| Bloktopia 
BLOK Price: | $0.000441 | | Volume: | $104.2 K | All Time High: | $0.18 | | Market Cap: | $47.6 M |
Circulating Supply: | 107,947,748,675 |
| Exchanges: | 10
| Total Supply: | 199,999,999,999 |
| Markets: | 12
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 14
The price of #BLOK today is $0.000441 USD.
The lowest BLOK price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000441, and the exact current price of one BLOK crypto coin is $0.00044077.
The all-time high BLOK coin price was $0.18.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BLOK with market cap of BTC and how the supply of BLOK affects the price at different market capitalizations. |
The code for Bloktopia crypto currency is #BLOK.
Bloktopia is 3.3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Bloktopia is $47,580,044.
Bloktopia is ranked #373 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a medium volume of trading today on #BLOK.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Bloktopia is $104,196. |
The circulating supply of BLOK is 107,947,748,675 coins, which is 54% of the total coin supply.
Relatively, Bloktopia has a large supply of coins, 4,907 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example. |
 A New Milestone- M3TASPACES Open for over 72 hours! Bloktopia opened the doors to M3TASPACES and M3TAClub for the New Years Party, over the longest period yet!. — This past weekend marked a significant milestone for us at Bloktopia. We conducted our latest community test, hosting a party within M3TAClub and M3TASPACES to wish Bloktopians a Happy New Year! Not only was it another successful test from when the doors were first opened on Friday, with over 500 concurrent users joining initially, but it was a successful test of stability by leaving the virtual environment open for the remainder of the weekend. In contrast to previous Beta Test events, which generally last for 30–45 minutes, M3TASPACES and M3TAClub remained open for more than 72 hours! This was the longest period that M3TASPACES has been open to users, allowing them to enter and exit at their leisure. It provided an opportunity for users to explore the space on their own time and interact with fellow Bloktopians. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with users appreciating the freedom and flexibility this provided. — Event Statistics. — Given Bloktopia is in a Beta testing phase, no marketing was implemented ahead of the event. The following figures are based on organic prompts to volunteers from the Bloktopia community. It’s worth noting that at this particular testing stage, there is only a limited amount of features actually released, meaning the main purpose for joining is to social... 
|  A New Way To Join Bloktopia- Download Directly To Your PC! Windows PC downloader test goes live Friday 22nd December!. — Following the successful Windows PC downloader test with our select group of Beta testers, we are excited to announce an upcoming test- Friday 22nd December. This test is specifically for Windows PC users, and will require an application being installed onto your Windows device. — Why are we switching to a downloadable app as a test?. — We’ve taken on board all the feedback from previous tests. Whilst it was generally good, we wanted to be even better. We’ve considered feedback from past tests and worked hard behind the scenes for improvement. Despite positive outcomes using Cloud Rendering for desktop events, challenges arose. Recognising the need for enhancements, the new testing approach is designed to address previous issues and offer a solution that is expected to significantly enhance the overall user experience! — What is the difference versus the previous test?. — The fundamental difference for this test is that there won’t be a live stream. Instead, users can download a file directly from the Bloktopia website to their PCs and open the app. Simple! From there, it’s all the same; joining M3TASPACES will follow the same process as previous tests. The environment, now in the enhanced M3TASPACES with a new stage and portal to M3TAClub, will remain familiar. Users can continue to socialise using voice and text chat, alo... 
|  BLOKTOPIA — Developer Diaries #30 BLOKTOPIA — Developer Diaries #30 - — Hot Topic: Windows PC installer test for M3TASPACES. — Developer Diaries aim to give a transparent view to our community on how the build of Bloktopia is progressing. We value your loyalty and passion for our project, and we will be sharing as much information as we can about 1 specific feature — hopefully at the end of each week! We will continue to work in an agile manner, and will be adapting and optimising our roadmap continuously. That is the nature of building a metaverse. Some things we share here might not ever come to fruition, but our goal will be to set clear expectations and communicate with you all about the upcoming roadmap and priorities. This weekly Developer Diary update focuses on the recent Windows PC installer test for M3TASPACES, which allows users to download an application directly to their PC instead of using Vagon streaming. — Cloud Rendering and Its Challenges. — Our goal has always been to provide users with flexible and convenient options to attend events and explore Bloktopia. Over the past few months, all of our events have leveraged Cloud Rendering technologies to deliver experiences to our users. Whilst this has allowed us to reach a lot of users quickly and generally delivered successful results, including breaking record attendances consecutively each test, it has also brought with it the challenges of new technologie... 
|  BLOKTOPIA — Developer Diaries #29 BLOKTOPIA — Developer Diaries #29 - — Hot Topic: Community Test Re-Cap — BIGGER and BETTER M3TASPACES!. — Developer Diaries aim to give a transparent view to our community on how the build of Bloktopia is progressing. We value your loyalty and passion for our project, and we will be sharing as much information as we can about 1 specific feature — hopefully at the end of each week! We will continue to work in an agile manner, and will be adapting and optimising our roadmap continuously. That is the nature of building a metaverse. Some things we share here might not ever come to fruition, but our goal will be to set clear expectations and communicate with you all about the upcoming roadmap and priorities. This weekly Developer Diary update is about our seventh major community test for our ever evolving M3TASPACES product. With each test we’ve done, we’ve looked to increase concurrent users, showcase new features, reduce to barriers to entry and improve backend responsiveness/stability. Some new features have been subtle and more focused around the backend work in some tests, whereas others have been more forward facing with the visible changes. This latest event certainly ticked that box! — A Bigger and Better M3TASPACES!. — The recent test unveiled numerous new visible features to the community, that brought about real excitement for the upcoming stages of environment testing and... 
|  M3TACARD: BLOKLOK is back! Introducing the re-launch of BLOKLOK investment NFTs, for Bloktopia’s latest venture: M3TACARD. — Following the recent announcement of the upcoming Bloktopia venture and collaboration with Mastercard, along with the resounding success of the initial SIDUS BLOKLOK NFT, Bloktopia are pleased to open the application form for the M3TACARD BLOKLOK NFT. The sale is now live and is available to all Bloktopia and BLOKPAD token holders. — What is M3TACARD?. — M3TACARD: The Web3 Payment Gateway! In the face of the complex challenges posed by crypto FIAT on/off ramping and traditional banking issues, M3TACARD, is poised to bring about a transformative change in the world of cryptocurrency and be the future of payment solutions. A top-tier leadership team has been formed, comprising former members of the Ex-Binance Leadership Team, alongside prominent figures from renowned global enterprises, including Monzo, Revolut, eBay, eToro and Klarna. The M3TACARD team’s effort has culminated in Mastercard approval, enabling the issuance of a cryptocurrency-friendly payment card. — What is BLOKLOK?. — Your opportunity to invest in a Private Round of M3TACARD via an NFT The SIDUS BLOKLOK NFT was the first BLOKLOK launched, prior to the SIDUS Initial Dex Offering (IDO) on December 15th 2021. These NFTs were a huge success, with an investment of $10,000 growing to over $35,000 worth of $SIDUS and $SENATE tokens... 
|  BLOK FRIDAY- New JOBE page with TWO new JOBEs LIVE! JOBE #70 and #71 now live on the brand new and updated JOBE page. — In line with the Black Friday sales today, we’re pleased to announce the release of TWO new JOBEs, now live on the new and improved JOBE page. In line with the initial re-branding and website improvements undertaken in July 2023, we have continued to optimise and improve Bloktopia products across the platform. The new page implements features that will enhance the user experience, making it easier and simpler to manage your staked $BLOK. — New Interface and Features:. — One of the major updates is the prioritisation of ‘MY JOBES’. This means that the JOBES which users are staked in will now appear at the top of the page, making it easier to keep track of investments. In addition, all JOBES will now show if they are full or if there is availability within them to stake $BLOK. This feature will provide real-time updates on the availability of JOBES, helping users to make informed decisions about where to stake your $BLOK. All of the imagery across the JOBE pools has been updated with existing Bloktopia partners, reflecting some of the REBLOKs that make up the JOBEs. — BLOK FRIDAY — Join the new JOBEs!. — Two new JOBEs being released as part of updating the website UI: JOBE #70, JOBE #71, These brand new JOBEs are now live and available for users to stake $BLOK! Updated information on joining a JOBE can be found ... 
|  Upcoming Community Test in M3TASPACES- Join M3TAClub! The doors are open to the brand new and recently named Bloktopia Nightclub: M3TAClub. — On Friday 24th November 2023, 15:00 UTC, Bloktopia will launch its latest public test of the virtual event space M3TASPACES, opening the doors to the brand new nightclub- M3TAClub! — What is the Bloktopia Nightclub?. — The new Bloktopia nightclub is a landmark addition to the M3TASPACES environment and, in turn, the future Bloktopia Metaverse. As a secluded area within M3TASPACES that is accessible via a brand new portal, it marks the first time users have the ability to leave the main M3TASPACES environment and port into another one. In the test, users will spawn directly into Bloktopia’s new space, as well as having the ability to go back through into M3TASPACES. This innovative feature enhances the social aspect of the metaverse, providing a dedicated space where Bloktopians can meet up, socialise, listen to music, dance with their avatars and enjoy a good time away from the main action area. — Why is this test so important?. — The testing of M3TAClub is not just about fun and games. It serves a crucial purpose in the development of M3TASPACES. This new feature gives an opportunity to observe and understand how users move smoothly from one environment to another. The insights gained from this will be invaluable in shaping future iterations of M3TASPACES, particularly in terms of transitioning into virtu... 
|  BLOKTOPIA — Developer Diaries #28 BLOKTOPIA — Developer Diaries #28 - — Hot Topic: M3TAClub — Bloktopia’s Nightclub. — Developer Diaries aim to give a transparent view to our community on how the build of Bloktopia is progressing. We value your loyalty and passion for our project, and we will be sharing as much information as we can about 1 specific feature — hopefully at the end of each week! We will continue to work in an agile manner, and will be adapting and optimising our roadmap continuously. That is the nature of building a metaverse. Some things we share here might not ever come to fruition, but our goal will be to set clear expectations and communicate with you all about the upcoming roadmap and priorities. This weekly Developer Diary update is about M3TAClub, Bloktopia’s brand new nightclub! As voted for live by M3TASPACES users in the last community test, the newly named M3TAClub was a recent completion by the team and the latest addition to Bloktopia and the M3TASPACES environment. We started with a mix of ideas and a variety of design trials. We ultimately opted for a relatively minimalistic design as our starting point, that very much had the look and feel of Bloktopia. This decision was driven by our desire to observe user interaction within the Nightclub and make subsequent updates based on their feedback. Here are some of the initial concepts and designs we began with:Bloktopia Nightclub concepts We knew we... 
|  BLOKTOPIA — Developer Diaries #27 BLOKTOPIA — Developer Diaries #27 - — Hot Topic: Community Test Re-Cap — Our highest attendance yet!. — Developer Diaries aim to give a transparent view to our community on how the build of Bloktopia is progressing. We value your loyalty and passion for our project, and we will be sharing as much information as we can about 1 specific feature — hopefully at the end of each week! We will continue to work in an agile manner, and will be adapting and optimising our roadmap continuously. That is the nature of building a metaverse. Some things we share here might not ever come to fruition, but our goal will be to set clear expectations and communicate with you all about the upcoming roadmap and priorities. This weekly Developer Diary update is about our third major community test for our ever evolving M3TASPACES product. With each test we’ve done, along with the 2nd Birthday Party event which was a hybrid of testing and an official event, we’ve looked to increase concurrent users, showcase new features, reduce to barriers to entry and improve backend responsiveness/stability. The test was no different. We brought in the MOST concurrent users that we have ever seen in M3TASPACES- surpassing the last test by nearly 200 hundred users and hitting just shy of 600 concurrent users! The good news is that it’s just the start — with capacity continuing to expand! — Test Results:. — He... 
|  Upcoming Community Test in M3TASPACES, Tuesday 7th Sep 2023 Testing stability and earn 5k BLOK!. — On Tuesday 7th September 2023, 14:00 UTC, Bloktopia will launch its latest public test of the virtual event space M3TASPACES. As outlined in our Developer Diaries during our recent major event, Bloktopia’s 2nd Birthday Party, and in various testing phases, our primary focus has been on enhancing system stability. Given that event capacities have now more than tripled and with the continuous addition of new features in each test, it is imperative that our builds meet stability expectations and ensure an uninterrupted user experience. Therefore, the upcoming community test will be primarily focused on stability. — What can I expect when joining the test?. — Firstly, the features that will be available to view and use by users won’t be drastically different to what was available in the birthday event. Whilst our team have been working on adding in new features behind the scenes, these are due to be held for future tests and events. This particular test is focused around ensuring that we have fully addressed the server issues that we faced for our birthday party, and the back end responsiveness when increasing concurrent users across multiple instances. — What do I need?. — This test is in line with all previous desktop community tests, so the equipment remains the same as before. As a reminder or to those who are new: The M3TAPASS app on your mobile pho... 