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BRKL Price   

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BRKL Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$50.6 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #BRKL today is $0.00360 USD.

The lowest BRKL price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00360, and the exact current price of one BRKL crypto coin is $0.00360033.

The all-time high BRKL coin price was $1.85.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BRKL with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Brokoli crypto currency is #BRKL.

Brokoli is 3.3 years old.


The current market capitalization for Brokoli is $50,582.

Brokoli is ranked #1023 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak during the past 24 hours for #BRKL.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Brokoli is $807.


The circulating supply of BRKL is 14,049,442 coins, which is 11% of the total coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Brokoli coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


BRKL is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 1 other blockchain.

See list of the BRKL Blockchain contracts with 2 different blockchains.


BRKL is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #BRKL trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #BRKL purchase.



How to claim $SRG on October 18th

The time has come — all of the winners of $SRG IDO will be able to claim their unlocked tokens! This article will go over the entire process of how to claim your $SRG in detail.Once Brokoli receives tokens from the Street Runnet team at approximately their listing time, we’ll make them available for claiming here: 👉 Note: Logistics might take time to load the claim contract with $SRG tokens since they’ll only be made available by Street Runner at around their listing time. — How to use the Green IDO Page - Open the Claim page (available when it goes live): If you have claims available in the claim contracts, you will see them listed. You can check the BSC mainnet to see available pools. Notifications will guide you to connect your wallet, select the correct network and check. If you have available rewards, you will see the information displayed. Remember, connect to the correct network: Bep-20 (Binance Smart Chain) For those expecting allocations: When tokens are available to be claimed, you will see a ‘Claim SRG’ button, Click the ‘Claim SRG’ button and sign the transaction with your MetaMask wallet., — About Brokoli Network - Brokoli is an impact-to-earn NFT metaverse where climate impact makes you money. Your DeFi transactions on Brokoli plant NFT Trees: a tradable asset that earns passive income. Brokoli’s core: Environmen...

The Plant2Earn Manifesto

During the last bull market, we saw titans of crypto born out of their innovation to create real value through building earning vehicles for crypto users. From Axie Infinity & Play2Earn, to XCAD Network & Watch2Earn, to Stepn & Move2Earn these now giants in the space grew both themselves & their communities through offering products that enabled users to monetise the popular daily actions that they loved. All of a sudden, crypto has seen adoption from vast communities outside of traditional trading, enticing everyone from gamers, to film-lovers, to gym addicts & more to start playing with these use cases — a monumental step forward for mass adoption. We think it’s about time Brokoli Network followed suit & led by example in our field. And with companies like Meta having invested a collective $10bn in research and development into metaverse tech this year, there was no place to start than with one of the primary developing technologies of our age. Following the long-anticipated release of our Green Metaverse, we are finally ready to present to you the next evolution in crypto earning. Plant2Earn. As first movers in the space, it is our goal to reinvent & innovate sustainability, offering users real uncapped earning potential for being green. Our vision behind Plant2Earn is simple: Gamify climate positive action & incentivise more users in the space to adopt greener alternatives by of...

Green DEX Aggregator: Trade FIAT to Crypto

We’re thrilled to announce that joining the Brokoli Ecosystem will now be easier than ever, thanks to our new FIAT-to-crypto onramp provided by our partners at Moonpay. The multi-national fintech will now offer our users over 100+ onramps in over 160+ countries, giving them access to payment processing giants such as Apple Pay, VISA & Mastercard to name a few. Our first integration with Moonpay will happen on Brokoli’s Green DEX Aggregator and by connecting any decentralised wallet. This is MASSIVE for global adoption of our Green DeFi products! “As one of the only DEXs on the market that offers a FIAT onramp integration, Brokoli is now uniquely positioned to be the first touchpoint for users into crypto. The convenience of a CEX, partnered with the variety of a DEX & the opportunity of an Aggregator. Not to mention that the entire thing is carbon-offset. This changes everything.” - Haroldas, Brokoli CEO. Brokoli now encompasses one of the most scalable ecosystems in crypto! We have built a perfect onramp for both new & experienced traders into the market, as well as carbon-neutral alternatives to every major use-case in Web3: From NFTs, to dApps, to integrations, to a fully functioning metaverse, all powered by $BRKL. Day to day, a crypto trader will never have to venture outside of the Brokoli ecosystem to facilitate their needs. Easy-to-use, carbon-neutral, & matches the best prices on the marke...

$BRKL: An instrument for a greener tomorrow

Since Brokoli Network’s inception back in May 2021, the Brokoli team has strived for one common vision: To set the standard for sustainability in Web3, providing true longevity for the tools of tomorrow. With the boom of DeFi back in early 2021, we saw a clear need for climate action if Web3 is to have any longevity to it. Although the decentralised aim of giving control back to the end-user is revolutionary, its energy consumption is anything but that. Bitcoin mining alone takes up nearly 1% of the world’s entire energy consumption, a figure that has risen 10x over the last 5 years. With an impact that currently rivals the energy output of the entire country of Turkey, Brokoli Network offers a clear decentralised solution that rewards users: the $BRKL token. Brokoli’s native $BRKL token is not an investment. Through the evolution of our ever expanding green ecosystem, $BRKL is very much a tool used to unlock greater uncapped earning potential, and positively affect cryptocurrency’s climate impact in the process. How $BRKL captures value Green DEX Aggregator: Our first port of call was ideating a method of integrating carbon offsetting seamlessly into trading, without compromising the user experience. With Brokoli’s Green DEX Aggregator, we charge the same transaction fees as any other de(centralised) exchange would, except these go directly back to the planet. With figures subject to vary on market conditions a...

Our New Treasury Mechanics: $BRKL creates a casfhlow generating DAO

This week’s theme is ‘pioneering’. And in the spirit of this, Brokoli comes to you with one of its proudest creations to date — BrokoliDAO 🥦🏛 Below, you’ll learn exactly how and why we have decided to go against the grain and structure our DAO, the way we have. SPOILER ALERT 🚨: Our users are going to love this one. Our more ‘unique’ DAO structure emanated from a realisation that the valuations of most treasuries are massively over-inflated. This is because they often include their native tokens, and when treating native tokens as operational funds in a treasury, a project will often be urged to liquidate its own tokens on the market, causing a negative price trend to finance operations. Our team decided to take a step back, and begin to set our focus on filling our treasury with non-native assets that would increase our treasury funds and valuation by strategic purchases of other project tokens. “Why?”, you may ask. Whereas most projects will raise capital to exclusively fund their development and team, the cyclical cashflow that BrokoliDAO has constructed will flow directly into our treasury, translating into higher yield for our DAO members. In order to promote stable community yield, as well as community governance for the network, locking $BRKL in our DAO would:entitle holders to consistent APY via the aforementioned DAO cashflow system, as well asallow them to propose and vote on gove...

HOW TO: Vote in the Climate Parliament DAO

IT’S VOTING TIME! This week, we are testing our new Climate Parliament DAO voting system on Snapshot, to allow our staked holders to vote on which of our climate projects will be funded first. 🌎 This marks yet another milestone in Brokoli’s pioneering journey to make crypto green 🌳WHO’S ELIGIBLE TO VOTE In order to vote on our first proposal, a user needs to have staked tokens at the time when the block was created. Our Snapshot poll will accept the following holders:Holders that own $BRKL in your non-custodial wallet (like Metamask) on BSC or ETHHolders that own $BRKL staked at at Tokensfarm single staking farms 1 & 2Holders that own $BRKL-$BUSD staked at LP Farm 3Our native SEED token holders 1 $BRKL staked equates to 1 voting point. 1 $BRKL-$BUSD LP token equals 2 voting points. 1 $SEED token will equate to 10 voting points. We will allocate $16,000 that we have collected for tree planting with the project that collects the most votes. The vote will run until the end of February.HOW TO VOTE To vote just follow these 4 easy steps (for demonstration purposes, we have used another project’s page):Go to your project’s snapshot page by visiting Click join, and then click on the proposal you wish to vote on: 2. Once there, you can read all about the proposal and voting options: 3. Click on “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner: 4. Connect with wallet provider wh...

Green Development Update: Climate Parliament DAO is live

DAO Vote is live It’s finally here: the first Brokoli DAO vote! We are allocating $16,000 to the top-voted climate partner. This month’s climate partners are: 🇻🇳 Gaia Nature Conservation 🇧🇷 Grupo Ambiental Natureza 🇮🇳 AERF 🇲🇽 Naturalia Fun fact: over 1.4M $BRKL already voted 🥦 Here’s a quick tutorial on how to vote: Our devs have configured Snapshot to enable simple and gasless voting — and it’s greener ;). You can also see related voting stats directly on the research pages 🗳️Green Launchpad overhaul This week, our devs have been working hard on improving the green launchpad. It will keep its great looks and simple UI, but will function much better. The new changes should fix most of the hiccups the users were experiencing in past launches. Be on the lookout for our next green launch 👀 For the rest of the stuff, we’ll keep it secret until next week’s announcements 🤓About Brokoli Network Brokoli is an impact-to-earn NFT metaverse where climate impact makes you money. Your DeFi transactions on Brokoli plant NFT Trees: a tradable asset that earns passive income. Brokoli’s core: Environmentally friendly gateway into the most popular DEXs and dApps. API: Any blockchain platform (centralised or decentralised) can implement our API to allow...

Development Update: Climate Parliament DAO, Metaverse & Website

DAO Research is live! Climate Parliament DAO is the headline this week. You can now check out the DAO Research pages at: Dedicated supporters would have read about this one coming on last week’s development update 👀. What does this mean for Brokoli users? With your staked $BRKL (Tokensfarm, NFTrade, Unicrypt farms included) or SEED tokens (received by using Brokoli products), you can now choose which projects will be funded to plant trees. Our dev team is also integrating snapshot voting to leverage gasless voting for maximum green-ness 💚 Look out for our first-ever DAO vote in the coming 1–2 weeks. dashboard and Impact NFTs coming soon You might remember something about owning and trading your impact. This will be facilitated by Impact NFTs. In a nutshell, you will be able to navigate to the impact dashboard to see your climate-positive impact by using Brokoli products, and claim NFTs to prove (and trade) your impact. The impact dashboard is currently being built by our dev team and will come very soon!Landing page facelift The Brokoli website landing page will be completely overhauled to reflect the new era of the project. We will be modernising the design and highlighting the newer aspects such as the Metaverse and Climate Parliament DAO, and making it easier to use.

More Pancakeswap Liquidity: Migrating LP from Uniswap to Pancakeswap in the next 48 hours

After popular community request, we’re migrating liquidity from Uniswap to Pancakeswap. Simply put, this move aims to add more liquidity depth to the centre of trading for all our holders 🥦 Around 90% of our holders use BSC. What is more, we are well aware of the increasingly high trading fees on ETH that make trading $BRKL difficult and even inaccessible for many. We have also noticed that there is an increasing arbitrage bot activity on 9/10 transactions on Uniswap. This means that ‘arbitrage bots’ execute the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same assets in different markets to profit from tiny differences in the asset’s listed price. As a result, if the asset’s price is increasing, arbitrage slows the appreciation to even the price among ETH and BSC markets. All Uniswap LP will therefore be migrated in the next 48 hours to allow our holders sufficient time to move their assets. After this, we will unpair all our LP tokens, port them over to BSC, and pair them again on Pancakeswap. We also assure that the ETH to BSC bridge on Chainport will continue operating undisrupted to allow to bridge $BRRKL at your convenience. We look forward to making trading $BRKL cheaper and welcoming more retail users by adding more liquidity exposure to Pancakeswap 🥞About Brokoli Network Brokoli is an impact-to-earn NFT metaverse where climate impact makes you money. Your DeFi transactions on Brokoli plant NFT Trees: a t...

Brokoli and NFTrade Present the First Green NFT Platform: NFTs Plant Trees

The hottest topic in crypto today: NFTs The worst thing about crypto today: climate damage The green crypto startup Brokoli teams up with NFTrade to lead the way in making blockchain, crypto and NFTs green 🌳 NFTrade is a multi-chain NFT trading platform with the highest user count on Avalance, BSC and Polygon. Today, it starts planting trees when users purchase NFTs with Brokoli. 👉 Buy NFTs, plant trees NOW: Users will be given the option at checkout to offset their carbon footprint by planting a tree with every transaction. The extra funds will go to Brokoli’s climate fund, where the Brokoli DAO members will pick the best tree planting projects to support in their chosen locations. Together, we are bringing crypto closer to a climate-positive future. Any crypto project can become green with Brokoli Exactly — any project can integrate Brokoli as we are chain agnostic. We work on centralised and decentralised. Think wallets, exchanges, yield farms or any latest Dogecoin impersonators — one size fits all. Elephant in the Room You may ignore it, but you already know the reason why crypto markets halved earlier this year. Sustainability problems, publicly voiced by Elon Musk, led to the biggest market crash we’ve seen in years in May 2020. Let me give you a crash course on how much crypto is actually damaging the planet (feel free to read more here):Ethereum and Bitcoin consume as...

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