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DFIO Price   

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Defi Omega  


DFIO Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last price of #DFIO is not available. This project may no longer be supported by coin developers.


The code for Defi Omega crypto currency is #DFIO.

Defi Omega is 4.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Defi Omega is not available at this time.

Defi Omega is ranking upwards to #6064 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak during the past 24 hours for #DFIO.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Defi Omega is $285.


The total supply of DFIO is 1,000,000 coins.

Note the unusually low supply of Defi Omega coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


DFIO has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.



Defi Omega Stronghold

DeFi Omega began last August, with a vision of a community built around pioneering, supporting, and participating in the development of the defi space. The community includes founders and developers of some of the most important defi protocols in the space, in addition to CEOs, entrepreneurs, large fund managers, ex-Wall Street bankers, New York Times bestselling authors, leading Youtubers, Twitter influencers, and a plethora of professional traders, researchers, and analysts. Over the past several months since our inception, we have been building one of the most important communities in the space. Because in the long run, you invest in people. While many other entities focused on flashy marketing, we have slowly and meticulously crafted one of the most powerful organizations in DeFi. Now that our community is stronger than ever, it is time. DeFi Omega is announcing our official incubator and accelerator: Stronghold. Stronghold is an arm of DeFi Omega that provides advisory, funding, and guidance from the resources of the entire collective, not just from a handful of people. DeFi Omega is superior to crypto VCs in many ways, because it is comprised of such a diverse group of specialists in their respective fields. Our members have highly specialized skills and our market penetration is exceptional. The breadth and depth of our reach is virtually unparalleled. Most recently, due to the support and influence of the group, a ...

DeFi Omega (DFIO): The quest for financial independence for all intensifies

DEFI OMEGA (DFIO) DeFi Omega currently has one of the most important amalgamations of individuals in the crypto space. From prominent crypto persons who are notable in the public sphere, to popular crypto and defi influencers, to CEOs of highly revered crypto projects, to crypto fund managers, to owners of some of the most well-known crypto websites in existence. Additionally, we are proud to say we truly have members all over the globe, with over 22 spoken languages and growing. In fact, this makes DeFi Omega even more unique, with members able to report in real-time the latest info from their local community. In addition to all of the above, DeFi Omega possesses :Top Crypto ResearchersAccredited InvestorsUniswap Gem HuntersStrategic InvestorsTalented Developers Our greatest pride is to have succeeded in uniting a community and bringing together highly talented individuals, linked by an ideal of success and a common philosophy.‌ Some‌ ‌of‌ them ‌are‌ ‌well‌ ‌known‌ ‌public‌ ‌figures‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌crypto‌ ‌space.‌ ‌We‌ ‌decided to focus ‌on‌ ‌quality‌ over quantity and ‌to look for concrete information‌ in order to ‌produce detailed researches to our members.‌ Our brotherhood indeed wishing first and foremost to provide real added value to its members and not to become another group lost in the meanders of your telegram. We are particularly proud to have been ...

Introducing DeFi Omega

DeFi Omega is an elite network of individuals in decentralized finance, with common goals, values, and objectives. DeFi Omega is a global network, a DeFi thinktank, and a group policymakers with the goal of shaping future policy in decentralized finance.DFIO Token DFIO (pronounced Dee-Fi-O) is the token for global membership to the most elite DeFi community in existence. DeFi is not simply just about yield farming, or “gambling” as some have stated, it is so much more than that: it empowers the future generations to be in control of their own money, to accrue interest that is fair, to decide who to borrow from and lend to, and many other notions of financial sovereignty. Most importantly, DeFi allows us to have applications that are free from censorship. Our aim is to demonstrate to the world that DeFi is a formidable innovation; it is the future, and it deserves to be taken seriously. We will champion this notion. DeFi is without a doubt the future of finance, and with the help of those like us, finance will inevitably become decentralized. More and more so, as parity between the privileged, and the average citizen becomes closer. We will be the bastions of the financial freedom that we all so deserve.Mission, Vision, & Values — Mission. — Our Mission is to create and connect the most elite group of individuals in decentralized finance. — Vision. — Our Vision is to strengthen the entire r...

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