| bZx Protocol 
BZRX Price: | $0.00268 | | Volume: | $137 | All Time High: | $10.40 | | Market Cap: | $66.8 K |
Circulating Supply: | 24,927,971 |
| Exchanges: | 2+
| Total Supply: | 35,877,214 |
| Markets: | 3+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 9
The price of #BZRX today is $0.00268 USD.
The lowest BZRX price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00268, and the exact current price of one BZRX crypto coin is $0.00267893.
The all-time high BZRX coin price was $10.40.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BZRX with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for bZx Protocol crypto currency is #BZRX.
bZx Protocol is 4.6 years old. |
The current market capitalization for bZx Protocol is $66,780.
bZx Protocol is ranked #1005 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a weak daily trading volume on #BZRX.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for bZx Protocol is $137. |
The circulating supply of BZRX is 24,927,971 coins, which is 69% of the total coin supply.
Note the limited supply of bZx Protocol coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
 We’re migrating from Medium We’re migrating from Medium to our own stand-alone Blog at bzx.network/blog. — Please note that the older Medium articles may be outdated, and a new one won’t be published here. Follow us on social media: Twitter: @bzxHQ, Telegram announcement channel: t.me, We’re migrating from Medium 🚢 was originally published in bZxNetwork on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  The Shipping Manifest: November 2019 We had a very busy November at bZx, so here is our monthly newsletter “The Shipping Manifest” with key takeaways. — TVL Growth 📈📈📈 - In November we achieved another all-time-high TVL in ETH, according to defipulse.com stats, with 100% growth over the month: Fulcrum’s trading volume in ETH on KyberNetwork spiked up to 26% compared to the previous month. — Visual Identity Updated - We updated our visual identity and redesigned the bZx protocol website. Our new branding aimed to strengthen brand recognition for products built with the bZx protocol. You can find our media assets on this page. We also migrated our twitter handle to a new one: @bzxHQ — Multi Collateral DAI on Fulcrum and Torque - One of the most important events past month was the MakerDAO transition to a Multi Collateral DAI. We published our MCD transition plan, and already enabled new DAI markets on Fulcrum for trading and lending: New DAI enabled as well on Torque for borrowing and to use as collateral in loans: Lenders on Fulcrum could easily migrate from SAI to a new DAI with a single click: Thanks to DexWallet team for collaborating with us on that. This feature made possible with DexWallet Recipes, read more about iSAI to iDAI migration recipe. Fulcrum & Torque listed on Loanscan.io with new DAI rates. — New Integrations - Our iTokens are probably the easiest way to add DeFi lending functionality to any dA... 
|  MCD Transition Plan On November 18th, MakerDAO is transitioning away from Single Collateral DAI toward Multi Collateral DAI. MCD introducing new features and collateral types to MakerDAO. Here’s what you need to know: Lenders (Fulcrum) If you’re a lender, you don’t have to do anything. We will be opening a new lending pool for DAI, but you can keep your assets in SAI. If the rates for DAI become more attractive than SAI, we will be facilitating conversion through the UI without requiring you to withdraw your assets.When you’re ready to convert, just press a button and it will happen in a single transaction. Traders (Fulcrum) After global settlement, we will be phasing out SAI from the user interface as a unit of account. The positions will continue operating for as long as there is lending and exchange liquidity. If we see that the volume of the positions is coming close to exceeding what exchange liquidity for SAI can support, the positions will cease being perpetual and expire on their next rollover date. Borrowers (Torque) We are adding a UI element visible only to those with collateral denominated in SAI, allowing these borrowers to convert SAI into DAI with a single transaction. SAI borrowers will continue being able to pay back their loan in SAI, and will also be able to pay back their loan in DAI.Borrowers can convert SAI into DAI with a single click! — Conclusion. — Our main goal is to make this transition as seam... 
|  The Shipping Manifest: October 2019 It was another busy month here at bZx, so here is our monthly newsletter “The Shipping Manifest” with key takeaways. — GROWTH GROWTH GROWTH - Fulcrum shoots to #1 spot on Kyber according to the latest ecosystem numbers, making up 48% of their entire DeFi volumes, nearly more than everything else combined, posting an incredible 91% growth in trading volumes. Fulcrum reached an All-Time High in Total Locked Value on DeFiPulse.com — CoinGecko Report Feature. — The latest Coingecko Report featured Fulcrum and Torque. If you haven’t checked this report yet — we highly recommend doing so. There is an excellent explanation of the current DeFi ecosystem. — Structured Builds on Fulcrum. — Structured convert your Ether into fixed income structured products. Without creating an account or providing any personal information, you can leverage the Ethereum blockchain to purchase a structured financial product, without middlemen or custodians. Structured is one of the coolest products built with Ethereum money legos we’ve seen yet. It builds on Fulcrum, Synthetix, Kyber, Uniswap, and Compound to create some really unique new financial products. medium.com — dDAI Builds on Fulcrum. — dDAI enables users to earn interests from lending out DAI on Fulcrum and reinvest those interest automatically into any other asset class using DeFi recipes, i.e., ETH, BTX, KNC, synthetic assets, etc. ... 
|  Fulcrum iTOKENS Now Available On Eidoo We are happy to announce that iTokens are now available on Eidoo. This provides a beautiful and easy-to-use mobile interface for earning interest on your existing digital assets. Eidoo is among the first three interfaces to provide this unique and powerful functionality. — Why Use Eidoo? - Eidoo offers a seamless mobile-native experience for earning interest on your existing digital assets, as well as the opportunity to enter in Fulcrum using a wire transfer (fiat-on ramp) to buy DAI or exchange them in the atomic swap selling ETH. More than that, it is a one-stop-shop for trading, lending, and interacting with the most powerful DeFi primitives from a single polished interface. — What are iTokens? - iTokens, such as iDAI or iUSDC, are interest accumulating tokens that continuously go up in value as you hold them. They represent a share in a lending pool that grows in size as borrowers pay interest into them. This innovative concept was first introduced to the community by bZx in a joint post with MakerDAO in July of 2018. Later, the technical specifications were laid out in the article announcing Fulcrum in March of 2019. iTokens can be traded, used as collateral, composed by developers into structured products, or sent to cold storage for safety. — What is bZx? - bZx is the margin lending and trading protocol on which Fulcrum and Torque are built. Fulcrum is a margin lending and trading platform with tok... 
|  Torque Is Live: A Step-By-Step Guide To The Most Powerful Decentralized Borrowing Platform on… Torque Is Live: A Step-By-Step Guide To The Most Powerful Decentralized Borrowing Platform on Ethereum - Torque is a non-custodial platform for fixed rate, indefinite-term cryptocurrency loans. It allows you to borrow against your current assets in as little as a single transaction. Torque’s unique architecture allows for the lowest liquidation prices while avoiding the significant margin call penalties of existing borrowing platforms. Torque promises the sort of streamlined, simple user experience required for mass adoption. Get started with Torque now. Watch Torque In Action medium.com — Step-by-Step Guide - Browser Wallets Using browser wallets such as Metamask, Dapper, Nifty, & others, you can easily take out loans using your ETH or existing ERC20 holdings as collateral. You can also use wallets such as Formatic, Portis, and Squarelink. Step 1 Select the asset you want to borrow. Step 2 Enter the quantity of the asset you want to borrow. Optional: Step 3 Select your collateral. Step 4 Hit Submit and accept the transaction. That’s it! External Wallets You can use any external wallet. Examples include MyCrypto and MyEtherWallet. Step 1 Select the asset you want to borrow. Step 2 Enter the amount you want to borrow. Step 3 Enter the address (e.g., dai.tokenloan.eth) and the quantity of ETH indicating on the form. Step 4 (Optional) It can be a good idea to select the advanced options and set the gas limi... 
|  bZx — Recap of September The Shipping Manifest: September 2019 - We have tons of updates, but we don’t always condense it in a bite-sized form. Our community is dizzy at the pace of new updates and it can be hard to keep up, so we want to introduce you to a new format in our blog: monthly recaps. Each month we are going to publish a short breakdown of what’s done and achieved. Without further ado here it is: — Torque release. — Released the first version of Torque, our ENS-enabled borrowing that lets you get into a loan as easily as sending ETH to dai.tokenloan.eth. Web3 support coming in October.Torque’s first-of-its-kind ENS loan system which allows users to borrow assets by simply sending collateral to a human-readable ENS domain from any wallet — 1inch.exchange integration. — 1inch.exchange integrates iTokens — AlphaWallet integration. — AlphaWallet integrates iTokens allowing you to lend on Fulcrum using your mobile phone — gDAI. — CryptoManiacs builds gDAI on Fulcrum, creating an interest yielding DAI that pays for its own gas with interest. gDAI enables sending DAI without paying for gas with Ether by using gas station network and staking on Fulcrum for earning interest for further transactions. CryptoManiacs win a prize at ETHBoston hackathon with this project. Congrats! — Kyber DeFi Hackathon. — bZx sponsors Kyber DeFi Hackathon. bZx is offering a total of $3000 in DAI in b... 
|  A Tour Of the Varieties of DAI DeFi has reached escape velocity. Now that the primitives are here, we are experiencing a combinatorial explosion of new products, driven by the endless creativity of the Ethereum community. It can feel impossible to keep up with all the new projects and instruments being released on what feels like a daily basis. This article is here to help with that. DAI The original collateral backed stablecoin, first proposed by MakerDAO. It has become the most commonly used unit of account across the DeFi ecosystem. Dai uses Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs) to back its value, with ETH currently used as the collateral. Multi-Collateral Dai is on the horizon, with only a handful of milestones left to complete. Learn more at MakerDAO.com. xDAI xDAI was the very first DAI derivative. Originally xDAI was run on a Proof of Authority (POA) sidechain, allowing frictionless transfers of xDAI with very short transaction times. Now, xDAI runs on a DPoS blockchain using the POSDAO consensus algorithm. POSDAO is implemented with a general purpose BFT consensus protocol such as Authority Round (AuRa) with a proposer node and probabilistic finality, or Honey Badger BFT (HBBFT), leaderless and with instant finality. Validators are incentivized to behave in the best interests of a network through a configurable reward structure. The algorithm provides a Sybil control mechanism for managing a set of validators, distributing rewards, and reporting and... 
|  Introducing Torque: Borrowing Made Simple We are excited to introduce Torque, the first borrowing platform with indefinite-term loans and fixed interest rates. Torque is uniquely both an App and a dApp. Torque works with any web3 wallet like Metamask, Dapper, Nifty, & co., but it also works with every other type of wallet. This is enabled by Torque’s first-of-its-kind ENS loan system which allows users to borrow assets by simply sending collateral to a human-readable ENS domain from any wallet. Best of all, it does this without requiring any accounts or charging any fees. — Why Use Torque? - — How does it work? - Opening a Loan Simple A user interacts with the Torque interface to specify a loan amount and accepts the transaction using their web3 wallet. Alternatively, the user sends the collateral to the appropriate ENS address, e.g., dai.tokenloan.eth. In this example the user receives a DAI loan collateralized in ETH. Technical Torque loans are loans borrowed from the Fulcrum iToken lending pools. When a loan is initiated, this triggers the targeted iToken contract to fund a base protocol order object with a loan that has the expiration parameter set to 0. This initiates an overcollateralized loan where the borrowed token is sent to the borrower’s wallet. However, the tokens for interest come from borrowing slightly more than the requested loan amount, and borrowers are expected to pay interest on them. By default three months of interest are... 
|  A New, Streamlined Trading Experience on Fulcrum As we’ve been in Alpha we’ve been continuously collecting feedback from users, working to iterate the product and bring it to its most polished form. Using your feedback, we’ve redesigned the trade pop-up to be more visual and intuitive. The Old Look This trade pop-up was filled with words and still made use of pToken accounting (see: usETH2x in grey). The ability to change and select the purchase asset was not adequately highlighted. We drastically simplified this interface, reducing it down from 20 words to just a few. Some users had reported that they were unsure what the “Buy Amount” was getting them. That is, they were unsure how to obtain their desired exposure. The new trade experience addresses these pain points, allowing users to trade with confidence. The New Look and Experience Many of the details have been condensed, represented visually, and moved to the left side of the pop-up. The “purchase asset” functionality has been directly integrated into the input field. It is now far more intuitive to select which asset you will use to obtain the desired exposure. The pop-up also now explains what will happen in plain language. Conclusion We believe in creating simple and beautiful interfaces that enable users to lend, trade, and borrow with minimal difficulty. It’s our mission to continuously iterate and incorporate user feedback. We’ve received enormously positive feedback for the Fulcrum experience... 