| Digix Gold Token 
| #DGX
DGX Price: | $49.53 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $143 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | 103,669 |
| Exchanges: | —
| Total Supply: | 122,700 |
| Markets: | —
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 4
The last known price of #DGX is $49.53 USD.
Please note that the price of #DGX was last updated over 860 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #DGX statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest DGX price for this period was $0, the highest was $49.53, and the exact last price of DGX was $49.53187.
The all-time high DGX coin price was $143.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DGX with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Digix Gold Token crypto currency is #DGX.
Digix Gold Token is 4.1 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Digix Gold Token is not available at this time.
Digix Gold Token is ranked #14986, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is an unknown volume of trading today on #DGX. |
The circulating supply of DGX is 103,669 coins, which is 84% of the total coin supply.
A highlight of Digix Gold Token is it's unusually low supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
DGX has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on probably at least one crypto exchanges but we don't have this data.
View #DGX trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #DGX purchase. |
 DigixDAO’s Dissolution Last week marked a pivotal moment for the Digix ecosystem. Following the casting of votes by our community of DGD holders, the majority of DGD holders have voted for a dissolution of DigixDAO and to burn the remaining DGD in circulation, returning prorated amounts of ETH to token holders according to their DGD holdings. While we felt strongly that the full vision of DigixDAO was not able to bear fruit, we are uplifted that the merits of the DAO model, where token holders are able to direct the proceeding course of action for a blockchain organization and be able to exit such an organization if they chose to. We are committed to the will of the majority token holders to proceed with Project Ragnarok. On behalf of the wider Digix team, we would like to thank everyone who participated in DigixDAO thus far, from DGD token holders to industry partners. We are grateful for the support we have received from our community and for everyone who has been part of this journey. Celebrating the key DigixDAO milestones that shaped Digix DigixDAO was created in March 2016. The launch in 2019 materialised our long-standing vision of democratising access to DGX gold tokens on the blockchain, as well as our commitment to the decentralised governance of the broader Digix ecosystem to allow anyone to effectively seek funding to build projects around DGX on the DigixDAO platform. Since then, more than 50 projects have been submitted to the Digix... 
|  CNY Special: How the e-ang bao and digital gold are fuelling the rise of virtual gifting in Asia CNY Special: How the e-ang bao and digital gold are fuelling the rise of virtual gifting in Asia.The red packet goes digital this Chinese New year In a tradition dating back centuries, Chinese elders make gifts of money to children and unmarried relatives during the Lunar New Year, wishing wealth and prosperity for them in the coming year. This gift-giving began during the days of Imperial China, where children would wake up on the first day of the new year to find gold coins threaded with red string under their pillows. Later on, with the advent of paper money, the practice morphed into the current convention of giving gold coins or notes slipped into red packets, known colloquially throughout Asia as hong bao, lai see, or ang bao. Now, traditions rooted in the past are adapting to the times, and the practice of giving and receiving red packets is changing to fit the highly digitised lifestyles of modern society. Electronic red packets have been rising steadily in popularity over the last few years in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau after being introduced by the Chinese internet company, Tencent, a few years back in 2014. In 2019 alone, more than half of China’s population — around 823 million people — used Tencent’s messaging platform WeChat to send virtual hong bao to relatives and friends during Chinese New Year, and those same numbers or more are expected during the upcoming celebrations for the... 
|  We have moved to Digix Publication Account We are happy to announce that our Medium Publication Account is finally launched, we will move all of our future updates on Medium to our Publication Account, please follow us and continue to support us here! This will be where you can get the latest company updates from us. We always appreciate feedback from the community on any angles, so do drop us a note or join our channels below: · Medium: https://medium.com/digix · Reddit: http://reddit.com/r/digix · Twitter: https://twitter.com/digixglobal · Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/digixglobal/ · Github: https://github.com/digixglobal · Telegram: https://t.me/digixofficial§ · Discord: https://discord.gg/CCDBJJC · Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digix.global/ · Weibo微博: https://www.weibo.com/dgdgroup
|  DGX Listing on ProBit Singapore, 5 March 2019 — Digix, the platform that makes gold bars easily divisible and transferable using blockchain technology, has expanded its presence in the Korean market with the listing of its token, DGX, on ProBit, a leading exchange and marketplace for digital assets. The announcement follows Digix’s recent partnership with Korea-based Blucon, a global payments platform of digital assets, which will allow individuals based in Korea to use DGX to transact on everyday purchases like food, coffee, entertainment, and transport. Shaun Djie, Co-Founder of Digix, says: “As our first collaboration with a Korean exchange, the listing of our DGX token on ProBit is a significant step for us as we look to build a stronger relationship with the Korean market. Known for having a lively crypto community, which makes up approximately 30% of the total cryptocurrency trading worldwide, South Korea is a thriving tech hub and aligns closely with our vision for the mainstream adoption and use of crypto as payment.” At 15:00 KST today, DGX tokens can be purchased alongside other digital currencies currently listed on the ProBit exchange such as EOS, Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple (XRP). ProBit Exchange currently offers 57 pairings, with the goal of listing 150 coins by end of 2019. We always appreciate feedback from the community on any angles, so do drop us a note or join our channels below: · Medium: https://medium.com/@Digi... 
|  Digix Dev Update- 22 Feb 2019 Digix Medium Publication AccountETA for DigixDAO Governance PlatformDigix Event/Interview/PodcastPartnership with BluconDigix storing gold in CanadaDigix Twitter Chinese New Year CampaignDigix Town-hall MeetingDigix Media Release 1.Digix Medium Publication Account We are happy to announce that our Medium Publication Account is finally launched, we will move all of our future updates on Medium to our Publication Account, please follow us and continue to support us here! This will be where you can get the latest company updates from us. 2. ETA for DigixDAO Governance Platform In the past weeks, we have pushed new features to our demo website of the DigixDAO Governance Platform running on Kovan:Approving draft projects (by moderators)Voting on projects (commit and reveal scheme)Setting a unique handle, to be used as the display name for a user on the platform. Please note that you can only set this handle once.Setting email addressSubmitting of KYC informationChanging fundings for an ongoing projectClaiming of DGX rewards (would only be possible after a quarter has passed) In the next update, we will be looking to add the following features:Claiming of project fundingEmail notifications for proposerSpecial proposalsSupport for Ledger and Trezor If you want to help testing our demo website of DigixDAO Governance Platform, please follow the instructions here. We are looking forward to launching the governance platform... 
|  Announcement: Digix expands its vaulting locations into Canada Building upon our successful partnership with SilverGoldBull (SGB), Canada’s largest precious metal retailer, we are pleased to announce that Digix is now vaulting gold bullion in Canada as well as in Singapore. As a strategic partner of Digix since October 2018, SGB is one of Canada’s largest physical precious metals retailers and has been a long-time proponent of cryptocurrency adoption. SGB began accepting Bitcoin payments for its precious metals in 2013, far before cryptocurrency payments broke into the mainstream. Today, SGB accepts a host of different cryptocurrencies in return for its services, including Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash. This important development not only adds to the flexibility and convenience which DGX holders already enjoy, but represents the first extension of our vaulting locations internationally. Our partnership with SGB will expand our vaulting geography, in addition to our two current vaults in Singapore, Brinks SG, and The Safe House, offering greater diversification of gold bullion supply and delivery services. Our gold is in custody with Silver Gold Depository at Brinks Calgary, where our latest supply worth 15kg of gold bars has been stored. With more vaulting locations with well-known custodians, we aim to increase our outreach of digital gold tokens across the globe. We are constantly striving to make DGX ownership an accessible and convenient e... 
|  Digix Dev Update- 23 Jan 2019- Progress on DigixDAO, Audit Report… Progress on DigixDAO Governance Platform We have deployed an instance of our DAO to the kovan testnet, together with a demo UI where you can already play around with some of the features. The features that have already been up on the Demo UI are:Locking of DGDsCommenting on projects, after locking in DGDsCreating ProjectsEditing or aborting your own projectEndorsement of a project by a moderatorFinalizing on a project, putting it to Draft Voting Details about the demo testing of our DigixDAO Governance Platform can be found at our earlier post here. Feedback has been compiled from our community manager and we are most happy to continue getting your suggestions for improvements. Meanwhile, we have developed more features which you could expect to see on the Demo platform soon. Some of the notable new features in the next update include:Redemption of DGD badges for ReputationVoting on proposalsClaiming of DGX rewards (note that it is only possible when the next quarter comes) 3. Introducing 2 new languages: As we aim to reach a global audience more conveniently, we are excited to introduce two new versions (Chinese and Korean languages) of our website. We will launch both of the versions latest by tomorrow. Below are the screenshots Chinese and Korean versions of our website:Digix official website: Chinese versionDigix official website: Korean version 3. Audit report: We conducted our first audit of the physical gold... 
|  Demo Testing of the DigixDAO GPlatform — V 0.1 Demo Testing of the DigixDAO Governance Platform — V 0.1https://www-kovan.digixdev.com/governance/#/ Demo link : https://www-kovan.digixdev.com/governance/#/ Preamble: This is a basic guide to interacting with the DigixDAO platform that we have deployed onto Kovan. Please note that this is a very rudimentary version of the platform. The objective of this demo platform is to demonstrate our vision of the UI (All codes are frozen as per the chain security audit) and to collect feedback as we work towards full interaction and deployment on the Mainnet. Most importantly, we want to show everyone that Digix’s vision of a decentralized governance platform on Ethereum is very real, and will come into reality in 2019. Please visit us in our discord channel to get some Kovan DGDs and Ethers to begin. *This set of instructions are only for those who already have advanced knowledge on Ethereum. For new blockchain users, please bear with us until our live deployment to have the full guidelines on how to access the platform. Do expect bugs and quirkiness in the interaction. ***PLEASE DO NOT USE REAL ETHERS OR REAL DGDS FROM THE MAINNET*** Introduction: What can you do on the V0.1 Demo?Create Draft Project, and Finalize project for voting as a ParticipantComment on projects as a Participant What is required to be a Participant?>2 K-ETH and >1 K-DGD locked in the system given out from our community chat channel on discor... 
|  Digix Dev Update 2nd Jan 2019 — Wrapping up our promotional campaigns in 2018 Hello 2019! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and wish that the Year 2019 brings much happiness and good fortune to everyone! DigixDeals and Golden Christmas Promotion: As we aim to bring many more promotional offerings to our users in 2019, we have launched a new page called “DIGIXDEALS”. Anyone can view all our ongoing promotions here and participate in the exclusive deals that are officially announced from Digix. We launched the “Golden Christmas” promotion in the middle of December and received several responses from our marketplace users. Our customers were able to get 2 DGX for free with a minimum purchase of 50 DGX, and 1 DGX for free with a minimum purchase of 30 DGX. During this promotion, we received several new KYC requests and sold almost $30,000 USD worth of DGX. In conjunction with the “Golden Christmas” promotion, the “Golden Days Are Here” promotion was also launched till 31 December to reduce premiums of DGX on the marketplace. Tokocrypto Trading Competition:“Thank you for participating in the DGX Trading Competition! Total Volume Transacted: IDR 1.28 BN (approx. USD90,000)” Tokocrypto, one of the top 3 crypto exchanges in Indonesia, started a promotional DGX trading competition upon listing of the DGX/IDR pair. The competition officially ended as of 31 December 2018 and the winners will be announced soon! The winner of the top prize of 100 DGX accumulated a total trading volume of... 
|  Wishing you all a Golden Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2019! Wishing you all a Golden Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2019! May GOLD bless you and your loved ones. A message from our CEO Kai C. Chng “ We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2017 was the year for cryptos. 2018 the year for Stablecoins. 2019 will be the year for asset-backed tokens like DGX. The growing uncertainty in geopolitics and deflation of the crypto markets prime our product to gain prominence in the new year. We look forward to exciting new releases, ie, the DigixDAO governance platform, a new and improved marketplace, and bigger volumes of DGX. So thank you all who have been faithfully following us and for your continued support.” Moving forward …. For Q1 2019, you can look forward to an exciting start with Digix, beginning with improving the user experience by the introduction of multiple languages of our website content. This allows us to gear up our brand presence as we head into new markets. Audit of smart-contracts for DigixDAO has officially completed and we will launch our DigixDAO platform at the beginning of next year. We are excited to be part of this journey together with our community of DGD holders. “Golden Christmas” Promotion: Last but not least, To mark the end of a wonderful year, we are running a “Golden Christmas” promotion, where you can get 2 DGX for free. Our offerings don’t just end here! We have slashed the premium price on the DGX. As we are... 