| Covalent Query Token
| #CQT
CQT Price: | $0.00672 | | Volume: | $58.1 K | All Time High: | $2.10 | | Market Cap: | $5.8 M |
Circulating Supply: | 856,175,828 |
| Exchanges: | 2+
| Total Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | 3+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 19
The price of #CQT today is $0.00672 USD.
The lowest CQT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00672, and the exact current price of one CQT crypto coin is $0.00672133.
The all-time high CQT coin price was $2.10.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of CQT with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Covalent Query Token crypto currency is #CQT.
Covalent Query Token is 3.4 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Covalent Query Token is $5,754,637.
Covalent Query Token is ranked #719 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a modest daily trading volume on #CQT.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Covalent Query Token is $58,113. |
The circulating supply of CQT is 856,175,828 coins, which is 86% of the total coin supply. |
CryptoKitties Traction Part 1/5 — Revenue Analysis CryptoKitties Traction Part 1/5 — Revenue Analysis TLDR; We are writing a 5-part series on “10x analytics” using the CryptoKitties’ blockchain dataset. We’ve combined on-chain Ethereum transaction data with off-chain API data to deep-dive into their business model and revenue metrics behind the game. We’ve also open-sourced the SQL code behind the analysis if you want to follow along. 😍 CryptoKitties is one of the most popular games on the Ethereum blockchain. Players collect and breed kitties, which are unique digital assets. Ownership is tracked via the Ethereum blockchain and a network of smart contracts allow for buying, selling and breeding of these digital assets. Fortunately for us, the game is completely decentralized and all the player data lives on the Ethereum blockchain. The data on the blockchain is pretty disorganized, but we can use a tool like Covalent to make that data more understandable to a mere data analyst like myself.The data behind CryptoKitties CryptoKitties uses a Genetic Algorithm to create new kitties. New kitties are created in two ways:A clock periodically introduces new kitties to the blockchain. These are Generation 0 kitties and are owned by the developers. When these kitties are “minted” they are put up for auction — and the winning bid goes to the developers. In a way, this is “free money” for the developers because they were able to continuously create g...
| 2018 annual report — first year in at Covalent 2018 annual report — first year in at CovalentCovalent gives you deep engagement insights into your dApps. The year 2018 marks our first year of operations at Covalent. Here’s a letter I shared with our stakeholders — staff, investors, partners and customers on our progress in 2018 and where we see the growth opportunities for 2019. Hey guys, Ganesh from Covalent here. As 2019 approaches, the Covalent team wishes everyone a wonderful new year! Thank you all for your continued support. The year 2018 marks our first year of operations at Covalent and we’ve seen significant growth in Covalent’s vision, technology, team and the community around us. We would like to share an update on what we’ve been up to in 2018 and where we see the opportunities for growth in 2019. We started Covalent about a year ago to bring transparency to the crypto market and to connect utility with market prices. Getting data off the blockchain is hard — our team has been heads down since day one building an indexing engine to search and categorize “deep engagement” metrics. Our long term bet was and continues to be that “prices need to be supported by utility.”“ What user behavior patterns do we see? How many users are retained over time? What share of the activity in a dApp comes from the top 10 largest addresses? How are new features being adopted by the userbase?– Covalent has the answers to a million questions...
| Research on Decentralized File Storage and Sharing on the Blockchain How Blockchain based platforms such as Filecoin, Siacoin, Maidsafe, Storj, and Bluzelle are disrupting the file storage space.. — In this post, we’re going to deep dive into why the decentralized file sharing and storage space matters. We’re then going to define what makes up the sector, what the end-users and markets care about, how is decentralization addressing these market needs, what is disruptive about the decentralization thesis, market sizing, and sector ranking, and an analysis of the top players on the Blockchain. Cloud file storage platforms are transformative because instead of using a local computer storage to store files and photos which at times could take up a gigabyte of space, you use third-party sellers from Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, and Microsoft One Drive. The Cloud Storage Market is estimated to grow to $74 billion by 2021 and it’s a massive space. What defines the decentralized file storage and sharing space? We define the space with two key attributes. First is the peer-to-peer nature of the service. The fact that you can rent your unused storage on a decentralized platform to offset your cost is groundbreaking. Peer-to-peer is one of the major pillars for the decentralized space. This attribute allows for increased download and upload speeds because every file being downloaded is from a number of hosts across the network. Peer-to-peer has this interesting attribute where the storage co...
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| Decentralized Credit & Lending on the Blockchain Research on Decentralized Credit & Lending on the Blockchain Crypto today is at a very interesting juncture. Without data, it’s difficult to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. Data-backed research is key to bring a strategic vantage point. This understanding and transparency is critical for mass market adoption of Crypto. Covalent, uses a data driven research methodology based on the AUDIT method, an acronym that stands for Actionable Understandable Data-driven In-depth Timely information. We report on blockchain and cryptocurrency market trends that are unbiased, independent, best-in-class, data-backed and most importantly understandable to the layperson.Our first upcoming report is on credit & lending at blockchainCovalent Research Methodology So, credit and lending on blockchain is an option for people to raise money (or loan) without going to a bank. Crowdfunding and ICOs are example of this growing process. Blockchain lending relies on the timeless peer-to-peer model, making the entire process more seamless and short cycled. There are projects & platforms, which are evolving to cater to the credit & lending needs. Some of the platforms are Polymath, SALT, ETHLend, Ripio Credit Network, and Everex. We’re only focused on post-ICO companies, and therefore these companies are actively trading and being used on the blockchain.Credit and lending Platforms Why pay attention to the decentraliz...