| Doge Floki Coin 
DOFI Price: | $0.000000000000144 | | Volume: | $72 | All Time High: | $0.000000000437 | | Market Cap: | $49.6 K |
Circulating Supply: | 344,345,824,124,076,224 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 365,351,562,977,261,888 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #DOFI is $0.000000000000144 USD.
Please note that the price of #DOFI was last updated over 300 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #DOFI statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest DOFI price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000000000000144, and the exact last price of DOFI was $0.000000000000144035171338.
The all-time high DOFI coin price was $0.000000000437.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DOFI with market cap of BTC and how the supply of DOFI affects the price at different market capitalizations. |
The code for Doge Floki Coin crypto currency is #DOFI.
Doge Floki Coin is 2.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Doge Floki Coin is $49,597.
Doge Floki Coin is ranking downwards to #2005 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a very weak daily trading volume on #DOFI.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Doge Floki Coin is $72.00. |
The circulating supply of DOFI is 344,345,824,124,076,224 coins, which is 94% of the total coin supply.
Relatively, Doge Floki Coin has a large supply of coins, 15,652,082,915 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example. |
DOFI has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #DOFI trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #DOFI purchase. |
 New CEO #DOFI $DOFI #10x #100x #1000x #10000x @elonmusk @cz_binance Loading 🎯🎯🚀🚀 #Doge #Floki #flokiinu #FLOKICEO #altcoin #1000xGems #BSC #500X #1000xgem #DOFI #dogefloki #100xgem #100xGems #altcoins #altcoins2023 #MATIC #ETH #Bitcoin #BitMart #LBank #HOTBIT #LUNC LIKE & RT 👇👇👇👇 twitter.co
|  Doge Floki Coin Games www.youtube.com #DOFI Metaverse Game Loading 🎯 🆘 ♾Doge Floki Coin ($DOFI)🆘 ♾ Doge Floki Coin web 3.0 is not a meme coin. IT’S A MOVEMENT. A new cryptocurrency birthed by other coins based on dogs. Doge Floki Coin is named after Elon Musk’s very own Shiba Inu and his well-known cryptocurrency . Doge Floki Coin is working on three flagship utility projects: an NFT marketplace, a metaverse gaming platform, and a swap & stake platform. Total Supply 10,000,000,000,000 Tokens 🪙 3% Holder Rewards 🥇 3% Burn on Transaction 🔥 4% Liquidity 💧 📄Contract: 0xF9d6DDF44016953dBf7aB135A0F64d7A41870EDE 📊 Contract Address bscscan.com 🎧 Cointiger www.cointiger.com... 🎧 Coinsbit coinsbit.io... 🎧 XT www.xt.com 🎧 Hotbit www.hotbit.io... 🎧 Pancakeswap pancakeswap.finance... 🎧 Latoken latoken.com 🎧 CMC coinmarketcap.com... 🎧 Coingecko www.coingecko.com... 🎧 Poocoin poocoin.app... 👉 TG Global t.me 👉 Turkish t.me 👉 Twitter twitter.com 🌐 Website dogefloki.site
|  Doge Floki Coin ($DOFI) 🆘 ♾Doge Floki Coin ($DOFI)🆘 ♾ Doge Floki Coin web 3.0 is not a meme coin. IT’S A MOVEMENT. A new cryptocurrency birthed by other coins based on dogs. Doge Floki Coin is named after Elon Musk’s very own Shiba Inu and his well-known cryptocurrency . Doge Floki Coin is working on three flagship utility projects: an NFT marketplace, a metaverse gaming platform, and a swap & stake platform. Total Supply 420,000,000,000,000 Tokens 🪙 3% Holder Rewards 🥇 3% Burn on Transaction 🔥 4% Liquidity 💧 📄Contract: 0xF9d6DDF44016953dBf7aB135A0F64d7A41870EDE 📊 Contract Address bscscan.com 🎧 Cointiger www.cointiger.com 🎧 Coinsbit coinsbit.io 🎧 XT www.xt.com 🎧 Hotbit www.hotbit.io 🎧 Pancakeswap pancakeswap.finance 🎧 Latoken latoken.com 🎧 CMC coinmarketcap.com 🎧 Coingecko www.coingecko.com 🎧 Poocoin poocoin.app 👉 TG Global t.me 👉 Turkish t.me 👉 Twitter twitter.com 🌐 Website dogefloki.site
|  New Contract There is little left to innovation. Get ready to fly. #DOFI New Contract: 0x3170538f55FD8c57e2891638F8854F806f9aB680
|  #DOFI We’ll be doing a 10% BURN Today. #DOFI We’ll be doing a 10% BURN Today. Can you get a Burn on yourself.? X2 #DOFI for the most burned Burn Addresses: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead https://twitter.com/dogeflokiglobal/status/1492987613812346883
|  DOFI Trading Contest. 22,000,000,000,000 DOFI to Give Away! DOFI Trading Contest. 22,000,000,000,000 DOFI to Give Away! Fellow CoinTiger Users, CoinTiger and project team have joined forces to host campaign of 22,000,000,000,000 DOFI to give away. Campaign: DOFI Trading Contest and Win 22,000,000,000,000 DOFI Campaign Link: DOFI Trading Contest Campaign Duration: 18 November 10:00 am — 25 November 10:00 am (UTC) Campaign Rules: Users who are not top 20 but with a trading volume of more than 2,200,000,000,000 DOFI will share 4,400,000,000,000 DOFI according to the proportion of trading volume. Helpful Reminder: 1.Trading Volume = buy+sell (excluding wash trades). 2. Rewards will be distributed 5 business days upon completion of the activities. 3. To guarantee the equity of the campaign, CoinTiger reserve the right to cancel rewards if users violate campaign requirements. Users account will be frozen in severe cases. 4.Users should complete KYC on CoinTiger before receiving rewards for above campaigns 5.CoinTiger reserve the right to cancel or amend the Contest or Campaign Rules at our sole discretion. About DOFI DOFI is a rug-proof deflationary BEP20 token on the Binance Smart Chain. The more $DOFI you hold, the more tokens you will earn. As you sell your $DOFI, the value increases due to burning automatically. So it creates an ecosystem that encourages investor to hold their tokens and enjoy the rewards. Official Website:https://dogefloki.site Explorer:https://bscsca... 
|  DOFI Will be Available on CoinTiger on 18 November. Fellow DOFI Users, We are excited to announce that DOFI will be available on CoinTiger. DOFI/USDT trading pair will be available at the same time. Here are the timelines with respect to the listing (UTC): 1. Deposit opening at 6:00 am on 18 November 2021; 2. Trading opening at 10:00 am on 18 November 2021; 3. Withdrawal opening at 10:00 am on 18 November 2021. About DOFI Token Introduction: DOFI is a rug-proof deflationary BEP20 token on the Binance Smart Chain. The more $DOFI you hold, the more tokens you will earn. As you sell your $DOFI, the value increases due to burning automatically. So it creates an ecosystem that encourages investor to hold their tokens and enjoy the rewards. Official Website:https://dogefloki.site Explorer:https://bscscan.com/token/0xf9d6ddf44016953dbf7ab135a0f64d7a41870ede
|  #DOFI/USDT will be available on #CoinTiger soon 📣#CoinTigerNewListing #DOFI/USDT will be available on #CoinTiger soon 💡 What is DOFI? DOFI is a rug-proof deflationary BEP20 token on the Binance Smart Chain. The more $DOFI you hold, the more tokens you will earn. As you sell your $DOFI, the value increases due to burning automatically. So it creates an ecosystem that encourages investor to hold their tokens and enjoy the rewards. Contract address https://bscscan.com/token/0xf9d6ddf44016953dbf7ab135a0f64d7a41870ede 📮Website: https://dogefloki.site 📮Telegram: https://t.me/dogeflokiglobal 📮Twitter: https://twitter.com/dogeflokiglobal 🔥🔥🔥#Crypto #DeFi #BEP20🔥🔥🔥
|  Doge Floki Coin #DOFI WhitePaper Doge Floki Coin #DOFI WhitePaper https://medium.com/media/fd44156390cbe744f6d569c5c42a6813/href
|  Doge Floki Coin ( DOFI )Is Now Listed on Pancakeswap 🚀🚀Doge Floki Coin ( DOFI )Is Now Listed on Pancakeswap 🚀🚀 ✅ BTCI on Binance Smart Chain 📊 Contract Address : https://bscscan.com/token/0xf9d6ddf44016953dbf7ab135a0f64d7a41870ede 🥞 Pancakeswap : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xf9d6ddf44016953dbf7ab135a0f64d7a41870ede 📊 Trading View: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xf9d6ddf44016953dbf7ab135a0f64d7a41870ede 🔹Telegram Global: https://t.me/dogeflokiglobal 🔹Twitter: https://twitter.com/dogeflokiglobal 🔹Web: https://dogefloki.site