823,189 coins, which is 99% of the total coin supply.


EGG is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.


EGG has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #EGG trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #EGG purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #EGG, and you can view them on our EGG disambiguation page.



Goose Vault — Goose Share and Goose Dollar

Goose Vault — sGoose and Goose Dollar If you haven’t read about the Goose Vault, please read it first A lot of people asked about the Goose Dollar and our team has come up with more ideas to accelerate this funding. As mentioned in the previous article, Goose Dollar is backed by1 BUSD. The initial funding is 2 million USD supported by Goose Finance’s team wallet. We came up with sGoose where you put down 1 dollar and get 1 sGoose Token. This 1 dollar will then be used to mint Goose Dollar for Vault users. You will then take this sGoose token to stake into a profit-sharing farm. Currently, we are looking at 10% of the Goose Dollar profit will be shared among all sGoose holders. The purchase price of sGoose: $1 (fixed) The selling price of sGoose: $0.9 (fixed) The purchase price and selling price may be increased in the future if the funds grow larger, but the gap will always stay at 10%. Goose Vault — Goose Share and Goose Dollar was originally published in Goose Finance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Goose Vault — You stake, We Stake Too

Goose Vault — You stake, We Stake Too 2 million USD will be added to accelerate the Goose VaultGoose Vault Goose vault is similar to other auto-compounder sites where you can auto-compound tokens like Pancake-BNB LP or BUSD-USDT LP to get higher APY. Usually, those sites will mint a platform token to you and you can hodl or sell as you like which involves lots of risks and price fluctuation. HERE COMES THE DIFFERENCE! We are now proposing a new leverage system where Goose Finance provides you funding to invest. When you stake onto any farm in the Goose Vault, you will be given Goose Dollar backed by $1USD. You can then take this Goose Dollar and stake it into selected Goose Dollar farms. For each Goose Dollar staked, Goose Finance will then stake 1$ for you into this farm. We take the risk, you take the reward.Goose Dollar tokenomics Goose Dollar’s total supply will always be the same as the total amount of BUSD in the Goose Dollar Vault. So the initial minting will start at 2 million Goose Dollar backed with 2 million BUSD. The minting will depend on the remaining unbacked BUSD, therefore a larger amount of BUSD remaining will increase the minting speed. For Goose Dollar farms, it will have a different fee involved, as we bear the risk of losing money. Stable coin farms will have a higher profit ratio compare to higher risk like Pancake farms. For stable coin farm, we are looking at 60% of the profit from Goose Do...

Goose Finance first month recap

A month feels like a year in crypto. Goose Finance was launched around one month ago, and we have been through so much this month. We tried our best to innovate in the BSC-space, and Goose Finance raised to the top #3 app on BSC. Firstly, we would like to thank all the goosers for the support. Secondly, we would like to highlight some achievements we have done in this month.Removed Rugpull code This was one of our major improvements in the BSC chain, and we see a larger decrease in rug-pull projects as people can diff-check the contracts to spot out any malicious code. There have been 166 sites that forked Goose in 1 month compare to Pancake’s 124. Therefore we think Goose Finance is something people are interested in. There were even a few sites that promote themselves as the best Goose Fork.Layered Farming Layered farming has created some turbulence for Goose Finance. As this is an innovative feature, the community will need to understand and learn the strategy. The main focus of Layered Farming is to burn eggs and provide a high-risk, high-reward farming place for Degens to participate. Layered Farming has already burnt over 80,000 eggs which were worth 4 million USD. I wouldn’t say layer 1 or 2 were a success, but layer 3 is closer to our optimal goal, which the focus should be on the Goose House. Furthermore, layer farming isn’t everything Goose Finance has got, it is only a feature to battle against the inflation...

The Honeytrap (A Story about a Migrator behind Timelock)

An analysis on the rugpull On Feb 28 at around 3AM UTC,, another one of the latest Goose clones executed a rug pull. Transferred all of the staked funds to their own pockets. This one caught a lot of people off guard because on first glance, it seemed everything was under timelock protection, including the migrator function that was added back in. Many in the community was left confused as to how they managed to bypass timelock protection to execute this rugpull. So as always, let’s take a dive into what really happened.Background Story forked from the Goose MasterChefV2 contract, an upgraded version of the original Goose MasterChef with added re-entrancy protection that was recommended by the CertiK audit, which seems extra safe. But then on top of that, they re-introduced the migrator code that existed in the original PancakeSwap/SushiSwap MasterChef, an abomination that has wrecked havoc way too many times in the recent weeks. Interestingly, they did not actually use the migrate function to execute the final rugpull, atleast, not directly.EPIC COMMENT They told everyone that the migrator was not here for rugpull, and assured everyone that the fact that it is protected by timelock is proof of that. Any prudent user would check and indeed be able to see that the setMigrator function is behind timelock, and the current migrator is indeed empty. However, this was just a smoke screen...

Layered Farming — In more details

Layered Farming — In more detailsIntroduction: Layered farming is one of the many methods coming up to battle the inflation of the $Egg token. We are not just copying from other sites but inventing our new method, therefore we came up with this layered farming + incubator system. You may ask, will it be enough? No, it’s impossible to have just 1 feature and create enough deflationary pressure to keep Eggs going, but we do not stop here. So let’s go into details about Layered farming. We came up with the layered farming idea because we saw there are so many clones out there but people are super afraid of rug pulls and major dumps etc, and might lose all their assets. So we were thinking, why don’t we provide such a casino/playground for them to enjoy those high APY thrills? So in short, layered farming is for those who chase for high-risk high reward, imagine a new on our site every 7–10 days.Details: Token: So let’s start with the token itself. We are naming it Golden Goose X, (GGX), where X represents the layer, which will start at Layer 1. We are calling the Egg layer as Genesis Layer. Each layer will have its own token, GG1, GG2, and GG3, etc… They will be automatically generated every 7–10 days (still being determined, but most likely will be 7 days). The current ETA will be around 1/3 to 3/3. We have already finished writing the contracts and working on the Front-End now. We might...

Incubator — Layered farming (Unique Burning Mechanism)

Incubator — Layered farming (Unique Burning Mechanism) We have more news about the incubator that we are working on! We hope to launch it in 1–2 weeks. Why we came up with this idea? It was because we saw people getting rug pulled every 2–3 days and it really made us lose faith in humanity. Therefore, we came up with this perpetual automated farm generator that gives high APY! Like my previous blog, we are giving you a way to APE SAFU perpetually.What is layered farming? We all know that Golden Egg has to solve the inflation problem like $CAKE, and we came up with this layered farming system. Every 14 days, a new layer “Layer x Goose” token will be launched, and Goosers can ape-in to enjoy the high APY with a low Circulating supply token. (Initial minting is still needed to provide liquidity) So what is it so special? Goosers can stake Eggs (Genesis Layer) into the incubator in any layers to generate the corresponding “Layer x Goose” Token PERPETUALLY. The number of Eggs able to stake into the incubator WILL BE FIXED AS FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS. Also, the Eggs WILL BE BURNED. This fixed amount of staking ensures the benefits of Goosers who staked Eggs into the incubator, in other words, to prevent more people staking into the pool diluting the APY/Goose reward. These layers will be on FOREVER, therefore, you can stay in the oldest layer to farm as long as there are profits. The farms and nests will ...

Another one bites the Rug

The infamous “Migrator” strikes againSite went down immediately and is now 404 Just an hour or so after launch, CroissantSwap rugged with about 1M TVL. They did it using the infamous “Migrator” that exists on many of the PancakeSwap forks. It took everyone’s staked assets and swapped them for a mock token “boo”.They decided to be jerks and gave everyone some boos on top of stealing their assets This is why the Goose team has been outing the “Migrator” code so much in our previous posts. This is a blatant backdoor, we keep trying to educate everyone about it. If the contract contains the “Migrator”, it takes 0 technical skill to execute the rug. Migrator is the number one red flag, and having no time lock is the second red flag. Never invest your money into a farm that contains the “Migrator” or is not behind a time lock. WHAT ABOUT Goose Finance? Goose Finance is trying to create a cleaner environment for people to yield farm. We have removed the Migrator backdoor. We cannot migrate the assets therefore your assets will be safe with us. Our message to other yield farm devs: REMOVE THE GOD DAMN MIGRATOR! You need to help stop the spread of it which causes so much FUD for our sector. Join Goose Finance on Telegram: Website: Anoth...

Goose Finance — Unique burning mechanism — THE INCUBATOR

Goose Finance — Unique burning mechanism — THE INCUBATOR What we are trying to solve in this yield farming system is that the token inflation gives a disadvantage to latecomers, but Goose Finance is here to provide you the best platform to invest into!Layered farming — INCUBATOR We saw that there has been a lot of people searching for new farms to ape into but always scared that there are rugpulls & dumping. We came up with a new plan to launch new farms every 14 days for people to ape-in perpetually, at the same time, solve the inflation issue. We are proposing a layered farming, THE INCUBATOR. If you saw the film inception, there are different layers of the world. We are creating layered farming. One new layer token, Layer “X” Goose, will spawn every 14 days. There are two ways we might proceed.IDO will happen 1–3 days before the layer farming starts. The conversion of IDO is to bet set at 1:3(To be confirmed). All the pledged Layer 0 eggs will be burnt. The initial liquidity price of layers will be set at around 2x of the price of IDO.Pledge Layer 0 Egg into a nest that cannot unstake and generates Layer “X” Goose forever.Omega Lottery Burning Mechanism 1) All farms have a 4% burning fee when you stake 2) 75% will be used to purchase Golden Egg and inject into the lottery pool 3) 20% of the lottery pool (burning fee + lottery ticket cost) will be burnt We are working on additional bur...

IceCream Meltdown!

How one underscore and cheeky devs lost people’s fortunes (Goose is safu, no cheekiness here allowed) As you may have heard by now, IceCreamSwap just got dumped. The IceCream devs claims that this is an external theif exploiting a bug in their contract code. One might wonder if this really is a hacker or a well staged planned exit. Eitherway, we are interested in what really happened right? Like most current yield farms, our contract code mostly inherits from the SushiSwap MasterChef, maybe each with a little flavor of their own. Now IceCream decided to be cheeky, they added an additional admin address that could make changes to the farms/pools without going through time lock. (Why would you do that right?)NO RISK OF RUG PULL? This meant that the account address named “governance” here, can make any changes to the pool settings. Here is how the “hacker” dumped the tokens.Update all public pools to have 0 multiplier (except the one the hacker is staking in, which is most likely a private or hidden pool)Update Cream Per Block to largest possible numberHarvest Now one might ask, how did a “hacker” become the admin? Well, that is due to a “bug” in their code. A single underscore, that left a door wide open to anyone to become the admin.msg.sender == _governance will always be TRUE when setting admin address to the caller! That o...

Goose Finance — First to remove Rugpull Migrator Code

Goose Finance — First to remove Rugpull Migrator Code Remember the PopcornSwap rug pull? We are not talking about devs dumping their tokens on the market. We are talking about stealing everyone’s staked assets. Almost all the forks from PancakeSwap inherited a back door called the “Migrator” that allowed the dev to take all the staked assets in the farms. Yes, I’m not joking, PancakeSwap can really take all your staked assets if they really wanted to. I’m not suggesting they will, but its in their power to do so.The “Migrator” backdoor on PancakeSwap This was a legacy feature that came from SushiSwap on Ethereum because they needed to forcibly “migrate” Uniswap LPs into their own SushiSwap LP. It was already a pretty douche move on SushiSwap’s part to be honest. For what ever reasons, PancakeSwap decided not to remove this backdoor also. And now evil devs like PopcornSwap used this “directly forked from Pancake” excuse to dodge due diligence checks. Its extra ironic because theres an explicitly remarked comment on the migrator code that says: “Can be called by anyone. We trust that migrator contract is good.” WHAT ABOUT Goose Finance? Goose puts security and legitimacy in the highest regards. We have removed the Migrator backdoor. We cannot migrate the assets therefore your assets will be safe with us. Join Goose...

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