| Bunny Girl Universe 
BNGT Price: | $0.0000000000512 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $0.00000000242 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | 19,377,763,326,839,164 |
| Exchanges: | —
| Total Supply: | 49,912,499,999,999,992 |
| Markets: | —
| Max Supply: | 100,000,000,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | —
The last known price of #BNGT is $0.0000000000512 USD.
Please note that the price of #BNGT was last updated over 660 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #BNGT statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest BNGT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000000000512, and the exact last price of BNGT was $0.00000000005115.
The all-time high BNGT coin price was $0.00000000242.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BNGT with market cap of ETH and how the supply affects the price of BNGT at different market capitalizations. |
The code for Bunny Girl Universe crypto currency is #BNGT.
Bunny Girl Universe is 1.1 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Bunny Girl Universe is not available at this time.
Bunny Girl Universe is ranking downwards to #20581 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown during the past 24 hours for #BNGT. |
The circulating supply of BNGT is 19,377,763,326,839,164 coins, which is 19% of the maximum coin supply.
Bunny Girl Universe has a relatively large supply of coins, 159,409,274 times larger than Ethereum's supply, as an example. |
BNGT exchange data is not currently available.
 Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 03-Mar-2022 Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 03th-Mar-2022 Weekly Report Dear Marsters, We are excited to bring you some new progress. Bunny Girl team is working hard. Let’s announce the latest progress. What we have done$BNGT List on Coinmarketcap and get Gainers Top 3 https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bunny-girl-universe/$BNGT price get 4.5 x pumpAirdrop Round 1 distribution$BNGT Trading & Holder commpetition end and Winner list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13aRbJsAsVKzZsMmJynnEznJShwfaGOYfUNINYUs8OB8/edit?usp=sharing What are we working in next weekNew website testing ,the update around 20th MarchBunny Girl NFT mint testing, upload the NFT girls pic and dataBunny Box sale testingCoingecko ListingThe Front UI fixed and SQL data writeAirdrop round 2 winner data write to SQLList event with Bitmart , the details will ann later Conclusion We are looking forward share more updates for you,Pls follow us . Thank for your support ,the Bunny Girl Team.
|  Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 21-Feb-2022 Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 21-Feb-2022 Weekly Report Dear Marsters, We are excited to bring you some new progress. Bunny Girl team is working hard. Let’s announce the latest progress. What we have doneBunny Girl Presale EndBunny Girl Pinksale EndBunny Girl IDO on daostarter End$BNGT token list on pancakeswap ,Buy now https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0x8Ec6Df71D4d98c5aFf5214E4f680920FeDF32A43Bunny Girl Airdrop Round 2 NFT evnet end and list the winners,winner list https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0x8Ec6Df71D4d98c5aFf5214E4f680920FeDF32A43The number of followers on twitter has arrvied 90kPublic token sale round 1 started What are we working in next weekNew website testingBunny Girl NFT mint testingBunny Box sale testingCMC & Coingecko ListingBNGT Trading & Holding Competition Conclusion We are looking forward share more updates for you,Pls follow us . Thank for your support ,the Bunny Girl Team.
|  Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 7th-Feb-2022 Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 7th-Feb-2022 Weekly Report Dear Marsters, We are excited to bring you some new progress. Bunny Girl team is working hard. Let’s announce the latest progress. What we have doneBunny Girl Airdrop Round 2 for Bunny Box NFT launched and living nowMake AMA whit ACY Finance and the rewards of ask question winnerAffected by market conditions and holidays, delayed the IDO and PinksaleThe number of followers on twitter has arrvied 86kCompleted the bounty campaign What are we working in next weekMake AMA and Presale on PinksaleMake IDO on daostarter and acy financeList $BNGT on pancakswapCompleted all airdrop event and ann the winnersCompleted the presale on our websiteTesting the bunny box purchase systemTesting the NFT mint smart contract Conclusion We are looking forward share more updates for you,Pls follow us . Thank for your support ,the Bunny Girl Team.
|  Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 17th-Jan-2022 Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 17th-Jan-2022 Weekly Report Dear Marsters, We are excited to bring you some new progress. Bunny Girl team is working hard. Let’s announce the latest progress. What we have doneWe completed all the airdrop activities in the first phase, we had cooperation whit “Airdrop channel / Legit community / Airdrop Detective / Airdrop Ninja / Airdrop Blusstart and Airdrop CryptoEarn”The number of community members has arrived 110kThe number of followers on twitter has arrvied 60kTalk about the IDO cooperation with ACY.FinanceStarted the BNGT presale and rewards event , BNGT already get 7% fundrasieCompleted presale page design, smart contract development and purchase guide,upload to YOUTUBE What are we working in next weekAMA whit Erax communityLaunch IDO on Erax.ioAnn the winner list of airdropAnn IDO cooperation whit daostartDevelop End-back manager system Conclusion We are looking forward share more updates for you,Pls follow us . Thank for your support ,the Bunny Girl Team.
|  Bngt Presale Smart Contract Holders 🙏Dear Masters, 🐰Bunny Girl is a serious, open and reliable project. Every investment transfer you make can be queried on BscScan. It is controlled by a secure smart contract. You can query your purchase BNGT records on BSC Netwrok. 📝BNGT Buyer and HOLDERS on Bsc Smart Contract Address: https://bscscan.com/token/0x8ec6df71d4d98c5aff5214e4f680920fedf32a43?a=0xe173f82731f6f0a2926906835f277466d0075918
|  How To Buy Bngt Presale & Whitdraw Great News for each Masters, We made a video tutorial for you “How to buy BNGT Presale and Withdraw” 🌐Presale Page: https://tokensale.bunnygirlnft.com/ ⏰Time: 0:00 AM UTC, 15th Jan — 14th Feb 🎬YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z3hvC2yY38 💰HOW TO BUY STEP 1. Connect your Metamask wallet to our website by clicking the “CONNECT WALLET” button STEP 2. Click on “Add BNGT to Metamask” to make the token show up in Metamask. STEP 3. Click on “Approve”, this will enable spending of USDT or BUSD in your Metamask wallet. STEP 4. Click on the same button again to buy, note the button text has changed to “Buy”. SETP 5. After buying is successful, you can scroll down to the “YOUR BNGT TOKENS” section. In there, you can see how many of your BNGT tokens are locked or unlocked. STEP 6. Click on the “Withdraw” button to claim your unlocked BNGTs. Since these locked tokens will be unlocked over time, you can claim as many times as you want, as long as there are newly unlocked tokens. Conclusion We are looking forward share more updates for you,Pls follow us . Thank for your support ,the Bunny Girl Team.
|  Bunny Girl Presale & Rewards Rules Great News for each Masters, Thank you to every Bunny Girl Fans who wants to participate in our presale first. We are pleased to announce the super reward for this pre-sale, which will be the most worthy award of all the projects you have participated in. Token Infos Token Name: Bunny Girl Universe Symbol: BNGT Decimals: 9 Token Contract: 0x8ec6df71d4d98c5aff5214e4f680920fedf32a43 Launch: BSC Network Presale Infos Best price + Best rewards + Best chance = Billionaire Masters Important:All unsold BNGT tokens will be burn !!! Presale Page: https://tokensale.bunnygirlnft.com/ Time: 0:00 AM UTC, 15th Jan — 14th Feb Amount: 250,000,000,000,000 Best Price: $ 0.0000000006 USD per BNGT Buy $ 1 USDT/BUSD = 1,666,666,666 BNGT List Time: 8th Feb 2022 Dex: PancakeSwap unLock Model:Unlock as a percentage per second of your total amounts Whitdraw: 1th June 2022 Rewards Rule Invest RewardsEevery one buy > 100 USD , get Golden box -1 = $ 9.90First 200 buyers > 300 USD , get Platinum box -1 + Golden box -2 = $ 39.70First 100 buyers > 500 USD , get Platinum box -2 + Golden box -3 = $ 69.50First 50 buyers > 1000 USD , get Diamond box -1 + Platinum box -3 + Golden box -5 = $ 159.10 Rank RewardsTop 10 buyers , get Diamond box -1 = $ 49.90Top 11– 50 buyers , get Platinum box -1 = $ 19.90Top 51– 100 buyers , get Golden box -1 = $ 9.90 Rules ExplainTotal Rewards = Invest rewards + Rank rewards ex: if Alex in... 
|  Best Price Join Bunny Girl Presale Now Great News for each Masters, We are very excited to announce that Bunny Girl Presale will launch soon!!! 🐰🚀 BUNNY GIRL $BNGT PRESALE 🚀🐰 • Time: 15th Jan –14th Feb • Amount: 250,000,000,000,000 • Unit Price: 0.0000000006 💰Token Contract: 0x8ec6df71d4d98c5aff5214e4f680920fedf32a43 🤑Buy On: https://tokensale.bunnygirlnft.com/ Conclusion We are looking forward share more updates for you,Pls follow us . Thank for your support ,the Bunny Girl Team.
|  Bunny Girl IDO on Erax Launchpad Great News Dear Marsters, We are very excited to announce that Bunny Girl IDO will launch on Erax.io https://erax.io/ at 8:00 AM UTC , 21th JAN 2022 🚀🚀 WHITELIST CONTEST OPEN NOW 🚀🚀 https://sweepwidget.com/view/47513-r18pfehn Bunny Girl team is working hard. Let’s announce the latest progress.
|  Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 10th-Jan-2022 Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report — — 10th-Jan-2022 Weekly Report Dear Marsters, We have ushered in the first week of the new year, and we have made a lot of progress in the first stage. Bunny Girl team is working hard. Let’s announce the latest progress. What we have doneAnnounce and confirm the partnership with Erax.io IDO platformSigned IDO with daostarter.proThe number of community members has arrived 85kThe number of Twitter followers has arrived 52kThe last Round 1 Airdrop envents startedWon the first place in the Erax project vote activity What are we working in next weekPresale’s website and contract are being prepared and deployedAnnounce and confirm the partnership with daostarter.pro IDO platformEnd the Round 1 of airdrop activitiesDevelop End-back box manager system Conclusion We are looking forward share more updates for you,Pls follow us . Thank for your support ,the Bunny Girl Team.