| Badger DAO 
BADGER Price: | $3.67 | | Volume: | $8.7 M | All Time High: | $89.20 | | Market Cap: | $76.8 M |
Circulating Supply: | 20,906,756 |
| Exchanges: | 30
| Total Supply: | 21,000,000 |
| Markets: | 39
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 49
The price of #BADGER today is $3.67 USD.
The lowest BADGER price for this period was $0, the highest was $3.67, and the exact current price of one BADGER crypto coin is $3.67372.
The all-time high BADGER coin price was $89.20.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BADGER with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Badger DAO crypto currency is #BADGER.
Badger DAO is 4.2 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Badger DAO is $76,805,660.
Badger DAO is ranking upwards to #314 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is big during the past 24 hours for #BADGER.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Badger DAO is $8,745,593. |
The circulating supply of BADGER is 20,906,756 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.
A highlight of Badger DAO is it's limited supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
 Introducing the eBTC Protocol Purple Paper Read the full Purple Paper. — TL;DR Use Lido stETH to borrow eBTC, Pay 0% interest, repayment & initiation fees, 110% minimum collateralization ratio, Immutable smart contract based w/minimized governance, — Fee-less Borrowing - Borrowing eBTC is done without any upfront fees or interest on the principal or debt. The protocol earns revenue by taking a percentage of accrued staking yield from the total system collateral. This percentage is called the Protocol Yield Share (PYS). — Liquidations - A mechanism for ensuring the solvency of the system. If the ICR of a CDP falls below the MCR of 110% the CDP is open for liquidation. The outstanding debt can be repaid by any market participant in exchange for some surplus collateral & the Gas Stipend as an incentive. — Debt Redistribution - In the case that a CDP is not liquidated until after its ICR goes below 103%, the system allows for the depletion of its collateral to properly incentivize the liquidation operation at the cost of leaving some uncollateralized debt behind. — Minimized Governance - eBTC aims to be the most trustless and censorship-resistant synthetic Bitcoin in DeFi. To address potential economic security risks, a minimized governance mechanism has been introduced to eBTC to ensure resilience. This governance system was carefully designed to ensure a non-custodial and censorship-resistant protocol while enabling some flexibi... 
|  Progressing Towards Further Decentralization It’s an exciting time in the Badger ecosystem. After nearly a year of active development, Badger is on the cusp of bringing the DAO’s first DeFi primitive to life in EBTC. One that is built on the foundational principles of decentralization and censorship resistance. An immutable synthetic BTC powered by Ethereum staking with minimized governance, extreme transparency and self-sustaining utility. Read the Introduction to EBTC Furthermore, the Badger councils along with the community have worked hard to ensure operations are significantly more efficient, the DAO’s treasury is strong and growing, unprofitable products/protocols have been deprecated and emissions reduced to zero. These actions helped to strengthen Badger’s position, further enabling Badger to weather extremely difficult market conditions and continue building. Read the Vault Discontinuation Policy Read the Q1 State of the DAO As the launch of EBTC quickly approaches, Badger continues to make significant strides toward a new state where principles of decentralization and censorship resistance are cemented across all technology developed within the ecosystem, including DAO operations. What does this new state look like? The only protocol powered by BadgerDAO is an immutable asset with minimized governance that anyone can build on with support from the greater Badger ecosystem., A governance framework with community empowered councils acting in the best i... 
|  EBTC Builder Series: Liquidations and Bad Debt Handling Decentralized finance (DeFi) aims to revolutionize the financial landscape, empowering individuals with greater control over their assets and opening up a realm of innovative financial opportunities. At the heart of this transformative ecosystem lie collateral debt position (CDP) protocols and decentralized money markets, which enable users to borrow, lend, and generate stablecoins using their crypto holdings. However, with great freedom comes inherent risks, and these protocols employ a vital mechanism to protect participants and maintain stability: liquidations. In this research piece, we will delve into the mechanics of liquidations within some CDP stablecoin protocols and decentralized money markets, shedding light on their significance and the insights gained from studying their performance. Additionally, we will explore how these findings, in addition to the results from rigorous modeling work performed by RiskDAO, have shaped the design of eBTC; an innovative CDP synthetic bitcoin protocol, and its unique liquidation and bad debt handling mechanism. Liquidations, in a general sense, refer to the process of converting collateralized assets into liquid funds to address a potential default or under collateralization in a lending or borrowing system. When a borrower fails to meet their obligations or the value of the collateral falls below certain predefined thresholds, liquidation mechanisms are triggered. These mechanisms... 
|  EBTC Builder Series: CDP Stablecoins — Peg Stability Analysis EBTC Builder Series: CDP Stablecoins — Peg Stability Analysis - — Introduction - As the world becomes increasingly digital, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a new asset class that promises to revolutionize the way we transact and store value. Among the many types of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins have gained significant traction due to their ability to maintain a stable value relative to fiat currency or a basket of assets. However, maintaining this peg stability is not always an easy feat. The following article provides a comprehensive analysis of peg stability mechanisms used by some of the most popular Collateral Debt Position (CDP) USD stablecoins and shows how those findings led to the development of a new BTC pegged asset — eBTC. The results shed light on the challenges of maintaining peg stability in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies and provide insights into the design of more robust and reliable solutions. — Soft Peg v.s. Hard Peg - First of all, it is important to define the two types of mechanisms that can be used to introduce stability to a stablecoin’s price: soft and hard peg mechanisms. These can be internal to the CDP system’s architecture or enabled and controlled externally by the issuing authority. A soft peg mechanism involves the use of a range or band within which the exchange rate can fluctuate. In a soft peg, the issuing authority or internal algorithm responsible for ma... 
|  Reminder — action Required REMINDER — ACTION REQUIRED - Ren 1.0 Network Shutting Down Today is the LAST DAY to reduce renBTC exposure before the Ren 1.0 network shuts down on December 20th, 2022. It is recommended that all users visit the following links to verify whether you have existing deposits in the effected vaults. ibBTC/crvsBTC: app.badger.com renBTC/wBTC: app.badger.com We strongly urge Badger users REMOVE EXPOSURE IMMEDIATELY to avoid potential loss of funds. The following link details the recommended ways users can take action to remove exposure as soon as possible. Learn how to remove exposure to renBTC: docs.badger.co
|  Ren 1.0 Network Shutting Down — Ren Asset Holders Urged to Remove Exposure Immediately Ren 1.0 Network Shutting Down — Ren Asset Holders Urged to Remove Exposure Immediately - On December 20th, 2022, the Ren 1.0 Network will be shutting down. As a result, renBTC holders will no longer be able to bridge these assets back to the native Bitcoin network. This event affects holders of the ibBTC (deprecated) and depositors in the discontinued ibBTC/crvsBTC and renBTC/wBTC Curve LP Vaults. In response, we urge Badger users remove exposure to renBTC immediately to avoid potential loss of funds . Badger cannot manage or alter user funds in anyway. Actions taken must be done by token holders. Below are the recommended ways users take action as soon as possible… — ibBTC Holders - Holders of wrapped ibBTC can swap out to wBTC using the following Curve LP pool. curve.fi Holders of naked ibBTC can redeem their tokens for the underlying bcrvRenWBTC pool tokens using the Badger app and continue to withdraw their vault position from the corresponding renBTC/wBTC. Redeem ibBTC: app.badger.com Withdraw from LP Vault: app.badger.com Once withdrawn, users can return to Curve to withdraw their assets into wBTC. — ibBTC/crvsBTC and renBTC/wBTC LP Vault Depositors - Depositors will first need to withdraw from the following Badger LP vaults. ibBTC/crvsBTC: app.badger.com renBTC/wBTC: app.badger.com Once withdrawn, users can return to the corresponding Curve LP’s and withdraw their assets into wBTC. ibBTC/crvs... 
|  We Have Moved to Badger.com The new badger.com is officially LIVE! To christen the new site, Spadaboom has dropped a Badger Retrospective & 2021 Roadmap in our badger.com News section.With the launch of our own news section, we will no longer be posting here on Medium. Please check the site and keep your eye on socials for all your Badger News! So what’s new and notable on Badger.com? We’ve included some standout highlights below.New to Defi? We take you on a journey starting with a little Badger 101. By the time you’re done reading, ull be able to set up a wallet, bridge native Bitcoin and start earning interest today!Wanna learn more about Badger products? We provide a detailed overview of our suite of products including their utility, core functionality and how they support our mission to bring Bitcoin to DeFi.Community rules everything… Wrapping one’s head around the idea of a community owned DAO can be tough and it will continue to evolve into the future. We’ve done our best to share how we operate, your role as a user and how we make key business decisions together.In the news today… We are leaving Medium behind and moving all newsworthy content to our new Badger.com news page. Be sure to check out the newest post from Spadaboom.Security is key… Security is of utmost importance and we take the necessary steps to conduct proper auditing along the way to ensure users deposits are as safe as possible. This section provides a... 
|  Convex Helper Vaults: Suboptimal Harvest Paths Post-Mortem In mid August, community members flagged an ongoing issue with the ROI showing for the CVX and cvxCRV Helper Vaults. As we dug deeper into the issue, we uncovered a suboptimal trading path in the harvest function. As a result, the team decided to stop harvesting these vaults at 4:00 PM EST on August 22nd until a suitable solution was found to rectify the situation.What went wrong? As indicated on the harvest transaction shared below, the core problem was the hop during swaps between wETH to cvxCRV while harvesting StrategyCvxCrvHelper and StrategyCvxHelper without first hopping over the CRV. This translated into losses while swapping through a non-optimal/illiquid route every time a harvest was triggered. Non-optimal paths:CVX → wETH → cvxCRV route for CVX to cvxCRVUSDC → wETH → cvxCRV route for USDC to cvxCRV The cvxCRV/wETH pool has less than $1M in liquidity which is fine with low AUM. As AUM increased, our trades naturally became larger and with less frequent harvests due to higher than usual gas fees, the size of trades grew even further. As a result, the slippage on these trades became quite significant.Solution Our Analytics and QA teams got together to analyze the problem and update the harvest strategy with new paths. Optimal paths:CVX → wETH → CRV → cvxCRV route for CVX to cvxCRVUSDC → wETH → CRV → cvxCRV route for USDC to cvxCRV The new harvest strategies have been deployed on-chain, and th... 
|  Badger Boost Optimizer: User Guide With the passage of BIP 63, the Badger community voted to change how BADGER rewards are distributed to users of Sett Vaults, resulting in the Boost Power Up. The new system allocates more BADGER rewards to users who show a desire to participate in governance and support the BadgerDAO ecosystem by holding Badger assets. It also improves the Boost scalability and creates a direct connection between users’ Stake Ratios and the level of rewards they receive. In short, the higher the ratio of your native balance (like bBadger or a DIGG LP) compared to non-native balance (funds deposited into BTC Setts), the higher the Badger token rewards you receive on your non-native vault positions. To help you calculate the amount of native Badger assets needed to increase your Boost, we have released a new tool called the Badger Boost Optimizer. It will tell you the exact ratio of native to non-native assets required to increase your Boost incrementally. How to Use the Boost Optimizer 1. Visit app.badger.finance and connect your wallet 2. Click the Boost dropdown and select Boost Optimizer 3. View your current Boost The Boost Optimizer automatically displays the native and non-native balances in your wallet, and calculates your Stake Ratio (native to non-native) in order to generate your boost multiplier. The color code corresponds to your current Boost level, spanning from Basic Badger (orange) to Frenzy Badger (red). According to the a... 
|  Convex Helper Vaults Explained All Badger strategies to this point have either had a BTC or Native (BADGER/DIGG) component. In order to optimize returns on the new CRV LP Vaults and future partner vaults, we’ve launched our new helper vaults. They are aimed at optimizing partner rewards earned by our depositors to bring better yields to the underlying BTC strategies. Our first 2 helper vaults are CVX and cvxCRV. — What are Convex helper vaults exactly?. — Well, as standalone vaults, users can deposit CVX or cvxCRV and as a result, Badger will manage the staking and auto-compounding of rewards earned with those assets. See the diagram below for a visual explanation. To use one of our traditional vault strategies as an example, wbtc/eth SLP vault, we take the users earned Sushi rewards from the wbtc/eth SLP and stake them for xSushi to optimize yield. We then distribute that xSushi directly to users. With helper vaults we take the reward token (in the above example xSushi) and further optimize the yield by putting those assets to work. — How do they help the new CRV LP Vaults?. — Users who deposit crvBTC directly into Convex would receive CRV and CVX rewards as a result. You would then want to use stake CVX to generate cvxCRV and stake that in addition to your CRV to earn even more rewards. This process however can be onerous and gas intensive and thats why Badger is doing the work for you! With the introduction of our new CVX a... 