| Banca 
BANCA Price: | $0.00000788 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $0.00570 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | 17,926,481,684 |
| Exchanges: | —
| Total Supply: | 20,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | —
| Max Supply: | 20,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 4
The last known price of #BANCA is $0.00000788 USD.
Please note that the price of #BANCA was last updated over 670 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #BANCA statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest BANCA price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00000788, and the exact last price of BANCA was $0.00000788098.
The all-time high BANCA coin price was $0.00570.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BANCA with market cap of BTC and how the supply of BANCA affects the price at different market capitalizations. |
The code for Banca crypto currency is also #BANCA.
Banca is 5.1 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Banca is not available at this time.
Banca is ranking downwards to #21698 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown during the past 24 hours for #BANCA. |
The circulating supply of BANCA is 17,926,481,684 coins, which is 90% of the maximum coin supply.
Relatively, Banca has a large supply of coins, 815 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example. |
BANCA has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on probably at least one crypto exchanges but we don't have this data.
View #BANCA trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #BANCA purchase. |
 BANCA Project Update 25.9.2020 For future updates, go to www.bancaofficial.com CoinShell Beta Version is now online! It has joined BANCA platform with the third user case for BANCA token. As promised, CoinShell Beta Version has brought the community many more trading signals, including complicated trading signals, such as those based on neural networks. BANCA’s technology has again pushed the industry forward. The new application still needs testing and its model parameters will need constant calibration. This will add to BANCA team’s maintenance workload, which already includes the maintenance of CoinAI and CoinUltra. Parameters for all machine learning models are calibrated using historical data. Only by using recent data can we find models that are most predictive to the future. However, this also means that, as time passes, models will gradually become out-of-date unless newer data are used to re-train the parameters. BANCA team will make sure those updated parameters are uploaded periodically to CoinShell’s backend. Another thing we would like to talk about is communication. Recently, as China-US relationship worsens, the Chinese government has tightened restriction on global website access. Our friends may not have known before that BANCA team needed VPN in order to access social media tools such as Telegram and Twitter. As China has banned most VPNs, we have experienced difficulty in communicating through most social media tools. We now have o... 
|  CoinShell Beta Launched BANCA Platform - The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs of our individual users. Website: www.banca.worl
|  BANCA Project Update 26.8.2020 General Update: CoinShell Deep Learning model uses a two-layer LSTM Recurrent Neural Network and each trading pair’s OHLCV data as inputs. It enables automatic search of useful features by AI and dynamic updates of model parameters. It is also more advanced to traditional technical signal models in terms of introducing non-linearity to better represent the real world. CoinShell Regime Model is based on the behavioral structure of the crypto market as a whole. Using two simple regime measures frequently used in traditional financial world, we divide the whole history into four regimes. Then, based on the regime we are in at any moment, the model can make predictions of future price movements. CoinShell Autoregressive Signal is based on classic ARIMA time-series analysis techniques. It exploits predictive power from both the autocorrelation and mean-reversion features in the history of the trading pair and gives potential signals when predicted trading range yields enough confidence. Development Progress: 1. Front-end and back-end development continues for CoinShell Beta Version. 2. Testing of advanced trading signals continues. — BANCA Platform - The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs of our individual users. ... 
|  BANCA Project Update 20.7.2020 General Update: In addition to more trading pairs and more possible signals, CoinShell Beta Version will also bring more customization for users. Our signal table will effectively become a watch list and each user can customize the watch list by selecting the trading pairs and signals that suit his own needs. BANCA always puts the users’ needs first! All those features — more coverage, complicated signals and customization will make CoinShell Beta Version a significant upgrade on CoinShell Alpha Version. Also, it will bring new user case for BANCA token. Then BANCA token will have three user utilities! Development Progress: 1. Development and testing continues for CoinShell Beta Version. 2. As the deep learning model will run based on a long period of historical data, we already have designed database to accommodate this need. — BANCA Platform - The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs of our individual users. Website: www.banca.world Twitter: twitter.com Telegram channel: t.me
|  BANCA Project Update 19.6.2020 General Update: In CoinShell Alpha Version, we only covered 10 of the most common trading pairs. Also, we only have the eight most classic types of signals from traditional technical analysis. However, with this relatively limited number of total signals, the system is not likely to output many convincing ideas at any point of time. This will be changed in CoinShell Beta version! BANCA team has discussed and concluded that we are going to expand CoinShell’s coverage significantly in the Beta version. We are thinking about around 40 trading pairs, 6 additional traditional trading signals and couple of more complicated trading signals. This will make CoinShell much stronger than it is now. The team has already started working on it. Development Progress: 1. Front-end and back-end development of CoinShell beta version continues. 2. Testing of additional trading signals continues. 3. Online testing of CoinShell alpha version is finished. — BANCA Platform - The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs of our individual users. Website: www.banca.world Twitter: twitter.com Telegram channel: t.me
|  BANCA Project Update 21.5.2020 General Update: As CoinShell Alpha Version launched on May 5th, BANCA platform now has three applications, each targeting a different angle of user needs. As a reminder, our latest application, CoinShell, uses innovative machine learning technologies to facilitate short-term trading. In the Alpha version, we only include some most common trading pairs and the simplest trading signals. In the next version, that will be expanded to more complicated signals and also deep learning models. Now BANCA team moves on to work on CoinShell Beta Version. Development Progress: 1. Testing and launching of CoinShell Alpha Version are finished. 2. Updating of CoinAI and CoinUltra page layout is finished. 3. Online testing of CoinAI, CoinUltra and CoinShell continues. 4. Development and model training of CoinShell Beta version have started. — BANCA Platform - The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs of our individual users. Website: www.banca.world Twitter: twitter.com Telegram channel: t.me
|  BANCA Project Update 20.4.2020 General Update: BANCA team has finished the development of CoinShell Alpha version and has entered testing phase for the new product. We expect the testing to finish in about two weeks and CoinShell to meet the public in early May. In this exciting moment, we are proud to announce that BANCA will soon have its third application. In addition to CoinAI and CoinUltra, the brand-new CoinShell will provide a complete different user experience by focusing on short-term market signals. Before the launch of CoinShell, BANCA team would like to emphasize again, that CoinShell signals should serve as reference only when it comes to trading cryptos. Users are responsible for their own trading decisions and should consider all material factors before making decisions. Development Progress: 1. Front-end and back-end developments of CoinShell Alpha version are finished. 2. Testing of CoinShell Alpha version has started and expects to last for about two weeks. 3. Page layouts for CoinAI, CoinUltra and CoinShell have been unified and we have finished the development on new page layouts. Those new page layouts will be put online the same time as CoinShell Alpha version. — BANCA Platform - The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs... 
|  BANCA Project Update 24.3.2020 General Update: BANCA team has almost finished development for CoinShell Alpha Version! We expect both front-end and back-end to complete in mid April despite the negative influence of COVID-19 to our progress. After that, we will put it in a testing environment and enter testing phase. The COVID-19 virus has caused a dramatic downturn in global financial markets, including the crypto market. This volatile environment makes it very hard to make money through trading. Therefore, we would like to emphasize again that, although CoinShell can serve as a reference for trading decisions, users should still think independently and trade on all necessary information available, especially in this risky period. Development Progress: 1. Development on CoinShell Alpha Version continues into April, expected to finish in mid-April. 2. Training and testing of machine learning models for CoinShell Alpha Version finished. 3. Page layouts are being unified across CoinAI, CoinUltra and CoinShell. New layouts will go online together with CoinShell Alpha Version in near future. — BANCA Platform - The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs of our individual users. Website: www.banca.world Twitter: twitter.com Telegram channel: t.me
|  BANCA Project Update 17.2.2020 General Update: Due to the Coronavirus situation, Chinese government has lengthened Chinese New Year Holidays and further advised companies to have their employees work remotely. Considering the seriousness of the virus outbreak, like many other companies in China at the moment, BANCA team has continued its operation with all team members working from home. We expect to return to our office within one week. This will cause a little delay in the delivery of CoinShell but we still expect the alpha version to be completed and delivered in the first half of 2020. When the modeling of our signals moves from single regression to multiple regression, problems surface about how to avoid over-fitting. The answer is that there will always be some level of over-fitting, but it is more about how we can reduce its effect. BANCA team reduces model over-fittings mainly through three ways: First, assumptions should be made before model building. We need to come up with reasonable assumptions before flooding the model with too many factors. Second, we can try to increase data amount used in the training. The more data we use, the harder it becomes for various factors to “perfectly” explain historical price movement. Third, we can reduce the number of independent factors. More specifically, we can kick out factors that have low unique explanatory power over the dependent variable. Apparently, in deep learning models, we also use other me... 
|  BANCA Project Update 17.1.2020 General Update: In making predictions on crypto prices using LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) model, we have tried various methodologies and it seems to have the following conclusions: 1. The nature of the model is time series analysis (such as Autoregressive Model ARt, where t = length of training set), but more complicated than AR model is that we are using CHLOV (close, high, low, open, volume) data instead of simply closing prices; 2. When we lengthen the time span of training set, the result of the model will still change but converge when getting over a certain point, because market prices too far back apparently have fewer relevant information; 3. On server-end deployment, we need to store much more historical data than traditional machine learning models; In order to deliver alpha version faster, Banca team decide we are not going to include the LSTM deep learning model in our alpha version. We will take more time to test our assumptions in it and deliver it later versions. Development Progress: 1. BANCA team continues to work on front-end and back-end development of CoinShell alpha version. 2. We have completed testing of most simple trading signals, initial parameters have been calculated. Now the scoring system is being developed. — BANCA Platform - The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA ... 