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EDN Price   

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EDN Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
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The last known price of #EDN is $0.00139 USD.

Please note that the price of #EDN was last updated over 860 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #EDN statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest EDN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00139, and the exact last price of EDN was $0.00139446.

The all-time high EDN coin price was $0.05.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of EDN with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Eden crypto currency is #EDN.

Eden is 4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Eden is not available at this time.

Eden is ranking upwards to #14406 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is unknown today for #EDN.


The circulating supply of EDN is 600,000,000 coins, which is 60% of the maximum coin supply.


EDN has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on probably at least one crypto exchanges but we don't have this data.

View #EDN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #EDN purchase.



EDN Token Swap Plan Update

During our recent AMA, we promised to announce our plan for the token swap. We thought long and hard to carefully consider all the implications that the token swap can bring to the company. Throughout this process, we took special note of the current market conditions and how we should position ourselves to become one of the top players in the budding DeFi industry. Ultimately, we wanted to make a decision that would benefit both the company and our investors who have been faithfully supporting EdenChain. After much deliberation, we concluded that it is best to postpone the token swap. We would like to share our thoughts behind that decision in thisĀ post. What is the key to becoming the leader of the De-Fi industry? MoA must be instantly integrable for existing de-fi protocols to provide effortless service to investors. For a project to succeed, its scalability is something one cannot emphasize enough. At EdenChain, we design our services and their business models to be optimized for easy integration to achieve high scalability. At the moment, we are developing an AI-based model that will be the center of all the services we will offer in the future. Once we demonstrate the performance of the model with our proprietary fund, we will be able to expand our DeFi products and services by doing the following: Firstly, MoA will be able to operate in a manner similar to banks by offering investors fixed annual returns. Given the cur...

Telegram AMA and QUIZ with GainsAssosiates

Hi community, We are doing a Telegram AMA and Quiz with GainsAssociates! Please check out the following details! šŸ”¹ Logistics: We will join GainsAssociates on Friday, March the 13th at 12:00 UTC for an AMA and QUIZ. The event will kick off in GAINS Discussion ( šŸ‘‰ Equivalent times: 07:00 EST = 13:00 CET = 21:00Ā KST šŸ“… Countdown (www.timeanddate.comā€¦) šŸ”¹Project tease: šŸ‘‰ EdenChain is a blockchain platform that provides users with world-class decentralized financial services. šŸš€ They recently released a new website for their MoA ( (an integrated and mobile-friendly wallet for crypto asset management) which allows you to analyze your crypto portfolio forĀ free. šŸ”Ž Research the project to be able to both ask and answer questions about it! There will be an AMA and a Quiz part to the event. Ask your questions on Twitter (twitter.comā€¦/status/1237885832389734402) beforehand. šŸŽ‰ $150 of prizes split between 10 winners: 3 on Twitter and 7 on Telegram (! šŸŽ‰ šŸ¤« Hint: Review the whitepaper (ā€¦/1qUUUm8mNuL-7f5yYsNza1gqcZEā€¦/view). šŸ’” Resources: šŸŒ Website ( šŸ’¬ Telegram ( šŸ“š Medium ( šŸ“± Twitter ( šŸ‘„ Facebook ( In the meantime, analyze your crypto portfolio for free at bit.lyAnalyze your crypto portfolio forĀ free! Telegram AMA and QUIZ with GainsAssosiates was originally published in EdenChain on Medium, wher...

Join us at EdenChainā€™s 5th AMA

Hi there! EdenChain is hosting our 5th AMA session! We will be hosting it live onĀ Youtube! Link to the AMA Live Link to the AMA Live In the previous week, we asked the community members to submit questions they would like us to answer during the AMA. We want to say thank you as youā€™ve sent us quality questions regarding our new direction in the De-Fi market, its relation to the token swap and masternodes, as well as questions related to partnerships and future roadĀ map. Thank you for your continued support. On that note, this will be a good opportunity for anyone who would like to get a better idea as to where EdenChain is heading in 2020. So do invite your friends and anyone who is interested in Crypto ETF, and wants to hear directly from the CEO himself about the direction. We understand that our community is spread over the globe, as such the timing might not be the most ideal for some of you. We will make the facilitation as smooth as possible to keep the session most informative for the given time, so schedule the AMA into your calendar now and come joinĀ us! At the end of the AMA, we will announce the start of a new event. As for the reward of the event, we are preparing something designed specifically for the winners of theĀ event! So stay tuned until the last part of the AMA and be the first one to find out about theĀ event! For the meanwhile, try our free crypto portfolio analyzer and check your ...

Analyze your crypto portfolio for free

Analyze your crypto portfolio forĀ free! - Analyze your crypto portfolio for free and start planning your next winningĀ move. Analyze your crypto portfolio for free and start planning your next winning investment! Earlier this year, our CEO James Ahn announced the direction for EdenChain in 2020: To leverage the advanced ecosystem weā€™ve been building since launch to provide traders with sophisticated portfolio management tools unlike anything else on theĀ market. [Check out EdenChain 2020 Direction: BuildingYour Best De-Fi Solution] Today we are excited to launch a brand new webpage for MoA. This is going to be the hub where we announce all the latest updates regarding the development and release of the MoAā€™s Investment Solutions. Thereā€™s also one more reason why you and all your fellow crypto investors should visit the website: A free tool to analyze your crypto portfolio!Analyze your crypto portfolio for free at When we spoke with our community we realized the strong desire to minimize the risk of investing in digital assets and build a stable portfolio of digital assets. We wanted to provide our community with something to help them achieve this. Since digital assets are, after all, a type of investment aiming for returns, we believe that the crypto industry can benefit a lot from taking some of the tried and tested investment principles of traditional finance. When investors review their performance in nu...

EdenChain 2020 Direction: Building Your Best De-Fi Solution

EdenChain 2020 Direction: BuildingYour Best De-FiĀ Solution - — The year 2019 was the year showing what people in blockchain space want,Ā De-Fi. - First of all, decentralized finance (De-Fi) is an umbrella term that encompasses all the financial activities involving crypto-assets. Most of you are already actively engaged with it as it includes crypto staking, payment, and trading. A form of De-Fi that has gotten very hot in the past two years is crypto lending and borrowing. For instance, Genesis Capital, a company in the crypto loan business announced that their accumulated crypto credit grew from near zero to USD 4 billion from 2018 toĀ 2019. In fact, the industry-wide interest in De-Fi is clearly reflected in data. The de-Fi sector accounts for only 6% of daily active unique wallets, however, it contributes 45% of total dApp volume. Taking a step further? DApps for marketplaces, social networking, and gaming are accounting for 72% of daily Ethereum application users combined, yet these same dApps generate only 4% of the total transaction volume. (sourceā€Šā€”ā€ŠMessariĀ report) — A business should provide something valuable toĀ people. - In retrospect, it is obvious that finance is the area of the most interest. The blockchain industry has been exploring opportunities in various areas such as games, social media networks, commerce and so on. But to my regret, it is hard to find hard evidence proving a good fit e...

Are you a rising fashion designer? Tokenize your potential for free with MoA!

Are you on your way to be the next giant in the fashion world? Will we see your work during the fashion week in the future? Do you want to give a real incentive to your fans that have been loyal to you since your no-name days? Tokenize your potential with MoA! It will have a tremendous value as your design catches fame! Your hardcore fan will appreciate you for this priceless gift. Moreover, your token history remains immutable on the blockchain and easily verifiable! Tokenize your potential with MoA for free, and send and receive different digitize assets between MoAĀ users. With MoA, it only takes 2 steps to tokenize yourĀ assets: 1. Fill in a simpleĀ form. 2. PressĀ Create. Thatā€™s it! Wanna give it a try? Here is a link to MoA. Psst! MoA is integrated with Dorothy. If you have a Dorothy account, use the same ID/PW to sign in toĀ MoA. Come and tokenize your great skills and see where it may takeĀ you!! MoA: MoA.Network — EdenChain Links. — Telegram: Telegram Announcement: Website: Twitter: Reddit: LinkedIn: Are you a rising fashion designer? Tokenize your potential for free with MoA! was originally published in EdenChain on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Update: Your rewards are here! Dorothy Signup Event

Your rewards are hereĀ now Dear community, Thank you so much for your continued support. We are so happy to announce that we are now ready to release the sign-up eventĀ rewards. Our hope is that with the rewards, youā€™ll get to be among the first to try out MoAā€™s integrative features that highlight seamless interoperation of dApps and a digital mobile wallet with multicurrency support. Later, we plan to release MoA-Connect that allows developers on any platforms to easily adapt our services into their existing projects, thereby increasing their product accessibility as well as our brand value. Click here to read more about our CEO James discussing the value of MoA, including MoA-Connect. With that said, here is a quick summary of how the rewards are going to findĀ you! Who: users who registered to Dorothy during the sign-up event period and completed the email verification. What: receive 100 TEDN Where: into the userā€™s MoA account When: by November 30th, 2019 How: deposited directly from EdenChain. Why: because you areĀ awesome. Let me cover some topics you might be curiousĀ about. What and why TEDN? -What is TEDN? It is a specialized token for enjoying dApps developed on the EdenChain platform. Currently, TEDN is pegged at a 1:1 ratio to EDN. -Why TEDN? The advantage of having TEDN is that you do not need to pay any transaction fees when using TEDN for dApps developed on the EdenChain platform. Those dApps will be listed...

dApps you should try now!

ā€œAre there any dapp games in which we can use EDN/TEDN?ā€ A very good question. Yes, there are! Today, we would like to introduce you to those games. Spoiler alert! Many of these games come with a demo version! You can try them risk-free!Free demo?Ā Awesome! EdenChain has collaborated with a dApp company, NodeNum, to develop a number of dApp games to showcase various aspects of EdenChainā€™s services. Together, we plan to release about 12 games. The first two to cut the ribbon are Don Quixoteā€™s Journey and Letā€™s DiceĀ Royal.Try for risk-free! Start the demoĀ now! — What is so special about theseĀ dApps? - They are 1-Step Sign in dApp games. Do you have a Dorothy account? Then you are good to go! No need to create another ID and PW for NodeNum games. Simply sign in with your Dorothy account details and startĀ playing!, They interoperate with MoA-Connect. You can access MoA directly from the game interface via MoA-connect. MoA-connect is a system that allows any developer to easily integrate the MoA/Pegasus system with their project. Developers can now accept multiple currencies across platforms by simply adding MoA-connect to their project. With MoA-Connect, you can access MoA directly fromĀ dApps., Play these dApps with TEDN and pay no transaction fees. These dApps accept TEDN (EDN). What is the difference between EDN and TEDN? TEDN is a token specialized for dApp use on EdenChain. Picture this. When you go to a ...

MoA v1.0 release note by James Ahn

MoA is designed to welcome crypto massĀ adoption A crypto wallet is more a part of the cryptocurrency infrastructure rather than a service application. The core functions to use a cryptocurrency such as creating an account, sending and checking balances are done via a crypto wallet. So the most fundamental thing for mass adoption of cryptocurrency is to provide an environment where people can use cryptocurrency easily like existing daily-use services. Of course, services for use are the key to mass adoption, but in this article, let me focus on the wallet, a more fundamental component of the cryptoĀ world. Letā€™s think about the basis for cryptocurrency mass adoption: 1) there exist multiple cryptocurrencies, 2) core functions like sending, receiving and checking should be easy, safe and cheap, and 3) there are services where people can use cryptocurrencies. Those three things are vital and complementary for mass adoption. We have designed and developed MoA with those components in mind to provide a service that 1) has an easy UX, 2) supports cryptocurrencies, and 3) integrates with otherĀ systems. Easy UXNo web-extension is needed forĀ MoA. Everyone agrees that an easy UX is important, which is no surpriseā€Šā€”ā€Šbut most existing wallets seem difficult to use. Recently we conducted a survey to learn about the biggest obstacles present in the usage of a crypto wallet. The result was not surprising at all because we already ...

MoA 1.0 is now released!

MoA 1.0 is available now As part of our mission to make a meaningful contribution toward realizing the mass adoption of blockchain, we have been striving forward to build a complete EdenChain ecosystem that is both sustainable and scalable. A vital component of the ecosystem is a payment module that gives users easy access to our core technologies. Today we are happy to announce that we are releasing version 1.0 of our Mobile Asset Manager,Ā MoA.Scan to go to MoA.Network Here are a few highlights ofĀ MoA: The wallet is integrated with an easy multi-currency payment solution. You can swap between major cryptocurrencies and finalize payments all withinĀ MoA., MoA 1.0 supports both mobile and desktop environments. Users are no longer limited to use the desktop version ofĀ dApps., If you have already signed up for Dorothy.Network, you can use the same account information to access MoA. For dApps that are partnered and integrated with EdenChain, you will be able to access MoA directly from thoseĀ dApps., EdenChain is a permissioned blockchain platform, and we incorporated advantages from the hybrid structure to make MoA both secure and convenient forĀ users. All your transactions in MoA are carried out by verified nodes only. We systematically blocked users with malicious intent from accessing yourĀ data., Your private keys are heavily encrypted and safely secured in the cloud system. The system removes the extra step of entering ...

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