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BIRD Price   

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BIRD Price:
$1.4 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$66.0 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #BIRD is $0.66 USD.

Please note that the price of #BIRD was last updated over 50 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #BIRD statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest BIRD price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.659, and the exact last price of BIRD was $0.65913.

The all-time high BIRD coin price was $265.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BIRD with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Bird.Money crypto currency is #BIRD.

Bird.Money is 4.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Bird.Money is $65,971.

Bird.Money is ranking downwards to #1020 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is small during the past 24 hours for #BIRD.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Bird.Money is $1,397.


The circulating supply of BIRD is 100,090 coins, which is 71% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the unusually low supply of Bird.Money coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


BIRD is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.

See list of the BIRD Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains.


BIRD has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #BIRD trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #BIRD purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #BIRD, and you can view them on our BIRD disambiguation page.



Bird Calls Community Update

Vol 2 • Issue #4. — March was an eventful month as we laser focused on significant announcements like the partnerships with Altura and ShoeFy, imminent launch of wallet analytic tools, education talk at MIT and community review by YouTube crypto expert. We wanted to discuss how the network and growth around Bird is taking shape. Let’s have a look! — Product Development - With each passing day we get closer to the imminent launch of our first wallet analytic tools. Our first product is a simple 1 number score that predicts with 90%+ accuracy whether any given wallet will immediately sell tokens or hold them for an extended period of time. — Smarter Launchpads for fundraising powered by Bird’s analytics. — Just as browsers play an important role in the adoption of the internet, crypto wallets are integral in facilitating the adoption by individuals and enterprises alike.Bird’s Launchpad Score will support blockchain institutions to tally its business objectives with investor behaviors as a form of risk management. In the first few months of the year, we have focused efforts on developing relationships with Launchpads and discussing the value of utilizing our Launchpad Score within their ecosystems. They are all excited by the opportunity to utilize our wallet analytics to help create optimal environments for the projects that they are launching. The slide below shares the value proposition tha...

Bird Fosters Partnerships with Altura to Map the NFT Revolution

With the boom of computing power and data, we have witnessed exponential growth in predictive models that improve efficiency and accuracy. Sharing the same vision, Bird is committed to surfacing the essential aspects from intricate data streams, empowering institutions and individuals to dive deeper into on-chain activities. Bird is excited to announce that Altura will be utilizing Bird’s data analytics tools in its ecosystem! Altura: Built By Developer and For Developers Conventionally, players earn and collect in-game items which are owned by the game studios. To reflect true ownership of gaming items, Altura develops its NFT gaming enabler powered by Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to create a smart contract platform which allows developers to mint, distribute, and transact NFTs as representation of in-game items. Altura is the ultimate tools and infrastructure provider for developers to create and integrate Smart NFTs in their video games and applications. With Altura, developers can program dynamic functionality in their NFTs and provide gamers with true ownership over their in-game items that accelerate the adoption of NFTs. Positioning as the most powerful NFT minting platform, Altura has also set up its NFT marketplace for gamers to explore a whole world of in-game items. Devising Solutions for NFTs The mission of Bird is to create impactful insights from intricate data by leveraging predictive analytical models that e...

Bird and ShoeFy to Bring Reliability and Veracity to Data

The NFT market is gaining more mainstream relevance, as evident in NBA Top Shot with $230 million in gross sales. This moment in time is analogous to the early Web 2 era when social networking blossomed in the 90’s. But NFT projects are not complete without a follow-up on newcomers fade, transition to secondary sales and all public data. Data analytics will be the game changer to help make predictions through statistical algorithms, machine learning and even artificial intelligence techniques. Bird and ShoeFy are coming together in support of common values, including data analytics that allow for the growth and expansion of decentralized finance. NFTs + FTs = ShoeFy’s Winning Formula ShoeFy is an innovative decentralized platform that synchronizes Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and Fungible Tokens (FT). It is a futuristic NFT project that utilizes cutting-edge DeFi tools to maximize returns. On ShoeFy, the potential of NFTs is amplified with the unique features to generate passive income. ShoeFy brings DeFi-like utility to NFTs with distinctive power-packed features for the Gen-Z, maneuvering Web 3.0 & its applications like Staking, Farming, Instant Swaps, NFT boosters. With a long-term goal of innovating and evolving over time, ShoeFy will develop a presence in the metaverse, with one-of-a-kind digital kicks. Over time, the venture will lead to the growth of the product line to include more items, as well as collaborati...

Fireside Chat #5 (ft. Engineering)

Tuesday March 15, 2022. — Note: This is auto-transcribed and may have errors or missing details. We encourage you to hear our recordings as well. Click Here Daniel 01:43 Alright, folks, let’s get this started. So I think all of you probably recognize my voice by now. But my name is Daniel Stevens, I’m the CEO of bird. Today, we’ve got some really great planned content for you, we’re going to be unveiling some of our first results for our investors scoring model. We are getting very close to deploying. And, you know, one of the aspects of, you know, any research process is, you know, findings and learnings, discoveries. And that’s really what we’re going to be sharing today. You know, in any case, when you’re the first to do something, you’re often in a position where you have to develop new primitive tools, new foundational tools. And a lot of what we’re going to be talking about today are those sorts of breakthroughs. So finding new ways to structure blockchain data, with the intent of feeding it to machine learning models. So given the fact that today’s content has been pre planned, unfortunately, we’re probably not going to get to many of the community questions. I’ve been submitted on Discord and telegram. The, you know, the outreach on that has been amazing, the questions that we’ve gotten in the last week or two really good questions, and there’s a very long list of them. So I’m very...

Fireside Chat #4 Raw Audio

Thursday February 24, 2022. — Note: This is auto-transcribed and may have errors or missing details. Eric 00:00 …necessarily about small picture, we’re building something big here and it takes a little time. And you know, it, it comes in, in different sprints and marathons. And what Daniel just mentioned to us, for this call was, we’re at mile 26 of the first marathon, we’ve got this very short sprint to finish. And that marathon is laying this foundation of having a working product and being first to market. And when we talk, when he’s talking about ROI, to highlight this, the most valuable thing we can do, and the best return is to have a working product that’s out there that people are using, that’s that blowing their minds. And, and that’s right here on the precipice. And the best marketing we could do is once that’s air to yell to the world, look what we’re doing, you know, and I think that’s, that’s the most valuable, biggest thing in the horizon. And it’s right here, we’re tripping into the finish line right now. It’s, it’s here, and, and then things really start to roll from there. I mean, we’ve been doing things, you know, brand marketing and getting the idea out, and this is bird, this is our community, you know, come meet us. And we you know, and a lot of that stuff, but very soon now will be yelling to the world, look what we’ve built, which is a very different conversati...

Bird in Penguin Karts Ecosystem to Maximize the Value of Gaming Data

How do you evaluate 10k events per second from 50M users to come up with a solution of bettering gamer experience? How can data science expand player expectations beyond the nuances of current business boundaries? Well, gaming and data analytics is a match made in tech heaven. Machine learning today is unlike machine learning of the past, and so does the gaming industry. From creating virtual characters for in-game battles to now utilizing VR and AR to optimize immersive gameplay, we have achieved quantum leaps when it comes to the possibilities of gaming. To maximize seamless gameplay, personalized experience and adaptation has a role to play. Specifically, gathering gameplay data through logs to uncover implicit trends will algorithmically adapt game design and mechanics on the fly. To up game development and drive user base, Bird has expanded its partnership network with Penguin Karts which aims to advance in-game and product experience for the players, and leverage insight-driven data to provide intuitive indicators where both developers and gamers have instant and reliable access to what they want, cutting through the clutter. Penguin Karts: Racing with the Most Powerful Elemental Combinations Penguin Karts is the battle-racing that combines the best components of arcade-style kart racing, mobile gaming and Play-to-Earn NFT dynamics. The first-of-its-kind battle-racing P2E gamified app features a 3D multiplayer game wh...

Kommunitas Selects Bird as Its Launchpad Partner for Real-time Investment Analytics

“The world is now awash in data and we can see consumers in a lot clearer ways.” -Max Levchin, co-founder of Paypal.. — Blockchain users have become increasingly reliant on quantitative analysis — the point that many venture capitals, protocols and individual investors are driven solely by algorithms. Ultimately, these algorithm-driven data deliver top-notch insights. To assist stakeholders in creating a seamless and optimized investment experience, Bird has announced a strategic partnership with Kommunitas, a decentralized and tier-less blockchain launchpad, to provide ground-breaking vision analytics across multi-chain oriented projects. Towards A Multichain Powered Decentralized Launchpad As a revolutionary fundraiser in the digital ecosystem, Kommunitas aids developers in their quest to capital injection for their projects. With the vision of defeating the single-chain limit in many launchpads, the forthright trailblazer is the solution for multi-chain oriented projects including Polygon, BSC, Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana etc. More than a launchpad, Kommunitas offers a conglomerate of start-up essentials to budding projects, which range from funding, private seeds, strategic round to marketing strategies that comprehensively enhance the viability, growth and sustainability of the project. Bringing Vital Solutions with State-of-the-art Insights Bird’s proprietary platform utilizes advanced data science a...

Bird Calls Community Update

Vol 2 • Issue 3. — — As on-chain fundamentals grow stronger, we venture our way onto being data detectives; the bi-weekly fireside chats have been a resounding success; our ambassador program hits it final phase. Read along for this months iteration of the Bird Calls Community Updates newsletter to get your monthly fix from The Nest.. — Well, time certainly flies. We are back in the realm of futuristic analytics solutions. Given the developing state of affairs in Ukraine and Russia we hope everyone could stay safe. We have returned with an update on all things BIRD. The amount of building and milestones continues to persevere. Let’s get straight to it!Fundamental Analysis and Preliminary Results on Investor Behavior The main “BIRD supplies” in this edition is the publication of the preliminary results of on-chain investor behavior analysis, which is meant to introduce Bird’s custom metric for identifying valuable investors atop on-chain data. By outlining the procedures from the collection of blockchain data, aggregation of statistics to the implementation of the event-based data collection, we employ model improvements to uncover wallet behaviors and interactions supported by computational packages. As a multifaceted report of experiments, decisions, and findings throughout preliminary development effort, the Bird team has presented insights covering the infrastructural, data science, and mode...

Bird Calls Community Update

Vol 2 • Issue 3. — — As on-chain fundamentals grow stronger, we venture our way onto being data detectives; the bi-weekly fireside chats have been a resounding success; our ambassador program hits it final phase. Read along for this months iteration of the Bird Calls Community Updates newsletter to get your monthly fix from The Nest.. — Well, time certainly flies. We are back in the realm of futuristic analytics solutions. Given the developing state of affairs in Ukraine and Russia we hope everyone could stay safe. We have returned with an update on all things BIRD. The amount of building and milestones continues to persevere. Let’s get straight to it!Fundamental Analysis and Preliminary Results on Investor Behavior The main “BIRD supplies” in this edition is the publication of the preliminary results of on-chain investor behavior analysis, which is meant to introduce Bird’s custom metric for identifying valuable investors atop on-chain data. By outlining the procedures from the collection of blockchain data, aggregation of statistics to the implementation of the event-based data collection, we employ model improvements to uncover wallet behaviors and interactions supported by computational packages. As a multifaceted report of experiments, decisions, and findings throughout preliminary development effort, the Bird team has presented insights covering the infrastructural, data science, and mode...

Bird Fireside Chat #3

Friday February 11, 2022. — Note: This is auto-transcribed and may have errors or missing details. We encourage you to hear our recordings as well. Click Here Eric: I want to make sure everybody realizes we’re one of the few projects that’s doing something like this. And it’s really exciting to be able to have this conversation open between the team and the community. And we’re gonna lean into this. So this is something we start doing every couple of weeks, and it’ll be Denning’s invitation. We really want open questions and open communication from everybody. So any questions that come up? We’re excited to have it. So the first question that I’ve got, let me just scoot back to see who it came from, is from speculation Hill. And he’s specifically asking about GasDao. But he’s what he’s asking is how the tools that we’re building can work with a community. And I think this goes back to our, you know, the conversation we had about the people’s data, you know, what, what does this community this data mean, for our community? If we’re, if we’re collecting data, what could they be doing with it? How does that work in a longer term picture? Daniel: Yeah, it’s a really interesting question, to admit that I’m not terribly familiar with GasDao. So most of my response here will be a bit more general, you know, we were obviously very community centric. So we’ve definitely put quite a bit of tho...

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