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DMD Price   

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DMD Price:
$47.2 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #DMD today is $1.89 USD.

The lowest DMD price for this period was $0, the highest was $1.89, and the exact current price of one DMD crypto coin is $1.89379.

The all-time high DMD coin price was $1,027.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DMD with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Diamond crypto currency is #DMD.

Diamond is 11.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Diamond is not available at this time.

Diamond is ranking upwards to #3221 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a modest daily trading volume on #DMD.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Diamond is $47,230.


The total supply of DMD is 3,847,462 coins.

A highlight of Diamond is it's limited supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market.


DMD is available on at least one crypto currency exchange.

View #DMD trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #DMD purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #DMD, and you can view them on our DMD disambiguation page.



️ Staking on the DMD Diamond Blockchain — A True Picture of Blockchain Decentralisation!

🗣️ Staking on the DMD Diamond Blockchain — A True Picture of Blockchain Decentralisation! - If you are looking for a blockchain that boosts true decentralisation while securing its network via staking and transaction validation, then the DMD diamond blockchain is your go-to. It’s needless to argue that decentralisation forms the core feature of a blockchain. However, it’s worrisome that many blockchains today that boost decentralisation are typically centralised ecosystems.Decentralised DMD Diamond Blockchain Ethereum, a blockchain known to be the home of smart contracts and decentralised applications (DApps), has recently been flagged for privacy concerns. Justin Drake, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, unveiled that the IP addresses of Ether stakers are monitored as a broader part of the metadata obtained. With that information, stakers could be tracked via their IP addresses. Therefore, Ethereum couldn’t further boost on-chain privacy, allowing unsolicited data mining and censorship attacks.DMD Diamond Blockchain That’s where the DMD Diamond Blockchain comes as a superior and an alternative to Ethereum and other allied blockchains. Staking and transaction validation on the DMD diamond blockchain doesn’t come with a single block finder, but only a set of 25 validators unanimously create a block and get incentivised in return. There’s no IP address attached to the block finder, and hence, none is...

Smart Contracts on DMD Diamond Blockchain Version-4 (DMDv4)

The idea of the smart contract’s operability on DMD diamond blockchain version-4 was to revolutionize and simplify the traditional methods of trade between parties without a call for credibility and originality issues. With the DMD diamond blockchain version-4 upgrade, you can host your smart contract decentralized applications (DApps) and, in turn, remove the barriers seen with traditional ways of transactions that pose parties to financial fraud, increased transaction costs, and unnecessary formalities that cause transaction delays, among others. Your projects as a third party can be powered using the smart contract support by the DMD diamond blockchain. You can also deploy any of your EVM-based smart contract projects on our ecosystem and benefit from our unique offerings in the blockchain space. — What is a Smart Contract, and How to Use It on DMD Diamond Blockchain Version-4? - Smart contracts are automated agreements written in programming codes (for example, Solidity, Ethereum, etc.) between a contract creator and the recipient party. The agreements in programming codes are incorporated into a blockchain, let’s say DMD diamond blockchain, to make it immutable. Smart contracts on the DMD diamond blockchain version-4 upgrade disintermediate intermediaries like any other smart contract supporting blockchains. It automates the execution of agreements and workflows once certain conditions specified are met without...

️ Technical Components of DMD Diamond Blockchain V4 You Should Know!

Every day, we are moving closer to the launch of DMD v4 — where we can take advantage of robust network security, faster transaction throughput, full smart contract support, and an on-chain governance system. However, it’s essential to understand the technical components of the DMD diamond blockchain v4 behind our presenting use-cases. Below are what you need to know: The DMD diamond blockchain v4 is planted on an Open Ethereum node client software with EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) ability — which is responsible for executing smart contracts. It supports Solidity and other programming languages supported by the Ethereum blockchain. Hence, it’s a Turing-complete solution that allows the development of any decentralized applications (DApps) that can run on the blockchain., A cooperative consensus — the Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant (HBBFT) and POSDAO node selection algorithm are the two algorithms that power the v4 blockchain upgrade., The Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant (HBBFT) protocol defines the transaction validation rules. The protocol is responsible for faster transaction throughput, dynamic block times, higher security, and robustness. It allows nodes in a distributed environment to use an asynchronous methodology to reach a consensus on transactions. With HBBFT, block finality is immediate, and transactions get confirmed within seconds with no mining needed to run HBBFT. But, only ...

Exchange Tokens — What Are They and Their Risks?

Exchange Tokens — What Are They and Their Risks? - The recent meltdown of FTX’s native token — FTT, has brought another limelight to what exchange tokens are and their risks. This article would address what they are and the risks they present — taking a clue from what happened in the FTX’s ecosystem. An exchange token is a token native to a particular cryptocurrency exchange. The tokens are minted by centralized companies that run cryptocurrency exchanges. Some of the best-known exchange tokens include Binance’s BNB, FTX’s FTT, KuCoin’s KCS, Bitfinex’s LEO,’s CRO, OKX’s OKB, Huobi Global’s HT, etc You can term them “utility tokens” because — these respective tokens native to each centralized exchange are for utilities — serving as incentives for validators and stakers, footing transaction bills, generating capital and liquidity, governance token, and more. You can buy these tokens on their native parent exchanges or other exchanges, following the satisfaction of Know Your Customer’s (KYC) requirements. Concerning the risk involved with exchange tokens — taking a clue from the recent happenings with FTX’s FTT token, what happened could be said to be a counterparty risk. Furthermore, centralized exchanges must have the liquidity to back up their transactions to stay afloat. Counterparty risk is the probability that another party involved in a contract co...

Mass Crypto Adoption — What’s The Future Of DMD Diamond Coins?

Mass Crypto Adoption — What’s The Future Of DMD Diamond Coins? - Beyond the recent crypto winter, day in, day out — there is a higher level of awareness about Cryptocurrencies and their use-cases. In the crypto market sizing report (2021 and 2022) forecast, it was speculated that the number of global crypto owners should reach 1 billion by the year-end of 2022. Then the next question is, what percentage would DMD diamond coins fill among the speculated owners? Blockchain projects (with their native coins) are getting launched almost every day, however, projects with sustainable use-cases focusing on problem-solving have differentiating characteristics that make them future-promised, compared to those blockchains/cryptocurrencies that go to a halt in little time. DMD diamond blockchain (with its native coin- DMD diamond coin) has demonstrated to be sustainable over the years. From 2013 till the moment, it has continued to grow, and showcase significance. Following the DMD v4 launch, it would use the first industry consensus — the HBBFT algorithm. Robust security, higher throughput, cheap transaction cost, and an EVM-compatible smart contract system, amongst others, are some of its features. An NFT Marketplace where NFT creators and enthusiasts could meet to transfer digital ownership of artworks, and other assets, is also in development and planned to be on top of the blockchain. Also, the unique Diamonds ...

What You Should Know About Unique Diamonds Project

All thanks to the DMD diamond blockchain that support the host of third-party projects — through providing first industry advantages like dynamic block times, instant finality of transactions, instant final blocks, bigger and faster blocks, access to true random numbers unlike consensus of other blockchains, robust security, higher efficiency and cheaper transaction cost, far better than other blockchains in the industry. Unique Diamonds — the first third-party project to get launched on top of the DMD diamond blockchain. It features an NFT smith — to mint NFTs, an NFT Marketplace — where buyers and sellers could meet to change NFTs ownership and a DMD-themed NFT collector experience. The Unique Diamonds is a blockchain-based collector game with an exciting web user interface (a website), targeting crypto-affine and collector mindset audiences like you — who don’t mind having fascinating collector experiences. With Unique Diamonds, you can mint 24 unique diamonds (NFTs) per day with attributes that are randomly calculated. You can cut the NFTs using the cutter, engrave the NFTs, lend/rent the mine, and lend/rent the cutter. It also has well-balanced game mechanics that are immutable, no registered users, and open source smart contract codes visible on GitHub. However, some marketplace and front-end codes are closed source, hence, includes activities that exist outside the blockchain. — Ov...

️ DMD Diamond Blockchain DAO — A Glad Tiding To Third Party Projects And Our Members✨✨

🗣️ DMD Diamond Blockchain DAO — A Glad Tiding To Third Party Projects And Our Members✨✨ - As we keep emphasizing, DMD diamond blockchain DAO would revolutionize our structure and function regarding DMD diamond blockchain operations, when it comes into function. Following its release with the upcoming v4.1 upgrade, members of our DAO would have the sole wherewithal to approve funding for third-party projects, from the funds managed by the DAO. However, terms and conditions apply. For third parties to secure funding approval for their projects, it’s expected of them to request funding through a proposal, and most importantly provide reasons to our DAO on how their project use-cases could add value to our ecosystem. Then, stakeholders or validator node operators of our ecosystem would take the bull by the horn, deliberate on your request, and look carefully at what your use-cases mean to the DMD diamond blockchain. If all things go the right way, our DAO member’s votes would go in your favor, and hence, you get to benefit from the pull of our funds and support.DMD Diamond Blockchain DAO Therefore, we present to you an ecosystem — an investment DAO where you the members determine when and where our funds are invested in. Unlike the traditional financial system that powers a relatively smaller unit of intermediaries that has funding, here at the DMD diamond blockchain, we power every member of our DAO that...

Multi-chain Approach by DMD Diamond Blockchain

One of the key use cases of the DMD diamond blockchain is interoperability across chains. As we do emphasize, DMDv4 features interoperability and cross-chain bridges that provide users access to transfer data and assets across chains, secured and faster. It uses third-party layer 2 interoperability solutions that support decentralized finance applications and others, supporting smart contract functionalities. However, with the surges in blockchain adoption — from the government to business owners to institutional sectors, and to personalities who are enthusiastic about the evolving space, a multi-chain approach is, therefore, a scalable solution to curtail the consequences of highly congested blockchain networks. Part of our interoperability and sustainability effort here at DMD diamond blockchain is through the multi-chain approach. A multichain approach interconnects several blockchains together with the sole aim of boosting the usability experience, enhancing efficiency, and giving room for blockchain’s wider adoption. Hence, at DMD diamond blockchain, we are working to be part of Panto’s network of supported coins to reach our multi-chain target. Pantos allows existing and upcoming tokens to be deployed on multiple blockchain networks — providing users with the wherewithal to select the best favorable blockchain for their digital assets. Furthermore, our chief visionary officer at DMD diamond blockchain ...

Does the DMD Diamond Blockchain Solve the Issue of Double-Spending?

Double spending is one of the risks seen with Cryptocurrencies, and the DMD diamond coin isn’t an exception. It happens when a blockchain network is attacked, or altered, and users can then reclaim their spent coins. Most often than not, coins used to double-spend are stolen from wallets with inadequate security. 51% attack is the most commonly cited attack associated with double-spending. Therefore, double spending is dependent on the security and the mechanism of the blockchain involved. Before double spending can occur, a secret block must be mined that outpaced the creation of the real blockchain. A new chain would then be introduced to the network. Once the network recognizes it as the latest set of blocks and then add it to the chain, the attacker would have access to reclaim any cryptocurrency they had spent and re-use it again. To the question, “Does the DMD diamond blockchain solves the potential issue of double-spending that could be seen with the DMD diamond coin? Of course, it does! — by way of its unique mechanism and robust security. DMD diamond blockchain operates on DPoS and HBBFT consensus algorithms. HBBFT consensus offers a shield from attackers by using a super secure ⅔+1 majority — the industry’s first solution. This fosters DMD diamond blockchain reliability by helping to detect and eliminate malicious nodes, including the possibility of an orphan block or hard fork in the blockchai...

Does The DMD Diamond Blockchain Support Autonomy With DMD DIAMOND Coin holders?

DMD diamond blockchain is a community-driven project with zero premine or ICO sales. It’s a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), and only members of DMD diamond blockchain community (the miners, validators, liquidity providers) are with the sole authority to make decisions, pull resources, and define the course of the project. To the question — Does the DMD diamond blockchain support Autonomy with coin holders? Yes it does! DMD diamond blockchain combines HBBFT (Honey Badger Byzantine Fault Tolerant) consensus algorithm with a delegated Proof of Stake (dPOS) node election decentralization mechanic (POSDAO). It’s the POSDAO that makes the DMD diamond blockchain truly decentralized, thus, allowing for random rotation of power, staking by different validators, and fair distribution of rewards among active community participants — both the validators and stakers. DMD diamond coin holders (irrespective of either a validator or staker) have the sole wherewithal to vote, define marketing and funding strategies, and every other efforts toward the success of the project. They can take part in governance and staking mechanisms without even running a full node. ⠀ This is responsible for the robust security and stability of the blockchain, and serving as a go-to alternative to other existing blockchains. Learn more — bit.diamon

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