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BUMN Price   

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BUMN Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$18.7 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #BUMN is $0.0000000000282 USD.

Please note that the price of #BUMN was last updated over 290 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #BUMN statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest BUMN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000000000282, and the exact last price of BUMN was $0.00000000002821.

The all-time high BUMN coin price was $0.0000000323.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BUMN with market cap of ETH and how the supply affects the price of BUMN at different market capitalizations.


The code for BUMooN crypto currency is #BUMN.

BUMooN is 2.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for BUMooN is $18,697.

BUMooN is ranking upwards to #2118, by market cap (and other factors).


There is an unknown daily trading volume on #BUMN.


The circulating supply of BUMN is 662,695,506,450,709 coins, which is 66% of the total coin supply.

BUMooN has a relatively large supply of coins, 5,451,600 times larger than Ethereum's supply, as an example.


BUMN is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.


BUMN has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #BUMN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #BUMN purchase.



$BUMN Will Be Listed on P2PB2B Exchange

$BUMN will be listed on P2PB2B Trading pairs: BUMN/USDP $BUMN (BUMooN) Token is a Eco-living token that takes you to the next level of investment alongside with environmental concern. Our Project: > Garbage Mining > Zero-waste Management > Carbon Trading > Boo! Apps Wallet Enabler > Renewable Energy > AUDIT BY CERTIK > Doxxed DEV > Strong Community > LP LOCKED for 2 years > Listed on CG & CMC > Listed on LBank and more to come Upcoming News: > List at least 2 more exchanges in December 2021 > Deploy our first from hundreds Garbage Mining Site > Launch Boo! Apps BUMooN Tokenomic : > 5% fee add to the liquidity pool and 5% fee redistributed to all existing holders > 2% maximum transaction from total supply (adjustable to prevent price change) > Circulating Supply : 655. > Burned Tokens : 344. (continue to burned automatically each transaction) Social Media Links: > Website: > Twitter: > Instagram: > Telegram: > Media:

BUMN(BUMooN) will be listed on LBank at 21:00 on September 10, 2021 (UTC+8), the details are as…

BUMN(BUMooN) will be listed on LBank at 21:00 on September 10, 2021 (UTC+8), the details are as follows: Trading Pair: BUMN/USDT Deposit Enable: 18:00 on September 9, 2021 (UTC+8) Trading Open: 21:00 on September 10, 2021 (UTC+8) Withdrawal Enable: 18:00 on September 14, 2021 (UTC+8) About BUMN(BUMooN) BUMooN is an Eco-Living Token that aims to be dividend tools between its green project closed-loop revenue and user. Currently, there are 4 BUMooN green projects including profitable work and pure charity. Revenues generated in profitable project categories are repurchased as a profit-sharing mechanism and become the profitable project underlying asset. Because every transaction will be deducted by a specific percentage to be distributed to all the holders. About BUMN(BUMooN) Trading Fee BUMN(BUMooN) transaction fees will be based on LBank transaction fees of an additional 10%,which is rewarded to LBank BUMN holders. About BUMN(BUMooN) Trading Rewards LBank supports BUMN trading rewards. LBank will take a daily system snapshot of BUMN trading and send the rewards to users at T + 1. Web: Youtube: Twitter: WhitePaper: Instagram: Telegram(Local): Telegram (Global): Telegram(Announcement) :

Carbon Emission Reduction Inventory, Bumoon Plants 150 Trees

Making an actual environmental move, Bumoon planted trees in Rest Area KM 379 A, ​​Batang-Semarang segment, Batang, Tuesday. The planting this time involved 150 trees, consisting of the ketapang tree and the glodokan pole tree. Bumoon COO Imad Zaky Mubarak explained that the glodokan pole tree is very effective in reducing air pollution and reducing carbon emissions. The ketapang tree can also be a shade and produce oxygen for nature. For that reason, said Zaky, Bumoon chose the rest area as the location for planting. As a transit place for various types of vehicles, of course, the rest area produces a reasonably high carbon emission. In addition, this rest area is relatively arid. Therefore, Bumoon chose this location for planting. Carbon sequestration inventory,” he explained. Zaky also explained that planting this tree is the first step for Bumoon to start charity activities that reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHG). In terms of production, Bumoon plans to continue planting trees in other potential areas. “Since the beginning, apart from being a social startup based on the use of blockchain technology, Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Bumoon is also committed to realizing a sustainable living environment,” he concluded. About Website: Instagram: Twitter: Telegram:

Reducing Carbon Emissions, Bumoon Cooperates with SolarKita

To develop the company’s strategic plan to “green” the country, Bumoon collaborated with SolarKita. The cooperation between the two is related to the use of solar panels as an effort to reduce carbon emissions. Bumoon CEO Triyansyah Putra or Ryan said the collaboration between Bumoon and SolarKita can increase the added value of reduced carbon from the use of solar panels. He also said that the developments made from this collaboration will strengthen SolarKita’s EaaS (Energy as a Service) business model. “With the entry of Bumoon into this business model, it is hoped that it will increase the economic value of the solar panel business. Moreover, by verifying the reduced carbon unit, it can provide benefits for stakeholders, namely customers, companies, and the government,” said Ryan. In line with Ryan, CEO of SolarKita Amarangga Lubis said that the collaboration with Bumoon would be mutually beneficial for both parties. This is because, said Amarangga, SolarKita, and Bumoon have the same commitment to environmental sustainability and are in line with SolarKita’s business diversification going forward. “So far, we (SolarKita) continue to look for partners to optimize the potential of solar panels, especially in processing carbon emission reductions. So, together with Bumoon, we believe we can smooth out the vision of environmental sustainability, in addition to the business aspects that are beneficial for bo...

Education About Waste Management for Life

Waste management is the collection, transportation, processing, recycling, or disposal of waste materials. This sentence usually refers to waste materials that are generated from human activities, and are usually managed to reduce their impact on health, the environment, or aesthetics. This still often happens because there is still a lack of public awareness about protecting the environment which has an impact on human life as well. This lack of awareness is also due to a lack of education about waste. Because many do not know what waste is, what is waste management, what causes waste to accumulate, and what are the consequences. Garbage itself has many kinds and types. Starting from the shape, and how to decompose it. For example, the type of waste is divided into two. First, solid (inorganic) waste consists of inorganic materials such as metal, plastic, glass, rubber, and cans. Why is it called inorganic waste, because this type of waste is difficult to be broken down by microorganisms in the soil. Basar (organic) waste is waste consisting of organic materials, such as vegetables, fruits, food scraps, leaves, and others. Why is it called organic waste, because this waste is easy to decompose, does not last long, or decomposes quickly. This is the initial stage of waste management. There are still many of us who probably already know about the types of waste but do not understand how to manage it responsibly. So that educat... on PancakeSwap

We are excited to announce the launch of our project on PancakeSwap with Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. On June5, 2021, which coincides with World Environment Day. We launched the crypto token with code #BUMN, a project aimed at individuals dedicated to sustainable and eco-friendly living. #BUMN is decentralized yield generation utility eco-token that provides automatic liquidity locking and self-stacking direct distribution protocol so that your environmentally conscious investment will be safe, secure and have a greater impact. To ensure the system runs well and passes the required testing stages. Today, allow us to humbly introduce this token so that we can jointly protect and preserve this earth. We ensure that your investment not only provides a decent return but also contributes to the environment. About Website: Instagram: Telegram: Email:

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