| Blockchain Certified Data Token 
BCDT Price: | $0.029 | | Volume: | $38.4 K | All Time High: | $0.43 | | Market Cap: | $1.0 M |
Circulating Supply: | 34,629,145 |
| Exchanges: | 3
| Total Supply: | 40,835,044 |
| Markets: | 3
| Max Supply: | 40,835,044 |
| Pairs: | 1
The price of #BCDT today is $0.029 USD.
The lowest BCDT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.029, and the exact current price of one BCDT crypto coin is $0.02932.
The all-time high BCDT coin price was $0.43.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BCDT with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Blockchain Certified Data Token crypto currency is #BCDT.
Blockchain Certified Data Token is 6.3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Blockchain Certified Data Token is $1,015,168.
Blockchain Certified Data Token is ranking upwards to #850 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is modest during the past 24 hours for #BCDT.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Blockchain Certified Data Token is $38,395. |
The circulating supply of BCDT is 34,629,145 coins, which is 85% of the maximum coin supply. |
BCDT has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 3 crypto exchanges.
 EvidenZ Report — 2nd half of 2022 EvidenZ Report — 2nd half of 2022 - The recruitment campaign, the delivery of the V0 wallet, the international business development…Let’s take a look at our progress at the end of 2022! Article disponible en français ici — Introduction - Since our last report, in just a few months, 24 new institutional players have joined EvidenZ & BCdiploma. To date, EvidenZ has 177 institutional users in 21 countries around the world, on 4 continents. The full list is available here. You can track the number of institutions onboarded and the number of countries involved in real-time on the EvidenZ website. Please note that some institutions do not wish to be listed on the page for privacy reasons. In this case, they do not appear on the site, but you will of course find them in the smart contract. — XXL recruitment campaign - For a start-up, every recruitment is an event. With the arrival of 4 new members in just a few months, EvidenZ has given itself the means to achieve its ambitions. The team is now composed of 14 people to make EvidenZ and BCdiploma strong brands, a symbol of innovation and high-quality solutions. And there is more: with the arrival of an additional recruit to the marketing department, a fresh wind is blowing through our team. Don’t hesitate to follow us on Linkedin — Opening of BCdiploma offices in the UK. — After opening offices in Montreal earlier this year, our sales fo... 
|  EvidenZ Report — 2ème semestre 2022 EvidenZ Report — 2ème semestre 2022 - La campagne de recrutement XXL, la livraison du wallet V0, le développement commercial à l’international… Faisons ensemble un point sur nos progrès en cette fin d’année 2022 ! English version here — Introduction - En quelques mois, c’est 24 nouveaux acteurs institutionnels qui ont rejoint EvidenZ & BCdiploma depuis notre dernier rapport. À ce jour, EvidenZ recense 177 utilisateurs institutionnels répartis dans 21 pays dans le monde, sur 4 continents. La liste complète est disponible ici. Vous pouvez suivre en temps réel le nombre d’institutions onboardées et le nombre de pays concernés sur le site d’EvidenZ. Notez que certaines institutions ne souhaitent pas être listées sur la page pour des raisons de confidentialité. Elles n’apparaissent dans ce cas pas sur le site, mais vous les trouverez bien sûr dans le smart contract. — Campagne de recrutement XXL - Pour une start-up, chaque recrutement est un événement. Avec l’arrivée de 4 nouveaux membres en l’espace de quelques mois, EvidenZ se donne les moyens de ses ambitions. La team se compose désormais de 14 personnes pour faire d’EvidenZ et BCdiploma des marques fortes, symbole d’innovation et de solutions de haute qualité. Et ce n’est pas fini : Avec l’arrivée prochaine d‘une recrue supplémentaire au département marketing, c’est un vent de fraîcheur qui souffl... 
|  EvidenZ Report — 1st half 2022 EvidenZ Report — 1st half 2022 - French Article here — Introduction - Business development, CEO’s vision, TOEIC®, EBSI, partnership with Avalanche, BNBchain, Ethereum 2.0, EvidenZ for event©, $BCDT, decentralization, wallet… Let’s review our progress for the first part of 2022! — 34 new institutional players have joined EvidenZ & BCdiploma since our last report in November 2021.. — — Business development - Our Dapp — Decentralized Application — BCdiploma is more than ever the leading blockchain solution for Digital Credentials, i.e. the publication of 100% digital and tamper-proof certificates, using EvidenZ technology. — To date, EvidenZ has 153 institutional users in 18 countries around the world on 4 continents.. — The complete list is available here. You can track the number of institutions onboarded and the number of countries involved on the EvidenZ website in real-time. Please note that some institutions do not wish to be listed on the page for confidentiality reasons. In this case, they do not appear on the website, but you will find them in the smart contract :) — New offices in Montreal for BCdiploma 🇨🇦 - The academic sector seems to be accelerating its drive to dematerialize documents while always ensuring security. For this reason, BCdiploma has become a reference in the digital credentials market, particularly in Europe and North A... 
|  EvidenZ Report — 1st half 2022 EvidenZ Report — 1er semestre 2022 - Article en anglais ici — Introduction - Le développement commercial, la vision du CEO, le TOEIC®, EBSI, le partenariat avec Avalanche, la BNBchain, Ethereum 2.0, EvidenZ for event©, le $BCDT, la décentralisation, le wallet… Faisons ensemble un point sur nos progrès de cette première partie de l’année 2022 ! — 34 nouveaux acteurs institutionnels ont rejoint EvidenZ & BCdiploma depuis notre dernier rapport de novembre 2021.. — — Développement commercial - Notre Dapp — Application décentralisé — BCdiploma est plus que jamais leader des solutions blockchain de Digital Credentials, à savoir la publication d’attestations 100% numériques et infalsifiables, grâce à la technologie EvidenZ. — À ce jour, EvidenZ recense donc 153 utilisateurs institutionnels répartis dans 18 pays dans le monde, sur 4 continents.. — La liste complète est disponible ici. Vous pouvez suivre en temps réel le nombre d’institutions onboardées et le nombre de pays concernés sur le site d’EvidenZ. Notez que certaines institutions ne souhaitent pas être listées sur la page pour des raisons de confidentialité. Elles n’apparaissent dans ce cas pas sur le site, mais vous les trouverez bien sûr dans le smart contract :) — Ouverture des bureaux BCdiploma à Montréal 🇨🇦 - Le secteur académique semble accélérer sa dynami... 
|  EvidenZ — PICS EvidenZ — PICS - EvidenZ becomes a sponsor of the 1st Polynesian Islands Crypto Summit — 🇫🇷 French article here. — Among the many existing blockchain projects, only a few teams combine long-term vision, solid technology and the ability to reach the general public. EvidenZ is one of them, offering an innovative solution that meets a real need. Indeed, EvidenZ, using its decentralized application BCdiploma, has become a leader in the dematerialization of diplomas. By offering its customers a turnkey platform, the French start-up allows institutions and universities worldwide to easily issue tamper-proof, verifiable and 100% digital certificates directly on the blockchain. The goal is to make the blockchain certificate the new standard, protecting these valuable documents forever. More than 130 institutions in 19 countries now trust EvidenZ to deliver their blockchain digital credentials, and this is just the beginning. EvidenZ, a concrete use-case of blockchain Mostly used in higher education, the French startup includes prestigious universities among its clients, such as emlyon business school, ESCP Business School, University of Toronto, University of Lille or Hoa Sen University, but also companies such as AFNOR or Binance. The company has recently acquired a new client with the most famous language certification in the world, TOEIC® offered by ETS Global. Every year, thousands of diplomas are deli... 
|  How to use DeFi on Avalanchein less than 10 minutes And buy your first $BCDT. — 🇫🇷 French article available here — Avalanche: The must-have blockchain of 2022. - In a few words: extremely fast (transaction time less than 2 seconds), low cost (between 20 and 60 cents per transaction), environmentally friendly (Proof-Of-Stake) and decentralized (thanks to thousands of validators): Avalanche has all the qualities we are looking for in a blockchain. Just like on Ethereum, Avalanche allows to build and deploy decentralized applications called “dApps” in domains as varied as NFTs or DeFi. Recently, you may have seen flagship Ethereum applications such as Aave or Curve join Avalanche. There are also hundreds of applications to discover on this growing blockchain and this article aims to help you take full advantage of them: If you are already a $BCDT holder, your tokens can remain safely on Ethereum or BSC but you can also move them to Avalanche using the Anyswap team’s bridge renamed Multichain. Bridging your BCDT from ETHEREUM to AVALANCHE — Step 1: Create a wallet - To use these applications, you will need a crypto wallet like MetaMask, Coin98, TrustWallet or Rabby, recommended by the Avalanche🔺 community. Then we will need to connect the wallet to your web browser, and have some AVAX on the Avalanche C-chain: they will be used to pay for the transaction fees. In this example we will use the browser extension, MetaMask, directly in Chrome... 
|  Accéder à la DeFi sur Avalancheen moins de 10 minutes Et acheter vos premiers $BCDT. — 🇬🇧 Article traduit en anglais ici — Avalanche : La blockchain incontournable de 2022. - En quelques mots : extrêmement rapide (temps de transaction inférieur à 2 secondes), low cost (entre 20 et 60 centimes par transaction), respectueuse de l’environnement (Proof-Of-Stake) et décentralisée (grâce à des milliers de validateurs) : Avalanche possède toutes les qualités que l’on recherche sur une blockchain. Tout comme sur Ethereum, Avalanche permet de construire et de déployer des applications décentralisées appelées “dApps” dans des domaines aussi variés que les NFTs ou la DeFi. Récemment, vous avez peut-être vu des applications phares d’Ethereum telles qu’Aave ou Curve rejoindre Avalanche. ll existe également des centaines d’applications à découvrir sur cette blockchain en pleine expansion et cet article a pour but de vous aider à en profiter pleinement : Si vous êtes déjà holder de $BCDT, vos jetons peuvent rester en toute sécurité sur Ethereum ou sur la BSC mais vous pouvez également les déplacer sur Avalanche grâce au bridge de la team Anyswap rebaptisé Multichain . Bridger vos BCDT d’ETHEREUM vers AVALANCHE — Première étape : Créer un wallet - Pour utiliser ces applications, vous allez avoir besoin d’un portefeuille crypto, communément appelé wallet : MetaMask, Coin98, TrustWallet ou Rabby, recommandé pa... 
|  EvidenZ, BCdiploma & BCDT : la vision du CEO EvidenZ, BCdiploma & BCDT : la vision du CEO - Article en anglais ici Chers holders, chers partenaires et utilisateurs de nos solutions, Il est rare que je prenne la plume pour partager ma vision long terme de notre écosystème et de son token BCDT : c’est un grand plaisir de le faire en ce début 2022, année que je vous souhaite excellente et tournée vers l’avenir. — Déjà 4 ans… - Le White Paper de notre ICO BCdiploma vient de fêter ses 4 ans et nous sommes fiers du chemin parcouru : combien d’ICO de 2018 ont réellement mis en musique leur projet et déployé un écosystème décentralisé opérationnel, utilisé quotidiennement par 121 institutions de 18 pays et des dizaines de milliers de diplômés ? Combien ont créé un business B2B qui croit de plus de 100% par an ? — … et crosschain par nature - L’une des grandes forces d’EvidenZ est sa capacité crosschain. Elle provient d’une architecture unique et brevetée : Les identités, habilitations et crédits payés en BCDT sont gérés sur le smart contract Ethereum EvidenZ ;, Les données certifiées sont stockées onchain sur les transactions d’une blockchain au choix ! Déjà 3 au compteur en production : Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain et Avalanche. Notre token BCDT est bien sûr disponible sur ces trois blockchains., — Pourquoi ? - Premièrement, pour servir tous les types de projet. Les institutions ont des c... 
|  CEO Vision for EvidenZ, BCdiploma & BCDT French article here Dear holders, partners and users of our solutions, I rarely write to share my long-term vision of our ecosystem and its BCDT token: I am very pleased to do so at the beginning of 2022, which I hope will be an excellent and forward-looking year. — It’s been 4 years already… - Our BCdiploma ICO White Paper just turned 4 years old and we’re proud of how far we’ve come: how many ICOs in 2018 have brought their project to life and deployed an operational decentralized ecosystem, used daily by 121 institutions in 18 countries and tens of thousands of graduates? How many have created a B2B business that grows more than 100% per year? — … and cross-chain by nature - One of the great strengths of EvidenZ is its cross-chain capability. It comes from a unique and patented architecture: The identities, credentials and credits paid in BCDT are managed on the Ethereum smart contract EvidenZ ;, The certified data are stored onchain on the transactions of a blockchain of your choice! Already 3 in production: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Avalanche. Our BCDT token is of course available on all three blockchains., — Why? - First, to serve all types of projects. Institutions have constraints that may require the use of a particular blockchain. We are therefore able to provide our expertise regardless of the blockchain chosen. We are always delighted when a blockchain ecosystem wants to de... 
|  $BCDT: The end of Loopring Incentive for a new beginning! The incentive campaign initiated by Loopring at the beginning of April 2021 was the biggest incentive from EvidenZ so far. We made a total distribution of 340,000 $BCDT over 6 months. The initial plan was to increase the outreach of EvidenZ and to make easier and costless to buy $BCDT on Ethereum’s first zkRollup Layer2. However, Loopring changed a lot during that time, and they delayed multiple times the last rounds of the incentive as it was first design. So we decide, it was time to reward all the liquidity providers currently in the pool ourself with the distribution of 20,000 $BCDT and to prepare the future! — Distribution of rewards - The rewards will be manually distributed directly on the L2 Loopring by our team, in proportion to the amount contributed in the pool. Here are all the eligible addresses according to a Loopring snapshot taken the 16 December 2021 earlier this month: 0x866c521883bc8cb7c59769e2a06ef38cc685915e, 0xd9c6c434e7ec14021e49916cd3d845a87a39f89a, 0xe65f3930aa2cc8711ef0d8c2244978a7f4a66c6a, 0xeead3e6ac0f1175731a38fbe2726f9dab6c769ae, 0x36bf95fbd49a9bd3febe597f37a520695a285314, 0x36558d19324a1af2236cbb506277b22f2182c352, 0x610d6670739068977789d9708e1e8354a53d586b, 0x7c1caac71e28211d0a49aeb5ca8d6760fd27cf3b, 0x0cc98649d23528a46bd24a37d236f831bdea785e, 0x0089cb1465b4d5e93c0d196f373de72748668dfd, 0x39dc119864c17968b9f06887678a90ef1942f442, 0x654422220ef2cbc3fdac131489f68401af00e575, 0xc248f9b... 