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BOSON Price   

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Boson Protocol  


BOSON Price:
$658.0 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$23.5 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #BOSON today is $0.19 USD.

The lowest BOSON price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.191, and the current live price for one BOSON coin is $0.19078.

The all-time high BOSON coin price was $4.92.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BOSON with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Boson Protocol crypto currency is #BOSON.

Boson Protocol is 3.8 years old.


The current market capitalization for Boson Protocol is $23,489,582.

Boson Protocol is ranked #471 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is medium during the past 24 hours for #BOSON.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Boson Protocol is $657,999.


The circulating supply of BOSON is 123,122,963 coins, which is 62% of the maximum coin supply.


BOSON is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 1 other blockchain.

See list of the BOSON Blockchain contracts with 2 different blockchains.


BOSON is integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 11 crypto exchanges.

View #BOSON trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #BOSON purchase.



Web3 Bootstrapping Strategies — Part 1

Web3 Bootstrapping Strategies — Part 1 - A guide to building in Web3 The web2 bootstrapping playbook — extensively covered in my books Platform Revolutionand Platform Scale — was focused on enabling a platform’s core interactions and building out network effects. Web3 bootstrapping involves many of the same mechanics that scaled Web2 networks. However, bootstrapping Web3 networks requires us to factor in five key differences. I cover these — and many other topics on building in Web3- in detail in the recently launched Web3 Builders Playbook. DOWNLOAD THE WEB3 PLAYBOOK Web3 bootstrapping is poorly understood and strategies to kickstart decentralized ecosystems are still evolving. Understanding these five factors will help you strategize more effectively as you look to build in Web3. We look at two of these below. Let’s dive right in! — Web2: Creators onboarded on creative toolsets - Some of the largest Web2 platforms built out network effects by focusing entirely on creators and providing them a creative toolset. As producers created and shared content and other products using these creative tools, consumers came on board to consume this content and some of them, in turn, became creators, driving network effects. Users initially used Instagram to take a picture and apply one of the many Instagram filters. These filters, as well as the simple three-step workflow, reduced creative frictio...

Web3 Bootstrapping Strategies — Part 2

Web3 Bootstrapping Strategies — Part 2 - A guide to kickstarting web3 platforms For those of us who grew up with Web2, Web3 bootstrapping is — as the Thais would put it — same same but different. In last week’s newsletter, I expanded on two of key tools in our web3 bootstrapping arsenal. The first — the shift from creator toolsets to composable environments — as a key tool to bootstrap creator economy platforms. The second — the shift from proprietary data ;lock-in to interoperable data — as a key tool to kickstart new applications which would have starved for data in Web2’s walled gardens. This week, we look at three additional strategies when bootstrapping web3 ecosystems. All five of these strategies are covered in detail in the Web3 Builders Playbook. DOWNLOAD THE PLAYBOOK Web3 bootstrapping is poorly understood and strategies to kickstart decentralized ecosystems are still evolving. Understanding these factors will help you strategize more effectively as you look to build in Web3. Let’s dive right in! DOWNLOAD THE PLAYBOOK — Web2: Scaling through progressive openness - Web2 platforms built network effects through progressive openness. Many platforms would start out within closed networks, drive interactions and engagement, and then open out to additional stakeholders. Facebook, for instance, started out as a closed network inside university campuses - starting w...

Move over, #SBF! The #Web3 Builders Playbook launches today

Crypto might be dead, but long live Web3 Between Mark’s admission of pandemic bloat and overestimation, Sam’s flip from badly dressed crypto-saviour to badly dressed crypto-scammer, and Elon’s on-again, off-again relationship with Twitter engineers, we’ve had a bunch of crazy weeks this November. And with FTX wrapping up a year of drama in crypto, we’re as done with speculative crypto as we are with effective altruism. With all that noise out of the way, though, there’s never been a better time to build! So while crypto might be dead, long live Web3! We couldn’t have chosen a more dramatic time to launch our Web3 Builders Playbook. But it’s finally here! And before we move any further, the Web3 playbook launches today. Get your copy now: — GET THE PLAYBOOK. — — 1. The rise of protocols - Protocols have often been dismissed by Web3 skeptics, as hacker tools that will only impact a small community. Instead, protocols — in combination with tokens — look increasingly likely to power the next generation of market economics. Protocols (in combination with tokens) change the incentives and returns on production and disentangle consumers from the lock-in enforced by platforms. Read the definitive post on the topic here: Pipelines to platforms to protocols: Reconfiguring value and redesigning markets — 2. Web3 Ecosystems: Openness on steroids - Web2 ecosystems primarily compris...

Web3 Network Effects: Leveraging Power Users

How tokenized ownership turbocharges Web3 adoption Web2 platforms like Kickstarter, Udemy, and Skillshare scaled by getting power producers onto the platform early on. These producers, in turn, onboarded their followers as consumers, some of whom, then further converted into producers and a cycle of user acquisition and ever-increasing network effects started building up. Owing to tokenized ownership, Web3 platforms can turbocharge power user strategies. As centralized ownership of the platform decreases, power users play an increasingly important role by driving growth of the platform and reaping the ensuing gains. This essay provides a teardown in one of the most important Web3 strategies: Leveraging power users. Specifically, this essay explores 6 strategies for leveraging power users to bootstrap and scale Web3 platforms. Piggyback Web2 social graphs, Structure the token model to attract power users based on network activity needs, Structure power governance for power users, Target power users using NFT signalling, Leverage power users for viral growth through memetic spread, Drive flywheel effects through integrations, This article is part of the upcoming Web3 Bootstrapping Playbook. Sign up here to get early access to the playbook when it launches: SIGN UP TO GET EARLY ACCESS — Why power users matter - Power users play a key role in the creation of network effects. Not all nodes on a network are equal, s...

Boson Protocol v2, Web3’s Commerce Layer to launch on Polygon

We are thrilled to announce that Boson Protocol v2, the breakthrough technology enabling digital to physical redemption without intermediaries is launching on Polygon. Polygon is a leading Ethereum scaling platform that enables developers to build scalable user-friendly decentralized apps (dapps) with low transaction fees and without sacrificing security. Boson Protocol solves the problem of fair exchange within e-commerce, without the need for trusted intermediaries or counterparties. Instead, Buyer and Seller make commitments to trade within smart contracts encoded with game theory and tokenized as redeemable NFTs. Buyers have the assurance that either they can redeem the NFT for the physical item or get their money back.“Decentralized commerce is primed to be a strong adoption driver and powerful enabler of new applications. As one of the leaders in decentralized commerce, we’re thrilled that v2 of Boson Protocol is launching on Polygon” — Brian Trunzo, Metaverse Lead, Polygon. The key part of the protocol is the core exchange mechanism subsystem that handles the exchange of the on-chain value for the off-chain value between two parties. The protocol provides other features through a set of functional and optional protocol modules. Justin Banon, Co-Founder of Boson Protocol says, “We are launching Boson Protocol v2 on Polygon because it gives us significantly lower transaction costs and higher throughput. I...

General AMA & DAO Vote #3 — Setting Protocol Fee

General AMA & DAO Vote #3 — Setting Protocol Fee - Thank you for joining our General AMA with Justin Banon Co-Founder of Boson Protocol & Jonas Seiferth our Web3 Director. See the summary below of the AMA that took place Friday 19th August in our Discord channel. Justin & Jonas discussed setting the Protocol fee and how you the $Boson holder can take part in deciding the final fee via the Snapshot vote which is live now running from midnight August 22 and closes midnight August 26 (UK time) CLICK HERE TO VOTE NOW make your voice heard. Please see below the transcript from our AMA in Discord to help inform you in making your decision. ___________________________________________________________________ Proposal Details: Protocol Fee Parameter setting This vote will be a single-choice vote. The three options to vote on are: Option A — 0.5% Protocol fee, Option B — 0.6% Protocol fee, Option C — 0.7% Protocol fee ________________________________________________________________, Justin - Hi @everyone 👋 Jonas - We’re here to discuss the governance proposal about setting the Protocol fee (read more here The upcoming DAO vote on the Protocol fee will be the most significant one in Boson’s governance history and we’re here to answer any questions that the community has. We’re also happy to answer any questions around the recent v2 whitepaper release and the subsequent blo...

Boson Protocol DAO Vote #3 -Setting Protocol Fee

Have your say in the next Boson DAO vote Introduction Boson Protocol is launching v2 of the protocol, after months of intense protocol design upgrades, the foundational primitive for decentralised commerce is almost here. Boson Protocol v2 will enable the trust-minimised and automated exchange of off-chain assets, by tokenizing commitments to trade as redeemable NFTs (rNFTs). For Boson Protocol to be self-sustainable, fees will be introduced for executing transactions on the protocol. Boson Protocol v1 didn’t include a Protocol fee and was free to use. After the successful v2 launch the Protocol fee is going to be an essential part of the protocol. Following our decentralisation roadmap, Boson is on the verge of being decentralised to the point that it will sustain its own community of builders and contributors. In order to achieve this, an income in the form of a Protocol fee will flow into the DAO to be distributed later through the governance process to the community. This is one of multiple votes that will happen in the near future around the Boson Protocol v2 launch. We invite everyone who holds $BOSON tokens to vote on one of the fee structures and decide which one is going to be implemented by the end of the voting period. ___________________________________________________________________ Executive Summary V2 of Boson Protocol allows for the setting of a Protocol fee, see Page 33 in the v2 Whitepaper. The Protocol...

High level introduction to the design of Boson Protocol

What is Boson Protocol - Boson Protocol v2 is a decentralized optimistic fair exchange protocol, which enables the trust-minimized, automated exchange of off-chain assets, whilst tokenizing commitments to trade as redeemable NFTs. — Introducing Redeemable NFTs - Boson Protocol enables the tokenization, transfer and trade of any physical thing as a redeemable NFT. Boson is an optimistic fair-exchange protocol which enables the decentralized commercial exchange of any physical thing, without centralized intermediaries or trusted counterparties. Instead, Buyer and Seller make incentivized commitments to trade, via smart contracts encoded with game theory and tokenized as redeemable NFTs. The Redeemable NFT module is an NFT smart contract that provides redemption functionality alongside the ERC721 NFT features. The purpose of the module is to manage the lifetime of the rNFT between the time a Buyer commits to buy an item, and the moment of redemption. Redeemable NFTs (rNFTs) can be thought of as forward contracts for physical things, programmed within smart contracts. rNFTs can be held, transferred or traded like any other NFT. — Game theory in Boson Protocol - Boson uses game theory to incentivise good behaviour and mutual resolution of disputes. As an exception, disputes can be escalated to independent or decentralized resolvers. Thus providing the bearer of an rNFT with strong and credible assurance, that either ...

Boson Protocol extended Tokenomics Information

On April 9th 2021, Boson Protocol successfully concluded its public token sale. Here is more information about the Boson token. This post covers: A quick Boson Protocol intro, Tokenomics, Token Release Schedule, Public Token Distribution, What is Boson Protocol Boson Protocol is Web3’s commerce Layer, enabling the decentralized commercial exchange of any physical thing as redeemable NFTs. No need to trust centralised intermediaries or sellers. Instead Boson is an efficient, optimistic, fair-exchange protocol built using smart contracts encoded with game theory, with escalation to independent dispute resolvers. Simply purchase the redeemable NFT and get the physical item, or your money back. You can read our latest v2 White Paper. About Tokenomics Tokenomics is an important subject within the world of crypto and currently carries different meanings for different people. Some view it as “the study of how cryptocurrencies work within the broader ecosystem,” while others see it through a more narrow prism, as “the understanding of supply and demand characteristics of a given crypto asset”. While we subscribe to the broader definition and believe Tokenomics to be one of the critical foundations for the success or failure of a token and ultimately the ecosystem that it powers, this post focuses specifically on the supply distribution and allocation aspects of boson tokenomics that cater to our broader community. Ov...

Introducing Boson Protocol v2, launching in Q4

Web3’s Commerce Layer In this article we introduce the core concepts driving the planned upgrade to the Boson web3 commerce infrastructure, outlined in the recently published whitepaper, which you can download here — TL;DR - Boson Protocol v2 is the foundational primitive for decentralized commerce, which enables the trust-minimized and automated exchange of off-chain assets, by tokenizing commitments to trade as redeemable NFTs. Boson has been widely recognised as a technology pioneer with the potential to transform the existing fractured and monopolistic e-commerce landscape, into a single digital market for physical things, built on Web3. In July 22, we unveiled the v2 design and whitepaper at EthCC[5] in Paris.Boson v2 whitepaper unveiling at EthCC[5] Boson v2 launches at the beginning of Q4 2022, and will enable anyone to sell physical items as NFTs in a decentralized way. — The problem with Smart Contracts - The purpose of smart contracts is to automatically execute agreements, ensuring compliance with contractual terms, whilst minimizing exceptions and displacing intermediaries. Despite this promise, smart contracts are inherently disconnected from the real world. Smart contracts are unable to view the real world on their own, because they cannot trust external data sources. Instead they require data oracles in order to trust off-chain data. Similarly, smart contracts cannot reliably affect the real ...

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