| Decentralized Social
DESO Price: | $13.51 | | Volume: | $849.0 K | All Time High: | $169 | | Market Cap: | $0.1 B |
Circulating Supply: | 10,532,253 |
| Exchanges: | 4
| Total Supply: | 10,532,253 |
| Markets: | 5
| Max Supply: | 10,808,493 |
| Pairs: | 3
The price of #DESO today is $13.51 USD.
The lowest DESO price for this period was $0, the highest was $13.51, and the exact current price of one DESO crypto coin is $13.50717.
The all-time high DESO coin price was $169.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DESO with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Decentralized Social crypto currency is #DESO.
Decentralized Social is 3.2 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Decentralized Social is $142,260,970.
Decentralized Social is ranking upwards to #317, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is medium today for #DESO.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Decentralized Social is $848,962. |
The circulating supply of DESO is 10,532,253 coins, which is 97% of the maximum coin supply.
A highlight of Decentralized Social is it's limited supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
DESO has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 4 crypto exchanges.
View #DESO trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #DESO purchase. |
The inaugural DeSo anniversary celebration was off the chain.
| $DeSo lists on Coinbase, immediately drops alpha: DAO tools & smart services soon?
| DeSo publishes the Decentralized Social cheat-sheet.
| DeSo Protocol says smart contracts for Web3 are NGMI.
| The $50 million DeSo fund announces a hackathon, Floyd Mayweather joins Diamond. Probably nothing.
| DeSo Founder invests nearly $100k in DeSo native projects in the last 48 hours 099. Let’s have some hard forking conversations. - Sign up for our free Substack HERE; we deploy every issue (& special features) there. Not on Diamond yet? Create an account here & get a free $25! New week! What’s up DeSo degens 🤠. Did y’all have a very @spookies Halloween? 👻 Ready for another edition of BITS by @BitsTODAY? ICYMI it last week, this is our new byte-sized DeSo newsletter, full of quick-hitting updates (and still plenty of general absurdity) 🙏. Lots to catch up on from last week, so let’s dive right in. Are you a old guard boomer who prefers email (jk… but seriously). No sweat, we’ve got you covered on that front HERE too 📧.“Kandinsky’s Bath”, created by @WilliamLaurent and collected by @La_Galleria_dArte 🎨🤯 — Movers & shakers - Stats via DesignalVia Bithunt — The DeSo download - 🏴☠️ Over the weekend, DeSo founder @nader made a huge splash when he ape’d into @PixelPirates coin 🐋. Lots of folks were stoked… but not everyone! Should @nader practice more discretion in his selective investing, given the signal it sends the community? Or should we be glad he’s a public founder supporting projects he likes? 🤔, 💰 This question takes on even more salience when considered in the context of another announcement @nader made, namely that he will be making more such investments in DeSo NFT artists over the coming weeks. This will be ...
| Bryce Hall invites his followers to the @afterparty on Diamondapp. All 7.7 million of them.
| The DeSo Community has already organized a vote to elect community reps for the blockchain. 097. Election szn sweeps the DeSocracy. - Sign up for our free Substack HERE; we deploy every issue (& special features) there. Not on Diamond yet? Create an account here & get a free $25! New week! We out here fam. Approaching big @BitsTODAY edition #100 👀. What should we do for the big celebration? Seems like everyone’s all about the NFTs these days… but we’re not smart enough to figure out how to do a generative drop so we’re probably shit out of luck on that front 😂. If you’ve got ideas for how you’d celebrate if you were in our shoes, def let us know ✌️. In any case, let’s get to the news from across the DeSo universe, shall we? Bits on the menu tonight: BuzzClout: Today’s numbers from @bithunt and @designal ⚡️, UX/UI drops: *ding ding ding* — referrals round two 🥊, Community updates 🤝: election szn sweeps DeSo 🗳️, The cloutifieds: Yacht week comes to Tampa 🔥🌴🛥️, — Diamondhands’ drops 💎 - — #1 BuzzClout: Today’s numbers from @bithunt and @designal ⚡️. — Which creators’ coins were hot on the market to start the week? Let’s find out. @designal, waddya have for us? 👀 Same goes for community projects. Anyone making waves this fine Monday, @bithunt? Show us what you’ve got 🙇. — #2 UX/UI drops: *ding ding ding* — referrals round two 🥊. — After the giant saga that was the first rendition of ...
| DeSo founder Nader Al-naji publishes the first ever “State of Decentralized Social” 096. F.N.H.H. The first DeSo state of the union. - Sign up for our free Substack HERE; we deploy every issue (& special features) there. Not on Diamond yet? Create an account here & get $10! Howdy friends, Happy Friday! How we all doin’? Feelin’? We’re feelin’ fine for this rendition of our Friday Night Happy Hour 🍻. Sit back and grab a cold bevvie 🥤of your choice — as always we’re here to regale you with the latest from the world of the DeSo blockchain and the apps built on top of it 🪐. Shall we? Bits on the menu tonight: BuzzClout: Today’s numbers from @bithunt and @designal ⚡️, Gas on the fire update ⛽🔥: the first DeSo state of the union 📜, UX/UI drops: @nader and co. outline the Q4 roadmap 🛣️, General absurdity: DeSo milestones and more 🏆, — #1 BuzzClout: Today’s numbers from @bithunt and @designal ⚡️. — Item #1 on the menu tonight is an ice-cold dose of stats from @designal and @bithunt. They’re here to let us know what’s going down in the world of social tokens on DeSo. Who’s making moves, gents? 👀 — #2 Gas on the fire update ⛽🔥: The first DeSo state of the union 📜. — While the core team tries to ramp up DeSo with its $50M Octane Fund for development teams and a new referral team, they’re also leveling up on communication w/ the community 🤝. Yesterday @nader and team published their first-ever ‘state of ...
| Diligence continues on applicants for the $50 million DeSo developer’s fund. 095. Ruing the referrals. - Sign up for our free Substack HERE; we deploy every issue (& special features) there. Not on Diamond yet? Create an account here & get $10! Helllo mates, Long time no talk. @nvo was out runnin’ around Europe for a bit — don’t worry, we reigned him in and he’s back in the saddle now to write stuff 🤠. It’s been a slower few days on bitclout.com and the new Diamond app anyways, and another price decrease and referral program controversy has folks a bit discouraged 📉. What better time for a @BitsTODAY edition to get this place livening up a bit again, eh? Let’s dive into the world of DeSo 🤿 Bits on the menu tonight: BuzzClout: Today’s numbers from @bithunt and @designal⚡️, UX/UI drops: ruing the referrals😩, Octane fund update ⛽🔥: diligence continues on applicants 👀, Quick hits 🎯: international DeSo, anniversaries, & positive vibes ✌️, — Diamondhands’ drops 💎 - — #1 BuzzClout️: Today’s numbers from @bithunt ⚡️. — First things first, let’s check out the movers and shakers of the day brought to you by @bithunt and @designal: — #2 UX/UI drops: ruing the referrals😩. — Since we last reported on how the referral system was being received by the DeSo community, concern and castigation of how referrals were rolled out has only increased. In edition 094 we discussed the percolating controversy; sinc...