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DOGET Price   

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Doge Token  


DOGET Price:
$2.1 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$3.0 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #DOGET is $0.000340 USD.

Please note that the price of #DOGET was last updated over 390 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #DOGET statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest DOGET price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000340, and the exact last price of DOGET was $0.00034017.

The all-time high DOGET coin price was $0.00745.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DOGET with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Doge Token crypto currency is #DOGET.

Doge Token is 4.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for Doge Token is $3,027,504.

Doge Token is ranking downwards to #1195 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a small volume of trading today on #DOGET.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Doge Token is $2,061.


The circulating supply of DOGET is 8,900,000,000 coins, which is 89% of the maximum coin supply.


DOGET is a token on the Stellar blockchain.


DOGET has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.



Christmas Airdrop for XLM holders

Doge Token (DOGET) will be airdropped to Stellar Lumens (XLM) holders in 1:5 ratio. Snapshot will be taken on December 25th 2019, 2 PM GMT -5. This will be our second airdrop to XLM holders. Our previous airdrops to Dogecoin and Stellar holders went great. — How to participate in this airdrop? - If you hold some Stellar Lumens (XLM), make sure you have access to its private key. This is important. If you use for managing your XLM, you can easily export private key by visiting the website on your desktop. You can then use this private key to log onto Stellarport., Import it in Stellarport exchange. If you know how to use Stellarport exchange, just establish a trustline to Doge Token by going into Wallet > Balances > +Trustline button > search for DOGET and you are done. Make sure you hold lots of XLM in this wallet for the snapshot. Nobody has control over the funds since this is a decentralized exchange., You can also do so by buying small amount of DOGET on Stellarport (which also creates a trustline to DOGET) or you can buy DOGET on (DOGET/BTC, DOGET/ETH, DOGET/XLR). However, you must transfer this DOGET to wallet like Lobstr or stellarport exchange (and create trustline to DOGET) in order to receive the airdrop. We are in talk with TXbit to credit stellar lumen holders on their exchange with DOGET on snapshot day! If you already own DOGET, you already qualify for the airdrop. No ...

Doge Token (DOGET) gets listed on Txbit exchange

Doge Token team is proud to bring its token, DOGET, to, a cryptocurrency exchange based in Netherlands. was born as a result of simple observation and realisation of what is wrong with the altcoin cryptocurrency exchanges today. Everyone is complaining about exchanges — whether it is horrendous support experience, sky-high trading/withdrawal fees or unfair and questionable practices. DOGET is available for trade in three pairs — BTC, ETH and XLR.,,, — About - Txbit is proudly made and based in the Netherlands. A cryptocurrency exchange built from the ground up to meet today’s demands in security, privacy, reliability and speed. The proprietary trading engine and interface deliver a blazing-fast, world-class user experience catering to traders who enjoy spending some time behind the charts, but also to those who prefer to be in and out quickly.

Doge Token Airdrop for Stellar Lumen holders

Such Airdrops. Much Wow. - Doge Token (DOGET) will be airdropped to Stellar Lumens (XLM) holders in 1:2 ratio. Snapshot will be taken on July 22th 2019, 2 PM GMT -5. This airdrop will put Doge Token (DOGET) name, technology and features in front of millions of Stellar Lumens holders. Naturally, this will bring many new users into Doge Token’s ecosystem. Our Dogecoin’s airdrop was immensely successful and we sure this one will be even more successful. — What is this airdrop about?. — At Doge Token, we’re passionate about connecting the world to cryptocurrency and want everyone to hold some Doge Token. So, by offering DOGET to Stellar Lumen (XLM) users for free, we hope to help build a bigger community of crypto users. — What is Doge Token?. — If you do not know Doge Token (DOGET) yet, feel free to visit We are also on coinmarketcap! Doge Token team has already completed airdrop to Dogecoin owners. Millions of DOGET were airdropped to corresponding stellar addresses created by Dogecoin owners. — What is Stellar?. — Stellar is a distributed ledger network that permits multiple assets and currencies to be digitally transferred, issued or exchanged online. The system boasts a built-in order book, network token and pathfinding algorithm, allowing assets to move more easily between sending and receiving parties. — How to participate?. — Th...

Doge Token airdrop for Doge Coin Holders (1:10)

Even though, (we think) Doge Token is superior in every way than the aging Doge Coin, it sees Doge Coin as its meme-coin father. Doge Token team believes every Doge Coin holder should get some Doge Token. — Doge Token airdrop - Doge Token will be airdropped to Dogecoin holders in 1:10 ratio that register before June 10th 2019. So if you have 20,000 DOGE, you get 200,000 DOGET. It is very important to register. Also, in case of question or if any cheating or exploit attempts are detected, the Doge Token team has the right to choose if a registration is valid or not. This means no funny business; otherwise you might be excluded from the airdrop. Fund movements before and after the snapshot will be ignored. Only personal accounts can participate. Exchanges and similar services that pool funds will be ignored. — What is Doge Token? - If you do not know Doge Token (DOGET) yet, feel free to visit We are also on coinmarketcap! — How to participate? - This is completely anonymous and we will delete all data after the airdrop. Registration is really simple. Step 1 — Create a Doge Token wallet address by following steps here. Step 2 — Fill this Google Form Airdrops will be processed after June 10th 2019. It can take some time but we will surely get you your Doge Tokens if you did everything correctly. Update — There is a cap of 3M DOGET per person.

How to create your own DOGE TOKEN wallet

Follow these steps to have complete control over your funds. — Fastest method - Download Lobstr wallet, Create or import a stellar account (you can import your Keybase / account), Establish a trustline to DOGET: Menu > Assets > More Assets > Add Custom >, That is it! — Second method. - Generate keypair — To get started go to Stellarterm and click on generate keypair., 2) This secret key will only be showed to you once. Make sure to safely store it as this will be used for account login. 3) After you have logged in with your secret key you must activate your account by sending at least 7 lumens (XLM) to your account. 4) Go to bottom of page. Add DOGET in “Asset code” field and GDOEVDDBU6OBWKL7VHDAOKD77UP4DKHQYKOKJJT5PR3WRDBTX35HUEUX in “Issuer Account ID” field. DOGET will now show up. Accept and add DOGET. Congratulations! You now have your own DOGET wallet.

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