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DFND Price   

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DFND Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$124.3 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #DFND today is $0.000374 USD.

The lowest DFND price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000374, and the exact current price of one DFND crypto coin is $0.00037394.

The all-time high DFND coin price was $0.00580.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DFND with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for dFund crypto currency is #DFND.

dFund is 3.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for dFund is $124,316.

dFund is ranked #987 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak today for #DFND.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for dFund is $206.


The circulating supply of DFND is 332,447,043 coins, which is 33% of the total coin supply.


DFND is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


DFND has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 3 crypto exchanges.

View #DFND trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #DFND purchase.



Dev Report — 23/06/2022

The Reviewal process. — The technical audit and reviewal have been done over the following cases to estimate the actual development status of the project and further efforts. - Smart Contracts code reviewal at Git Repo**/loan-new/tree/main/contracts - Testing and revising deployed features in the WEB3 frontend**/loan-new/tree/main/frontend - WEB3 frontend UI/UX and design The reviewal was done by using Google Chrome v.101 and MetaMask wallet as a browser plugin on Mac desktop Big Sur 11.6 — Smart Contracts Code Audit. — Upon reviewing the loan module contracts interacting with the WEB3 frontend, the following issues were found and should be fixed. - The deployed smart contract 0xD************4E code in Ropsten is not verified. The source code of deployed contracts in the testnets should be verified for better security and QA practice Based on the supposed project features code audit in the LOAN smart contracts, the current progress is roughly 55% . But proper project documentation and architecture (API flow, process sequences, API features reference) are required for better project management. — WEB3 Frontend Review. — After reviewing the front at http://p********* the below concerns were noted. - Currently, only MetaMask wallet is supported. It’s advised to add support to more mainstream Ethereum wallets TrustWallet, MEW, and WalletCon...

Dev Diary #4 — Styling and Testing are Underway

Dev Diary #4 — Styling and Testing are Underway 12th March, 2022 I am pleased to announce that the dFund team has taken a huge step forward in the development cycle, and we are now in the process of styling the interface and extensively testing the smart contracts. To be clear, this means that the core functionality and interface to be used for the dFund platform are now implemented and integrated together well enough that we are entering the testing and polishing stage that precedes the platform’s public release. This is exciting stuff, so I will offer more details on our development — on the progress we have made toward releasing the public beta, as well as the work that still remains to be done before we can reach that point — throughout the remainder of today’s dev diary. — Progress Made on dFund’s Interface. — As was mostly the case last time, dFund’s frontend interface for our web application is now fully functional and integrated with our new smart contracts. This includes pages and buttons for browsing available loans, making new offers and requests, and managing outstanding loans. Every page used to share a simple white-and-blue color theme with similar layouts of the content across different pages. We envisioned the current layout from the beginning, but the simple color scheme used for testing was never meant to appear in the public beta. Accordingly, we have significantly ch...

Dev Diary #3 — Improving a Credit Rating System and Interface

Dev Diary #3 — Improving a Credit Rating System and Interface Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022 Over here at the development team, we have been making steady progress toward our goal of releasing the lending platform to the public, and so today we have a couple of updates to share with you. After testing our credit rating system more extensively and gathering feedback from users, we have decided to make some changes to the system. Most notably, we have now implemented letter grades to replace numerical scores. Also, we have improved dozens of the system’s components for both the scoring algorithm and the frontend interface. Credit Score Formatting As I just mentioned, our credit rating system has undergone some changes, including a new format for displaying a user’s score as a letter grade instead of a raw number. For example, instead of seeing your score as “184”, it will now show as “B-”. In our last dev diary, I discussed a comprehensive and precise system based on numerical scores, but our user testing quickly revealed that the numbers are cumbersome for most people who are used to letter-based grading systems. Because of this important psychological factor, we decided to keep the numerical system behind the scenes and simply add an interpretation layer into the interface that converts the numerical scores to display letter grades. We also made some changes to the credit system internally, upgrading the contra...

Dev Diary #2 — Gas Fee Reductions & New Credit Rating System

Dev Diary #2 — Gas Fee Reductions & New Credit Rating System Wednesday, 16th Feb 2022. Happy Wednesday! I want to update you all by drawing your attention to the three most impactful areas we’ve been working on over here at the development team. The first area is going to be crucial for dFund’s competitiveness within the loan platform space, as we’ve made significant improvements behind-the-scenes that will noticeably lower gas fees. The second area involves the loan customization features we announced in last week’s dev diary. And the third area revolves around the credit rating system that was also announced last week. So, without further ado, let’s jump into things… Saving on Gas Fees Now that our new development team has grown comfortable working with and documenting the existing setup, we decided to completely re-haul our smart contracts. That’s right: we rewrote almost every line of our solidity files, as well as the singletons associated with them on the frontend. The result is drastically improved readability and noticeably lower gas fees. I’ll spare you the most banal details, but I do want to give you a high-level overview of what this overhaul looks like. First off was a distillation of loan offers and requests into a single loan contract, so if you look behind-the-scenes you will notice that we no longer have separate contracts for offers and requests; instead, the loan management co...

Dev Diary #1 — Loan Platform News & Overview

Dev Diary #1 — Loan Platform News & Overview Monday, Feb. 6, 2022 Hello all! As you may know by now, the new dev team — which I am honoured to be representing today — has been working with the rest of management to accelerate the project’s development. Today I want to present to you, the community, our shared vision for the future development of our P2P lending platform, as well as the progress that has already been made up to this point. Getting Up-and-Running The dev team has been familiarising ourselves with the code base over the past couple of weeks. What this has meant for us is many questions being asked of each other; some documentation being expanded, through both ReadMe files and comments within the code itself; smart contracts being tweaked and recompiled several times; a dozen or so upgrades to the libraries we use; and, of course, bug fixes ranging from the merely cosmetic to the critically essential. As of Monday, all the developers have successfully compiled the smart contracts that make up the backbone of our system, and we have also been successful in loading the frontend and connecting it to the user’s MetaMask wallet. With that being said, we encountered display errors caused by the upgrades that we made to the project’s dependencies. This leads to our current 2-week plan: while a part o f the dev team spends the next day or two tackling up grade- related bugs on the frontend ...

dFund Insurance Pools — a new feature concept

Fund Insurance Pools — a new feature concept Dear dFund Community, We are happy to present to you the concept for dFund Insurance Pools — a new feature which we aim to integrate into our next-gen DeFi platform to make it even more all-encompassing and advanced. As with each and every one of our features, this one too possesses numerous use cases, real world utility, usability and scalability that it could be a standalone project on its own, in line with our vision to build an all-encompassing platform with such a wide palette of features which will be a one-stop-shop for all DeFi enthusiasts and even strive to make all other DeFi projects obsolete. So without further ado, let’s dive into more detail! The Concept: dFund Insurance Pools are a novel way of solving the borrower default risk problem in the lending industry, and particularly in crypto & DeFi loans, which are pretty novel concepts in and of themselves. This is basically dFund’s way of approaching loan insurance (or crypto loan insurance, to be more specific), and we chose to do it in the same way we approach everything else — with a focus on making it as user-friendly and user-centric as possible. As a community oriented project, making complex concepts and features easy to not just understand, but more importantly use and utilize, for the everyday man, is high on our priority list. This feature will allow everyone to start an insurance p...

dFund Community Update #001

Dear dFund community, We are happy to present to you our first in-depth community update. As you know, the last couple of months have been very dynamic we are incredibly happy to be in a position to serve and build for this amazing community. Although our journey was not without growing pains, the experience we have now, as well as your valuable feedback and input, makes us certain that we are now moving in the right direction and it has taught us many things, including how to be better on multiple fronts, including communication, and we assure you that from now on, community updates like this will be more common. One of the things we saw a clear issue with over the past couple of months was the dynamic and timeline of development progress, medium-level management and team organization, and we would like to present an action plan along with short term goals and roadmap. As the speed of development progress so far has been very unsatisfactory and resulted in a delay of our first beta on Ethereum, we were forced to make a couple of decisions which albeit hard, we believe are necessary and will turn out to be right. Here is a quick summary of personnel and management related decisions we made to address these issues: We decided to fire 5 of the “supporting cast” devs, including both uncritical in-house developers as well as outsourced dev talent. 4 core in-house developers, including CTO Greg Betz, will remain on the team....

dFund to Use Chainlink Oracles to Bring Its Decentralized Hedge Funds and P2P Loans to Life

Fund will integrate Chainlink Price Feed oracles into its new decentralized hedge fund and p2p lending platform on both Ethereum and Polkadot dFund’s stated mission has been to bridge the gap between the legacy financial system and the world of cryptocurrencies by making DeFi a better and safer place for all using transparency, security, and a community-centered approach. In doing so, dFund is proud to announce that we have chosen market-leading decentralized oracle network Chainlink as our go-to oracle solution to support a wide range of institutional-grade DeFi tools, products, and services offered on the dFund platform, ultimately making DeFi easily accessible to the average cryptocurrency enthusiast. dFund’s all-encompassing platform aims to offer a vast array of innovative DeFi features to users, including:Decentralized hedge funds that anyone on the platform can found, manage, or invest in.Direct p2p lending for both under-collateralized and over-collateralized loans.Performance and credit ratings to bring better identity and risk information on-chain to support new solutions that require it.DAO governance to facilitate community-oriented and transparent decision making processes.Secondary marketplace for synthetic assets, where debt from the aforementioned DeFi loans can be bought and sold, similar to the bond market of legacy finance. Since most DeFi products need external market data and asset prices to automa...

Exnetwork Capital joins DFND presale Round 3 with a six-digit investment

We are happy to announce that Eric Clark Su, the CEO of Exnetwork Capital, one of the most reputable early stage investors in the cryptocurrency space, who has previously backed numerous high profile projects such as Celsius, My Neighbor Alice, Orion Protocol and FTX, has joined the Round 3 of the DFND token presale with a 6-digit investment. Eric has joined as a Strategic Investor, which means that he and his fund, Exnetwork, will also be advising the project and helping dFund achieve great things through their exceptional experience, expertise and their far-reaching network in the Blockchain industry. Exnetwork and the dFund Team will be working together on many important aspects of the project, including marketing, business development, community building, and establishing meaningful partnerships with other high profile names in the industry. After the deal was fully finalized, the Co-Founder of dFund, financier Savo Vukcevic has commented:Eric is exactly the type of investor we are looking for — someone who provides value way beyond just their monetary investment. There are many VC’s who write big checks, but Eric is also very active, involved and genuinely passionate about the project, and he has the knowledge and experience needed to help take this project to the next level. We connected on so many levels and are on the same page when it comes to many so many things regarding the Blockchain industry, and fintech ...

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