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Carbon v1  


CRBN Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$191.0 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #CRBN is $0.00475 USD.

Please note that the price of #CRBN was last updated over 280 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #CRBN statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest CRBN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00475, and the exact last price of CRBN was $0.00474642.

The all-time high CRBN coin price was $1,660.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of CRBN with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Carbon v1 crypto currency is #CRBN.

Carbon v1 is 3.4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Carbon v1 is $190,987.

Carbon v1 is ranking downwards to #1780, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is very weak today for #CRBN.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Carbon v1 is $11.00.


The circulating supply of CRBN is 40,238,275 coins, which is 80% of the total coin supply.


CRBN is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.

See list of the CRBN Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains.


CRBN is available on at least one crypto currency exchange.

View #CRBN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #CRBN purchase.



Introducing BIG ROO + $BIGROO token utility and benefits

Hey everyone! Something a little different this time. Many of you know we launched a meme token called BIG ROO yesterday. The launch on PancakeSwap went well, with high volume and a nice market cap increase already. We’re starting small with 1 trillion supply and low starting price. You can get $BIGROO right now on both v2 and v3 of PancakeSwap: $BIGROO token utility and benefits BIG ROO is not just a pointless meme token. We’d like to announce that $BIGROO holders will share in all of the airdrops from the teams joining the Carbon platform. This is the same utility as $CARBON holders receive. Free airdrops from various tokens, some of which might go HUGE (and you’ll get in early and at zero cost!). Simply hold $BIGROO during the future snapshots, just like holding your $CARBON, and receive various tokens straight into your wallet.An example of teams supplying tokens and $CARBON and $BIGROO holders sharing them. This doesn’t take away anything from $CARBON holders as they are already going to share in a huge portion of $BIGROO after January 4. It is an incentive for them to HOLD their free tokens and have the absolute maximum share of all future airdrops. If you hold large amounts of $CARBON and $BIGROO you are set to be in great shape going forward. As mentioned previously, the beauty of this system is the airdropped tokens are not $CARBON or $BIGROO, they are team tokens, for example $MRKT, s...

Carbon Design Reveal and Great New Token Benefits

Hey Carbonians! It’s time to reveal the new design for the Carbon platform we’re building right now. On top of that, we have some great news for token holders, adding insane potential for our loyal holders. First up, the design. It’s not terribly dissimilar to the previous platform, but it’s cleaner, more streamlined, and most of all includes some awesome new features that really bring the whole thing together. Previously the social side of things felt quite disconnected to the crypto and gaming focus. This time, all the various sections are speaking to each other, creating a more complete and rewarding experience. In the above image you may notice some new features in the sidebars (or in the “discover” section on mobile). We have a more developed “what’s happening” section giving all the best recent activity. We have suggestions on who to follow, based on topics and other users you love. We also have “Projects + Airdrops” but more about that later in the article ;) The Carbon Play section (the games) will be more integrated into your experience. We can’t reveal much about the games just yet, honestly we are still working through some unique new concepts. As well as all this, Carbonian NFT holders can use their NFTs as profile images, with the official badge on top so they can’t be faked. We also have other profile badges to show you do own a Carbonian, and for other milestones such as 1,000 upvotes...

The new Carbon — Here’s what we’re building

The new Carbon — Here’s what we’re building - Hey Carbonians! As promised, it’s time to update you on our plan for the new look Carbon social platform. We’re still working on the design, but the features and estimated development roadmap are being locked in right now. Some of you will still recall our first social platform. It was actually pretty good, and we had excellent user retention. There were some obvious flaws, mostly centred around rewarding users for content, a system which was heavily abused and affected the quality of the content (which created a bad first impression for new users). This time will be different. We want to build a platform that is essentially a social media app, with well-integrated focuses on crypto and gaming. The idea is to understand who our users are, rather than trying to be all things to all people. We are not intending to become a Twitter (sorry, X) rival just yet. We aren’t so naive as to think we can replace Reddit any time soon. What we can do though is create a place for people like us and people like you to hang out, stay up to date with what we have in common (crypto/technology etc) and play original, minimalist, addictive games against each other. This time we will be integrating the gaming aspect of the platform, into the social side. More activity updates, notifications, invitations and challenges appearing in your feed. We’ll also be building a portfolio tool a...

CRBN token swap

Hey Carbonians, We’ve got some news about the CRBN tokens. Since CRBN tokens were on 3 networks (ETH, BSC and MATIC) we required some users to use a bridge service. For the very popular BSC network the service was “AnySwap” which later became “MultiChain”. MultiChain has recently closed down and been seized by the Chinese government. You can read about that entire mess here: 3,474,185 CRBN tokens are essentially unable to be swapped back to ERC20. The other major issue is the risk of the highly dubious team at MultiChain being able to mint more CRBN tokens. In order to completely remove any risk of locked/trapped tokens or any extra minting we have decided to create a new CRBN token and issue a swap. This time the CRBN tokens will be on the Binance Smart Chain network, no longer Ethereum. BSC has always been heavily used by Carbon users as it is much cheaper, which makes deposits and withdrawals to the Carbon platform easier, quicker and more profitable. If you hold CRBN tokens on any chain (ETH, BSC or MATIC) you will automatically be airdropped new tokens to your existing personal wallet (e.g MetaMask). Once the new tokens are issued we will be adding liquidity to PancakeSwap. We will not be using any more token bridges as they are a massive security risk and allow too much freedom and access to potential bad actors (as we’ve seen countless times now). We’ll stick with BSC tokens as standard, for...

Carbon 2.0

Hello Carbonians! It’s been a while. We hope you’ve been well! We’ve taken a step back and had a good look at the history of Carbon. We’ve studied the moments, decisions and events that guided the direction of the project. We built a lot of great things through hard work and also your constant guidance and feedback. We also recognise that some mistakes were made (or things could’ve been improved). In most cases this was due to being reactive to market conditions at the time. Trying to constantly pivot to stay relevant and keep the community engaged proved to be very challenging and resulted in what could be considered as a project without a clear vision or destination. After all of our reflection we wanted to give you an exciting update on Carbon. We want to take Carbon back to its roots. The very best version of Carbon in our opinions was the unique social platform, with some play to earn gaming on the side. We became overly focused on the gaming angle due to the current trend at the time of NFTs + crypto gaming. It was probably still the right decision at the time to move in that direction, but it never sat right with us to abandon the core of what we wanted to build and deliver, which was a fun and engaging social space where you and others like you could come together, communicate and play. We’ve commenced work on the planning and design of a brand new Carbon platform. Let’s call it Carbon 2.0 for now. It ...

Carbon Update

With great regret we have to announce we are placing Carbon into hibernation for the foreseeable future due to general lack of interest in the crypto gaming space at the moment. This doesn’t necessarily mean the end of Carbon. We have had some good community suggestions as to what Carbon can become. Unfortunately these suggestions are not simple development wise. What does this mean? Mostly, until such time as Carbon is ready to get some attention, you wont hear much from us. Our Telegram group will become mute, but still visible. We will endeavour to keep all current services running for a time until no activity is evident. Please withdraw any Carbon Credit you may have in our system by the end of July 2023. In order for Carbon to succeed the team needs to have a rethink and likely ground up rebuild, taking into account everything we have learned over the years. I thank you all for your commitment over the years and we want everyone to know we have not come to this decision hastily. Carbon Te

Carbon Update 23rd Feb 2023

Hello everyone! Thanks for hanging around whilst the team had a bit of a break. The bear market has been hard on everyone and hopefully we are nearing better times.. but who knows anymore? Regardless Carbon intends to be a player in the next bull run and hopefully we can gain some traction. I personally feel proud that we have come this far, firstly building our social platform and then our pivot to gaming. But most importantly where many of our competitors have withered away and disappeared we are STILL HERE! So what is next? — BattleTanks 2: - We will be making some and improvements to BattleTanks2 to drive user engagement and rewards for being an active player. Nothing too major for now but that could change in the future. — BattleTanks 1: - Surprisingly to some of you we will be making some significant changes to BattleTanks 1. The main reason for this is that BattleTanks 1 has a sure advantage over our other offerings being that it is browser based and even playable on mobile. Changes will include but not limited to visual improvements (trust me you will like them!) but also in the playability and rewards system of the game. It is no secret that previously, users were camping in the game all day waiting for loot boxes, I don't blame anyone for that, it was bound to happen given the system we built. However.. I think we can actually turn this into a positive. I am going to introduce loot boxes back bu...

Carbon Update

Hello everyone! - The team and I have returned from a long overdue break after launching the Battle tanks 2 beta. We hope you all are having as much fun with BT2 as we are! So what can you expect from carbon in the coming future? Primarily we are focused on bringing in new players to the Carbon ecosystem. We have built a solid product and now we need to let people know about it. We have been exploring some but by no means all avenues and still have plenty of ideas up our sleeve. — Addressing Bugs and player feedback - One of our primary focus over the next weeks will be addressing and implementing various player suggestions that we have received from the ongoing Battle Tanks 2 Beta. I want to thank all those in the community who have contributed to the Beta with your bug reports and suggestions. Your feedback is invaluable to us and will help to make BT2 the best it can be! Expect to see these changes go live over the coming weeks as well as host of fixes for those pesky bugs! — Guest login system - Releasing soon we have the ability to have users play BT2 without having to go through the roadblocks of creating a carbon account. New users will be able to test the game as a guest account, and if they like it they can migrate that account to a real Carbon account when they are ready. What this enables us to do is list the game on sites such as that already have an audience of gaming enthusiasts which is...

Carbon Update

Hi everyone and thank you for your patience while we have been getting Carbon ready. The launch of our new Platform, Launcher & BT2 was delayed. Primarily because I am terrible at timelines, secondly because we didn't want to release anything that wasn't up to standard. And lastly because what we have built is generally complex! Finally we are ready to put some solid dates in place. — 22nd August 2022 - New main Carbon Platform launching. The old platform will still be available. Note all user accounts are carried over., Carbon Launcher release., Battle Slugs NFT collection launching., Battletanks 2 NFT collection launching., Battletanks 2 closed beta launching. A group of our followers will be whitelisted to be able to play the game in its full capacity. We will be monitoring everything our side to make sure everything is 100% before the launch the open beta on the 29th., — 29th August 2022 - Battletanks open beta — everyone can play., Commencement of marketing push to bring as many people onto Carbon and into BT2 as we can., I hope you are all as excited as I am for Carbon to finally portray itself as a Crypto Gaming Platform!

Carbon Update

Hello fellow Carbonians! Wanted to take the time to update on what is going on behind the scenes at Carbon. The play 2 earn gaming space is very new, so new in fact that not many people if any have actually figured it out. Yes of course there are some big names out there and some of those would be considered a success. However recently it is coming to light that the sustainability of p2e gaming has been somewhat overlooked. One of the main goals I personally have with Carbon is to make it sustainable. At Carbon our no.1 focus is our loyal CRBN & Carbonian holders. In order for Carbon to be a success there needs to be balance and expectations as to what blockchain gaming is all about. We at Carbon don't want to have paywalls in our games using NFT or CC’s. NFT’s and CC’s for some users and applications sure, they are great. Ideally we want to attract mainstream users who just want to play our games for enjoyment. These users will obviously have the ability to buy some CRBN or NFT’s should they wish to. PVP interaction always works best when you have many users, and non paying users are great to help us on our journey. If we can work a balance between paying / no paying users that meshes well in blockchain gaming we essentially open the floodgates for success. We have an awful lot going on at the moment.. so here is an update on all projects: — Carbon Hub: - The Carbon hub is an installable game client ...

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