| Ardana 
DANA Price: | $0.00174 | | Volume: | $39.8 K | All Time High: | $9.61 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | 2 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 125,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | 125,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #DANA is $0.00174 USD.
Please note that the price of #DANA was last updated over 40 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #DANA statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest DANA price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00174, and the exact last price of DANA was $0.00173979.
The all-time high DANA coin price was $9.61.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DANA with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Ardana crypto currency is #DANA.
Ardana is 3.1 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Ardana is not available at this time.
Ardana is ranking downwards to #3215, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a modest volume of trading today on #DANA.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Ardana is $39,753. |
The circulating supply of DANA is 2 coins, which is 0% of the maximum coin supply.
Note the simply unparalleled tiny supply of Ardana coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
DANA has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #DANA trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #DANA purchase. |
 Ardana Github Guide You’ve probably heard of the word “repo,” but do you actually know what a repo is? We’re here to help! Repository, aka repo, is just a fancy word for “folder” or “directory.” And in the case of GitHub, it’s used to describe each folder on the site. These folders have different purposes and are managed differently by the platform. Knowing how the different repositories work can help you navigate your way through GitHub and understand its quirks better. We’ve compiled a list of all the GitHub repositories that are relevant to the dUSD project, and what they’re about. Here you go: hello-cardano-template: This is a template setting up a basis for Cardano dApp development using CTL (for off-chain code) and Plutarch (on-chain). Ardana built this template first in order to fully understand the relevant Cardano dApp toolchain before implementing dUSD’s business logic., ArdanaTenant: NixOS configuration of the server which will run the Admin CLI (command line interface). This is the server which we will use to run the initially centralized elements, such as the price feeder. It also contains most of the code that will be put on a separate server to run the CTL runtime dependencies. This is a generic but necessary “backend” to the dUSD browser application., yubihsm-ed-sign: This repository implements a server that signs blobs of data using the private key stored on a YubiHSM. A YubiHSM is an industrial-g... 
|  Development Diary: 24th October — 4th November Development Diary: 24th October — 4th November - It’s another edition of Ardana’s Development Diary, and we’ve got some news to share. This time around, we’ll be taking a look at some of the new things that were being worked on over the past few weeks. — Dev Diary: October 24–28, 2022 - We finalized our liquidity token minting policy and retry system, which means that we’re making our code less flaky. We also added batching for parallelism in testing, which aids reliability. We updated the CTL and protocol config serialization, as well as integrated EJS with Purescript. Finally, we set up storyboard (with atom+molecule structure) in Figma, so now we can quickly prototype new designs. We’re working on setting up poolID minting policy: On-chain code is in review. We’re also testing Hello Cardano Template on Mainnet to resolve cardano-node issue (fixed) and CTL runtime dependency deployment issues. Furthermore, we’re setting up Danaswap project management system based on finalized project specifications and working on Danaswap-CLI to help launch the protocol. — Dev Diary: October 31 — November 4, 2022 - We deployed our EJS + Purescript frontend through Netlify. We completed our pool ID minting policy and Danaswap-CLI. We also finished CTL-utils after refactoring common elements from CLI and API. In addition, we finalized Danaswap MVP designs, merged Danaswap-CLI, captured old dUSD i... 
|  Development Diary: 10th October — 21st October Development Diary: 10th October — 21st October - Here is another edition of Ardana’s Development Diary, and we’ve got some fantastic news to share. This time around, we’ll be looking at some of the new updates that have gone out over October. — Dev Diary: October 10–14 2022 - We got the team up to speed on old Danaswap work, and testing CAT on mainnet is underway. The specification for Danaswap is mostly done, and we’re moving into testing descriptions, resolving the last issues, and editing. The updated mockups for the MVP are almost done as well! — Dev Diary: October 17–21 2022 - This week, we’ve made significant progress on our Danaswap MVP. We’ve finalized the spec for our reduced-scope MVP, we have a basic UI design, and we have UTXO on-chain and CTL code implemented. We have also deployed an EJS + Purescript version of the basic UI design to test our integration with the rest of the system. Port issues have been fixed to run multiple tests in parallel. And we’ve added retries to the Plutip tests because Plutip is flaky. Now, we are testing CAT on mainnet, resolving a Cardano-node issue. Implementing danaswap-CLI to launch the protocol is underway, including some refactors such as introducing CTL-utils for code that is shared between the API and CLI. And finally, we’ve implemented a liquidity token minting policy and it’s in review now! — About Ardana - Ardana is Carda... 
|  Roadmap 2.0 — The Journey To Ardana Roadmap 2.0 — The Journey To Ardana - — Introduction - It’s been a long road, but we’re finally here: Ardana is almost upon us! In the past few months, we’ve talked about what changes are coming in the new Ardana UI and app UX, but now it’s time to tell you more about the journey that led us here. We’ll be going over some of the highlights from our development team’s retrospective on Roadmap 1.0 and how they impacted our latest iteration on this topic. So here’s our roadmap for 2.0 (and beyond): — The mission - The mission of the Roadmap 2.0 is to expand our vision for Ardana and its future. As a community, we have accomplished some amazing things in the past few years. We have built a strong network of partners, gained recognition from leading players in the industry, and formed a vibrant community of supporters from all over the world. The roadmap has allowed us to see into our future and set ambitious goals for what we want Ardana to become — a platform that brings together all aspects of DeFi in one place for investors who have been waiting on the sidelines for institutional quality tools. — The foundation - The road to Ardana has been long and winding, with twists and turns that would make even the most seasoned navigator scratch their head in confusion. We’ve all been there. As we move forward on our journey, it’s important to remember how far we’ve come. Ardana was b... 
|  Development Diary: 29th August — 7th October Development Diary: 29th August — 7th October - We’re back with another edition of Ardana’s Development Diary! We have some exciting news to share this time around, so let’s dive in. — Dev Diary: August 29 — September 2 - This week we’ve been cleaning up stale PRs, issues and branches. We researched whether it is possible to run browser tests against a local testnet. We improved & fixed offchain-tests (including port conflicts). We also implemented our YubiHSM: Signing server & Purescript interface to interact with that server. We’ve made inline datums optional in Hello-discovery and are working on off-chain work for protocol initialization. — Dev Diary: September 5–9 - We implemented YubiHSM sign public key to address (+ encoding fix), which allows us to sign transactions with our own private keys and make them public on the Cardano blockchain. We fixed a CLI test regression bug (github.com) that was preventing us from testing our code against older versions of the Cardano codebase. We worked on our PR review policy and PR description template so that it will be easier for developers new to Open Source projects to understand what they’re reviewing. And finally, we researched the on-chain importing bug (github.com). — Dev Diary: September 12–16 - This time we have been working on upgrading our CTL dependency and fixing related browser tests. We also worked on the Ardana la... 
|  Ardana Open Source Track| A Journey To Open Sourcing Ardana Ardana Open Source Track | A Journey To Open Sourcing Ardana - — Introduction - The Ardana Open Source Track is all about sharing our most significant components with the world. Open sourcing is one of the most important things a project can do. It’s a way to give back to the community and engage with our users, but it also has other benefits that are more tangible: open source projects are easier to build, they attract more talent (because developers want to work on interesting projects) and they make you the industry leader. In this article, we’ll dive into some best practices for getting started with open sourcing a large project as well as some practical tips on how and why we’re doing it. Let’s get started! — Why Open Source? - Open source is a natural extension of Ardana’s philosophy of transparency. As we move forward into the future, it is important that our community understands and trusts the technology we are building together. In order to have a successful ecosystem, it’s vital that there be trust between all parties involved. To this end, open sourcing Ardana will allow us to build this trust by providing transparency into our development process while also allowing other developers to see what problems they could solve using Ardana as they build their own solutions on top of it. We believe that by opening up our codebase and procedures for other developers to examine will help them bet... 
|  Development Diary: 8th August — 26th August Development Diary: 8th August — 26th August - Here we go again with another edition of Ardana’s Development Diary, and we’ve got some exciting news to share. This time around, we’ll be looking at some of the new updates that have gone out over August. — Dev diary: August 8–12 2022 - We started by recording a demo video to show off the new functionality of our wallet app. You can watch it here. We also completed our local contract tests for hello-world-api by adding local tests for ctl runtime nixos-modules on testnet. We did this by creating a qemu-vm and nixosConfig for each testnet configuration. This means that we can now run E2E tests in parallel by adding multiple wallets. To make things even better, we found a way to minimize CSS with webpack and integrate lighthouse tests for hello-world-browser. We also set up spec for vault discovery, traceability, authentication, and verification. Finally, we added retry logic for CTL wallet serialization in CTL itself. The other big thing this week was refactoring Nix flake module so that it’s easier to parallelize Nix work on different sides of the project without creating conflicts. These conflicts can arise when two devs are working on different things at once but they need each other’s code to work together properly! — Dev diary: August 15–19 2022 - We’ve got a hot reload for hello-world-browser development, Purescript code formatting is ... 
|  Development Diary: 27th June — 5th August Development Diary: 27th June — 5th August - We’re back with another edition of Ardana’s Development Diary, and we’ve got some exciting news to share. In this installment, we’ll be looking at some of the new updates that have gone out over the last two months. We’ve been working tirelessly on the tools and features of the Ardana platform to bring you the best experience possible. Developer Diary: 27 Jun — 1 Jul 2022 This week has been a whirlwind of activity and we are finally getting to the point where things really start to come together. We have integrated the Plutarch validators into the offchain code using nix, which was a lot of fun to work with. We decided to move the tests for the off-chain code into CI, and we managed to get them passing with a fairly basic setup. The CTL spec framework is in place, and we can now translate acceptance criteria into code. The frontend team has made great progress towards trivial examples working in CLI interface, wallet loading from file, and signing without browser integration. Purescript has been updated with a new version of purs-nix, supporting wasm properly, which is also a big step towards usability. Developer Diary: 4–8 Jul 2022 The price feeder is nearly finished. The spec for the CLI output makes it clear what’s expected. We’re just waiting on some more reviews, and we should be good to go! In other news, we’ve been doing a lot of work with p... 
|  DANA ISPO Update Security Incident As has come to light, a man-in-the-middle attack attempted to intercept a portion of the DANA tokens allocated for the ISPO. We at Ardana have been looking forward to rewarding our community and engaging our stake pool partners in ASPA (Ardana Stake Pool Alliance) with the DANA ISPO. Here is our article covering the launch parameters. Weighing out the options, we decided to use DripDropz as our ISPO claim platform and tasked a new external contributor to help build and coordinate. This developer was vetted by a trusted contact and had been given tasks in the past that he executed well. After discussion with the DripDropz team, it was made clear that no one from the Ardana team had contacted them and that a malicious actor was at play. After an internal investigation and being alerted by the DripDropz team, we discovered that the malicious external contributor had provided false information to us and it was likely his intent to provide a false address to intercept the DANA tokens allocated for the first distribution of the ISPO. Ardana’s internal security protocols would have prevented the final attack from succeeding, no tokens were stolen, and the integrity of DANA was preserved.Next Steps We are working with the relevant legal authorities to deal with the investigation moving forward. Furthermore, we are in robust contact with the DripDropz and are working diligently to ensure the ISPO goes smoothly. As ... 
|  Development Diary — June 13th — 24th, 2022 Development Diary — June 13th — 24th, 2022 In this installment of Ardana’s Development Diary, we will be looking at some exciting new updates over the last two weeks. Since our recent ISPO launch, our developers have been working hard on the tools and features of the Ardana platform to ensure the best experience possible for all platform users. Dev Diary: 13–17 June 2022 The CTL (Cardano-Transaction-Lib) CTL is a type of purescript library used to create smart contract transactions on the Cardano platform. It seeks to transfer the Plutus off-chain code’s interface and functionality to the browser environment. The team has been focusing quite a lot on the CTL and successfully stabilized the CTL environment. Once stabilization was achieved, this unlocked testing for the CBOR coding. CBOR stands for Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), a data format that allows for minimal code, small message size, and extensibility without version negotiation. The CBOR encoding was validated on the platform by testing the Plutarch to CBOR string of “AlwaysSucceeds” and “HelloWorld” validators from the browser in CTL. The work here is now in master. Plutip Integration While waiting for the Plutip integration to kick in, we created a branch-to-base foundation for the CTL. In addition, once the Plutip integration is ready, there will be localized testing and nixification of the CTL runtime dependencies. This wi... 