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COOK Price   

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COOK Price:
$75.8 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$31.2 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #COOK today is $0.016 USD.

The lowest COOK price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.016, and the exact current price of one COOK crypto coin is $0.01584.

The all-time high COOK coin price was $0.32.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of COOK with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Cook crypto currency is also #COOK.

Cook is 3.9 years old.


The current market capitalization for Cook is $31,248,126.

Cook is ranked #429 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a modest volume of trading today on #COOK.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Cook is $75,762.


The circulating supply of COOK is 1,973,233,859 coins, which is 20% of the total coin supply.


COOK is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 3 other blockchains.

See list of the COOK Blockchain contracts with 4 different blockchains.


COOK is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #COOK trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #COOK purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #COOK, and you can view them on our COOK disambiguation page.



Monthly Report — March

Monthly Report — March - The month of March was quite an action-packed one for the Cook community and blockchain world at large. Here is a summary of all the notable activities and events that occurred within the COOK Ecosystem during the month of March 2022. — Crypto/DeFi Markets Watch - The invasion of Russia by Ukraine on Feb 24th, 2022 ruffled more than a few feathers in the world of global finance. And expectedly, the cryptocurrencies market took a hit as well. However, the markets then took a bullish turn as sanctions meted out to the Russian regime sparked an increase in the adoption of cryptocurrencies for cross-border payments amid the geopolitical crisis. The Ukrainian government launched a cryptocurrencies donations campaign that quickly racked up over $60 million in donations from across the world as of Mar 22, 2022., The Russian Central bank made a U-turn, as they announced the amendment of the nations “Digital Currency Bill” to legalize the adoption of crypto currencies as a legitimate means of payments within the Russian Federation., Following a 10% Bitcoin drop-off in the first week of March, DeFi Indexes provided a much-need cushion for our institutional and retail issuers before the crypto markets gradually rebounded. — Inside Cook Finance: March 2022. - Following a hugely successful Q1 2022, the Cook team spent the month of March providing a sneak peek into what the community can ...

Cook Finance Integrates Alpaca Finance

At COOK Finance, we are committed to expanding the frontiers of passive income opportunities for our users. And in this regard, we have made yet another giant step. Today, we are delighted to announce our partnership with the ALPACA FINANCE team. This partnership will allow COOK to incorporate the leveraged yield-farming protocols of Alpaca, thereby helping COOK holders improve their capital efficiency without taking on additional risk. — About Alpaca Finance - Alpaca Finance is a fair-launch leveraged yield farming protocol hosted on the BNB Chain and Fantom. It is currently the largest lending protocol that allows leveraged yield farming on the BNB Chain. The platform has established itself as a key enabler for the entire DeFi ecosystem, Alpaca amplifies the liquidity layer of integrated exchanges, improving their capital efficiency by connecting LP borrowers and lenders. It’s through this empowering function that Alpaca has become a fundamental building block within DeFi, helping bring the power of finance to each and every person’s fingertips. Primarily, Alpaca offers fund providers (lenders) an avenue to earn safe and stable yields. The platform also gives borrowers an opportunity to expand their earning capacity by providing easy access to under-collateralized loans for leveraged yield-farming positions, thereby vastly multiplying their farming principals and potential profits.‌ — Alpaca Finance Key ...

Stablecoin Index Portfolio Yield: The Perfect Solution to USD Devaluation?

The date was August 1971, typewriters clanked, and tongues wagged around the world of global finance as American President Richard Nixon announced the decision to suspend the convertibility of the US Dollar into gold. This effectively ended the century-long “International Gold Standard” and the “Bretton Woods Agreement” in one fell swoop. The implication of the move meant that the famed “gold window” would be slammed shut and foreign governments could no longer redeem their dollars for American gold reserves. This landmark event marked a paradigm shift for the US investments and the Global economy at large. With the Dollar free from its golden leash, the US government was now free to enact unbridled expansionary monetary policies without recourse to the holders of the USD globally. Asides from the disgruntled International Community, Investors and citizens who had their savings in USD and USD denominated bonds quickly began to feel the debilitating effects of inflation. Following the deviation from gold-standard, the buying power of the USD has continued to decline annually. Since 1971, the USD has been effectively devalued by over 85%. Data from the Bureau of statistics shows that $1 in 1971 is now worth $7.01 in 2022 terms. Between stimulus payments, tax increases, supply chain disruptions, tariffs and the Russia vs Ukraine war, the USD has been significantly devalued since the Covid 19 induced recession. Inflat...

Shaping the future of DeFi: With The New Defi League Steering Committee Index.

A brand new DeFi index hosted on the BNB Chain In a world dominated by thousands of unscrupulous altcoins, price volatility and regulatory ambivalence and investor skepticism, Cook finance has continued making giant strides in the metaworld by introducing indexes assets that help our users and index selectors navigate the market and earn superior returns on their assets. The DeFi League Steering Committee Indexes our latest innovative product offering that is geared towards achieving this. But before we dive into the details, let’s have an overview of the DeFi League Steering Committee and why its launch on BNBChain launch has got the blockchain world going agog. — What is the DeFi League Steering Committee? - In February 2022, the BNB Chain team issued a statement via twitter to announce the launch of the DeFi League Steering Committee (DLSC), a star studded team of prominent projects with a unified focus to find effective solutions to some of the far-reaching problems that are rife in the blockchain sector. Despite the rapid growth to over $3 trillion in value and 300 million global users, the blockchain sector has been riddled with many challenges over the years. Some of the most prevalent challenges include; Security Lapses, Scalability, User-friendly Interoperability, Developer support, Regulatory Compliance, Sustainable Energy, These problems have placed limitations on the growth rate and the mainstream adopti...

Monthly Report — February

Monthly Report — February - The month of February was quite an eventful one, for Cook Finance as well as the blockchain world at large. With the new year in full swing, the Cook team has now switched focus to consolidating on the significant progress it has made in 2021 in terms of new product offerings and enhancement of general user experience. Having set new key milestones on the roadmap for 2022, in the month of February, the Cook team displayed glimpses of speedy execution, innovation and transformation that the community can expect for the rest of the year. During the month, a total of 10 new proposals were launched on the DAO community along with multiple product updates. Most notably, the team has accelerated actions on the goals of offering multi-chain solutions to users and index selectors globally. After engaging multiple partners across the Avalanche ecosystem, the COOK team has now turned its sights towards the BNB chain, with new BNB indexes in the works. This will expedite Cook’s vision to integrate most popular chains and improve interoperability. — Product Updates - 1.New Indexes & farms Launched Ethereum Exposure Index, Avalanche Ecosystem V2 Index, Yield Bearing Avalanche Ecosystem V2 Index, 2.UI Improvements Email login feature with Magic Link integration completed to provide web2 experience for people to participate in DeFi, Redesigned & implemented my portfolio page to show mo...

Cook Finance Integrates Magic

We have made yet another giant step in our quest to revolutionize the DeFi space with unique user-focused solutions. Today, we are delighted to announce our partnership with the Magic team. This partnership will see Magic become the latest DeFi-focused product to be integrated into the Cook platform. As the world undergoes an unprecedented Blockchain/DeFi transformation, a lot of our daily activities are now domiciled online. From our social activities and communications, to businesses and financial transactions. Consequently new challenges surrounding secured access to these services have dominated the headlines in recent times. — Synergy Between Cook Finance and Magic - Many DeFi & Web3 users have raised concerns about having difficulties managing passwords, wallet integration and access authorization for dozens of digital services that they currently use. From bank accounts, social media to digital wallets, millions of users struggle to keep up with memorizing dozens of passwords. Research shows that over $140billion worth of Crypto assets has been lost due to forgotten passkeys, lost devices and mismanagement of user access authorization. Magic is an innovative platform making giant strides in the user security and infrastructure space. The platform has unique products that help to streamline user authentication and account security management processes.By integrating Magic on Cook Finance, our users can now ga...

Learn how Trader Joe is integrated into the Cook DeFi Index platform

At Cook we’re proud to share that we integrated Trader Joe, one of the largest DEXes on Avalanche, into the Cook platform. Through this integration, Cook was able to launch the first ever DeFi Index platform on Avalanche. In this article we’ll share a high level overview of the integration and explain how the Trader Joe integration was completed with the Cook platform. Also you’ll learn how each index on the Cook platform on the Avalanche chain is created with the assistance of the Trader Joe DEX. For those of you interested in how indexes work in the world of DeFi, this is a great way to learn more about the inner workings. — Platform Integration - As the Cook team was working on building out the platform on the Avalanche chain, the team recognized the need to source the underlying tokens that are essential for any index on the platform. It was quite apparent that Trader Joe offered not only a highly liquid marketplace through which to source the underlying tokens for the Cook indexes but also a protocol that is widely used by many people every single day. — Token Sourcing - Once the integration with Trader Joe was completed, the ability to get an Avalanche Index by automatically sourcing the underlying tokens through Trader Joe was ready. To explain how this process works, we can take the example of the YB-AEI Index that comprises some of the most popular projects within the Avalanche ecosystem. — S...

Monthly Report — January

Monthly Report — January - During the first month of 2022, the Cook team spent considerable time thinking strategically about new key milestones to set for 2022. This planning was intended to set Cook on a trajectory to achieve new heights over the next year with significant development progress. Even at just one month into the new year, the Cook team has already been successful in making significant traction on the first initial milestones including UI/UX improvements and launching new indexes on the Cook platform. Additionally the Cook team was able to engage with multiple partners across the Avalanche ecosystem to help spread the word and gather significant traction for these brand new indexes just launched within the first month 2022. — Product Updates - 1. Roadmap Planning Set six milestones to achieve in 2022 that cover major product improvements and additions to all parts of the Cook platform — Read about it here, 2. New Indexes Launched Yield Bearing Avalanche Ecosystem Index, Yield Bearing USDT Index composed of different USDT farms on Yield Yak, Yield Bearing USDC Index composed of different USDT farms on Yield Yak, Yield Bearing AVAX Index composed of different USDT farms on Yield Yak, 3. UI Improvements Email login feature with Magic Link integration in progress, Integrated Wyre to provide a feature to enabling buying crypto with a credit card, DAPP menu improved with new icons with dro...

A Year in Review

As we look back at 2021, it was an amazing first year for Cook Finance. To think less than a year ago Cook was nothing more than an idea. Now Cook is a full fledged platform that is just beginning to define the future of the DeFi Index platform world. For those of you who are new to the Cook community, the following is a brief recap of 2021 that covers the major milestones that we accomplished and the highlights that Cook achieved in less than one year since we launched. — Bringing a New DeFi Platform Idea to Life - Cook Finance was officially launched in 2021 with a simple idea that we could create a platform that would serve as a brand new way for people to get into crypto through DeFi Indexes. The genesis of Cook began with nothing more than a simple vision. Then as we worked through the details of this idea we developed a roadmap and laid down key milestones to bring the Cook platform to life. — 2021 Roadmap - Protocol — Architecture & UI Design Release ACCOMPLISHED, Token — Cook Uniswap Listing ACCOMPLISHED, Index — Cook Index Development ACCOMPLISHED, Mainnet — Cook Index ETH Mainnet Release ACCOMPLISHED, Features — Issue with Single Token ACCOMPLISHED, Launch — Launch Mainnet on New Chains ACCOMPLISHED, — Major Highlights - July — Mainnet Launch on Ethereum: Read about it here, September — DAO Launched to get our community even more involved: Re...

Cook Integration with Unstoppable Domains

Cook is proud to be working with Unstoppable Domains and to have been one of the first DeFi platforms to integrate their Login with a NFT domain feature into the Cook platform. Our mission is to make it even easier to get DeFi Indexes and Unstoppable has been one of our best partners to help us achieve this goal. By integrating with Unstoppable Domains, we enabled Cook to be even easier to use by logging into the platform through a simple NFT domain that is easy to remember. With endings like .crypto, .x and .nft users can replace long complex wallet addresses and login into Cook even faster. Check out this Tweet with a great video demo of how to use Unstoppable to log into the Cook One of the best parts of having your own Unstoppable Domain is that once you purchase one, you own it for life with no renewal fees. Also if you use other Web3 apps you can also use it across other platforms. Use this link to get your own personal Unstoppable Domain to login and start using Cook!

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