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BIR Price   

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BIR Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$215.3 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #BIR is $0.000641 USD.

Please note that the price of #BIR was last updated over 80 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #BIR statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest BIR price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000641, and the exact last price of BIR was $0.00064127.

The all-time high BIR coin price was $0.45.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BIR with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Birake crypto currency is #BIR.

Birake is 6.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for Birake is $215,269.

Birake is ranked #1001 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak today for #BIR.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Birake is $441.


The circulating supply of BIR is 335,695,186 coins, which is 112% of the maximum coin supply.


BIR has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #BIR trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #BIR purchase.



Happy Holidays Trading Bonus! — extended until January 18th, 2022

Christmas and New Year are just around the corner, the festive spirit is in the air and it wouldn’t be a real Christmas without presents. We want to thank you for all your support and trust and the best way of saying it is by offering gifts to all our users! Let’s spread the joy in this new year and show everyone that not even a pandemic year can stop the Birake and Decenomy community from celebrating together. Starting December 21st, 2021, at 1:00 PM GMT, we’ll initiate the festivities with #BirakeHolidays — 28 days straight of trading bonuses for all eligible users worldwide. How to participate in #BirakeHolidays The 28 days of #BirakeHolidays are open to all new and existing Birake users. The only thing you need to do to be eligible of receiving the gift is to buy any Decenomy coin* (list below) in the BTC market and you will receive 5% or 10% extra for the number of coins you accumulated (in the same coin). The buyers will be rewarded as described: 5% if you have a buy limit order and it gets filled., 10 % if you buy directly from sell orders (market buy), You can make any trades as you wish, but the bonus will be rewarded for the amount of the coins you accumulated in this period. Example: if you buy 1000 coins and in the same period you sell 900, you will receive the bonus for the difference (100). Available for all trades only with BTC pair: BIR/BTC, SAPP/BTC, DASHD/BTC, SUV/BTC, PEPS/BTC, KYAN/BTC, ...

Huh, what a year…

We looked back at 2019 and here’s a glimpse of what it meant for us: With all that energy from many coffee and pizza we built from the ground one of the largest projects in the region and we are glad that you were part of this story. For those of you who are already a member of Birake family or thinking about joining us in the future, here it is what 2019 meant for us: In the Q4 (winter season) of 2018 Birake trading platform was launched., We listed more than 59 coin, We had more than 9 exchange partners. Because of the constant change of laws and regulations, or better because of lack of them, some decided to follow their own path or decided to shut down the business., Birake exchange got listed on the most important listing directories like: CoinMarketCap, CoinGeko, Coin Paprika, Coinlib, Blockfolio, etc., In October we reached our masternodes peak having more than 1000 active Birake Masternodes., Birake partnered with all the most important Sharing Masternode Services in the industry., Bir coin was listed to more than 5 exchanges, which due to market situation most of them shutdown the business., At the beginning of the year Birake started the Community Coin Voting Program, which was later upgraded to the better version of Coin Voting Program were we list top ranked coins by votes. The program was a real success and also offer the coin developers the possibility to list their coins/tokens at very good fee rate., Als...

Happy Birthday 1st anniversary, Birake coin!!!

Happy Birthday 1st Anniversary, Birake coin! - What an amazing first year of business we’ve had! Our company is one year older and one year wiser! On the 8th of August 2018 Birake generated its Genesis block at 2018 11:43:07 GMT. It’s so important to slow down enough in this busy life of cryptocurrency, to reflect on what we have achieved and how far we’ve come. And we really do have what to be proud of! Having behind this project a team of people with more than 15 years experience in IT, forex trading, that managed only large scale products, Birake it is in the most capable hands. Launched in August 2018, with a vision revolutionising the cryptocurrency exchange market, it brought the shared orderbook feature under the spotlight. Birake coin even if it still is in its growing pains, turns out to be stronger every time. BIR is the main utility coin used for Birake Network Exchanges. It has multiple functionalities from being used for network fees to market fees, from being a masternode coin that can generate rewards to a coin with which you can pay different service, like software trading platform inside Birake Network. As a year in review, Birake got listed on all major listing directories like CMC, CoinGecko, CoinPaprika, WorldIndex, etc. and several big exchanges like Cryptopia, HotBit, CryptoBrigde, CoinExchange. In peek market having its market capital of over 2M $. We couldn’t have done this without the s...

What is the value of BIR coin? Birake Network Exchange

BIR is used for network fees. Being a decentralized model BIR coin is the main asset for paying the network fees. Considering that we started a new blockchain from scratch, initially we had enabled very small network fees for covering the network costs, but later on we decided, at least for this early stage of the project, to reduce them to 0. BIR is used for market fees Big part of Birake business is around market fees. Basically for now is the only fee that it is applied inside Birake Network and is 0.15% of filled order. Birake core business is to sell Exchange Software Platforms as a service with the model of sharing fees. Market fee is split between Birake as owner, Birake masternode owners and Webmaster BIR is a masternode coin and can generate rewards As most of masternode coins every block reward is split between POS mining and active masternodes from the network. The entire scheme can be found here: BIR is used to pay for the platform at generous discounted prices As we already mentioned we are selling Exchange Software Platforms as a service. The setup fee, maintenance and support can be paid in BIR. More information can be found here: BIR is used to pay the webmasters Birake business model is to create a network of exchanges. Every partner/ webmaster from the network is generating a revenue based on its traders fees. BIR coin is used as core asset of payments for our webmasters. We already im...

Every 14 days Birake will list the first coin ranked by votes!

We decided to let open market for coin listing. Submit your coin here soon the feature will be live. Depending on your competitors you can list your coin starting from 1 BIR. Coin Listing Program is a new feature that will help community coins to list their favourite coin on Birake Exchange Network. “By voting, the community helps cryptocurrency grow, giving it exposure and liquidity. This kind of competition incites team spirit and engagement among coin communities as they join forces to achieve their goals.” Everyone can participate starting from the process of registration for the coins/tokens until vote on coins/tokens desired, following few simple rules. According to your votes Birake will determine which coins/tokens are eligible to be listed in the trading platform. Terms and conditions for Coin Listing Program Coin/ Token listing registration Register your coin/token on, Comply with Terms and Conditions from Birake website, Community Voting In order to vote your coins/token you must accomplish the following: Register on Birake Exchange. Voting can only be done by Birake members., Deposit to your account a desired number of BIR coins., Use BIR coins to vote your favourite coin/token. 1 BIR= 1 VOTE, There is no maximum vote limit for each member., Member can vote to more than 1 digital asset., Every vote that has been done is final and cannot be canceled., Voted coins The ...

New Birake partner: - Korean crypto exchange!

Birake Network is proud to announce its 8th exchange partner:!!! 🍾🍾🍾🎉🎉🎉 South Korea is one of the world’s most active cryptocurrencies trading economies. Koreans are more interested in cryptocurrencies than any other country. This is in spite of the Korean government banning ICOs in Korea as well as regulating cryptocurrency exchanges. Many Koreans are even banking on cryptocurrencies as their retirement fund! The KBA (Korean Blockchain Association) the institution that is dedicated to supervising the country’s growing blockchain and cryptocurrency sector, has approved, and thereby it comply with the KBA’s ”general standards”. CEO said: “Having a partner in such dynamic crypto economy, will only bring added value to Birake and its investors. Birake global network exchange will share its orderbook with, providing stable liquidity to investors by integrating CryptoFuse, and other future partner exchanges to Birake network brand.” — Bogdan Mavrodin The principles of Birake Network is to supply both website owners and users of Birake exchanges network with the largest database of orders/ users and achieve high trade volumes. Birake is inter-connecting exchanges from its network and share orders and assets between them.The Birake network is a central database of orders which are openly shared among all exchanges run on the netwo...

Birake Selling Agent Partners! Birakers Wanted!

Birake is looking for selling agents partners in order to promote the development of Birake Exchange Network and the rapid implementation of our global business! Birake is a global certificated company recognised for the excellent conditions created for their employers. “We believe that investing in people is the most useful resource. That is why we report to our team and community as an extended family, where everybody puts in the best of their abilities and everyone gets the opportunity to develop their potential. We can say that at Birake we have only important jobs, everyone matters and there are not “small jobs”. Our company is constantly working on developing a pleasant work environment for the team, designed to support the development of each employee in the long run.” stated Bogdan Mavrodin, Birake CEO. If you want to be part of a company that is rapidly expanding, we are hiring passionate Crypto enthusiasts, to become our selling agents and partners! We are looking for people with: Good negotiation and communication skills;, Veteran in Blockchain industry;, Ability to develop Birake business world wide;, Selling agent and operation experience will be a plus., In return, we will provide you generous reward for your effort. You can earn up to 1 BTC/ sale! Interested in joining us? Apply today at: Follow us on: Twitter Telegram Discord Facebook

Birake interview

Q&A with Birake CEO-project interview - Yesterday Birake CEO held an interesting interview with Vladimir, the owner of the youtube channel Mr. Hold. Below you can find the whole interview with interesting questions, answers and info about Reporter Question: For a start, I’m interested in your goals for 2019. What results do you intend to achieve and what are your focus on? Birake Answer: In our business model everything is connected. To be part of the one of the top ten exchanges in the world, we need trading activity, volume, for this we need traders and to obtain traders we need marketing/partners. This volume can be achieved by deploying new exchanges! Also we need coins and strong communities, we need also marketing, achieving top aggregators like CMC, Coingecko, Coinlib. Coins can be also brought to our network by new exchanges. The coin projects can be very valuable to an exchange because once listed they come with all their traders community. So to answer to your question the most important part is to be visible (especially on aggregators) then we will be an interesting tool / exchange network for coins and also for webmasters. Target for 2019 is probably 30–50 exchanges launched and about 100 coins listed, and probably about 200–400 BTC volume. Q: Reasonable and ambitious strategy. I like it. My next question will be about BIR. What features does BIR have and what is its value f...

Birake Community Coin- Vote!

Birake will start a new campaign Birake Community Coin, where we will list ONE FREE COIN per week, for 4 weeks! First step for you is to suggest in the Discord channel#coins-to-vote what coins would you like to participate in our campaign and won a free listing. The coins with top votes will win a free listing on Birake Network! The 2nd position coin will be automatically included in the next week voting campaign. You will find the poll in our Discord channel channel #community-coin starting from Monday 11.03! Until Monday 11.03 you can suggest (#coins-to-vote )what coins you would like to win! Voting will also start Monday 11.03. and it will end Sunday 17.03. We will make an announcement when poll will be published! Discord Happy Voting! Find us on: Twitter Telegram Discord Facebook ……

Why Birake is more than an exchange?

Yes, Birake offer a cryptocurrency exchange solution, but it is unlike anything that has come before it! Much like other innovations that have proceeded, the Birake network is set to revolutionize how investors, holders and users trade cryptocurrency assets. At its core, the Birake exchange platform offers a decentralized trading experience equipping traders with a secure and trustless infrastructure where transactions and trades are held and stored securely on the blockchain with wallets isolated from the network and private keys accessed only by users. I know — you know what a decentralized exchange is! You have heard this before… Except you haven’t! Birake introduce an innovative shared exchange network concept with shared central database opening new possibilities to how cryptocurrency is traded. By offering exchanges on a network, traders on a Birake operated exchange will make use of a cross networked order book and exchange liquidity enabling swift fulfillment of a trade at the best possible price. With exchanges ‘plugging in’ to the Birake network worldwide, the Birake network is aiming to grow to offer industry leading exchange volume traded and coins offered. Backed by the Graphene Blockchain, exchanges operating on the Birake network can handle 100,000 transactions per second providing users with an incredibly responsive real time cryptocurrency trading experience creating a truly s...

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