| Digits DAO
DIGITS Price: | $0.00000742 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $0.015 | | Market Cap: | $6.9 K |
Circulating Supply: | 934,465,569 |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1
| Max Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 1
The last known price of #DIGITS is $0.00000742 USD.
Please note that the price of #DIGITS was last updated over 720 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #DIGITS statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest DIGITS price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00000742, and the exact last price of DIGITS was $0.00000742135.
The all-time high DIGITS coin price was $0.015.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DIGITS with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Digits DAO crypto currency is #DIGITS.
Digits DAO is 1 year old. |
The current market capitalization for Digits DAO is $6,935.
Digits DAO is ranking downwards to #1871 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown today for #DIGITS. |
The circulating supply of DIGITS is 934,465,569 coins, which is 93% of the maximum coin supply. |
DIGITS has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
April 2022 Review What a whirlwind of a month we have had for April. As the year continues we’re noticing less and less new opportunities develop in the market due to global financial tightening. This means we simply need to be more patient moving forward and wait for our trades taking less trades while sizing in accordingly. Along with trading, a key part of April was our incubation program. Snow Thrive launched first in April and was disappointing to say the least. We feel like we really let the whole Digits DAO community down with our genesis farming emissions. Unfortunately Snow Thrive did not last long enough to see it flourish so no return was made on that project for our treasury. Shortly after our second incubated project Scrub Finance launched. Scrub Finance is a tomb fork pegged to SVN on top of the MMF ecosystem on CRONOS. Scrub had a lot of demand raising at the time over $100mm in SVN for the launchpad. In exchange for 10% of the share token TIGER vested linearly over 1 year Digits DAO provided initial operating capital, 2 audits, community moderators, social media marketing team, and developers for Scrub Finance. Shortly after launch the pegged token LION was going 30X over peg so we started taking profits on our yield we were generating in the Scrub. An MMF community in uproar and an MMF medium article put a lot of FUD on Scrub. We don’t particularly feel it was warranted, but the community felt otherwise. In an act to compe...
| Introducing $DIGITS DAO — DeFi As A Service Introducing $DIGITS DAO — DeFi As A ServiceTrading is Hard. A study by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of forex traders found 70% of traders lose money every quarter on average, and traders typically lose 100% of their money within 12 months.1️⃣ Digits DAO was created in an effort to skew these stats in the other direction. An investment in $DIGITS is an investment into a treasury managed by historically profitable traders. When you invest in $DIGITS, we trade a carefully managed treasury and distribute profits back to you in real time. Put more simply, we do the trading for you. Now, before you think this is just another “Farming as a Service” coin, let’s dig into how DIGITS is different.Our Management. Our History. Our Profit. From January 2021 to January 2022 Digits — Owner, Founder, and Author has achieved a 7,850% portfolio gain turning $100,000 into $7,850,000. Although I usually keep this information private, I realize it is relevant to share it here with you. 11/12 of those months have had profitable PnL with a maximum drawdown of 14.7%. I’m a trader, not a hodler, so currently at the end of Jan 2022 80% of my portfolio is in stables. I find this last part particularly relevant as most traders’ paper profits evaporated this year while mine have not. For the skeptics, my wallet is public: 0xf13f7bf69a5e57ea3367222c65dd3380096d3fbf Digits DAO treasury has been personally seeded...