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CWT Price   

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CWT Price:
$1.1 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$104.2 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #CWT is $0.00208 USD.

Please note that the price of #CWT was last updated over 50 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #CWT statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest CWT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00208, and the exact last price of CWT was $0.00208391.

The all-time high CWT coin price was $0.43.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of CWT with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for CrossWallet crypto currency is #CWT.

CrossWallet is 3.5 years old.


The current market capitalization for CrossWallet is $104,195.

CrossWallet is ranking downwards to #5868 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is small during the past 24 hours for #CWT.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for CrossWallet is $1,084.


The circulating supply of CWT is 50,000,000 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.


CWT is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain, and has digital contracts with 1 other blockchain.

See list of the CWT Blockchain contracts with 2 different blockchains.


CWT has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #CWT trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #CWT purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #CWT, and you can view them on our CWT disambiguation page.



CrossWallet’s Roadmap Is Officially Out

The wait is over! We’re pleased to release the new updates and features that constitutes the project direction for the coming weeks and months. The new roadmap highlights the MVP features, including, cross-chain support for the main chains, enhanced interface, dark/light mode, 13+ languages, as well as activity view. The rest of the roll-out is divided into several macro-phases, each containing multiple app updates and new features, all around the idea of taking cross-chain integrations and intuitive user experience to new heights. — Roadmap. — At CrossWallet, we believe that digital currencies should be as open and accessible as possible. For this reason, we’re behind the first comprehensive wallet solution for beginners and experts alike, and have updated our roadmap to better reflect the scope of the platform. With beta testing almost complete and the MVP now on the horizon, we’re excited to begin onboarding users and to deliver a wallet truly built for the future of the blockchain industry. Stay tuned as with every chain implementation or task delivered on our roadmap, you’ll be the first to know ! Website | Twitter | Telegr

What Predefined Tokens Look Like On CrossWallet

Last time we talked, we introduced a brand new design. For a refresher please read the article here. Today, we follow up on this and show you what many of you have been asking about — predefined tokens. — What does that mean?. — Well, it means that you no longer need to work out which token address to add and where, as for major tokens these are integrated in the wallet itself. That’s less room for error for the novice, and more efficient for the proficient user. — What does this all look like?. — For this, we’ll start from the beginning, and namely from the default layout. In the default layout, users will already have the major chains integrated. The tokens associated with these will thus be part of the predefined tokens set. Please note: users still have the option to add other tokens on various networks manually. More info on this to follow soon. While the predefined tokens may seem like a limited number, the scope is to add more in the future. The benefit of having these predefined tokens is that they can be added simply through the click of a button, making it user friendly as you won’t have to look for or validate the contract address of token to be added. Once these tokens have been selected, as expected these will then appear in the main view with the corresponding balance and have a history of all the associated transactions. And that’s what the new outlook looks like from ...

CrossWallet Brand New Design

CrossWallet team wishes you all a Happy & Prosperous New Year!!! Today, we’re sharing with you a few quick updates of the development. First of all, we have a brand new design for the app. Much of the interface is the same but with a more quirky design.Please note: we’re still testing, and as such the app link has not been shared yet. Second, when you starting to set up the account, there’s a choice of languages to choose from. Upon selecting the language of choice, users are able to get started by setting a new account or restoring an old one.Please note: the aim here is to present the new design so for now we’ll skip the steps about account setting. Once the app is open, the main dashboard displays the networks available in the manner shown below. The whole interface can also be changed to the dark-mode. Currently, there are a number of native blockchain tokens with the option to add additional ones, but that’s a showcase for next time… However, as soon as the testing which is now taking place en-mass is finalised, we’ll be able to share much more. While, today’s focus was on the desktop version, the mobile version will also be available. This was a quick update with more to come… Don’t want to miss out on the upcoming updates. Keep in touch via the socials below. Website | Twitter | Telegram | YouTube

CrossWallet Token Staking

CrossWallet Staking - With the development rigorously underway and without giving away too much about our next big reveal, you might be pleased to learn that for those keen to try the app, you can now stake your tokens for a juicy APY. Staking is one of the ways, we aim to provide and prioritise for our supportive community. Without any further adieu, let us show you just how easy is to earn passively with $CWT tokens. — Guide on staking the $CWT tokens. — #1. Begin by visiting the main page: From there, press on the staking button, or click this link: This takes you to the staking page, where you need to connect your wallet. Please note: staking is only available on the BSC chain. While the unstaking function is enabled right away, you must wait 24 hours before you can withdraw your CWT and rewards. Use these official links to buy your $CWT directly from PancakeSwap or JustSwap. #2. Once your wallet connects successfully, you need to tick the ‘Terms and Conditions’ box, then press ‘Next’. #3: Set the amount you want to stake, (to stake the amount available in your wallet you can press the ‘Max’ button). When all set, click on the ‘Next’ button to start interacting with the staking contract. # 4: To enable interaction with the smart contract, you need to confirm two transactions. Pressing ‘Next’ will prompt you to confirm the first transaction. #5: ...

Tease#2: What to expect from CrossWallet’s interface — Tease#2: What to expect from CrossWallet’s interface - Today, we are showing a roundup of the interface users are to expect upon the full launch of the wallet. This is still the alpha stage, and so the only way from here is but the road to improvement!CrossWallet — the wallet that enables multi-network asset management, works on any device, mobile or web, and lets you seamlessly move between different blockchains has its alpha ready for a tease. The features highlighted as per the video include a closeup of the following: multiple networks availability, the search feature for finding addresses as well as different wallets previously saved on the account, multiple network wallets and their custom tokens, receiving/sending funds with the two-option toggle for address copying and scanning of the QR code, the options available within the settings menu, The purpose of today’s video and short highlight article is to keep you informed of the progress and work made on the development side. It is at a stage, where we feel confident to share the exciting features integrated to ensure that the product is as intuitive as possible. Of course, the development is rather fluid and so future updates and improvements are part of the norm. Until next time, keep informed and don’t forget to follow the socials. Website | Twitter | Telegram | YouTube

CrossWallet Guide#2: How To Transfer Tokens? — CrossWallet Guide#2: How To Transfer Tokens? - Today, we are using the mobile (alpha) version of CrossWallet to show you how easy it is to send tokens. This is shown in our second YouTube video, so make sure you check it out… For those of you that’d rather read, no problem. We are adding screenshots to this guide such that it can be enjoyed by both, video streamers and blog readers!CrossWallet — the wallet that enables multi-network asset management, works on any device, mobile or web, and lets you seamlessly move between different blockchains is coming. For this guide, we’ll send BNB on the BSC network. Below are the steps as set out in the video. Step 1: Open CrossWallet (on your mobile), and from the main menu select the ‘Send’ option. Step 2: From the new window select the network, the asset you want to send, and set the gas for the transaction fee. Step 3: We then want to fill in the address to send the asset to. To do this, we simply use the QR code scan option from the address window and using our mobile we scan the receiving address as shown below. Step 4: Now we have the receiving address that we previously scanned in the address field. Next, we select the amount we want to send (if sending the full amount, this can be done via the Max button), and continue by pressing ‘Next’. Step 5: Approve the transaction. To do this, enter the wallet password and click on ‘Next’. ...

CrossWallet Guide#1: How To Add A Token?

If you’ve been paying close attention to our social platforms, you would have been made aware of our brand new Youtube channel. If not, check out our latest article. This has been set up to make future announcements easier to follow and to get you up to speed with the wallet interface, such that when it gets released you’ll fly with it! Today, using the CrossWallet (alpha version) and the mobile application, we will show you how to add a token. — How to add a token to CrossWallet?. — Although for this tutorial, we are using the mobile version, the steps are very similar, regardless of the software used. Adding tokens to the wallet is simple. Here are the quick steps: Step 1: Open the wallet app. There you will be able to see your assets as illustrated below. For this tutorial, we want to add USDT to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network. To do this, start by pressing the plus button as shown. Step 2: From the new window, click on the network button as shown, and select the network of choice. In this case, we’ll opt for BSC. Step 3: Now that you selected the network of choice, press on Next. Step 4: Enter the corresponding token address. If this is correct the token symbol field will fill automatically. When ready, press Next. Step 5: After adding the token, as shown above, you’ll be redirected to the homepage, where you’ll be able to view your newly added token/s. In our case, we have USDT on BSC....

CrossWallet Tease#1: The Full Screen Wallet Outlook — CrossWallet Tease#1: The Full Screen Wallet Outlook - CrossWallet — the wallet that enables multi-network asset management, works on any device, mobile or web, and lets you seamlessly move between different blockchains is teasing its design. Picking up from our announcement last week, today we are ready to show you how neat and simple the CrossWallet user-interface really is. The video showcases several of its cool features, and namely; Multiple networks: these include, Velas, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and even the Bitcoin native network., Multiple accounts: the app enables its users to have more than one account which can operate on any of the available networks., Search feature: this way the user is able to search for their token easily without having to scroll through their numerous assets., Staking: the functionality for direct staking., Send/receive: users are able to send and receive assets from the different chains., Built-in Support: users can get access to support straight from the app., As promised, this is the beginning of the full tease. In keeping with our promise, to make the upcoming guides easier we are launching our official CrossWallet YouTube channel! So make sure to subscribe ;) Stay calm & tune in to our socials, and you’ll never miss an update! Website | Twitter | Telegram | YouTube

CrossWallet— The Crypto Wallet To Rule Them All

If you’ve been paying close attention to BlueZilla labs (aka. BlueZilla) you would have noticed that there is a lot of production going on. One such production is CrossWallet. Any crypto enthusiast with assets from multiple blockchains would appreciate this One-Stop-Wallet-Solution. The solution is designed such that you are able to manage and access your assets across the different blockchains/networks from one single place — CrossWallet. With CrossWallet you are always in control, where one master key rules all your cross-chain assets. You can even receive tokens from any network using just one single address — pretty neat right? And, you can even swap your assets across the available networks with just one click of a button. This streamline experience combined with a user-friendly interface is what CrossWallet is all about. Here’s a brief of the features that make CrossWallet the state-of-the-art crypto wallet: Security: one key that masters all your cross-chain assets. Cross-Swap: convenient and speedily asset management from different blockchains in one single swap. User-Friendly: one address for sending/receiving tokens from the various blockchains. Dex-Aggregator: built-in Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum aggregators for price monitoring between the two blockchains, hence enabling arbitrage opportunities. Airdrop: the only wallet to provide lucrative token airdrops to its users. Smart-Contract: smart...

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