| AlgoVest 
| #AVS
AVS Price: | $0.038 | | Volume: | $448 | All Time High: | $3.18 | | Market Cap: | $125.3 K |
Circulating Supply: | 3,269,604 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 10,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 2
The last known price of #AVS is $0.038 USD.
Please note that the price of #AVS was last updated over 730 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #AVS statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest AVS price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.038, and the exact last price of AVS was $0.03833.
The all-time high AVS coin price was $3.18.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of AVS with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for AlgoVest crypto currency is #AVS.
AlgoVest is 2 years old. |
The current market capitalization for AlgoVest is $125,316.
AlgoVest is ranking downwards to #1666 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a weak daily trading volume on #AVS.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for AlgoVest is $448. |
The circulating supply of AVS is 3,269,604 coins, which is 33% of the total coin supply.
Note the limited supply of AlgoVest coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
AVS has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #AVS trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #AVS purchase. |
 The Current State of the USDC Yield Pool Funds and AlgoVest Ecosystem You’ve all supported us for about 2 years now and we deem it important to update you of challenges facing the ecosystem and proposed solution. We want to assure you that we’re here and will always be here to achieve our objectives with the AlgoVest project. Therefore, we’ll appreciate your continuous support, even if, it may not be convenient. — Loss of Funds. — Following the war in Ukraine, we experienced a series of major losses in our trading the EURUSD. The risk mitigation functions built into the system took losses using stop-loss levels. And we were confident of recovering the losses but it got worse every other week, especially during the first and second weeks of July 2022. The issue is that our previously stable risk level became our biggest enemy as economy changed across Europe and the Euro crashed in different turns of extreme volatility. Moreover, we had to pause and restart the modular algorithm intermittently on different occasions. We took some unwise decisions that we regret and fully accept responsibility to correct going forward. Because we wanted to recover losses faster, our approach was too aggressive on restarting the Algo in the current market conditions. Overall, the EURUSD parity event made us lose 85% of all funds and it will take some time before funds are restored. — Road to Recovery of Funds. — First, the algorithm needed an update for the current market condition. ... 
|  Introducing GRAIL Governance Token — The Governance Rail of the AlgoVest Ecosystem GRAIL is a governance token as well a liquidity yield farming token for AlgoVest. Dear AlgoVest Community, On January 31, 2022, we launched our passive income yield generation platform, AlgoPool by AlgoVest, providing up to 60% APR on USDC deposits, paid in USDC. The platform brings a powerful use-case to our native $AVS token as it combines staking of $AVS with generating yield on stablecoin. Moreover, we have been working to release a governance system and liquidity yield farming platform to boost liquidity as well as give direction to the $AVS token through community decisions. Today, we are excited to announce the introduction of our new token, GRAIL Governance Token. The more AlgoVest matures as a community project, the more it becomes necessary to have a governance system that also rewards liquidity providers (LPs) with high yield for supporting the ecosystem. Achieving this will establish AlgoVest in the decentralized finance (DeFi) category. Hence, we are delighted to launch GRAIL. — What is GRAIL Governance Token?. — GRAIL Governance Token (GRAIL) is the governance and liquidity yield farming token that empowers community’s involvement in the AlgoVest ecosystem. Unlike $AVS, the GRAIL Governance Token is not backed by a modular algorithm and has no intrinsic value. Its purpose is governance and liquidity yield farming. Even so, GRAIL is uniquely designed to add tremendous value to the AlgoVest ecosystem... 
|  Launching AlgoPool by AlgoVest, Providing up to 60% APR on USDC Deposits, Paid in USDC Stake AVS to gain access to depositing USDC in yield pool, ratio 1 $AVS:10 USDC. The time is now for DeFi to experience consistent passive income from TradFi. Following community suggestions, the AlgoVest team earlier announced that as a capital protection and investment growth project, we will be launching a yield pool to allow profit sharing with investors. We are excited to announce the launching of AlgoPool, a stablecoin investment yield pool powered by algorithmic trading in traditional financial market. You can access the platform at https://pool.algovest.fi on your web3-enabled or desktop wallet to start staking $AVS and depositing USDC to the yield pool. AlgoPool is one of the most anticipated platforms for passive income seekers in the cryptosphere. We expect AlgoPool to be a major yield generator among DeFi users. The AlgoVest’s artificial intelligence backing AlgoPool has realized over 150% profits in less than 12 months and is battle tested for about 3 years. We are estimating a 10% monthly profit from the yield pool deposits. While profits may be slightly lower or a bit higher depending on market volatility, the team is confident profits will be consistent.Joining the AlgoPool Yield Pool To gain access to the yield pool, users are required to stake $AVS tokens. After staking $AVS, investors will gain access to deposit up to ten times the number of $AVS staked (ration 1 $AVS : 10 USDC). You will earn 8% APR ... 
|  AlgoVest Ecosystem Governance Token Airdrop Snapshot Update The AlgoVest Ecosystem Governance Token Airdrop Snapshot Update — Greetings AlgoVest Community! Are you pumped to receive a valuable token as an $AVS holder?. — Today, we are extremely excited to release a significant update regarding the date on which the governance token airdrop snapshot will occur on Ethereum Network. We know that you all have been patiently waiting to know the airdrop details. As mentioned in our Telegram community chat, only eligible private wallets that staked and held $AVS token will receive the new governance token (more details about the token will be revealed in a different article). All exchanges and Dev wallet addresses are excluded from this airdrop. The issuance of the new governance token is in preparation for the development of our governance and treasury management system.Snapshot dates and qualification requirements? We will honour our historical community members and reward them on the occasion of $AVS token anniversary on December 25th. Hence, if you staked $AVS tokens between February 24th, 2021 and December 25th, 2021, your wallet is eligible to receive this airdrop. But any wallet that unstake between today, January 15th 7pm UTC and January 18th won’t qualify for the holders’ airdrop. Moreover, for $AVS holders to receive airdrop, a snapshot of all balances holding $AVS tokens will be taking place on the two dates and times shown below:Tuesday, January 18th, ... 
|  Announcing the Community-led AlgoVest Growth Ambassador Program Apply to become a growth ambassador for AlgoVest.fi and its AVS token. We consider community an integral part of AlgoVest.fi development and growth. Since the launch of the AlgoVest project, we have received many messages from community members and influencers asking to be actively involved in our community. The inquiries were mostly about moderating our group chats, creating different language communities, and growing and increasing community engagements and activities. Therefore, we are delighted to announce The AlgoVest Growth Ambassador Program, which will play an important role in connecting the AlgoVest project to its community and increasing the awareness of the $AVS token. The AlgoVest growth ambassadors are the very fun-loving, active members in the community who are driven to engage and help both new and existing community members to better understand the AlgoVest ecosystem. We will focus on growing and increasing engagements on Twitter, initially by adopting a contest approach. — Ambassador Program Twitter Contest Rules:. — The contest will run for 4 weeks.Tweets for each week may go out as early as Mondays at 1pm UTC (aka 9 AM EST). Every week the team will create the ambassador tweet to be sent out on Monday. We will have the text ready by Sunday so that everyone — regardless of where in the world you may live — may have a fair and equal chance.Ambassadors can create their own tweets wi... 
|  The AlgoVest 2021 Roadmap Accomplishments and Future Goals Hi Dear Community, We are very proud to present an allover 2021 updated roadmap. The roadmap features pleasant accomplishments and exciting future goals. Since the launch of AlgoVest, we have achieved many milestones, including the launch of our TradFi algorithm, releasing of our staking contract and dashboard, buyback contract launch, listing on several notable cryptocurrency tracking websites like Coingecko, Coinbase and CoinMarketCap, engaging a part-time marketing director and laying out marketing plans, especially on alternative tech platforms. The most rewarding achievements of all for the ecosystem would be nearly doubling our AlgoVest portfolio with over 90% in profits. Moreover, as you can observe, we are currently not working on any crypto-related algorigthm. We encountered some challenges developing two different types of crypto trading systems. While developing a market maker for our Hotbit pairs, we discovered the exchange prefers to have us pay some monthly charges to perform market making tasks rather than relax their unfriendly technical requirements. The MM development halted even after we spent time and funds building. We also discontinued developing other crypto trading algorithm because the analysis of our trading experts and developers revealed it requires between 150–1000 ETH as trading portfolio. This is a target we can reach in the future as AlgoVest grows. — What We Will Be Up to During Q3 a... 
|  AlgoVest — Why We Chose Minds and CRBN as Our Primary Marketing Platforms Over Twitter AlgoVest — Why We Chose Minds and CRBN as Our Primary Marketing Platforms Over Twitter — Minds and Crbn are emerging decentralized social networks that meets our crypto project marketing needs. Join our community on these platforms!. — It's no secret that traditional social media is less-than-friendly toward new crypto startups. And who can blame them? The space is new, it's hard to reliably vet every project, and there really are scams and dishonest projects that can make people lose tons of money. So we're not mad at the tech giants for being diligent. But it does beg the question, where can an honest crypto startup advertise and build a community? And this is where Minds and CRBN emerge as the obvious answers. Minds.com launched in 2015, and over the years they've proven to be a platform that is fair, honest, and durable. They've stood the test of time through several market cycles and the Minds platform really feels like the bedrock of alternative tech. Thanks to their stance on and commitment to freedom of speech and decentralization, they've been able to attract a broad spectrum of users who just want the freedom to express themselves online. We feel that this community of people may be more receptive to concepts like decentralized finance, NFTs, artificial intelligence, and of course cryptocurrencies in general. That's why we've chosen to allocate a portion of our mar... 
|  ANNOUNCEMENT: New Marketing Plans at AlgoVest and AVS Token Giveaway Community is important to AlgoVest because the project requires governance. We need you to be an active part of this! That’s why we’re happy to announce that we’ve brought on a full-time marketing and communications director to get the ball rolling. AlgoVest would like to introduce our newest team member and Director of Marketing Operations, Travis Murphy. Find him on LinkedIN. Travis has over 10 years experience in the digital marketing industry and we’re sure he’s going to be a welcome addition to the team. We’ve got exciting community-building and advertising initiatives lined up for the next several months, including a giveaway starting today! Here’s a brief outline of what we’ve got planned:Social media contest & AVS token giveaway. Starting Monday, April 26, 2021, we will be holding a trial draw for 1000 AVS tokens here (https://gleam.io/yF7h8/algovest-community-appreciation-rewards). If this goes well, we will have bigger and better draws in the future as our way of giving back to the community.Alternative crypto tech exposure. We’re pursuing partnerships and promotional avenues with various emerging social media and video streaming platforms to gain exposure to the alternative-tech crowds. We hope this will help us reach and engage with those who are used to being early adopters of amazing tech ideas, and who will add depth and value to our growing community.Traditional social media. We’re r... 
|  Staking of $AVS Token is Live! A Must Read About AlgoVest Staking Launch Start staking AVS and earn crypto rewards up to 28.50% APY. We are delighted to welcome all our new community members to AlgoVest! Since the launch of AlgoVest, we have been planning and building incredible forms of utility around our native token, AVS. This is why we listed on Uniswap and Hotbit Exchange for the public to be part of our growing DeFi ecosystem. In addition to our token buyback and burn mechanism, we are excited to announce the launch of AVS Staking. To simplify user interaction with the staking contract, a staking dashboard was developed with a simple to use and convenient interface. The AlgoVest staking dashboard is accessible to the public at https://stake.algovest.fi and will be initially functional on MetaMask wallet. The staking platform is an important part of the AlgoVest tokenomics and ecosystem. Hence, we are working to integrate a Wallet Connect (Web3-enabled) function into the staking platform and will be released along with liquidity yield farming. Meanwhile, you can create a MetaMask wallet and transfer your AVS tokens to your personal wallet to stake and start earning rewards now.Start Staking Your AVS! To stake your AVS now, access the staking webpage https://stake.algovest.fi on your MetaMask browser, connect your wallet and follow the buttons on the staking platform. It’s pretty simple! Make sure you select the number of days you will like to stake your AVS, as the reward mechanism is rel... 
|  AVS Token Sale Closed and Going Live on Uniswap and Hotbit Exchange AlgoVest raises 200.28 ETH in AVS token sale. We are delighted to announce to our dear community, the #AVesters, that we have successfully closed the AVS token sale rounds. We raised a total of 200.28 ETH (Private-sale: 160 ETH/Pre-sale: 40.28 ETH) and we thank all of you, our amazing supporters for making this possible. Kindly refer to our Use of Token Sale Funds to understand the allocation of funds moving forward. Total Tokens Sold: 1,661,120 AVS. Total Unsold Tokens: 1,538,880 AVS, which might be added to staking reward pool to reward stakers or be offered for OTC in the future. We will be listing and adding liquidity on Uniswap, Sunday, January 31st, 2021. The starting Uniswap price will be 0.00035 ETH per AVS token. Moreover, the AVS token will be listed for trading on HotBit exchange on February 1st, 2021 at 8:00 AM UTC. Always ensure that you are interacting with the right AlgoVest (AVS) contract before finalizing transactions. This is the correct AVS token contract address 0x94d916873b22c9c1b53695f1c002f78537b9b3b2 and the Etherscan link https://etherscan.io/token/0x94d916873b22c9c1b53695f1c002f78537b9b3b2. Once again, thank you for believing in us and the AlgoVest project. Watch out for more news coming soon about Staking AVS and participating in AVS Liquidity Mining to earn rewards! — Feel free to connect with us on social.. — Website: https://algovest.fi |Telegram Group Discussion: https://t.me/A... 