| CargoX 
| #CXO
CXO Price: | $0.19 | | Volume: | $11.4 K | All Time High: | $10.33 | | Market Cap: | $40.1 M |
Circulating Supply: | 208,258,157 |
| Exchanges: | 4
| Total Supply: | 215,119,015 |
| Markets: | 5
| Max Supply: | 215,119,016 |
| Pairs: | 3
The price of #CXO today is $0.19 USD.
The lowest CXO price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.192, and the current live price for one CXO coin is $0.19241.
The all-time high CXO coin price was $10.33.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of CXO with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for CargoX crypto currency is #CXO.
CargoX is 7 years old. |
The current market capitalization for CargoX is $40,070,888.
CargoX is ranked #405, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is modest today for #CXO.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for CargoX is $11,407. |
The circulating supply of CXO is 208,258,157 coins, which is 97% of the maximum coin supply. |
CXO has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 4 crypto exchanges.
View #CXO trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #CXO purchase. |
 MLETR opening the door for electronic trade documents Last year saw tremendous growth in commitments to digitise international trade document flows and to accept electronic bills of lading and other electronic trade documents as standard and legally valid documents. A revolution has been simmering for a while, and with the additional heat from the COVID-19 pandemic things were brought to boil in 2022. Various industries, international trade groups and even groups of nations, have started to actively recognize bottlenecks and hurdles that have until now delayed the digitalization in global trade. The primary emphasis, of course, is on the digitization of document flows, and everything else will follow. — Consolidated effort for maximum output - At the central stage of the revolution is the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and its Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR), while the private sector is organising around the industry standardisation initiative of major shipping line operators under Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), which established the Future International Trade (FIT) alliance with several leading international organisations, including BIMCO, FIATA, ICC and SWIFT. It is crucial to understand how countries and territories are approaching the implementation of the MLETR or compatible guidelines into their national legislation, and how international frameworks are forged. — Measuring digitalisation ... 
|  DCSA eDocumentation standardization initiative overview and achievements The global shipping, supply chain, trade and trade finance industries have for long — far too long — relied on paper as the main medium for transferring possession of goods, communicating financial events, and concluding contracts and other types of agreements, as well as providing proof of certification and similar. Finally, a new era has emerged — one of electronic documents, digital format and blockchain document transfer. Overall, we can describe it with the technical term eDocumentation, which is also the name of the initiative to standardise global trade document flows by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA). DCSA’s major effort in the past three years has been overall standardisation of end-to-end document processes, with detailed data models and provision of interconnectivity for various platforms, which can self-certify compliance to various standards. — DCSA foundational roadmap - The DCSA foundational roadmap elements for eDocumentation & industry collaboration include standardisation of the Bill of Lading (prepare & issue) process, B/L interface standards & API specs, standardisation of bylaws, electronic transfer of title, booking process, B/L clauses, certificates, platform interoperability, shipment release process, and the expansion of standards to other cargo, as well as propagating global MLETR adoption and banking collaboration in the initiatives. The stand... 
|  Document Management System vs. Document Transfer System When talking about electronic trade documents in shipping, manufacturing, supply chain, trade, finance, energy, services, and governmental entity activities, it is important to outline where the document transfer systems (such as the CargoX Platform) touch and overlap with the functionalities of classic electronic document management systems (DMS), and what the main differences and advantages are. — Document management system - A document management system (DMS) is, by definition, a system that is used for receiving, tracking, managing and storing documents in electronic form via multiple channels, thus reducing paper loads in various organisations’ environments. Sometimes these systems are connected to large scanning/photocopy machines for digitising paper documents and delivering them to use by corporate users. Often, such a system is integrated with enterprise content management systems (ECM), providing functionalities of document imaging (scanning), workflows, and record management. One thing lacking in these systems is the feature of immutability that would provide an unhackable record, which would provide documents with the highest degree of security when providing electronic documents of title features. Document management systems are usually used within a corporation or organisation for internal document workflows, with features to send documents out to consumers as digital copies. — Document transfer p... 
|  How delegating makes filing Egypt ACI easier for principals through representative companies There are numerous organizational models in global supply chains for shipping cargo across seas and land. Sometimes the manufacturing company is also the exporting company, taking care of their own paperwork. On other occasions, the whole logistics of shipping the cargo is handed over to special companies or representatives — freight forwarders, agents, and similar specialists. All of these models have their own rules and procedures, and they also reflect on document processing, either on paper, or in the digital world. — Piles of delegated paperwork - This means that these representing companies also prepare, process and otherwise handle the piles of paperwork that needs to accompany every shipment — from the manufacturing plant, over road or rail transportation, to the port of origin, where the shipping line operator takes over the freight and issues additional paperwork, and then to the port of destination, where import customs clearance procedures demand additional paperwork to be filed and processed. If all these documents are handled on paper, it requires numerous printed documents, signatures, seals, courier document deliveries, verifications, validations, corrections, and sometimes even lots of time and money to get it all done — all of this adding unimaginable amounts of stress to a process that is already strained by other influencing factors. — CargoX Platform introduces Delegations t... 
|  CargoX wins 2021 Logistics Project award with nomination for European ELA Awards 2023 (Ljubljana, 11 October 2022) — CargoX, the winner of the 2021 Logistics Project Award, will be nominated for the European Logistics Association Award — Project of the Year 2023 competition. The Slovenian Logistic Association selected the winner of the 2021 Logistic Project competition based on multiple factors, such as environmental, economic and social impact, as well as change management approach. During the evaluation, the complexity, originality, and usability of the solution were taken into account. — About 2023 ELA Award - At the 2023 ELA Award best practices in logistics and supply chain management will be presented during an evening of true international networking with trade professionals. ELA is the federation of national logistics associations in Europe and it offers a professional network of practitioners. The projects presented during this event are the finalists from the European competitions. To be able to join this competition the projects have to already be champions in their own country. This is truly the battle of the strongest. — About the winner: NAFEZA + CargoX - The public-private partnership Misr Technology Services (MTS) which is majority-owned by the Egyptian government– authorized CargoX as its blockchain document transfer gateway service provider for the country’s official NAFEZA single-window trade platform in March 2021. Designed to bring trust and transparency to a... 
|  Arab Bank and FIATA, CargoX, eDoxOnline testing transfer of electronic FIATA BL #eFBL (20 September 2022) — FIATA and Arab Bank, together with CargoX, eDoxOnline launched a Proof of Concept to test the transfer of an e-FIATA Bill of Lading #eFBL between two customers of the bank using different eBL platforms. This is a major step in achieving and providing interoperability in the emerging market of eBL services, which are part of the new global electronic trade document initiative, driven forward by major global trade and industry associations. In recent months, in the aftermath of the launch, FIATA has made significant steps forward, having been approached by a major international bank, Arab Bank Switzerland, who will work with FIATA on the future of trade flows, proving the interoperability of the eFBL, using blockchain technology to unleash global connectivity between freight-forwarders, logistics providers, software companies and financial institutions. Arab Bank, together with FIATA, CargoX and eDoxOnline have launched a Proof of Concept which will test the transfer of an eFBL between two customers of the bank, using different eBL platforms, with the Bank as an intermediary, providing a secure environment to transfer the document together with the title of the goods. The eFBL, represented as an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) will be transferred from the eWallet of the seller to the eWallet of the buyer, triggering the payment automatically. This is a first, but major step in a series of efforts needed to c... 
|  Market report: Industry blindspots blocking adoption of digital trade documents transfer (Ljubljana, Slovenia — Sept 1, 2022) — CargoX, the global blockchain company leading the world on the digital transfer of trade documents, has identified three key factors preventing the widespread adoption of digital trade documents transfers across the supply chain. Results from a survey of 400 logistics executives and supply chain experts, pointed to three key obstacles to the takeup of the digitization of trade documents: Limited awareness of the benefits or the workings of the technology,, Frustration at the lack of an integrated platform between disparate digital platforms, and, Fears of cybersecurity breaches, DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT → cargox.io Market report: Industry blindspots blocking adoption of digital trade documents transfer was originally published in CargoX Platform for Blockchain Document Transfer (BDT) on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  DCSA begins final phase of eBL platform interoperability proof of concept with support from ocean… DCSA begins final phase of eBL platform interoperability proof of concept with support from ocean carriers, ExxonMobil and eBL platform providers - (Amsterdam, July 12, 2022) — Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), a neutral, non-profit group established to further digitalisation and standardisation of container shipping, in conjunction with its nine member carriers, today announced phase two of its electronic bill of lading (eBL) platform interoperability proof of concept (PoC). The PoC will be conducted in conjunction with CargoX, edoxOnline, essDOCS and WAVE BL. The companies will implement DCSA eBL Interoperability Standards to test eBL interoperability through the full bill of lading lifecycle using data that mirrors a live shipment. Previously, DCSA has released standards for eBL data formats and interfaces. The eBL interoperability PoC leverages DCSA eBL Interoperability Standards 1.0 — Beta 1. Upon completion of the PoC, DCSA eBL Interoperability Standards 1.0 will be officially released and free to download for any platform provider to incorporate into their eBL solutions to ensure interoperability with DCSA standards-based eBLs. Phase one of the PoC, funded and supported by all DCSA carrier members, was completed in May 2022 with seven actively participating carrier members, ExxonMobil and four of six IGP&I-approved eBL solutions providers, namely CargoX, edoxOnline, essDOCS and WAVE BL. The ... 
|  CargoX blockchain technology takes flight in Egypt with ACI Air (Ljubljana, Slovenia — 8 June 2022) — CargoX, the leading company specializing in the digital transfer of trade documents, extends its business engagement with the Egyptian government by providing advanced Blockchain Document Transfer (BDT) services as a core component of the Advance Cargo Information (ACI) system implementation for airborne cargo. The Advance Cargo Information (ACI) system aims at providing business intelligence and governance mechanisms to the government before cargo loading from ports of export, facilitating cargo clearance procedures, creating transparency and audit trail for cargo movements within a paperless ecosystem by digitizing shipment documents transfer using CargoX BDT services. The ACI system is a core component of Egypt’s national single-window platform for international trade (NAFEZA) that is operated by the Public-Private-Partnership company Misr Technology Services (MTS). “The NAFEZA single window platform for digitalization of ocean-freight trade document transfers between Egypt and companies worldwide is an unprecedented success. It is used by more than 90,000 companies and entities worldwide, and we continue building this momentum by adding air cargo documentation processing. This will bring the number of points of entries to 30 — including airports, seaports, dry ports, border posts, free zones, and bonded warehouses,” said Captain Ossama Al Sharif, MTS Chairman ... 
|  CargoX starts issuing standardized paperless FIATA Bills of Lading (Ljubljana, Slovenia — 19 May 2022) — CargoX started issuing standardized, paperless FIATA Bills of Lading in partnership with the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA). The FIATA paperless Bill of Lading solution allows freight forwarders to issue secured paperless FBLs through their usual transportation management tools (TMS) or through independent eBL providers, of which the CargoX Platform for Blockchain Document Transfer (BDT) is one. CargoX, traditionally at the forefront of the digitalization of global trade, is among the first companies to launch the implemented solution on the same day as FIATA. Customers of the CargoX Platform, who are also members of FIATA, can start issuing and transferring FIATA eFBL standard-compliant electronic Bills of Lading on the CargoX Platform for Blockchain Document Transfer (BDT) right away. “Today marks a special day in the history of global trade, and for the people developing digital solutions for ocean shipping and freight forwarding. In less than four years since sending the first commercial blockchain Bill of Lading in the world on the CargoX Platform, we are happy to witness how the most powerful association of freight forwarders is adopting blockchain Bill of Lading technology,” said Stefan Kukman, founder and CEO of CargoX. “FIATA is very excited to embark on this important milestone of its digital journey which paves the way fo... 