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AWC Price   

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Atomic Wallet Coin  


AWC Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$483.6 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #AWC is $0.08 USD.

Please note that the price of #AWC was last updated over 130 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #AWC statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest AWC price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.078, and the exact last price of AWC was $0.07752.

The all-time high AWC coin price was $7.29.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of AWC with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins.


The code for Atomic Wallet Coin crypto currency is #AWC.

Atomic Wallet Coin is 5.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for Atomic Wallet Coin is $483,565.

Atomic Wallet Coin is ranking downwards to #5992 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak during the past 24 hours for #AWC.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Atomic Wallet Coin is $309.


The circulating supply of AWC is 6,238,267 coins, which is 6% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Atomic Wallet Coin coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


AWC is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


AWC has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #AWC trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #AWC purchase.



Monthly Update: May

May brought much news for Atomic. Finally, implemented staking for AWC, desktop & mobile updates, AMA sessions with Reserve Protocol, and Coti Network, Zoom AMA with CTO of Bitfinex. It’s a lot to tell — just give a read to our monthly report to know everything. — Desktop Release (2.16.0) - The new desktop version 2.16.0 has these features: New price chart section. Stay tuned with the market trends., ICON (ICX) added. Manage and exchange ICX in a secure way., Instant balance updates for ATOM and TRX are speeded up., Improved TRX staking now with a claim button for the rewards., You can download Atomic here. — Mobile Release (0.60.0) - The new mobile version 0.60.0 has these features: Added ICON (ICX) for holding and exchange. ICX staking is soon., AWC is available for staking with a 23% max yearly profit., Buy crypto history now syncs properly between devices., JUST Airdrop added to the staking section., Bug fixes for KMD staking, BTC, ETH & ERC20 tokens fees calculation., You can download Atomic here. — AWC Staking - Atomic Wallet Token (AWC) staking is finally available! Now, holders can start staking and getting rewards from a minimum of 10 AWC deposit with a maximum 23% yearly profit. Try it with a mobile app and soon on a desktop version. Read more about the token here. — AMA with CTO of Bitfinex - Our CEO Konstantin Gladych has conducted the AMA with Bitfinex CTO Pa...

Monthly Update: April

Upgraded desktop & mobile versions, more added assets, Bitcoin Halving news and predictions, 2500 reached reviews on Trustpilot, AMA sessions, and many more. Welcome to read our April update! — Desktop Release (2.15.0) - The new desktop version 2.15.3 has these features: JUST (JST) token added. Airdrop supported for the TRX holders., Huge performance optimization., Coins price updated every minute., Export history to CSV added., Exchange for USDT, USDC, and other ERC20 tokens fixed., Fixes for XVG, AE, WAVES, KMD., You can download Atomic here. — Bitcoin Halving is Coming! - Bitcoin Halving is scheduled at the height of the block, and not the date. It’ll happen at the block 630,000, which approximately will take place on May 12. What price will BTC reach if the rewards for mining will be reduced by 50%? Find out everything about having and what to expect in our guide. — Android Release - What’s new in the 0.58.0 Android and iOS versions: Performance optimization., Empty receiving addresses fixed., Issues with missing history fixed., Gas limit fixed for USDT, USDC tokens., XVG fixed, KMD rewards claim., If you had issues with missing addresses or history, we suggest you update the app, clear cache, and recover wallet with 12 words at the app start. Get the new Atomic Mobile for iOS or Android here. — ICON (ICX) Soon - We’re excited to say that the ICON Foundation approved a gr...

Atomic Roadmap for 2019

Preface - Another year is over, so now it’s time to take stock of 2018 and share our plans for the new year. The Atomic team has done a huge work to craft a good all-in-one solution for your cryptos. There’s still a lot of things to do in order to make Atomic more friendly, more convenient, more robust. — What is done - Support for top 25 blockchains and over 300 tokens. We’ve added over almost all the top coins and tokens you can manage securely in the Atomic desktop application. Moreover, you can add and manage custom ERC20 tokens. All your private keys are generated locally from the seed phrase on your device and protected by encryption. Atomic is build on top of common open source libraries, that guarantees your funds are secure. Private keys are encrypted and never leave your device, that means you have full access and control over your crypto in Atomic. — Large and friendly community of 100K users - Since the product launch, the Atomic community grew to 100K users, who downloaded the wallet. Most of them use the wallet on a regular basis. We cherish the trust of our users and keep them updated and provide 24/7 support in our Telegram live chat, Twitter and Facebook. — Atomic Swaps - The “Atomic” name speaks for itself, since we support atomic swaps.That is a relatively new game changing way to exchange cryptocurrency without middlemen. In Atomic Wallet, you can exchange Bitcoin, Litecoin a...

How to buy XRP (Ripple)?

Easy way to exchange your USD/EUR to XRP with credit card. Install Atomic. — Ripple and XRP - Ripple is a funds transfer company that created RippleNet and XRP. XRP is a digital asset running on it’s own blockchain. The main purpose behind XRP was to create a decentralized custodial free payment system which will use another consensus algorithm than Bitcoin. The project was initially based on the idea that you can exchange any asset or goods by using XRP ane currency bridges (exchange your currency to XRP and then transfer it to the other address via public ledger in just a couple of seconds). — Ripple features - In XRP the system is handles by the verified or trusted nodes from the UNL (unique node lits) owned by the Ripple company and third parties. Two years ago it was possible to critise the project, but nowadays XRP is working hard to make their network more decentralized and trustless. Don’t trust, verify! More than 150 nodes are running all over the globe right now and only 10 are governed by Ripple. In the past there were only 10 nodes and the whole XRP Ledger was governed by Ripple company. To decrease the risk of any failures in the validation Ripple decided to make a devirsification of nodes by their region, computing powers and other requirements. They validate tranasctions and protect the network from any maliscious actions. For example, to make changes into the blockchain the whole majority of n...

What is Destination Tag in XRP, XLM and XMR transfers

How to use Destination Tag and What is it? Unlike a regular crypto, XRP (Ripple), Stellar (XLM) and Monero (XMR) have some non-obvious but very important caveats, when it comes to coin management. To control these assets fully, you need to get familiar with some nuances. These assets use Destination Tag technology, the purpose of which is to assign the specific recipient of the transaction. — What is Destination Tag? - For example, some trader gives you their XRP address to send coins to, and you suddenly notice that this is the same XRP address as yours. How’s that possible? It happens since exchanges often use a one XRP address for all their XRP traders. The only difference is the Destination Tag, a short complimentary code piece that assigns your transaction to a certain account. The Destination Tag is mandatory for the overwhelming majority of transactions. Once you set random numbers or inappropriate values instead of the required combination, you’ll lose your funds. Either the funds will be sent to any other user having that combination as the tag, or to the exchange storage as an unassigned transaction. The Destination Tag purpose is to identify a transaction recipient. It’s like the numbers of rooms. If you live in the same building, you’ll need to use exactly your room number. If you live in a private house, you won’t need one. — How to use Destination Tag? - The Destination Tag is not needed...

ShapeShift Exchange in Atomic Wallet

Atomic Wallet is distributed platform with built-in Atomic Swap, but not all of the coins are supported yet, that’s why we have additional exchange options provided by ShapeShift service. ShapeShift is a company that offers instant exchange of a variety of digital assets via web and mobile platforms. ShapeShift’s goal is to be the fastest, most private, and most convenient way to swap digital currencies, and the exchange rate will always remain competitive. In this article you’ll know how to Exchange all your assets with ShapeShift in one secure interface. There is two exciting features: 1. Instant Exchange 2. Fixed Rate Let’s take it in order — 1. Instant Exchange - Exchange your crypto-assets with floating rate. Within a deal perform trade rate can floating and you’ll probably receive less or more than you initially want. You can win or lose some gap, it depending on the trade course. Take a look how to Instant Exchange assets by ShapeShift right in the Atomic Wallet UI: — Just click on the “Exchange” tab in the left menu, there will be two tabs from above. — Choose the “Instant Exchange”, click on Ticker of Coins and choose the trading pair. — Then click on “Choose service” tab to set the ShapeShift service. — Set the amount (pay attention to the fee and the min amount) and click the “Exchange” button ⇩ — There will be pop-up confirmation “Your exchange request ...

What is Atomic Bounty and how it works

One of the main goals of Atomic Wallet team is creating a functional ecosystem to maximize the spread of decentralized technologies among crypto-enthusiasts. As long as Bounty campaigns have become a useful part of the most of cryptocurrency-related projects, we launched our own Bounty campaign, the main goals of which is introducing people to Atomic Wallet technology and rewarding loyal people with AWC tokens for useful activities. You can check the full description of Atomic Wallet Bounty campaign here — — Brief introduction to Atomic Wallet Bounty - The total reward for all participants of the campaign is 1 000 000 AWC Tokens. Atomic Wallet Bounty Allocation: Twitter Bounty, Content Bounty, Facebook Bounty, Reddit Bounty, Medium Bounty, Atomic Wallet Downloads, Translation Bounty, Bug Bounty, Due to the fact that the tasks for social networks are simple, we will consider more complicated parts of campaign. In this section we offer a reward for the actual and interesting content about Atomic Wallet. It can be your personal experience of using a Wallet, tutorials for other users, an overview of our project in general or any other types of material. Feel free to publish your articles and videos in any social networks, blogs and websites: the main thing is content quality. Also, you can publish your creatives on any language you want. Our website and social account provides a lot of information ab...

How to exchange funds between blockchains without third-party risks?

Atomic Swaps is a new technology that makes it possible to exchange cryptocurrencies directly and without third parties. For example — you can exchange BTC to LTC with the fixed and small fee for any amount without centralization exchanges. The commission does not depend on the amount.What is Atomic Swap? In Greek language “atomos” means “indivisible”. “Swap” means trade and finance exchange operation in the form of exchange of different assets. Atomic Swap is the operation, which either implemented entirely or cannot be implemented at all. It has essential meaning for the future of crypto: unlimited cross-blockchain exchange will open up a brand-new world of possibilities for the market.twitter.comImplementation Atomic Swap has two sides — Initiator and Participant. For example look at BTC-LTC Atomic Swap: Initiator creates something like “deposit box” which contain funds in the process of Atomic Swap. This is like “transparent” box: recipient can check what’s inside, but cannot take the funds out without the initiator’s key. When recipient checked that everything is fine, he makes the same box with the same lock, but with his own assets. Initiator checks this box, open it and leaves the key in the lock. Then the recipient takes the key and opens the initiator’s box. The key is called the “Secret” and box it is the Contract. In other words, initiator sends to recipient hash of h...

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