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AMP Price   

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AMP Price:
$23.8 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$0.6 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #AMP today is $0.00570 USD.

The lowest AMP price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00570, and the exact current price of one AMP crypto coin is $0.00569836.

The all-time high AMP coin price was $0.12.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of AMP with market cap of BTC and how the supply of AMP affects the price at different market capitalizations.


The code for Amp is also #AMP.

Amp is 4.4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Amp is $567,920,928.

Amp is ranked #101 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is large today for #AMP.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Amp is $23,793,660.


The circulating supply of AMP is 99,663,994,232 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply.

Relatively, Amp has a large supply of coins, 4,530 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example.


AMP is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.

See list of the AMP Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains.


AMP is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #AMP trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #AMP purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #AMP, and you can view them on our AMP disambiguation page.



Introducing the Amp token grant committee

The first Amp token grant committee members have been chosen! Grant committee members were chosen based on their tenure in the Amp community and their passion for growing Flexa, the world’s first purely digital asset payment network. The first grant committee will consist of 9 members who will serve for one year. After the initial one-year term, nominees for the next Amp token grant committee will be submitted and voted on by the community. Without further ado, here is the first Amp token grant committee! More details on submitting grant proposals, grant committee proposal voting & community proposal voting, and the operational address for the grant committee are coming soon! Introducing the Amp token grant committee was originally published in Amp Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Digital payments from any network: Flexa’s new Transformers and multi-chain Payments products

Flexa is a pure-digital payments network that uses Amp as collateral to provide instant, fraud-proof digital asset payments for merchants worldwide. Anyone can use apps to spend via Flexa without even knowing about the existence of Amp, just as anyone can use a credit card without knowing how legacy payment networks function. People who choose to secure the Flexa network by staking Amp tokens, however, earn rewards for decentralizing payment risk. Flexa was built to enable any app to spend any digital currency at any merchant and is live across the US, Canada, and Latin America. Last September, Flexa introduced Transformers for the Flexa network, providing merchants in El Salvador with a new way to easily accept bitcoin via the Lightning Network without the need to understand complex crypto infrastructure or set up their own node. Thanks to this technology, merchants and financial institutions such as Bancoagricola, El Salvador’s largest bank, were able to instantly accept Lightning Network payments while receiving the asset of their choice. This year, Flexa announced the rollout of additional Transformers to enable direct payments from even more blockchain networks. These Transformers power the new Flexa Payments products, enabling instant digital currency payments from every app for even more merchants around the globe. Now, Amp stakers will have the option to stake their Amp as collateral to any of the 10+ fully integr...

Staking Amp as collateral

Amp is a universal collateral token designed to facilitate fast and efficient transfers for any real-world application. When using Amp as collateral, transfers of value are guaranteed and can settle instantly. While the underlying asset reaches final settlement, a transaction that can take anywhere from seconds to days, Amp is locked by a decentralized collateral manager. Once the transaction successfully settles, the Amp collateral is released and is available to collateralize another transfer. Amp exists to serve as universal collateral for anyone and any project. Currently, the primary use-case for Amp is to secure transactions on the Flexa network. Flexa uses Amp to enable instant, fraud-free payments to merchants across its digital payment network. Users stake Amp to apps, ensuring Flexa payments can be settled in real-time regardless of the asset or protocol used. Acceptance fees generated within the network are then automatically distributed pro-rata to stakers. This means that the collateral providers and users of the platform earn the entirety of value generated within the network.Token economics On Flexa, since every asset spent requires at least an equivalent dollar amount of Amp tokens securing the transaction, each wallet or app can only spend as much as the total dollar value of the Amp collateral pool staked to it. For example, if Wallet A had a collateral pool with $100,000 worth of Amp deposits, cumulative u...

Amp is now available on Coinbase

As of Thursday, June 10, Amp is available to buy and sell on Coinbase, one of the most trusted and easy to use digital asset exchanges. Short lessons about Amp are also now available to Coinbase users via Coinbase Earn, a simple and educational platform for “earning crypto while learning about crypto.” Launched in October 2012, Coinbase is used by approximately 56 million people in more than one hundred countries across the globe. In becoming available on Coinbase, Amp will reach a greater number of people than ever before, which will in turn significantly improve Amp’s ability to collateralize applications like the Flexa network for digital asset payments. As one of the earliest cryptocurrency exchanges, Coinbase continues to play an integral role in making digital currencies like Amp available to the public. Coinbase is dedicated to building the cryptoeconomy — “a more fair, accessible, efficient, and transparent financial system enabled by crypto.” Because Amp and Coinbase share such complementary missions, we’re especially glad to be making Amp available to the Coinbase community. To stay updated on future developments related to Amp and the cryptoeconomy, join the Amp Community on Twitter or Discord, or follow @Coinbase on Twitter. Amp is now available on Coinbase was originally published in Amp Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Yearning for more

Introducing new Amp DeFi integrations in the Yearn Ecosystem. — Thanks to its borrowing, lending, and yield aggregating products, The Yearn Ecosystem is the nexus of DeFi’s most exciting innovations, including integrations with partners like SushiSwap, C.R.E.A.M. Finance, Alpha Homora, and Pickle Finance. This month, both the C.R.E.A.M. Finance and SushiSwap communities have added support for Amp on their platforms. Integrations into DeFi projects like these help Amp establish broader community access and decreased volatility —growing the foundation for universal collateral that makes Amp valuable for networks like Flexa. Let’s dive into the updates!Amp × C.R.E.A.M. Finance As the building blocks of DeFi continue to evolve, new projects are quickly emerging that cater to different audiences and uses. C.R.E.A.M. Finance (à la “Crypto Rules Everything Around Me”) originally launched in fall of 2020 as a third-party fork of the decentralized borrowing and lending platform Compound. Where Compound has established and maintained a limited menu of tokens to borrow and lend, C.R.E.A.M. has gained traction with yield farmers and borrowers who are seeking a wider selection of assets. Amp was listed on C.R.E.A.M. Finance in February, giving holders the opportunity to earn interest on Amp they supplied. Now, thanks to the support of the C.R.E.A.M. community, Amp can be used as collateral for a loan of up to 45% of its...

To the moon!

Amp is now live on the MoonSwap AMM, with ongoing $MOON liquidity mining rewards.. — With the phenomenal growth of DeFi, decentralized exchanges are quickly becoming the predominant sources of token trading volume and liquidity. In fact, lending protocols and Automated Market Makers (AMMs) account for the considerable majority of total value locked across the entire ecosystem. And new technology is evolving at a rapid pace—like the MoonSwap AMM. Launched in the summer of DeFi, MoonSwap uses a Conflux-based layer two solution to provide significantly lower transaction costs, cross-chain interoperability, and up to 6,000 transactions per second (TPS). Beyond its fun, crypto-inspired user interface design, MoonSwap technology has already powered millions of trades and has been formally audited by Slowmist.Amp × MoonSwap Amp is now live on MoonSwap via the cAMP-cETH trading pair, with $MOON liquidity mining incentives starting today, January 14, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. EST. Starting now, all users providing liquidity for the cAMP-cETH pool will not only earn transaction fees, but also ongoing $MOON utility tokens. To participate:Create a Conflux wallet (using Firefox) and deposit your AMP and ETH assets to the Conflux contract;Provide liquidity and receive MoonSwap LP (MLP) tokens; andStake your MLP tokens to the cAMP-cETH farm to start instantly mining $MOON.Please make sure to read the Conflux deposit instructions for M...

The need for speed

Introducing Amp support on the Loopring DEX, with gas-free sends, zero-fee trades, and a 2,000,000 AMP incentive pool.. — Always looking to the road ahead As Flexa continues to build infrastructure for the universal spending of digital assets, both sides of its wallet-merchant network are rapidly expanding. With the upcoming public release of the Flexa Spend SDK, the Flexa team is continuously researching practical approaches towards enabling more efficient blockchain transactions—not only for payments, but also for real-time Amp reward distributions. The great news is that there have been substantial, tangible L2 scaling efforts in the space, exclusive of encouraging development on the ETH 2.0 base layer. For instance, Loopring has been scaling exchanges with zkRollups on Ethereum for the past 12 months. StarkWare’s Cairo is currently live with both zkRollups (on-chain) and Validium (off-chain) data functionality on its StarkEx implementation of Deversifi. Matter Labs’s zkSync has continued to progress towards generalized contract support and significant decentralization using DPoS parallel computation. Aztec is pioneering zk²Rollups with the goals of on-chain data availability and full privacy. And IDEX 2.0 was recently released (with support for AMP-ETH trading at launch), using an open-source Optimized Optimistic Rollup (O2) design that preserves on-chain data availability while achieving 100,000+ trades per ...

Amp development update #4

Final development update, availability, and whitepaper release. — It’s a pleasure to round out the seventh week of Amp’s development with an update on Amp trading availability and the release of the Amp whitepaper. With these final updates, Amp is now officially launched, and the primary development focus will shift to supporting networks building on the Amp protocol. Read on to learn more. — Now available to buy and sell on Gemini - On Tuesday, September 15, Amp launched for trading as the tenth token to ever list on the Gemini exchange, one of the most secure and compliant digital asset exchanges in the world. As part of a broader push toward DeFi and alternative digital asset classes, Amp was made available for trading alongside popular DeFi governance token Compound (COMP) and the gold-backed PAX Gold token (PAXG):  — @Gemini The Gemini exchange is available in all 50 US states and more than fifty additional countries. As noted in their announcement post, Gemini worked closely with the New York State Department of Financial Services to obtain approval to offer trading and custody services for Amp. — Release of the Amp whitepaper - The last Amp development update saw the release of the Amp token contract and Flexa collateral manager source code, as well as extensive documentation of the contract methods and hooks posted to the Amp website. For anyone interested in delving furthe...

Amp: the new digital collateral token

Now live on the Ethereum mainnet. — After months of research, development, and testing, Amp is finally here. Built through a close collaboration and partnership between Flexa and ConsenSys, Amp is a new staking platform designed to support the instant and verifiable collateralization of any type of value transfer—whether fast or slow, digital or physical, like-kind or multi-asset. Amp’s universal extensibility and ERC20-compliant framework introduce new opportunities to improve the speed and security of asset transactions across a vast set of financial use cases, including payments, exchange, lending, remittance, and more. The Amp smart contracts have been thoroughly audited by leading security research firms ConsenSys Diligence and Trail of Bits. And because Amp is open source, its code is freely available to be integrated and extended by any third-party platform or app. “The new Amp token demonstrates Flexa’s unrelenting commitment to DeFi and to building new technologies that will democratize access to payments for people all over the world,” said Tyler Spalding, CEO of Flexa. “Our team has been developing Amp and its capabilities for the better half of a year, and the collateral partitions and managers at the core of the new standard implement Ethereum-based technologies that have never been deployed at this scale.” Starting today, Flexa will begin using Amp as the primary collateral for securing al...

Amp development update #3

Official contract address and source code release. — In advance of Amp’s release on the Ethereum mainnet this Tuesday, the Amp token contract has been verified on Etherscan and its source code has been released on GitHub. Read on for more details and news of what’s next.Published and verified on Etherscan To ensure that network participants can mint their Amp tokens safely and confidently at Amp’s release on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, the official Amp token contract has now been published and verified on Etherscan. Now and forever, the official Amp contract address on the Ethereum mainnet is 0xfF20817765cB7f73d4bde2e66e067E58D11095C2. Please note that there is no other officially supported implementation of the Amp token contract, and that this contract address is the only Amp token that will be supported within Flexa Capacity or any other implementations of Amp collateral managers (as corroboration, this contract address has also been published to the official Amp Twitter, Discord, and website).Between now and Amp’s release on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, please beware of fraudsters who may try to convince you to accept alternative Amp tokens, which are likely worthless, and cannot be used with apps like Flexa Capacity. For your security, always ensure that you are interacting with the official Amp token contract only and verify your transactions on Etherscan or confirm the Amp contract address on Twitter or D...

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