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BTC Standard Hashrate Token  


BTCST Price:
$2.3 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$183.8 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #BTCST today is $0.026 USD.

The lowest BTCST price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.026, and the current live price for one BTCST coin is $0.02577.

The all-time high BTCST coin price was $671.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BTCST with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for BTC Standard Hashrate Token crypto currency is #BTCST.

BTC Standard Hashrate Token is 4 years old.


The current market capitalization for BTC Standard Hashrate Token is $183,795.

BTC Standard Hashrate Token is ranked #947 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a small daily trading volume on #BTCST.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for BTC Standard Hashrate Token is $2,346.


The circulating supply of BTCST is 7,131,349 coins, which is 48% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the limited supply of BTC Standard Hashrate Token coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


BTCST is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.


BTCST is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #BTCST trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #BTCST purchase.



STP 14: τAsset Liquidity Provider One-Time Compensation Program

Purpose This STP proposes to make whole those who provided liquidity on PancakeSwap for any τAsset but suffered losses as a result of active Restorative Rebase. If this STP passes, the BTCST team will retrieve on-chain data to verify those who experienced Restorative Rebase while providing liquidity for τAsset to date. The team will then airdrop τAsset to the affected address in the same amount and type deducted through Restorative Rebase. To avoid future impact by Restorative Rebase when providing liquidity for τAsset, make sure to only provide liquidity for any τAsset through our dedicated portal at Options • Pass • Deny Voting time: 6/24/2021 10:00pm to 7/1/2021 10:00pm SGT Voting link:

STP 13 (Proposal Blue Sky): An Evolution of Bitcoin with Far Less Carbon Emission

Purpose This STP, named Blue Sky, proposes B20, an evolution of Bitcoin with far less carbon emission. If passed, B20 will be fairly and 1:1 airdropped to all Bitcoin holders as if it were a straightforward Bitcoin fork. There will be no pre-mining, new issuance, or ownership misappropriation. B20 will follow Bitcoin’s mining schedule but will be upgraded to PoS mining. While Bitcoin holders may claim their 1:1 B20 anytime, the PoS mining rights of all unclaimed B20 will be proportionately assigned to BTCST holders, who can then participate in B20 PoS mining as if their BTCST’s were B20's. Details The cryptocurrency industry is at a crossroad. While blockchains have proven that distributed ledgers could be far more trustworthy, efficient, and versatile than legacy centralized data recordation methods, some opinion leaders have criticized what they perceive as unreasonably high energy expenditure. Supporters of Bitcoin’s Proof of Work consensus algorithm view that the absolute amount of energy consumed by Bitcoin is in fact low compared to traditional financial systems. For example, according to a Greenpeace and WWF study, traditional banks relying on non-blockchain ledgers were directly and indirectly linked to 805 million tons of carbon dioxide emission in 2019. The Proof of Work proponents therefore view the energy consumed as necessary and acceptable. Others disagree. According to the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricit...

STP 12 — The Third Standard Hashrate Token

STP 12 — The Third Standard Hashrate Token Purpose This STP aims to let the community decide what standard hashrate token to launch next. Details We have selected two candidates based on market surveys on CMC to create the next Standard Hashrate Token.BCH (note: broad mining pool support; hashing algorithm identical to that of BTC)LTC (note: broad mining pool support) Options · BCH · LTC Voting Time Jun 12, 2021, 11:00 PM – Jun 19, 2021, 8:00 PM SGT Voting Link

STP 11: Hashrate Assurance Lock

Purpose This STP aims (i) to assure the community that the hashrate backing BTCST is sufficiently decentralized and over-collateralized and (ii) to clarify the process with which BTCST will restore hashrate in the unlikely event of hashrate instability. Details The team has received many inquiries about BTCST’s hashrate stability in light of certain recent developments on Bitcoin mining regulations. The team now proposes this STP to assure the community that hashrate stability has always been a top priority for the project and to demonstrate that the team is well prepared to take tremendous steps to prevent adverse hashrate event. If this STP is passed, Standard Hashrate Group will formally take the following actions:Maintain a reserve pool of hashrate that exceeds 150 PH/s of Bitcoin mining power in size, making the hashrate reserve ratio of BTCST greater than 100% (meaning we reserve 1 PH/s of Bitcoin hashrate for each 1 PH/s of hashrate in production);In the unlikely event that a percentage of BTCST’s production hashrate becomes unstable or inefficient in terms of power usage, we will replenish the production pool with hashrate from the reserve pool to completely remove any impact the instability may cause to BTCST;Until all unstable hashrate has passed BTCST’s audit to convincingly demonstrate to the Standard Hashrate Group that the hashrate has become stable again with equal or better power usage efficiency and i...

STP 10 — Responsive Restorative Rebase

STP 10 — Responsive Restorative Rebase Purpose This STP proposes to make Restorative Rebase described in STP 8 take effect immediately when the TWAP of a τAsset drops below 1.0. The STP aims to eliminate the perverse incentive for certain market participants to rush to sell τAsset before a fixed time of a day to front-run an epoch of Restorative Rebase set to occur at that time. Details The team has noticed that when Restorative Rebase described in STP 8 is set to occur at 08:00 pm (SGT) on a certain day, many market participants will rush to sell their τAsset before that fixed time to avoid paying the Restorative Contribution. This creates a perverse incentive that could worsen price discount and weaken price peg. The team now proposes Responsive Restorative Rebase as an improvement. If this STP is passed, Restorative Rebase will take effect, and all outgoing transfers (other than those whitelisted) of the relevant τAsset must pay a Restorative Contribution, as soon as the TWAP of the τAsset drops below 1.0. Restorative Rebase will remain in effect until the TWAP of the τAsset restores to 1.0. Other details of STP 8 remain unchanged. Options · Pass · Deny Voting Time Sat., 22:00 05/22/2021– Tue., 22:00 05/25/2021 SGT Voting Link

τBitcoin Launch Guide 3 — Mining Tutorial

τDoge Launch Guide 3 — Mining Tutorial Today (May 14, 2021) at approximately 10:00pm (SGT, UTC+8), BTCST’s implementation of STP 9: τDoge Initial Liquidity and Airdrop Parameters will come online. BTCST, τDoge, and Dogecoin (BEP 20 version) holders will become the recipients of τDoge airdrops and will be eligible to stake and mine τDoge. This post, discussing how to mine τDoge with BTCST dApp, is the third of 3 guides that we are publishing to help our community members make the most out of the τDoge Initial Liquidity Event and airdrops.(1/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 1 — FAQs(2/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 2 — Airdrop Tutorial(3/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 3 — Mining Tutorial Before starting this guide, please make sure that you have enough BNB (BEP20 version) in your wallet to cover network fees charged by the Binance Smart Chain for the operations described below. To see τDoge in your wallet, you should first add it as a Custom Token. We use MetaMask as an example, but the dApp supports TrustWallet, Binance Chain Wallet, and other mainstream wallets as well. Steps to add Custom Assets in other wallets should be substantially the same.Open MetaMask and click Assets to see the tokens in your wallet.Make sure your MetaMask is connnected to BSC Mainnet, NOT Ethereum.Scroll down to the bottom and click Add Token.Click Custom Token.Paste the contract address for τDoge 0xe550a593d09fbc8dcd557b5c8...

τDoge Launch Guide 2 — Airdrop Tutorial

τDoge Launch Guide 2 — Airdrop Tutorial Today (May 14, 2021) at approximately 10:00pm (SGT, UTC+8), BTCST’s implementation of STP 9: τDoge Initial Liquidity and Airdrop Parameters will come online. BTCST, τDoge, and Dogecoin (BEP 20 version) holders will become the recipients of τDoge airdrops and will be eligible to stake and mine τDoge. This post, discussing claiming airdrops from the BTCST dApp, is the second of 3 guides that we are publishing to help our community members make the most out of the τDoge Initial Liquidity Event and Airdrops.(1/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 1 — FAQs(2/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 2 — Airdrop Tutorial(3/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 3 — Mining Tutorial Before starting this guide, please make sure that you have enough BNB (BEP20 version) in your wallet to cover network fees charged by the Binance Smart Chain for the operations described below. To see τDoge in your wallet, you should first add it as a Custom Token. We use MetaMask as an example, but the dApp supports TrustWallet, Binance Chain Wallet, and other mainstream wallets as well. Steps to add Custom Assets in other wallets should be substantially the same.Open MetaMask and click Assets to see the tokens in your wallet.Make sure your MetaMask is connnected to BSC Mainnet, NOT Ethereum.Scroll down to the bottom and click Add Token.Click Custom Token.Paste the contract address for τDoge 0xe550a593d09fbc8dcd55...

τDoge Launch Guide 1 — FAQs

τDoge Launch Guide 1 — FAQs Today (May 14, 2021) at approximately 10:00pm (SGT, UTC+8), BTCST’s implementation of STP 9: τDoge Initial Liquidity and Airdrop Parameters will come online. BTCST, τDoge, and Dogecoin (BEP 20 version) holders will become the recipients of τDoge airdrops and will be eligible to stake and mine τDoge. This post, answering the most frequently asked questions about τDoge, is the first of 3 guides that we are publishing to help our community members make the most out of the τDoge Initial Liquidity Event.(1/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 1 — FAQs(2/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 2 — Airdrop Tutorial(3/3) : τDoge Launch Guide 3 — Mining Tutorial 1. What is τDoge? With the implementation of STP 8 — Restorative Rebase and its demonstrably strong price history (i.e., with a stable price premium at 5–6%), τBitcoin has established itself as the most successful synthetic Bitcoin in DeFi. 🎉 Following the success of τBitcoin, τDoge is the second synthetic asset that BTCST stakers can mine. 🪂 The price of τDoge is pegged 1:1 to that of Dogecoin in accordance with the price pegging mechanism of the Tau Protocol and STP 8 : Restorative Rebase. τDoge along with τBitcoin will soon form the foundation of τEcosystem starting with the launch of τSage with industry-leading partners. To see τDoge in your wallet, you should first add it as a Custom Token. We use MetaMask...

STP 9 — τDoge Initial Liquidity Event and Airdrop Parameters

STP 9: τDoge Initial Liquidity and Airdrop Parameters Purpose This STP 9 decides the initial liquidity and airdrop parameters of BTCST’s second synthetic asset, τDoge. If STP 9 is passes, synthetic mining of τDoge by BTCST stakers and airdrops for other ecosystem participants will commence via BTCST’s dApp on Friday, May 14, 2021 at 08:00pm (SGT). Details With the implementation of STP 8 — Restorative Rebase and its demonstrably strong price history (i.e., with a stable price premium at 5–6%), τBitcoin has established itself as the most successful synthetic Bitcoin in DeFi. Now, BTCST is ready to unveil its second synthetic asset, τDoge, that users can stake BTCST and τBitcoin to synthetically mine.See the τ protocol whitepaper for more details on the mechanism of τAssets.See STP 8 for details on Restorative Rebase, which substantially enhanced the price pegs of all current and future τAssets. Total initial liquidity of τDoge is proposed to be set at 150,000,000. Here are launch parameters of τDoge initial liquidity event proposed; all time intervals are approximated by block count: · Earned by staking BTCSTs: 75,000,000 (50.00%); distributed over 8 weeks; rewards halve weekly (determined by block counts). · Earned by staking τBitcoin: 750,000 (0.50%); distributed over 8 weeks; rewards halve weekly. · Earned by staking BEP-20 Dogecoin (i.e., Binance Smart Chain version of Dogecoin): 750,000 (0...

STP 8 — Restorative Rebase

STP 8 — Restorative Rebase Purpose This STP proposes Restorative Rebase, an improved way for τBitcoin to conduct deflationary rebase (e.g., bringing the relative price of τBitcoin compared to Bitcoin back to 1). If STP 8 is passed, Restorative Rebase will be activated for τBitcoin on or by April 30, 2021 at 08:00pm (SGT). Details As τBitcoin continues its initial liquidity event, it has demonstrated strong price resilience and earned tremendous market recognition. No deflationary rebase has been triggered because of the built-in open market purchases and our community’s trust in τBitcoin’s price pegging mechanism. This shows that τBitcoin, supported by miners representing 12% of Bitcoin’s global hashrate, is the most successful synthetic Bitcoin on the market. The team has since received advice from experts in algorithmic assets and our community on how τBitcoin’s deflationary rebase process could be improved. Namely, the current deflationary rebase process described by the τ whitepaper proportionately reduces the balances of all τBitcoin addresses during a deflationary epoch. This process could discourage some market participants from holding τBitcoin, for the universal rebase could be viewed as unfairly punishing faithful owners not responsible for price deviation. The team now proposes Restorative Rebase as an improvement. Restorative Rebase intends to (i) not only protect but also reward faithful ...

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