| ApeCoin 
| #APE
APE Price: | $0.73 | | Volume: | $64.5 M | All Time High: | $26.90 | | Market Cap: | $0.6 B |
Circulating Supply: | 752,651,515 |
| Exchanges: | 82
| Total Supply: | 999,998,553 |
| Markets: | 110
| Max Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 84
The price of #APE today is $0.73 USD.
The lowest APE price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.734, and the exact current price of one APE crypto coin is $0.73416.
The all-time high APE coin price was $26.90.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of APE with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
ERC-20 governance and utility token empowering a decentralized web3 community. The code for ApeCoin is #APE.
ApeCoin is 2.9 years old. |
The current market capitalization for ApeCoin is $552,568,948.
ApeCoin is ranking upwards to #101 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a large volume of trading today on #APE.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for ApeCoin is $64,500,572. |
The circulating supply of APE is 752,651,515 coins, which is 75% of the maximum coin supply. |
APE is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 82 crypto exchanges.
View #APE trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #APE purchase. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #APE, and you can view them on our APE disambiguation page. |
 Some updates: Mobile Game Leaderboard, APE FEST 2022 Dates, and More Hey Apes, meant to get the BAYC x MAYC Mobile Game Competition leaderboard out last night but we’ve been having a pretty crazy weekend. Leaderboard and some other updates below!1. BAYC x MAYC Mobile Game Competition — Final Leaderboard A massive thank you to everyone who helped make the BAYC x MAYC Mobile Game Competition a success. We got rugged pretty hard there by Apple in December, but in the end we had thousands of Apes and Mutants battling through the sewers and were able to allow an even broader audience to experiment with the game. And we learned a LOT in the process. On the leaderboard: Two players were found to have cheated and both were excluded from the final leaderboard (oddly, neither landed above rank 250). There were a handful of other accounts that were flagged for suspicious activity, however we had insufficient evidence to prove conclusively that any of these accounts were cheating. In order to be fair to any false positives, we have decided to extend the prize tiers by the appropriate number of users (note: There was only one suspicious account in the top 50, and 4 in the top 100). See below for the final prize tiers: BAYC (APES vs MUTANTS) -1st Place: The BAYC Pinball Machine (a custom-built arcade piece) -Top 50: BAYC Bronze-Cast Statuette -Top 102: Artisan-Made BAYC Bong -Top 256: Trippy Captain’s Hat -Top 1000: Curtis Plush Toy MAYC (MUTANTS vs APES) -1st Place: The Mutant Mobile (Conv... 