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CSP Price   

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CSP Price:
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The last known price of #CSP is $0.000770 USD.

Please note that the price of #CSP was last updated over 670 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #CSP statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest CSP price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000770, and the exact last price of CSP was $0.00076988.

The all-time high CSP coin price was $0.07.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of CSP with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins.


The code for Caspian crypto currency is #CSP.

Caspian is 4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Caspian is not available at this time.

Caspian is ranking downwards to #20118 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is an unknown daily trading volume on #CSP.


The circulating supply of CSP is 440,961,105 coins, which is 44% of the maximum coin supply.


CSP is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


CSP has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on probably at least one crypto exchanges but we don't have this data.

View #CSP trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #CSP purchase.



Caspian Announcement

On Monday 21st February, Caspian’s parent company TORA, entered into an agreement to be acquired by the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG or the Group). Press Release We are discontinuing all commercial use of CSP tokens as of 25th February 2022. We will also conduct a CSP Buy-Back Programme offering to buy back CSP tokens back from current holders. The CSP Buy-Back Programme will commence on 25th February 2022, and will end on 28th March 2022. The purpose of the CSP Buy-Back Programme is to provide an opportunity for interested CSP holders to liquidate their CSP ahead of certain changes being implemented by Caspian as summarised in this announcement. The price has been determined by Caspian following careful review of CSP’s recent trading history and other factors considered relevant. CSP holders may accept Caspian’s buy-back offer at their option and are urged to carefully review the terms and conditions of the CSP Buy-Back Programme contained in the materials and documentation described below and seek all necessary advice before making any decision. The full details of the CSP Buy-Back Programme can be found here. Your day to day relationship with Caspian and how your systems and services are conducted will remain uninterrupted. Caspian will continue to deliver advanced and innovative trading solutions for our clients. Robert Dykes CEO Caspian

A Year Ahead: Caspian’s Managing Director on Crypto Trends For 2020

We’ve just entered a new year — and this time another decade. As one of the Managing Directors of Caspian, I’ve been reflecting on how the crypto market continues to mature and grow. While the ride has not always been smooth, the market has developed significantly over the past half-decade. - — Here are some of the most important trends that I see driving the market in the year ahead.. — — 1. Institutionalization is coming — but to a specific part of the market - 2020 will start to bring widespread institutional adoption of crypto currencies. The most likely drivers of this trend will be endowments and pension funds making an allocation to bitcoin, although some select providers may look elsewhere. This will be a boon for providers of crypto algo solutions and block matching platforms as many institutions will gravitate to those types of platforms when buying and selling blocks of crypto. — 2. Altcoins face their day of reckoning - We’re going to see mass extinctions in the alt coins market. The chickens are going to come home to roost for projects focused on token price manipulation and community hype rather than building viable tech with solid business and token economic models. At the same time we expect many projects with solid technology and real use cases to thrive. The resulting market may be more narrow, but we believe it will be ultimately stronger and more stable. —...

The quest for a Pan-European approach to cryptocurrency

By Robert Dykes, Caspian CEO & Co-founder — Part of the appeal of digital currencies is their global nature. Since the vast majority of digital currencies are not sponsored by an individual state, the hope was that the crypto world could be largely borderless. This has turned out to be a bit of a pipe dream. It turns out that countries very much do matter when it comes to digital currencies, since they have the power of the law and the ability to regulate.. — It very much matters if an individual trader is located in China — where almost all cryptocurrencies are outlawed, rather than Japan, which has created a comprehensive system for using and trading currencies. We’ve moved past the period where many countries had their proverbial “head in the sand” when it comes to digital assets. There is a growing realisation that the digital asset economy is a permanent part of the economic landscape, and increasing wrestling with how this will work. While every individual provider may have preferences about the direction they would like regulation to take, a broader consensus is there that a systematic, combined approach in a large a market as possible would be useful. One of the greatest chances for this cooperation exists in Europe. The European Union and its related financial institutions have already produced regulatory regimes that guide equities, fixed income and derivatives trading across large portio...

Caspian Q3 2019 — Newsletter

Caspian Q3 2019 — Newsletter - — Take a look at the latest news from Caspian in our Q3 2019 Newsletter! Inside you’ll read about market insights, industry updates, recent wins and brand new product enhancements.. — Click HERE to access the full newsletter. — About Caspian - Caspian is a full-stack crypto asset management platform tying together the biggest crypto exchanges in a single interface. The platform also offers compliance, algorithms, portfolio management, risk and reporting. Led by an experienced team of developers, and leveraging the capabilities and resources of two existing, successful financial businesses as its co-build partners, Caspian is building an ecosystem that enables sophisticated traders to operate more efficiently and improve their performance. For more information, please visit: Meet our team on: Telegram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Medium | YouTube

Fireside Chat with Gerrit van Wingerden

Caspian Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder — A technologist at heart, Gerrit van Wingerden is the Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of Caspian. Throughout his 20-year career he has built and lead technology teams, delivering cutting edge financial products along the way. Van Wingerden has served as the Managing Director of TORA since 2007, and before that managed the development of high-volume trading tools for hedge funds and investment banks.. — — Your new listing partner is CoinAll, one of the fastest-growing crypto exchanges in the world. Why did Caspian choose to list with this exchange?. — CoinAll’s close affiliation with OKEx, one of the largest and most liquid exchanges in the sector, was central to making this new listing decision. CoinAll is the very first of the 100 OK Partner exchanges launched under the OKEx Open Partnership Program. CoinAll are also committed to building a fully transparent, community-run exchange platform, which empowers the community to self-manage, creating value and sharing returns altogether. What’s more, partnering with CoinAll can also be a gateway to an eventual OKEx listing. OKEx was founded in 2017, giving it a solid track record of operation. It also has a liquid derivatives market which has sparked the interest of some of our large institutional clients. After we list with CoinAll and bring a certain number of new users to the token, it is hoped ...

Caspian Lists CSP Token on Leading Digital Asset Exchange CoinAll

Jersey, 19 September 2019 — Caspian, the full-stack crypto trading and portfolio management platform for institutional investors and sophisticated traders, today announced it will list its Caspian Token (ticker symbol CSP) on Hong Kong-based CoinAll on 23rd September 2019. CoinAll is a leading digital asset exchange and strategic partner of global crypto exchange OKEx. CSP is an ERC-20 utility token which offers discounts and incentives on the use of the Caspian platform as well as the development of unique third-party tools and features. Caspian first listed CSP on IDG-backed KuCoin in February 2019, and the token is now also listed on the IDEX and MXC exchanges. Robert Dykes, CEO of Caspian commented: “We are very happy to announce another exchange listing for our CSP token and are excited to partner with CoinAll, which is one of the world’s fastest growing exchanges, to make it accessible to more investors interested in making use of the proven utlity ” Mr. Dykes added: “Caspian is at the forefront of cryptocurrency trading, and shares with CoinAll a dedication to improving transparency and customer service in the crypto industry. We’re also aligned in our desires to pave the way for more institutional participation in the digital asset sector.” Caspian launched in March 2018 with its first-of-a-kind cryptocurrency investment platform that covers the entire lifecycle of a trade. Today, it provides a sin...

When will the trillion dollar club take the crypto plunge?

By Robert Dykes, Caspian CEO and Co-Founder. — Caspian co-founder Robert Dykes When an internal memo revealed in April that BlackRock was reshuffling its top brass as part of a move to prioritize its higher-fee paying alternatives investments business, some financial services industry watchers wondered if the world’s largest money manager be might ready to formalize its interest in cryptocurrency. It was in mid-2018 that BlackRock CEO Larry Fink first set tongues wagging by telling Reuters that the $6.5 trillion manager was a “big student of blockchain”. At the same time media reported that BlackRock had set up a working group tasked with investigating cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and the blockchain technology that underpins them. Even this relatively minor revelation was enough to push bitcoin trading up by as much as 5% in the days after it became public. The prices of ethereum and ripple, the second- and third-largest digital assets by market capitalization respectively, also ticked up slightly, a sign perhaps that the market is eagerly awaiting any crypto maneuver BlackRock makes. Other institutional investors are also eyeing off opportunities in the burgeoning digital asset sector on the back of strengthening prices. After 2018’s horror “winter of crypto,” which was marked by heavy losses, bitcoin has doubled so far this year, and is now sitting at around $9000 per bitcoin. Following suit and making si...

Caspian announces Monthly Trading Volumes of over (USD) $1 Billion as it seeks to enhance…

Caspian announces Monthly Trading Volumes of over (USD) $1 Billion as it seeks to enhance transparency in the institutional crypto market - — Caspian, the full-stack crypto trading, portfolio and risk management platform, today announced that it has reached a milestone with its June monthly volume trading figures. - The 18 month old firm saw its trading volumes surge to (USD) $1.068 billion in June 2019.Caspian has taken the decision to start publicly releasing their trade volume information in order to enhance transparency in the institutional crypto market. The firm’s CEO Robert Dykes stated;“We have seen a significant number of reports in recent weeks detailing fake volume and trading figures. As a company that is focused upon building up the crypto market for institutional grade investment we felt it was necessary to issue our true and unaltered volumes so the market can now measure real institutional participation.”“We will continue to publish our volumes on a monthly basis via our website in the hope of providing a consistent and factual view of the market.” Caspian has gone from strength to strength since its launch in March 2018. The firm’s last quarter has seen trade volumes increase from $578 million in April 2019 to an astounding $1.069 billion in June 2019, representing an upturn of 85% in two months.Caspian’s Monthly volumes showed an upturn of 85% in just two monthsCaspian’s Monthly T...

Meet The Team: Fireside Chat With Lewis Fellas

Co-Founder, Chief Investment Officer at Bletchley Asset Management and member of Caspian’s board of strategic advisors. In his advisory role Fellas works closely with Caspian CEO and Co-Founder Robert Dykes and the board on finding ways to give institutional firms greater access to the digital asset class. Fellas has over 19 years of investment, research and trading experience, and was a portfolio manager at Harvard University’s $39.2 billion endowment fund, before launching digital currency-focused asset manager Bletchley Park Asset Management in 2017. Q: You launched digital asset hedge fund Bletchley Park Asset Management in 2017 after a long career in traditional asset management. What prompted you to take this step? I’ve been in crypto and Bitcoin from a very early stage. I was first alerted to Bitcoin during the financial crisis, tinkering with desktop mining, and then followed the trajectory of Bitcoin closely. But it’s only been since 2016 that I could see the potential genesis of a new asset class, where blockchain technology could be applied to the tokenization of equities and other financial assets. To me that seemed like a great entry point — it’s very rare that we see the birth of an asset class. Within crypto I wanted to be an early participant, so I could have an impact on how the landscape evolved and be able to gather assets during the high growth phase. Q: Why were you attracted to the grow...

A Spring Awakening for Institutional Crypto

Robert Dykes — Caspian CEO and Co Founder. — — The brutal “winter of crypto,” where cryptocurrency trading volumes plunged by as much as 85 percent from a January 2018 high, has been enough to dampen the enthusiasm of even the most ardent supporters of disruptive digital assets. However, sentiment at TradeTech 2019 (the biggest annual European buy-side equity conference) was that the freeze may be melting, with the green shoots of spring sprouting up and perhaps piquing the interest of sophisticated investors. For those interested in the asset class — the murmurings of a potential turnaround is encouraging news.. — Examining the institutionalisation of cryptocurrencies was a standout panel on the TradeTech 2019 agenda. Panelists included key industry service providers — Caspian CTO Gerrit van Wingerden, Grasshopper CIO Tan T-Kiang, Bitstamp Head of Business Development Miha Grcar and the over capacity room was a clear signal that investors and other specialist industry players are clamoring for fresh insight about the burgeoning crypto asset class, as well as the tools available to better access it. — REGULATION WELCOMED. — The panel was on the whole supportive of moves to regulate the sector, agreeing that greater oversight could be a catalyst for more institutional investors entering crypto. Recent action by Hong Kong regulator, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC...

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