| DigiByte 
| #DGB
DGB Price: | $0.00854 | | Volume: | $3.5 M | All Time High: | $0.18 | | Market Cap: | $0.1 B |
Circulating Supply: | 17,537,198,835 |
| Exchanges: | 27
| Total Supply: | 17,537,198,835 |
| Markets: | 35
| Max Supply: | 21,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 76
The price of #DGB today is $0.00854 USD.
The lowest DGB price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00854, and the exact current price of one DGB crypto coin is $0.00854424.
The all-time high DGB coin price was $0.18.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DGB with market cap of BTC and how the supply of DGB affects the price at different market capitalizations. |
The code for DigiByte is #DGB.
DigiByte is 11 years old. |
The current market capitalization for DigiByte is $149,841,976.
DigiByte is ranked #217 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a big daily trading volume on #DGB.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for DigiByte is $3,481,611. |
The circulating supply of DGB is 17,537,198,835 coins, which is 84% of the maximum coin supply.
Relatively, DigiByte has a large supply of coins, 797 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example. |
DGB is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 27 crypto exchanges.
View #DGB trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #DGB purchase. |
 Call for Testers: Mining & General Testing Welcome DigiByte Core v8.22.0-RC2 Hello DigiByte Community, It’s an exciting time for DigiByte as the testing phase for DigiByte Blockchain v8.22.0-RC2 has begun. This release brings various features and improvements from Bitcoin Core v0.18, v0.19, v0.20, v0.21, and v22. As this is a test release, it’s not intended for production use. This is a special call to miners and anyone interested in helping test this release candidate. While there’s a particular focus on mining using the testnet, testers who can’t participate in mining but are eager to test other functionalities are also welcome and appreciated. Your contribution will ensure a more stable and feature-rich DigiByte Blockchain experience. Notable changes in this release include: 1. Minimum Transaction Fee Increase: The minimum transaction fee has been increased from 0.001 DGB to 0.1 DGB per kilobyte., 2. Taproot Deployment Delay: The deployment date for Taproot has been set to 2099 for this release to delay activation. The functionality is fully integrated, but the activation dates have been postponed to ensure no accidental vulnerabilities are introduced., 3. Inclusion of Major Features from Bitcoin Core: Several major features from Bitcoin Core v0.18 to v22 have been integrated into this release, such as Taproot and Schnorr Signatures, Partial Spend Support, Block Filter Indexing, BIP 158 Compact Block Filters, BIP 339 WTxID Relay, Descriptor Wallets, Hardware Wallet... 
|  DigiByte May Update Another month finished and we are entering the end of the second quarter of 2023. As you all know, the DigiByte community never stops. We are collaborating with a lot of wonderful communities such as Decred and Komodo. It is a breath of fresh air to focus on what is important in this industry. Let’s dive into the items for May. Onwards and upwards! — Milestones/News: - 1.Crypto.com has listed a DGB/USD pairing on the US exchange side for US institutions. Great to have this exposure and listing. — DigiByte on Twitter: "Thank you to @cryptocom for listing the DGB/USD pairing on the US exchange side. This is only available for US institutions at the moment. Great step forward! #DigiByte 🔵t.co / Twitter" - Thank you to @cryptocom for listing the DGB/USD pairing on the US exchange side. This is only available for US institutions at the moment. Great step forward! #DigiByte 🔵t.co 2.Binance.US has added DigiByte to be able to easily exchange to another cryptocurrency or USD with zero fees. Thanks! — DigiByte on Twitter: "Thank you for the #DigiByte support @BinanceUS! 🔵 t.co / Twitter" - Thank you for the #DigiByte support @BinanceUS! 🔵 t.co 3.Decred Dex has officially added DigiByte to their platform. This is a public service announcement for everyone to try out the platform and let the community know pros/cons or issues. We appreciate the Decred team including DigiByte. —... 
|  DigiByte April Update April is over and what an exciting month. Interviews, development on various up and coming projects and the blocks continue to keep generating on the DigiByte blockchain. The community and the developers are what keeps us going. Thank you to each and every one of you for the contributions. Onwards and upwards! — Milestones/News: - 1.NowNodes has upgraded their DigiByte block feature and added more stability. If you are interested, check out their website and reach out to them. — NOWNodes ⛓️ on Twitter: "1/2 Using our new infrastructure and upgrading our #DigiByte block book feature we made it to the point where data is extracted 1.3x faster and the connection is stable than ever.Providing access to #DGB Blockchain we continue our strong support of the network @DGB_Foundation pic.twitter.com/pj0gh1S92V / Twitter" - 1/2 Using our new infrastructure and upgrading our #DigiByte block book feature we made it to the point where data is extracted 1.3x faster and the connection is stable than ever.Providing access to #DGB Blockchain we continue our strong support of the network @DGB_Foundation pic.twitter.com/pj0gh1S92V 2.A great option to book travel with DigiByte is through Travala. They have been a long time supporter and work seamlessly throughout the process. — Travala.com on Twitter: "🛎️ Upgrade hotel stays with $DGB & Travala! 🌃Discover luxury & comfort booking hotels with... 
|  DigiByte March Update The end of the first quarter is over and DigiByte made lots of progress on development, new projects, wallet & exchange integrations, AMAs and a whole bunch more! What a superb month. We continue to move forward as a community and never stop building and educating. Thank you to everyone. Onwards and upwards! — Milestones/News: - 1.ChangeHero did an update on their DigiByte guide for those that want more detailed information. Lastly, don’t forget to listen to their AMA. A clarification that DigiByte is a coin, not a token. — ChangeHero on Twitter: "We have already discussed @DigiByteCoin and its coin this week. Now it's time to get more detailed information on the project. We disclosed the topic of its history, team, price metrics, and more.Read the updated guide on DigiByte 👇t.co pic.twitter.com/mgKgviohgW / Twitter" - We have already discussed @DigiByteCoin and its coin this week. Now it's time to get more detailed information on the project. We disclosed the topic of its history, team, price metrics, and more.Read the updated guide on DigiByte 👇t.co pic.twitter.com/mgKgviohgW — ChangeHero on Twitter: "🎙️ Join our AMA on Twitter Space with @Swapzone_io and @DGB_Foundation in 10 min! 💸 Giveaway of $30 in $DGB to listeners!#CHAMA #CHPartnershttps://t.co/WFCIxW5F2t / Twitter" - 🎙️ Join our AMA on Twitter Space with @Swapzone_io and @DGB_Foundation in 10 min... 
|  DigiByte February Update February has come to an end and the DigiByte community does not stop. Lots more exciting developments that have occurred and continued progress on other items. There is lots of momentum and we need to keep it going. As always, thank you to everyone that is making a difference. Onwards and upwards! — Milestones/News: - 1.DigiByte has been listed on BingX, a cryptocurrency exchange which was founded in 2018. — DigiByte on Twitter: "Nice to see #DigiByte listed on @BingXOfficial!t.co / Twitter" - Nice to see #DigiByte listed on @BingXOfficial!t.co 2.Deepcoin listed the DGB/USDT pairing and also did an AMA with the DigiByte community. Nice to see more exchanges listing DigiByte. — DigiByte on Twitter: "Thank you @Deepcoin_Daily! t.co / Twitter" - Thank you @Deepcoin_Daily! t.co — Deepcoin Daily on Twitter: "t.co / Twitter" - t.co 3.The Komodo team has completed a major milestone in DEX technology. They conducted the first atomic swap between DigiByte and Bitcoin on the Lightning Network! Great work! — DigiByte on Twitter: "Amazing! Thank you for the support @KomodoPlatform. #DigiByte $DGB t.co / Twitter" - Amazing! Thank you for the support @KomodoPlatform. #DigiByte $DGB t.co 4.NowPayments has partnered with Guardian which allows you to convert your fiat to DigiByte quickly. You can receive payments in no time. — NOWPayments on Twitter: "⚡️ T... 
|  DigiByte January Update Happy New Year to everyone in the DigiByte community. January was another fantastic month. It marked the 9th anniversary of DigiByte. It’s quite surreal to think the blockchain has been running non stop for that long. New and old faces coming together to work as one. Let’s continue to be uplifting, positive and share as much as we can about the blockchain. Onwards and upwards! — Milestones/News: - 1.DigiByte is supported on the Ballet Crypto platform. Continued exposure for the blockchain. — DigiByte on Twitter: "Nice to see #DigiByte supported on the @BalletCrypto platform!t.co / Twitter" - Nice to see #DigiByte supported on the @BalletCrypto platform!t.co 2.Swapika has listed DigiByte to be available to swap with 700+ other assets. The solutions keep coming. — Swapika on Twitter: "We are proud to announce listing of @DigiByteCoin on t.co community can now simply and safely exchange 700+ other assets for $DGB 🔥#DGB is an innovative blockchain that is more than a faster digital currency⚡️ pic.twitter.com/WZAY5TotzI / Twitter" - We are proud to announce listing of @DigiByteCoin on t.co community can now simply and safely exchange 700+ other assets for $DGB 🔥#DGB is an innovative blockchain that is more than a faster digital currency⚡️ pic.twitter.com/WZAY5TotzI 3.The DigiByte Alliance had a community discussion hour on the Discord channel. It was quite informative and a ... 
|  DigiByte December Update December was a packed month of milestones and work! The end of the year is here and boy did the DigiByte community step it up. It has been amazing to see all the accomplishments and the momentum heading into 2023. DigiByte turns 9 years old on January 10, 2023. Let’s make it another solid year. Onwards and upwards! — Milestones/News: - 1.CoinDCX has listed DigiByte. It is worth noting that we are a coin and not a token. — DigiByte on Twitter: "Thank you for listing #DigiByte! Just to clarify, we are a coin, not a token. $DGB t.co / Twitter" - Thank you for listing #DigiByte! Just to clarify, we are a coin, not a token. $DGB t.co 2.Now Wallet has added DigiByte to their platform. The blockchain continues to be a popular choice and this is great to see. — NOW Wallet on Twitter: "Hey, fam!$DGB is available in NOW Wallet! 👋@DigiByteCoin is a highly scalable peer-to-peer digital currency that enables industry-leading transaction speeds with negligible fees. ⚡️Buy, sell, and exchange $DGB - safely and securely with us:t.co pic.twitter.com/DdRkGV2wTF / Twitter" - Hey, fam!$DGB is available in NOW Wallet! 👋@DigiByteCoin is a highly scalable peer-to-peer digital currency that enables industry-leading transaction speeds with negligible fees. ⚡️Buy, sell, and exchange $DGB - safely and securely with us:t.co pic.twitter.com/DdRkGV2wTF 3.Arctic Wallet held an AMA with the DigiByte co... 
|  DigiByte November Update November is done, and we are on our way to the last month of 2022! It’s been another productive month for the DigiByte blockchain, and the community represents what we stand for. Lots of exciting progress happened, and the momentum continues to drive us forward. Thank you to every one of you! — Milestones/News: - 1.Fastnode.IO now provides functionality to set up a DigiByte node. Check them out if you have an interest in securing the network. — Fastnode.io on Twitter: "#DGB (DigiByte) is a rapidly growing global #blockchain that focuses on decentralization, security, and transaction speed. Digibyte aims for low volatility and builds network capacity with incremental increases in block sizes. #FastNode #nodeprovider pic.twitter.com/6ola01VRVI / Twitter" - DGB (DigiByte) is a rapidly growing global #blockchain that focuses on decentralization, security, and transaction speed. Digibyte aims for low volatility and builds network capacity with incremental increases in block sizes. #FastNode #nodeprovider pic.twitter.com/6ola01VRVI 2.AtomicDex has launched its updated platforms and DigiByte has been listed for a long time. Not your keys, not your DigiByte. — DigiByte on Twitter: "Great job @AtomicDex team! t.co / Twitter" - Great job @AtomicDex team! t.co 3.A community member put together a tutorial on how to send DigiByte to the SecuX wallet. If you own one or are thinking of obtaining one,... 
|  DigiByte October Update The 4th quarter of 2022 is well underway, and there is no stopping the DigiByte blockchain. There have been more wallet integrations, development updates, and education/awareness that is continuing to spread. Let’s keep it going, and thank you to all of the community! — Milestones/News: - 1.DigiByte will be available on the Totality Wallet for iOS. Another place for folks to store their DGB. — Totality Wallet on Twitter: "#DigiByte will be available in version 0.0.8 coming soon to iOS! Follow us for more #DGB pic.twitter.com/mznMIMHLMj / Twitter" - DigiByte will be available in version 0.0.8 coming soon to iOS! Follow us for more #DGB pic.twitter.com/mznMIMHLMj 2.NOW Payments did an article about the benefits of using DigiByte as a payment option for online stores, particularly WooCommerce. — NOWPayments on Twitter: "🧿🧿You don't need to guess why to use $DGB on #WooCommerceJust learn the benefits of #DigiByte as a payment option for online stores in this article🔽@DigiByteCoin #DGB #DigiByteCoin #eCommerce @DGBAT_Officialhttps://t.co/KETHiim9Io / Twitter" - 🧿🧿You don't need to guess why to use $DGB on #WooCommerceJust learn the benefits of #DigiByte as a payment option for online stores in this article🔽@DigiByteCoin #DGB #DigiByteCoin #eCommerce @DGBAT_Officialhttps://t.co/KETHiim9Io 3.The DigiByte Alliance was presented with an honorable mention regarding their... 
|  DigiByte September Update The third quarter of the year has come to an end and DigiByte continues to keep pushing forward. There were conference presentations, exchange listings, new projects and even new community members. There is a lot to be proud of. As always, thank you to each and every one of you out there. It is amazing to see all the progress that is being achieved. — Milestones/News: - 1.The DigiByte Alliance continues to work on the licensing process for their 501(c)(3). It is wonderful to see — Michelle on Twitter: "Nice to wake up to emails notifying the @DGBAlliance of successful charitable organization registrations in states across the USA-so far today Hawaii, Maine and Washington. We are getting closer everyday to our goal of a nationwide 501(c)(3) to support the #DigiByte ecosystem. / Twitter" - Nice to wake up to emails notifying the @DGBAlliance of successful charitable organization registrations in states across the USA-so far today Hawaii, Maine and Washington. We are getting closer everyday to our goal of a nationwide 501(c)(3) to support the #DigiByte ecosystem. 2.DigiByte was highlighted in the Khaleej Times which has a significant following continues to demonstrate the worldwide exposure the blockchain is receiving. — Michelle on Twitter: "Thanks for the #DigiByte highlight regarding its low transaction fees @khaleejtimes. This feature of $DGB is an important one! #decentralization #crypto #bl... 