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COLX Price   

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COLX Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$199.2 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #COLX today is $0.0000126 USD.

The lowest COLX price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000126, and the current live price for one COLX coin is $0.00001258.

The all-time high COLX coin price was $0.00724.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of COLX with market cap of BTC and how the supply of COLX affects the price at different market capitalizations.


The code for ColossusCoinXT crypto currency is #COLX.

ColossusCoinXT is 7.3 years old.


The current market capitalization for ColossusCoinXT is $199,238.

ColossusCoinXT is ranking upwards to #968 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak volume of trading today on #COLX.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for ColossusCoinXT is $7.00.


The circulating supply of COLX is 15,838,712,905 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.

Relatively, ColossusCoinXT has a large supply of coins, 720 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example.


COLX is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.


COLX has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.



ColossusXT Celebrates 4th Anniversary with a New Direction

Today marks four years since ColossusXT (COLX) was formed. Thanks for supporting ColossusXT through thick and thin over the last 4 years. As a sign of our continuous intentions to bring COLX forward regardless of the conditions, we have revamped our website with a fresh/modern look. Over the last year, with the support from our loyal community, we have created wrapped COLX tokens on Binance Smart Chain (bCOLX) and on Ethereum (eCOLX) via Anyswap decentralized bridge solutions. Recently, thanks to the COLX Liquidity Providers Incentive Program for bCOLX-BUSD pair on Pancakeswap, we have crossed the $30,000 liquidity mark. With that said, our next target will be $100,000. What is the COLX team working on? To realize our vision for Colossus Grid, the project needs funding and we are continuously seeking convenient options for this target. However, having no premined coins allocated for such activity is not making it easy for us to face the blockchain VCs. For this particular reason, over the next few months, the team will be looking for creating another token for a use case dedicated to DeFi in a new ecosystem, to be managed by a new team of professionals. The idea here is to create a sustainable revenue source for the projects while utilizing small portion of the raised funds for Colossus Grid & ColossusXT development activities. Of course, we plan to have additional benefits to the COLX coin and masternode owners if we su...

Colossus Finance: bCOLX-BUSD Liquidity Provider Incentive Campaign Goes Live (100,000 bCOLX/day —…

Colossus Finance: bCOLX-BUSD Liquidity Provider Incentive Campaign Goes Live (100,000 bCOLX/day — Pancakeswap) - In our previous announcement, we have introduced bCOLX (Wrapped COLX BEP20 token on Binance Smart Chain), how to wrap COLX to bCOLX (and unwrap) and how to trade bCOLX on Pancakeswap. Today, we announce our first liquidity provider incentive campaign: 100,000 bCOLX will be distributed daily to the liquidity providers based on their pool weights on bCOLX-BUSD pair on Pancakeswap for a duration of 180 days, starting on 31st of July 2021, 4:00pm UTC. In the meantime, our new project website dedicated to Colx DeFi activities is online and ready for the campaign: The main benefits of bCOLX are improved accessibility to purchase COLX (people from every country can buy COLX as bCOLX), reducing dependency for centralized exchanged and the liquidity will be greatly improved because those in the DeFi space now have easy access to COLX (as bCOLX) on Pancakeswap. How To Farm bCOLX? In order to provide liquidity, users should own bCOLX and BUSD, then add bCOLX and the equivalent amount of BUSD to the bCOLX-BUSD liquidity pool. 1. In order to do this, users can buy bCOLX on Pancakeswap with a web3 wallet (ie.Metamask) or they can wrap their native COLX coins to bCOLX coins via Anyswap. 2. Provide liquidity to bCOLX-BUSD pool: You will need to provide equal amounts of bCOLX and BUSD in...

Introducing bCOLX (Wrapped COLX BEP20 token on Binance Smart Chain)

COLX can now be traded on the Binance Smart Chain — What is bCOLX? - The new bCOLX token is a “wrapped” version of $COLX, making it possible for people from any country to buy COLX on Pancakeswap or other exchanges where BEP20 tokens are traded on the Binance Smart Chain. By design, there is one COLX token wrapped inside each bCOLX token. In other words, there is a 1:1 mapping between COLX and bCOLX at the bridge where wrapping and unwrapping take place. This unwrapping can take place at any time, enabling buyers of bCOLX to immediately convert to the native COLX token. At the Anyswap bridging station where wrapping/unwrapping takes place, the price of bCOLX will be exactly equal to the price of COLX. However, the price of bCOLX can vary from one exchange to another, in the same way the price of COLX can be different from one exchange to another. Fortunately, it is very easy to swap between them because Anyswap users can convert bCOLX into COLX on the same site. — Why bCOLX? - The main benefits of bCOLX are improved accessibility to purchase COLX, bCOLX will make it possible for people from every country (including America) to buy COLX (as bCOLX). Additionally COLX / bCOLX liquidity will be greatly improved because those in the DeFi space now have easy access to COLX (as bCOLX) on Pancakeswap. bCOLX investors who are interested in participating in the COLX network can also “unwrap” their bCOLX. In othe...

ColossusXT Announces $COLX Trading on STEX

Listing Goes Live on Wednesday, 28 April 2021 with USDT & BTC market pairs 28/04/2021 — ColossusXT announces the listing of their coin $COLX with $USDT and $BTC Trading Pairs on STEX. STEX is both EU Crypto Trading Compliant and Registered as an MSB (US) — offering trading of $COLX to both EU and US citizens. ColossusXT Statement ColossusXT is pleased to announce the listing of $COLX on STEX, the global cryptocurrency exchange. For the first time, $COLX will now be open for trading with US Citizens in a new chapter for the business thanks to the STEX crypto trade compliancies in the US and EU markets. $COLX will also be available in it’s highest volume on STEX, maximising trade potential for familiar and new faces to the coin. STEX will be celebrating this launch with an upcoming trading competition to promote the $COLX and user’s can sign up here: ColossusXT has been run on a joint community effort of volunteers since 2017, and in this time, has been granted US Federal and State Agency contract bidding as well as now being considered for Best Tech StartUps 2021 (Powered by Crunchbase) in its founding US state. The token has a masternode governance of 200+ masternodes, (which enables operation on it’s own main net with self treasury), masternodes can be run by any end user and as a result there is a growing subset of the ColossusXT community who are deploying them, and in turn this brings f...

Official ColossusXT Crowdfund Update — Now earn Masternode rewards with NFT Yield Farming

Official ColossusXT Crowdfund Update — Now earn Masternode rewards with NFT Yield Farming - In 2021, a new sensation was picked up by traditional mainstream media — Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). You’ll remember ColossusXT getting involved in this hype with the release of our very own digital collectables. For ColossusXT — the release of these collectibles was not purely to ride the media hype, but to raise funds for development of a wrapped $COLX (wCOLX) allowing us to bring COLX to the Ethereum Blockchain and with that update, decentralised exchanges. We’ve now taken it a step further, with NFT Yield Farming, those who buy and hold a ColussusXT CrowdFund Tribute — UNiK in their $ETH address for at least 1 Month from 20th March 2021 are now eligible to get 10% of a Masternode reward. This would be paid out to your $ETH address when wCOLX goes live. There is also no limit — buy 10 of these and hold, and you’d get 100% of a Masternode reward — that’s right 100%. With only 25 in the world, get in quick to make the most return! If you cannot purchase an NFT right now but would still like to support the development you can also donate directly to the crowdfunding effort here. We are currently at 30% of our goal, so all donations go a long way to the growth of this project! What are NFTs, and what is Yield Farming? The Inevitable Marriage of Yield Farming and NFTs,...

Official ColossusXT Crowdfund to build a COLX wrapped token bridge to Ethereum

ColossusXT is ready for business with the Federal Government

ColossusXT & Folding@home Competition Ends!

Recent Announcements — June 2020 Monthly Update

ColossusXT & Gath3r Campaign for Covid-19 Computational Research

COLX vs XMR | A-Z | Topics | ISO 20022

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