COIL Price: | $0.43 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $7.06 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | — |
| Exchanges: | —
| Total Supply: | 160,703 |
| Markets: | —
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 1
The last known price of #COIL is $0.43 USD.
Please note that the price of #COIL was last updated over 640 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #COIL statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest COIL price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.430, and the exact last price of COIL was $0.43015.
The all-time high COIL coin price was $7.06.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of COIL with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for COIL crypto currency is also #COIL.
COIL is 2.7 years old. |
The current market capitalization for COIL is not available at this time.
COIL is ranking downwards to #20391 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is an unknown volume of trading today on #COIL. |
The total supply of COIL is 160,703 coins.
Note the unusually low supply of COIL coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
COIL has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on probably at least one crypto exchanges but we don't have this data.
View #COIL trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #COIL purchase. |
Certificate of Deposit The next step and evolution in the Coil ecosystem is the build a certificate of deposit system similar to what you would find in a bank. This can also be looked at as a single sided vault. It will allow users to put their Coil in a CD and grow their marketshare. Rewards as was as your normal balance continue to rebase and debase as per normal. — When - The CD will run for 30 days. You can elect in at anytime. If you elect in at day 15 you still accrue the same % of the reward as if you entered on day 1, you just have to stay in for 30 days before you can withdraw. You have 30 days from the time you deposit. Once the 30 is up you are free to withdraw your funds. We will then run for another CD after 30 days. — What - The CD is a single sided vault where you will deposit Coil into. You will not need to add ETH like the Spring. Each CD runs for 30 days during which time 0.75% first month (0.25% per month afterwards) of the total Coil supply is proportionally rewarded to users over 30 days. At this time users can elect to withdraw or elect in for another month. There is an early termination fee similar to Spring 1. If you withdraw early you forfeit any rewards, and also will pay a penalty. The penalty formula is: % of Time Lock Period remaining / 2 * contract Amount Penalties take the Coil and send it to the CD contract, which burns this Coil forever. NOTE — You can have multiple deposits. If you deposit 100...
| Aqua Token Swap Issue: We have found an issue with Uniswap and the AQUA fee system. We have tried to speak to Uniswap to resolve this issue, but are not getting sufficient timely help, responses, or solutions. Solution: So we have decided the best and quickest solution to move forward is to do a token swap to specifically adhere to Uniswap’s sidecase that denies liquidity. Steps will be as follows: 1- All current AQUA fees are disabled for 48 hrs starting now to allow people to remove liquidity and get their AQUA in their hands — this allows the new contract to have the correct total supply. 2- AQUA token swap new contract created matching supply from current contract at time of fee disable. 3. Aqua token swap new contract will be paused for 48hrs. 4. During this 48 hrs, users can send their current AQUA to the new contract posted on aqua.coilcrypto.com. After 48 hours, you will be able to call a function to claim the amount of old AQUA you sent for new AQUA. 5. Users will go to aqua.coilcrypto.com — it will show the claim amount AFTER 48hrs 6. After this 48 hrs and the amount shows up. Click Claim and the contract will send the total amount of AQUA back to you. *contract will still be paused until we set liquidity (liquidity will be set at the same current rate it is at the time the fees are disabled for the initial 48hrs). 7. After 48 hrs all is unpaused and full functionality returns. — AQUA Token Swap Contract (send y...
| AQUA — Deflationary Farmable Asset AQUA — Deflationary Farmable Asset - — Coil Ecosystem - Coil Elastic supply token that targets $1 and rebases itself every 23 hrs to match market supply and demand factors. Aqua Deflationary token with features of SAV3 and RFI that rewards holders, function callers, AQUA/ETH lps, and AQUA/COIL lps. — AQUA(AQUA) - Reasoning and Usecase AQUA is designed to be a deflationary asset that will become more scarce over time. The goal of AQUA is to provide DeFi users and farmers a token that rises in value, becomes more scarce, and also is the first farmable asset for the COIL ecosystem. Many farming tokens have high inflation, making them a race to farm and dump. AQUA is designed to be deflationary and become more scarce over time, while also allowing users to farm and earn. Even users just holding AQUA will see their balances increase every transaction. Read more about this below. Instead of providing a user with high inflation food tokens like most projects, AQUA will work similar to SAV3 and RFI and distribute to lps and holders in a deflationary manner. Design AQUA (AQUA) 50,000 tokens 4% tx fee: Distributed as follows every tx 2% of those Aqua fund the AQUA/ETH rewards in the Aquifer (this fills the splash pool and is distributed when function is called), 0.3% goes to AQUA/COIL liquidity providers in the Waterfall (this fills the splash pool and is distributed when function is called), 0.7% distributes to ...
| Coil Spring V2 The COIL team is constantly watching the market and following trends in the space. Since we have launched some unique ideas have been developed. One of these was CORE and their idea of locking in liquidity forever. Since the goal of the COIL Spring has always been to provide deep liquidity making it harder for whales to manipulate we have been looking for ways to adopt this into our ecosystem as it fits perfectly with our goals. Introducing COIL Spring V2 — Spring 1.0 - Details: Start Date: December 1, 2020, Reward Pool: 1.1% of total COIL supply, Distribution Schedule: 90 days, Stake for 1 month for 2x rewards, Stake for 2 months for 3x rewards, Once the program goes live you’ll be able to find it here. — Instructions - Connect your Web3 wallet (ie. MetaMask) to the Uniswap liquidity pool here, Deposit ETH and COIL into the Uniswap V2 Pool, Select Supply, Receive UETHCOIL-V2 tokens in return*, Navigate to the Coil Spring site here (spring2.coilcrypto.com), Choose the Amount to enter, Deposit V2 tokens (Users can set up multiple contracts)**, — If it is your first time you will have to approve the transaction before depositing** Check your Spring stats APY = Annual Percentage Yield Multiplier = Your multiplier based on days in the Spring Accrued Rewards = Amount of Rewards Earned To Unstake and Withdraw Click withdraw tab then put in amount***, Select Withdraw, *NOTE — V2 TOKENS REFER T...
| Coil + IDCrypto — AMA Recap Coil + IDCrypto — AMA Recap - Coil founder, Ghost was recently a guest on IDCrypto’s Ask Me Anything “AMA”, discussing the growth of Coil and how our projects operates. We received some great questions from the IDCrypto community, and you can follow the recap below. — RECAP AMA COIL — ID Crypto - September 16, 2020 Oezank No Comments AMA Theme : All About Coil Crypto Event Date: Sept 15, 2020 Organized By ID Crypto Official Speaker : Mr. Ghost ( Founder Of Coil ) ID Crypto before we start our first session, can you tell us a little about your background? MR. GHOST I originally learned of Bitcoin back in 2013. Late 2016, was when I really began being much more involved in crypto and researching it deeply. From 2017 on I have been involved with a handful of projects and part of some teams and still help those projects to this day. Once I learned of elastic supply and began deeply researching it, I realized how revolutionary it was. I believe it is the biggest development in crypto since BTC and ETH. There are other elastic supply projects, but I wanted to create one that is not controlled by VC firms or large investors. I wanted to make one make a more fair and decentralized version for the people, so I got a team together and we developed Coil. SESSION 1 POJECT INTRODUCTION IDCRYPTO : 1. Could you Explain to Us, What is Coil Crypto? MR. GHOST Yes, so Coil is an elastic supply cryptocurrency th...
| Coil — Ambassador Program Coil — Ambassador Program - The Coil team is launching our Brand Ambassador Program and we are looking for a minimum of 5 Ambassadors to add as contributors. If you would like to join us and contribute to our growth and progress, follow the information below. Everyone is welcome to apply. Submissions will end on October 10, 2020 or until Ambassador spots are filled. SUMMARY Are you active on forums and groups and like to interact with others? Do you have creativity and want to collaborate on projects and promotion materials? Are you an aspiring Writer / Blogger / YouTuber or an already accomplished one? AMBASSADOR COMMITMENTS: · Be active in our online communities · Create engaging content · Promote the project · Spread adoption in your location · Help out in online forms in your native language (where available) HOW TO ENTER Content Creator Submission (click here) Online Promoter Submission (click here) REWARDS · 150 $COIL each Ambassador · Free Coil Ambassador T-Shirt · Listed on website 30 days after program launc
| Coil + D’va — AMA Recap Coil + D’va — AMA Recap - Our latest AMA with D’va was a success and the recap is now available. Thank you to the D’va team for the write-up and for having Ghost as a guest. The community engagement was amazing and the Q&A went very well. Keep spreading crypto adoption! — Thank you to the D’va Community for participating in Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Coil Crypto on Sept 8, 2020. With Founder (Ghost ). If you were unable to join the live AMA, no worries, you can read more here. - Sky Kanekii: Welcome to the DVA community, thanks for taking the time for today’s AMA session! We are glad to meet here: Gost , @Ghost8941 Founder Ghost: Hello all, sorry couldnt type Glad to finally be here! Sky Kanekii: welcome😊 How are you feel today @Ghost8941 Ghost: Wonderful and excited our Spring launches tomorrow Sky Kanekii: okay nice I’m happy to hear it 😊, our community hopes to talk and learn more with the Coil Crypto — so let’s move to segment 1 Could you please introduce yourself and (CoilCrypto) to us at the first sesion. - Ghost: I originally learned of Bitcoin back in 2013. Late 2016, was when I really began being much more involved in crypto and researching it deeply. From 2017 on I have been involved with a handful of projects and part of some teams and still help those projects to this day. I believe in privacy, decentralization, and this crypto will change the world. Once I learned...
| Coil Spring Guide — How to Add Liquidity Coil Spring Guide — How to Add Liquidity - — Spring 1.0 - Details: Start Date: September 9, 2020, Reward Pool: 1% of total COIL supply, Distribution Schedule: 90 days, Stake for 1 month for 2x rewards, Stake for 2 months for 3x rewards, Once the program goes live you’ll be able to find it here. — Instructions - Connect your Web3 wallet (ie. MetaMask) to the Uniswap liquidity pool here, Deposit ETH and COIL into the Uniswap V2 Pool, Select Supply, Receive UETHCOIL-V2 tokens in return*, Navigate to the Coil Spring site here, Choose the Amount and Time Lock Period (days), Deposit V2 tokens (Users can set up multiple contracts)**, Check your Spring stats, APY = Annual Percentage Yield Ready Contracts = Your # of Liquidity Locked Contracts Accrued Rewards = Amount of Rewards Earned To Unstake and Withdraw Enter the contract address that you would like to cancel***, Select Withdraw, *NOTE — V2 TOKENS REFER TO THE UNISWAP LIQUIDITY PAIR TOKEN FOR COIL/ETH (UETHCOIL-V2), AS THIS IS THE STAKING TOKEN USED IN THE SPRING. **NOTE — YOU WILL FIRST HAVE TO APPROVE A TRANSACTION ALLOWING THE DAPP TO INTERACT WITH YOUR BALANCE. THIS APPLIES TO A USERS FIRST INTERACTION AND WILL NOT BE NEEDED FOR FUTURE CONTRACTS FROM THE SAME ADDRESS. THE DEPOSIT BUTTON WILL SAY “APPROVE FUNDS”, NOT “DEPOSIT” UNTIL THE USER APPROVES. ***NOTE — LONGER TIME LOCK PERIODS RECEIVE LARGER REWARDS. IF...
| Why the Name Coil? I was recently doing an AMA, and one of the questions that came across was why did you choose the name COIL? There are two reasons: Firstly, Coil is an elastic supply cryptocurrency which has a target price of $1 USD adjusted for CPI inflation. Because it is elastic it “coils and recoils” around $1. It can be higher and it can be lower, but over time it adjusts itself to work its way back to $1. If demand is high and price pushes high, Coil adds supply creating sell pressure to recoil itself back down. If demand is too low, or supply is too high, Coil burns supply stimulating demand to coil itself back to $1. So although Coil has a target of $1, it still can go higher or lower, but it is built to coil and recoil itself back around its target. Secondly, and the deeper meaning has to do with the current global economy and OIL. Currently, and for the past 50–70 years oil has been the backbone of the global economy and the USD. Many even call it the Petrodollar. The world economy runs on oil and oil prices play a huge rule in all parts of our economies. Coil or C(rypto)-OIL is built to be a hedge asset and backbone of DeFi and all of cryptocurrency. It is designed to fulfill the same roles that OIL does, but in the crypto world economy. So there is no more fitting name than COIL or Crypto OIL. Just like oil, all of crypto can be backed and hedged to coil. It will fuel DeFi lending, allowing for a stable unit of account for...
| Coil + NanoNews — AMA Recap Coil + NanoNews — AMA Recap - We would like to say thank you to the team at NanoNews for having our founder, Ghost as a guest on their recent “Ask Me Anything”. The community had some excellent questions and the NanoNews team did a nice job on the recap below. Thank you to the NanoNews Community for participating in Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Coil on September 2, 2020. This guest star Ghost, Team Coil. If you were unable to join the live AMA, no worries, here comes our 51st AMA recap! We are glad to meet here: Ghost, Team Coil For taking your time out from busy schedule for the AMA! — Introduction Session - Q1: Can you introduce yourself to the community? What is your background and how did you join Coil Project? I originally learned of Bitcoin back in 2013. Late 2016, was when I really began being much more involved in crypto and researching it deeply. From 2017 on I have been involved with a handful of projects and part of some teams and still help those projects to this day. I believe in privacy, decentralization, and this crypto will change the world. Once I learned of elastic supply and began deeply researching it, I realized how revolutionary it was. I believe it is the biggest development in crypto since BTC and ETH. There are other elastic supply projects, but I wanted to create one that is not controlled by VC firms or large investors. I wanted to make one make a more fair and decentralized versio...