| Bitcoin Gold 
| #BTG
BTG Price: | $5.02 | | Volume: | $20.2 K | All Time High: | $505 | | Market Cap: | $91.2 M |
Circulating Supply: | 18,154,424 |
| Exchanges: | 6
| Total Supply: | 21,000,000 |
| Markets: | 7
| Max Supply: | 21,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 24
The price of #BTG today is $5.02 USD.
The lowest BTG price for this period was $0, the highest was $5.02, and the current live price for one BTG coin is $5.02361.
The all-time high BTG coin price was $505.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BTG with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Bitcoin Gold is #BTG.
Bitcoin Gold is 7.3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Bitcoin Gold is $91,200,800.
Bitcoin Gold is ranking downwards to #289 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is modest today for #BTG.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Bitcoin Gold is $20,169. |
The circulating supply of BTG is 18,154,424 coins, which is 86% of the maximum coin supply.
A highlight of Bitcoin Gold is it's limited supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
 Emergency Update 0.17.2 Originally published here. — DOWNLOADS HERE - — CRITICAL MESSAGE FROM BTG TEAM TO ALL POOLS, EXCHANGES, WALLETS, SERVICES, AND COMMUNITY RUNNING NODES - — Please immediately upgrade your BTG Core full nodes to version 0.17.2, published July 2, 2020. - UPDATE: if you did not upgrade prior to July 10 at 14:00 UTC, you will also want to perform the command:invalidateblock 00000000635620f22ba8694aea532d51619f8cd060f4e42e85db3cb3a5d1c29c HOW TO UPGRADE: You can use the pre-compiled binaries on Github , or use the DOWNLOADS link you see above. Simply stop your node, install the upgrade, and start your node again., Or manually upgrade from the latest code on the BTCGPU Github v0.17.2 tag (on 0.17 / master branch); full release notes here. If you are still at v0.15.2 and haven’t upgraded to 0.17, we have a backport version v0.15.3 tag (on 0.15 branch) including the same changes so you can keep your current configuration files., (Note: there were potentially breaking changes in the configuration file between v0.15 and v0.17, see notes at bottom.) If you cannot yet update, you can run this command in the debug console or via bgold-cli to ensure you are on the honest chain:invalidateblock 00000000635620f22ba8694aea532d51619f8cd060f4e42e85db3cb3a5d1c29c Note: a strong majority of the honest mining pools have already upgraded their code a week ago, and they continue to mine on the honest chain. The BTG Explore... 
|  Presenting CCBN A decentralized way to prevent double-spends from 51% attacks. - Originally posted here alongside draft whitepaper with full details. — A brief overview of CCBN: - What is Notarization, and how does it work? BTG blocks are Notarized to well-known public blockchains which serve as our “Notarychains.” Notarizations contain complete BTG block headers with the solution hashes (so they cannot be easily faked.) Notarizations gain Weight based on their depth in the Notarychain. Those made earlier gain Weight faster than those made later. When are Notarizations used? When a competing chain of blocks (a fork) appears, BTG nodes with CCBN do not switch to the longer chain immediately. Instead, they check the Notarychains to calculate Weight and will only switch to a longer chain that also has more Weight. If a “natural” fork occurs and all blocks are Notarized, CCBN has no effect. No change to normal PoW (Nakamoto Consensus.) Secret Mining Attackers are faced with a dilemma: If a Secret Miner Notarizes blocks, they become public! Key parties (like Exchanges) can see the Notarizations and will not confirm deposits. But if a Secret Miner does not Notarize … When they later publish their Secret chain, nodes refuse it because of low Weight, preventing the attack. Either the first spend is refused by the Exchange, or the second spend is refused by the chain. Either way, a Double-Spend fails! It’s a soft fork! C... 
|  BTG Core Wallet v0.17.1 RC1 We’re thrilled to announce the Release Candidate of BTG Core wallet v0.17.1 - This major update to our Full Node wallet includes substantial new features for BTG and numerous bug fixes. You can download the new Release Candidate here. This release will likely become the final release; it has been extensively tested, but remember this is still a Release Candidate and there may still be bugs to be discovered. Typical users can shut down their node, install the new version, and start their upgraded node without issue, but it’s always best to backup everything, especially wallet.dat files, first. As promised, BTG strives to stay in-sync with Bitcoin Core’s developing features. BTG Core v0.17.1 parallels features of Bitcoin Core v0.17.1; developers and engineers can expect to see the same changes they already experienced upgrading Bitcoin Core from version 15 to versions 16/17. IMPORTANT: Do not use v0.17.1rc1 for in-place node upgrades in production environments without first testing and modifying! This version makes important changes to some APIs and the conf file (see release notes). Also, if you run a full transaction index (most individuals don’t choose to do this), the txindex db will be migrated, which can take many hours before the node is usable again. — Notable Changes - Compact Blocks The most immediately important feature: Compact Blocks are fully implemented on BTG for the first time. This enhancemen... 
|  Leadership for Another Year It has been just over a year since the Bitcoin Gold project launched. Since then, we’ve been striving to carefully shepherd our young project towards being a fair, transparent, and above all, decentralized cryptocurrency. We observed our One Year Anniversary on November 12th with a refreshed website. Today we have some news about changes in our leadership. We want to share with the community that Jack Liao, who first inspired the Bitcoin Gold Project, is stepping down from the Board. His future involvement will be limited to an Advisory capacity. Jack Liao is a colorful individual and a force of personality who brought vision, energy, and an extensive network in the crypto community to the project. He was the first founder of the Bitcoin Gold project and helped build the team of six co-founders. Jack inspired us and encouraged us to do something ambitious. For that, we will be eternally grateful. At this time, Jack wants to focus his time in other endeavors, encouraging competition and diversity in the crypto space, and his continuing as CEO of his company, LightningASIC. We wish him good luck in all his future endeavors. We also want to share that fellow member of the Board and Lead Developer, H4x3rotab, has decided to publicly share his identity. While we will all still know him as H4, he is no longer anonymous. Hang Yin studied Computer Science at Fudan University and was, until recently, a Google software engineer. He ha... 
|  Endowment Wallet Mining Process and Complete List Aug 10, 2018 | Development, Technical, Updates Since the day they were first mined, the Endowment’s wallets have been public on the BTG blockchain, but rumors and misinformation persist. This post explains the Endowment mining process in detail and lists all of the wallets. In 2017, the Bitcoin Gold project duplicated (forked) the Bitcoin blockchain as a fair way to distribute 16 million coins, and then launched with an 8000-block mining period to create a 100,000 BTG Endowment to support the future of the project.As of early August, 2018, about 20,000 BTG have been spent from the Endowment and about 80,000 BTG remain. This Endowment is currently the only source of funding for the Bitcoin Gold project; after the formation of the Endowment on the day of launch, 100% of all mining rewards and fees have gone directly to the miners — exactly as described in our original Bitcoin Gold Whitepaper / Roadmap. and detailed in our earlier Endowment post. The funds we’ve spent from the Endowment align as described in the Roadmap — salaries and payments for infrastructure, developers, support staff, travel to promotional events… we have not spent any funds paying Exchanges to list BTG. Our developers are currently focused on bringing Lightning Network fully to life on BTG, and are working on Atomic Swaps, Smart Contracts, and more! The whole team is working hard to be Good Stewards of the Endowment so that it can supp... 
|  Bitcoin DLL Vulnerability, Fixed in Bitcoin Gold Responsible Disclosure - As you may be aware, Bitcoin Gold has a Responsible Disclosure policy listed on the website, which is basically a (bug) bounty program for reporting security vulnerabilities in our stable software versions or infrastructure. It allows people to safely report an issue to us, and if they follow the rules set out in the Responsible Disclosure policy, we will not take any legal action against them in regard to the report (hacking is still illegal). — The Report. — Through the end of March, we received only false reports of “non-existing” issues, which we rejected. However, we recently received the first report which our SYSOPS and CERT team could accept. Although the security issue was very minor, we acted on it directly. It was a DLL vulnerability that affects Bitcoin and all coins that use Bitcoin’s installer methods (including BTG.) We used the fix in our recent Network Upgrade and shared it for the rest of the community’s benefit. Timeline: You might have noticed there was a sizable time span between the report and the fix. That is correct: it takes time to build a fix, especially if the issue stems from a third party module and your entire build process is wrapped around it. It took a long time to test, build, and test again before we could implement the fix as a replacement for our current build process. — The Fix. — The specific issue addressed by the bug was as foll... 
|  Lightning Network Technical Preview We have a treat from our developers — a Technical Preview release of Lightning Network running on Bitcoin Gold! Our devs have successfully brought to life all the core functions for a BTG-based implementation of Lightning Network, based on LND (the Lightning Network Daemon) from Lightning Labs. This release provides a Technical Preview version that other developers can test and experiment with. — What is Lightning Network? - It’s a brilliant way to create super-fast, micro-cost BTG payments with virtually no limits to the transactions per second or the number of users. Lightning Network payments take place through payment channels directly between users, without waiting for blocks on the blockchain, so they are instantaneous. At the same time, the payments are reliable and trustable because of the way those payment channels are created and funded: with smart contracts on the blockchain. Because Lightning Network depends on a Segwit-enabled blockchain (like the BTG blockchain) as a base layer where the channels can be created, it’s often called a “second layer solution.” The last piece of the puzzle? Routing: — Routing. — On the Lightning Network, two people don’t need a direct channel to send money to each other because the payment can travel across many peoples’ channels. As long as there’s a path between people, the network can route the funds between them. The payment “hops” thro... 
|  A Successful Network Upgrade Block 536200 was mined Jul 3, 2018 at 9:59:26 PM UTC - Unlocked: New PoW, Equihash-BTG Unlocked: New DAA, LWMAThe Network Upgrade was a success, the blockchain is stable, and all partners can resume regular activities — including returning confirmation requirements to pre-fork levels. Now delivering: greater safety, greater stability, and renewed ASIC resistance — It has been a long, hard couple of weeks, but we made it! - For anyone who doesn’t yet know: Equihash-BTG, our new Proof of Work algorithm, can’t be mined by current ASIC miners, but can be mined by GPUs. So, this kicks them out of our pools. The new algorithm also comes with personalization that makes it harder to re-direct mining power through a “hashrate market.” The recent “51%” attacks, which may or may not have involved ASIC miners, were channeled through hashpower rental markets — but with this change in PoW, there’s no longer a rental market for the algorithm we’re using, and it’s harder to set one up than before. This means more safety. Meanwhile, LWMA, our improved Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm, makes our blockchain more responsive to shifts in hashpower so that the block time is more stable. The GPU hashpower market has become more liquid than it used to be, with more miners adopting “auto-switching” in pursuit of profit instead of supporting specific coin projects. As a result, hashpower can move quickly af... 
|  ElectrumG — Release 3.2.1 The BTG blockchain has been performing wonderfully since the successful Network Upgrade last week. If you’re using our ElectrumG wallet, make sure you update to the latest version, published last week: ElectrumG 3.2.1 ElectrumG 3.2.1 is a stable release and is fully compatible with the recently Upgraded Bitcoin Gold Network. — What is ElectrumG? - ElectrumG is our version of the popular Electrum Bitcoin Wallet, modified for BTG. It’s is a full-featured wallet that’s easy to use for beginners but provides many advanced features — including invoices, multisig wallets, cold storage, and a rich set of functionality for advanced users and developers. Most importantly, ElectrumG is very quick to load and very lightweight, consuming a lot less disk space than a full node wallet. — How’s it so Lightweight? - Unlike a “full node” wallet, ElectrumG on your computer doesn’t validate every BTG transaction and maintain a full copy of the BTG blockchain, so it doesn’t need hundreds of gigabytes of space on your computer. Instead, it relies on lightweight block headers and uses SPV (Simplified Payment Verification, as described in the Bitcoin Whitepaper) to verify payments. Like any SPV wallet, ElectrumG relies on ElectrumX servers for some functions, such as receiving new block headers, or broadcasting new payments after they are signed — but the private keys used to sign those transactions never l... 
|  bitcoingold.org is Back Online BITCOINGOLD.ORG is online and all systems are green. - Some of our services (accessed through the bitcoingold.org name) were inaccessible to the public between 13:00 UTC on 21 June and 17:10 UTC on 23 June. A team member’s recent model mobile phone with up-to-date software and patches was remotely hacked using zero-day exploits. This was a sophisticated and targeted attack. The hackers were then able to hijack our account with our Domain Registrar and point our domain name away from our DNS servers, causing people to lose access to our website, forum, and any services using the bitcoingold.org name.Our DNS servers and infrastructure were never compromised. also…The BTG blockchain experienced no impact whatsoever. BTG mining and transactions continued normally. The blockchain does not depend on our infrastructure — it is a free-standing decentralized blockchain. — Of interest to other coin development teams: - Forensics suggests this was a planned and very sophisticated attack, likely timed to maximally disrupt our Network Upgrade. In addition to the usual security measures, such as ensuring that all devices are kept up-to-date, using secure passwords, never allowing passwords to be cached, and using 2FA, we wish to remind everyone of the following: external systems which can impact your infrastructure may need even more attention than your infrastructure, separate, secure emails for critical services are an ... 