| Cream 
CREAM Price: | $7.10 | | Volume: | $1.2 M | All Time High: | $376 | | Market Cap: | $19.4 M |
Circulating Supply: | 2,733,508 |
| Exchanges: | 10
| Total Supply: | 9,000,000 |
| Markets: | 11
| Max Supply: | 9,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 22
The price of #CREAM today is $7.10 USD.
The lowest CREAM price for this period was $0, the highest was $7.10, and the current live price for one CREAM coin is $7.10120.
The all-time high CREAM coin price was $376.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of CREAM with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Cream crypto currency is also #CREAM.
Cream is 4.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Cream is $19,411,191.
Cream is ranked #497 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a big volume of trading today on #CREAM.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Cream is $1,158,285. |
The circulating supply of CREAM is 2,733,508 coins, which is 30% of the maximum coin supply.
A highlight of Cream is it's limited supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #CREAM, and you can view them on our CREAM disambiguation page. |
 Say Hello to $MEV In 2022, Ethereum switched consensus mechanism from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake, and validators that safeguard the network began receiving incentives. Staking ETH on the Ethereum network has created real, sustainable yield on Ethereum. $MEV intends to capture and maximize all value across the infrastructure and application layers. $MEV is a collaboration between Manifold Finance and C.R.E.A.M. Finance. By combining forces, we will enjoy an expedient launch, beginning with over 28,000 ETH worth of Ethereum validators from crETH2 that will migrate to mevETH. DeFi integrations, beginning with a new, isolated lending market protocol, will launch alongside mevETH. Additional sources of revenue for validators through a blockspace futures market will be added shortly, plus a release of OpenMEV V3. Manifold Finance brings core MEV expertise, plus capabilities in the roles of Searcher, Relayer, Builder, and Validator. C.R.E.A.M. brings core DeFi expertise, plus the experience and knowledge of deploying the first-ever liquid-staking derivative product in crETH2. $MEV will add value to CREAM and FOLD. mevETH will be the only Validator service with its own Relay, Block Building and Node Operations service vertically integrated with restaking capabilities. — crETH2 Migration - crETH2 migration to mevETH is underway, with all C.R.E.A.M. validator nodes successfully exiting the queue. mevETH is currently undergoing audits. As soo... 
|  IB Token Distribution Dear C.R.E.A.M. community, partners & friends, thank you for all your support and commitment. As mentioned in the Iron Bank announcement, CREAM token holders will be eligible to receive IB token distribution in the form of 4-year locked veIB on Fantom Opera. veIB distribution will be available for claim by CREAM token holders who stake their CREAM in the 2/3/4 year long-term staking pool, or iceCREAM for at least 1 year to the snapshot (lock past 10am UTC January 27, 2023). The snapshot time for this IB token distribution will be around 10am UTC January 27, 2022. Important note: veIB claim will occur on Fantom Opera, NOT Ethereum mainnet. Please see instructions here on how to configure your metamask to access Fantom. User interface and specific claims detail will be available in the next post. IB Token Distribution was originally published in C.R.E.A.M. Finance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  Moving Forward: Post Exploit Next Steps for C.R.E.A.M. Finance Dear C.R.E.A.M. Community and Partners, The C.R.E.A.M. Finance V1 Ethereum markets were exploited on October 27th, at block number #13499798, with a total impact of $130-million USD. We appreciate your support as we work through the next steps for C.R.E.A.M. Finance and what this means for everyone. We explored every option that was available to us before arriving at the conclusion that this is the best path forward. — The Path Forward. — We will distribute 1,453,415 CREAM tokens to impacted users. We are utilizing remaining CREAM tokens within the treasury, and removing the project team’s remaining CREAM token allocation. There will be no further CREAM allocations to the team. — The Claim Process. — Impacted users can claim their CREAM tokens from https://app.cream.finance/claim at this time. This claim process will be available for 1 year from the time of this post. Users who have successfully made full insurance claims with Nexus Mutual or Bridge Mutual will not be eligible to claim CREAM unless they were not covered 100% by insurance. In such cases where users received partial coverage, their CREAM allocation will be proportionate to the amount that was not covered by insurance. The CREAM allocation for each account is be based on their net position (Supply — Borrow) at the time the V1 markets were frozen (block number #13535273). This position is priced at the block before the exploit a... 
|  C.R.E.A.M. Finance Post Mortem: Flash Loan Exploit Oct 27 Dear C.R.E.A.M. community, partners & friends, we would first like to thank everyone for their support and to everyone who has helped us in handling this exploit to date, especially our friends at Yearn. As communicated earlier, we have patched the vulnerability and only our Ethereum v1 markets were impacted. All other C.R.E.A.M. Finance v1 markets and the Iron Bank are safe. Our community and users will always remain our top priority. We are working with authorities to trace the attacker and have created a plan to restore funds lost. We will disclose the details of this repayment plan as soon as everything is finalized. — What happened. — This attack was a mix of economic and oracle exploits. The attacker flash borrowed DAI from MakerDAO to create a large amount of yUSD tokens, while simultaneously exploiting the price oracle calculation for yUSD price through the manipulation of the multi-asset liquidity pool (containing yDAI, yUSDC,yUSDT and yTUSD) on which the price oracle relied. This all took place in a single transaction. Having increased the increased yUSD price per share, the attacker’s yUSD position was artificially increased, creating sufficient borrow limit to remove the vast majority of the liquidity from C.R.E.A.M. Ethereum v1 markets. — How did it happen?. — Let’s start with yUSD and yCrv.yUSD: Yearn vault token. The underlying is yCrv. User deposits yCrv for yUSDyCrv: Curve ... 
|  Introducing C.R.E.A.M. Introducing C.R.E.A.M. Finance’s Loot-Box NFT Game — In Partnership With Project Galaxy and MetaFactory To celebrate the C.R.E.A.M. Community, we have built a Loot-Box NFT game with Project Galaxy. We’ve designed the game to reward existing C.R.E.A.M. Finance users, and incentivize new users to try the C.R.E.A.M. protocol. Over the course of the next two weeks, C.R.E.A.M. Finance users will have an opportunity to claim up to 5 NFT loot-boxes — on the Fantom Blockchain. Join the game now:Galaxy NFT claim linkGalaxy forge rare NFT linkThe Game We have designed an NFT game where players complete quests on C.R.E.A.M. Finance to gain access to claim NFT loot-boxes, which contain 1 of 5 NFTs — 4 commons, 1 rare. The percentages of the loot-box is as follows:Hydra (common): 30%Egan (common): 30%Brantley (common): 25%Kimba (common): 14.99%Drake (rare): 0.01% If a player collects (or buys) all 4 unique common NFTs, they are then able to burn the full-set for 1 rare NFT. This rare NFT grants players the rights to buy MetaFactory x C.R.E.A.M. swag. Players that redeem the rare NFT for MetaFactory x C.R.E.A.M. merch will need to pay for the merchandise and cost of shipping. However, everyone who purchases the merchandise before November 19th will be eligible for a retroactive ‘airdrop’ of $15,000 of yvcrvIB (Yearn Vault Iron Bank) and ROBOT tokens — split pro-rata (yvcrvIB + ROBOT) based on spend amo... 
|  C.r.e.a.m. C.R.E.A.M. Finance and Yearn Finance Take The Next Step In Their Collaboration— Launching the Iron Bank On Fantom Today, C.R.E.A.M. Finance is excited to announce the next step in our collaboration with Yearn Finance — together we have officially launched the Iron Bank on Fantom. Additionally, C.R.E.A.M. and Yearn will work as partners to build multi-chain strategies, and will move as a unit to new chains. In November 2020, C.R.E.A.M. Finance deepened its relationship with Yearn Finance to collaboratively build the Iron Bank. The Iron Bank is a more flexible version of C.R.E.A.M. v1, allowing peer-to-pool lending for users, as well as whitelisted borrow agreements for protocols. To learn more about the Iron Bank, please refer to this launch post.What happens next and how does this impact the C.R.E.A.M. Community? In order to jump start Iron Bank liquidity, we have updated the C.R.E.A.M. Fantom market to Iron Bank Fantom. No action is required for users who have outstanding supply or borrow balances on Fantom C.R.E.A.M. markets. It’s important to note that for individual users of C.R.E.A.M. Fantom, the frontend will be moved from app.cream.finance to yearn.fi (and https://beta.yearn.finance/#/ironbank, which will be moved to yearn.finance soon). However, this won’t happen immediately. We will leave the Fantom markets displayed on app.cream.finance for an interim period, but over time this site (on Fantom) will b... 
|  Merging DeFi with NFTs and the Metaverse: C.R.E.A.M. Merging DeFi with NFTs and the Metaverse: C.R.E.A.M. Finance launches Phase 1 of its DeFi Bridge Strategy On 8 September 2021 (UTC+8), C.R.E.A.M. Finance announced the launch of borrowing/lending services for the following NFT / Metaverse tokens: AXS, YGG, SAND, MANA, OGN, and RARI. This is the first time AXS and YGG have been supported by any decentralized (DeFi) borrowing/lending protocol. However, there is a larger strategy in which the launch of these markets is just the first step. The purpose of this article is to share the opportunity we see — the problem we’re solving — what we’re doing about it and why it matters.What is the opportunity? The explosive growth of NFTs is creating an on-ramp for cryptocurrency mass adoption in ways not previously seen. New opportunities have been created for many new parties:Play-2-Earn income opportunities for unbanked communities globally.Artists participate in a globally democratic market with access to collectors and recurring revenue streams that the traditional art market previously controlled and/or prevented.The Metaverse is providing new ways for people to connect and engage that is agnostic to users’ real-life geographical location.The expansion of the NFT use case to represent key real world assets where friction exists within traditional markets; real estate, automobiles, patents, etc…NFTs as to digitally represent credentials, loyalty programmes and ... 
|  C.R.E.A.M. Finance Post Mortem: AMP Exploit Dear C.R.E.A.M. community, partners & friends, we firstly want to reassure you that we’ve stopped the exploit. Thank you to everyone who has helped us in handling this exploit. C.R.E.A.M. Finance remains committed to our community, partners, users and our vision of a trustless, automated & capital efficient financial market. Our community and users are our priority. We are working with authorities to trace the attacker and have created a plan to restore funds lost. See below the complete post-mortem of the exploit:What happened? At approximately 12pm on 31st August (UTC +8), C.R.E.A.M. Finance was exploited for 462,079,976 in AMP tokens and 2,804.96 ETH tokens. There was a main exploit along with a smaller copy-cat. The copy-cat exploit address has withdrawal history from Binance. We are working with Binance to identify the second perpetrator. We will forward all relevant information to law enforcement authorities and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. The first transaction of the exploit is here. The transaction of the copy-cat exploit is here. This is the first time C.R.E.A.M. Finance has been exploited directly.How did it happen? The AMP token contract implements ERC777, which has the _callPostTransferHooks hook that triggers tokensReceived() function that was implemented by the recipient. The reentrancy opportunity related to ERC-777-style transfer hooks allowed the exploiter to nest a second bor... 
|  C.R.E.A.M. Finance Launches Boosted Savings with Automated Validator Delegation HighlightsC.R.E.A.M. Finance launches it’s new feature for depositors: Boosted SavingsStarting from July 29 18pm UTC+8, users now earn a higher APY through automated delegationHigher APY is comprised of lending interest and shared validator rewardsLaunching first on BSC with BNB We are excited to announce a first for the DeFi industry, the launch of our new Boosted Savings feature — available on select assets for C.R.E.A.M. Finance depositors. With a single click, users on C.R.E.A.M. Finance are now able to earn validator rewards on top of the current supply APY. At launch, this is only available for users depositing BNB (on BSC), but we will be expanding this feature to additional chains over the coming months. Boosted Savings is unique for the DeFi community because users just lend their BNB on BSC, as per normal, and earn Boosted Savings automatically. It’s that simple. — How does this work?. — C.R.E.A.M. Finance is a validator on Binance Chain, and as such earns validator rewards in return for its services. Normally, our validator earns a reward of approximately 10% — 20% APR. With the addition of lending, users are now effectively loaning their BNB to C.R.E.A.M. Finance’s BC validator, and as a result earning a share of the validator rewards! The use of funds is being managed behind the scenes, enabling our users to earn Boosted Savings without any additional steps or complexity! The add... 
|  C.R.E.A.M. Finance facilitates first DAO-to-DAO loan with Iron Bank and PleasrDAO HighlightsThe first DAO-to-DAO loan in DeFi, backed by a NFT collection of historical value.C.R.E.A.M. Finance has provided a $3.5mm USD credit line from the Iron Bank to PleasrDAO.Credit line collateralized by PleasrDAO’s Foundation NFTs, which had a combined purchase price of ~$10.1mm USD.To be used to fund further high-end NFT investments by PleasrDAO. When we launched the Iron Bank in January 2021, it was the first Protocol-to-Protocol lending platform and liquidity backstop for the DeFi ecosystem. We continue that spirit of innovation in our partnership with PleasrDAO, another Defi first: — The first DAO-to-DAO loan. — Today’s DeFi landscape is based on a peer-to-peer lending model, and we believe that the real potential for DeFi will be unlocked with the expansion into the business-to-business market. At the end of 2020, the difference in market size for the two within the trade-fi world was remarkable: $70 billion in outstanding loans within the peer-to-peer market versus $10 trillion within the corporate debt market. Yearn Finance and C.R.E.A.M. Finance built the Iron Bank to capitalize and position ourselves as the first mover to service what we believe to be a natural growth path for today’s DeFi ecosystem. — Today is that next step. — Iron Bank is expanding from protocol-to-protocol lending to DAO-to-DAO. As a result, PleasrDAO can now leverage its own assets as the engine to theirÂ... 