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CRW Price   

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CRW Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$81.3 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #CRW is $0.00252 USD.

Please note that the price of #CRW was last updated over 440 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #CRW statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest CRW price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00252, and the exact last price of CRW was $0.00251661.

The all-time high CRW coin price was $5.59.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of CRW with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Crown crypto currency is #CRW.

Crown is 9.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Crown is $81,265.

Crown is ranking downwards to #1591, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak during the past 24 hours for #CRW.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Crown is $290.


The circulating supply of CRW is 32,291,512 coins, which is 77% of the total coin supply.


CRW is available on at least one crypto currency exchange.

View #CRW trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #CRW purchase.



(Re)Branding Crown Platform

Support the initiative to help Crown strengthen its identity, and improve visual branding with the introduction of the “Pothead” mascot, sleek new website and a new logo.. — The legendary knight symbol is back, this time in a relaxed and positive form. Introducing Pothead and his friends.The new Visual Brand Guide It has been well over a year since Crown released its current website hosted on Its main purpose was to update an outdated web and present the project in a simple, fresh and easy-to-navigate form. Time flies in the cryptoverse and since its release in September 2020, the time has come for another update. This time, a major one! A community push to create a brand new Crown Platform website Several months back, the community inititiated an out-of-the-box brainstorming with long-term community member and currently lead designer @kevin on various alternatives how to push the Crown brand in order to make it more appealing to newcomers. Kevin began playing with colours, fonts and of course the logo, creating a complex visual branding document in which he is proposing a new, sleek look for Crown. The result just feels positively fresh and relaxed. Please take your time to go through the full document in detail, we are looking forward to any feedback you might have!Next to the new colours, fonts, icons, etc there is one key element which stands out, the Crown Platform logo. Few people have n...

Can the Crown phoenix finally rise from the ashes and demonstrate its blockchain has a useful place…

Can the Crown phoenix finally rise from the ashes and demonstrate its blockchain has a useful place in the crypto industry? — What do we want Crown’s purpose to be? Why will people want to use it? What will Crown provide that others do not? Tough questions recently asked by Stonehedge need to be addressed by the Crown community since we have hit a historical break or make it moment.. — Back to the mud…but hold on 2021 begun with high hopes for the Crown community as the long-expected Bitcoin core and deterministic masternode list code updates seemed on track to be delivered opening the path for the NFT trading feature enabling business to finally onboard the Crown chain. Nope, it did not happen since the community hit a Dev-scammer who over-promised, did not deliver and then packed his bags. Shit happens, but this was a big blow to everyone, not only to the CRW price — and the respective monthly DAO budget which tumbled back to its historic lows. Hold on though, someone (not that) new is stepping in. — Stonehedge appears on the stage, he has a friend Block-Mechanic, coolest DEV name I have heard since A-shot :). — El Salvador means the Savior. Did not figure out what Stonehedge really means, must ask Dan next time I talk to him. One idea might be that at the end of the crypto age, when the lights and nodes go offline because we have run out of fuel, our biggest friends will be stones…aft...

Platforma CROWN v roce 2021: co nás čeká?

Crown ušel dlouhou cestu od spuštění jeho genesis bloku v roce 2014. Rok 2021 může být zlomovým rokem pro Bitcoin a celý průmysl blockchainu, ve kterém má Crown a jeho komunita šanci ukázat, že patří mezi technologickou špičku.. — Tento HODL kosmonaut byl vytvořen umělcem Midnightcity a digitalizován na blockchainu Crownu jako NF Token. Je na prodej naíčové milníky 2019–2020 — Vlastní systém Proof of Stake. — V dubnu 2019 Crown spustil vlastní technologii těžby jednotek CRW známý jako Masternode a Systemnode Proof of Stake (MNPoS). Každý uživatel může získat Crown těžbou přes VPSko, je to podobné jako hostovaní jakéhokoliv webu, ale výkon virtuálního serveru se nasměruje do sítě Crownu.„Přerozdělení těžebního výkonu napříč více než 2 400 stimulovaných super-uzlů stabilizovalo síť Crownu, poté co se jeho blockchain natrvalo odklonil od technologie PoW = Proof of Work, kterou využívá Bitcoin a kde pouze superpočítače sdružené to takzvaných těžebních poolů mají možnost efektivní exktrakce dané kryptoměny. Správnost tohoto kroku potvrdil tým Ethereum (a další projekty se postupně přádávají), který přešel na podobný druh Proof of Stake algorytmu terprve v prosinci 2020, tedy rok a půl po Crownu.“ Algoritmus MNPoS běží bezchybně od doby jeho spuštění, statisíce těžených bloků ...

A New Crown Platform White Paper for a New Project Phase

A professional document with a clearly defined vision is the first thing serious investors, developers and other potential participants in the network want to see before engaging further. — The philosophical background: Crown Papers Crown has a rich history of documents which were trying their best to define Crown platform’s values, and outline its direction, goals and development milestones in the vast ocean of cryptocurrencies and blockchains. Two of the most important documents were the legendary Crown Papers drafted by a former contributor @mdz in December 2016. They gave a philosophical view on the Crown idea bringing up several thoughts by which the community stands until this day.FIRST, A KICK IN THE HEADIn his book Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari asserts that what made homo sapiens special — differentiated us from our cousins the Neanderthals, Denisovans and others — was our ability to construct shared fictions, and then behave as though they were real. Believing in, and behaving as if a shared imagination were real, allowed us to coordinate our efforts and yielded the advantage that built our civilization. Human civilization came from an ability to believe in fictions. That should make us all stop and think….…..This conceptual kick in the head should wake you up a little. And it offers us the opportunity to admit that everything which follows is imaginary, while also reminding you that a shared...

Where scarcity meets with abundance

Crypto is one of the few areas which can benefit from the abundant world. — The abundant world Abundance is out of control in our world. 7.8 billion people walk on this earth, next to themselves they also feed nearly 1 billion pets (dogs and cats) and drive 1.4 billion cars. Just walk through a huge supermarket (in the developed part of the world) and look around, you will see thousands of products, dozens of items of the very same products which differentiate themselves only by the color of their case. Not sure if we need 99 types of chips or 19 types of butter. A friend of mine was recently choosing a floor for his refurbished apartment, it took him a month to go through hundreds of ceramic materials, with hundreds of different styles, structures and colors, all of these on similar price levels. Things get more interesting when we look for any kind of information on the internet and social networks, so many products on sale, so much useful (but mostly useless) information circling around. Enough was written about the infinity of FIAT currencies. When something is limitless, people just do not value it, that is the rule of thumb. There was a completely different picture in the communist country I resided back in the 1980s. I remember that during the Christmas holidays people used to stand in very long lines to buy bananas and oranges, which were impossible to get for most of the year. It was a special moment to eat a...

5 reasons why Crown Platform is a top global blockchain

Hitting promised development milestones for several years, and making right moves due to shared responsibility decisions.. — 1. Launched fairly from 0 (no pre-mine, no ICO) as a Bitcoin fork in 2014 Nearly 6 years after, Bitcoin is still by far the largest, most secure and trusted blockchain in the world. With the upcoming update to BTC core 0.17, Crown is gaining all BTC capabilities while going its own “Platform” way.2. Implemented a Masternode Model and governance/voting model in 2016 and 2017 Masternodes and Systemnodes = dedicated and motivated users. The Crown Platform uses highly secure servers called “nodes” to produce blocks, facilitate CRW payments, provide cryptographic proof of data integrity and host user applications. Masternodes also have a voting right in the Decentralized Governance Proposal System (DGPS), which chooses the direction of the platform and self-funds its development. Crown would not have survived the last few years without the DGPS.3. Transitioned from POW to an industry leading Masternode-POS model in 2019 After running an AUXPoW blockchain for years, where BTC miners also mined CRW safeguarding its “little brother” blockchain, the community shifted the direction towards its own, industry leading mechanism called Masternode Proof of Stake. This move handed the full responsibility of the project into the hands of the Crown community. Giants like Ethereum and other top coins ...

A community push to create a brand new Crown Platform website

With a clear message who we are, supporting a low carbon economy blockchain theme, mobile friendly, less text, encouraging newcomers to join our chat rooms, pushing our Crown monitor live stats tool. — Evolution of the CRW websites The Crown Platform websites have always been pushed by community initiatives. The very first Crown(coin) web was created, designed and coded by the co-founders so its launch cost was zero. Its main message was “Tradition merged with technology”. This was in 2014. Looking back, the website designs have made very good progress into our current web, which was paid for in 2017 by a US-based community member. It is well structured, but the crypto ecosystem is evolving very fast with over 7000 altcoins striving to become the next Bitcoin. A fresh look with a clear message who we are and where are we going is now desirable! A few pictures from the Crown websites history are shown here for the community to see its progress.Initial sketches from mid 2014The launch and rebranding to dark blue in 2016The logo evolutionThe Knight theme. Loved by many, hated by many.The current web has moved away from symbols into the mainstreamOur latest banners designs made by midnight, the right direction for the new web?So where do we go from here? Positive vibe and a clear message The Crown web needs to keep evolving further and differentiate itself from the thousands of altcoin...

A NFT introduction video followed by a Knight Telegram sticker set win the community competition…

A NFT introduction video followed by a Knight Telegram sticker set win the community competition for the most original NFT registered on the CRW blockchain — Great community engagement as NFT registration gains traction with several original art pieces and an EU trade mark timestamped on the CRW chain. — The Crown community rewards the hard work of their Cuban friends The competition which aimed to motivate the Crown community to start registering original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) on the Crown Platform NFT framework which was launched earlier this year was very successful. — 1st Place — NFT introduction by the Cuban community. — The competition was won by an excellent video made by @_pabl0n explaining the Crown Platform NFT technology, and its capabilities giving concrete examples how it can be used in real life by community members. — 2nd Place — Knight sticker set for Telegram. — Second place was taken by @Kevinml_07 and his awesome idea of designing and tokenising a knight character sticker set for Telegram. This sticker is now extremely popular in the Crown Telegram chat and it was also exported to our Discord channel.2nd place was taken by the tokenisation of a knight character as a Telegram sticker set — 3rd Place — Art piece and Unesco resolution timestamp. — ...

A CRW blockchain contributor thinking out loud

A personal opinion on the future of blockchain technology adoption. — Evolution, NOT revolution The world has turned unpredictable. Yet, it is very important to try to give opinions on where we might be headed, and what could be next for those HODL guys, who few years ago, believed and started to support a cryptocurrency powered future.I am a believer of evolution theories — yes they might take a lot longer than revolutions to capitalise (sometimes entire lifetimes), but usually they are less chaotic and happen naturally, just like the path of water flowing and ending up in the ocean. A very good example of an evolution process is the “velvet revolution” in my country in 1989. At its final stage, and after 40 years under completely different ideology, people gathered on squares jingling with their keys bringing down communism without a single shot. Well, after another 30 years of this event, it can be said that the new system, we the Czechs, have entered into was a better one, economically at least. We have also prioritised valuations over values, which was a mistake. But every major (economic) change initially fueled by idealistic principles turns out to differ from original expectations when reality arrives. I believe this will be true for the blockchain industry as well. The important thing is that we have transitioned into a world, where men and women are free to have their own opinions just like us, the ...

Let’s register the most original NFT on the Crown blockchain!

Bounties worth 8500 CRW ($425) waiting for the top 3 winners.. — In order to drive visibility and use of the recently released Non-fungible tokens (NFT) Framework which enables public and private participants to tokenise assets on the Crown blockchain, the community has launched a bounty contest with the following details and rules: Goal: Register the most original NFT on Crown. NFT Form: Picture, crypto art, video, any ORIGINAL visual or text form. Requirements: 1.Register your NFT (a simple guide of the steps is below) 2. Share your visual output and NFT txid in Twitter via a Tweet tagging @crownplatform Voting: The Crown community will vote and select top 3 visuals in the CRW Telegram and Discord channel poll. Votes in both channels will be counted together. Bounties: Winning prize: 5k CRW (approx 250 USD) 2nd prize: 2.5k CRW (approx 125 USD) 3rd prize 1k CRW (approx 50 USD) Contest duration: * NFTs must be registered and tweeted before 22:00 CEST on Sunday May 10th, 2020. * Votes must be cast by 22:00 CEST on Sunday May 17th, 2020 For those learning how to use the CRW NFT registration tool, we have put together this short guide. For the competition you need to prepare your content, collect the information needed for the NFT and finally create it. — 1. Create your original content.. — It’s entirely up to you what you create and how. — 2. Digitise it if it’s not already in digital form...

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