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ALK Price   

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Alkemi Network DAO Token  


ALK Price:
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The last known price of #ALK is $0.00630 USD.

Please note that the price of #ALK was last updated over 860 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #ALK statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest ALK price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00630, and the exact last price of ALK was $0.00629957.

The all-time high ALK coin price was $0.88.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of ALK with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Alkemi Network DAO Token crypto currency is #ALK.

Alkemi Network DAO Token is 1 year old.


The current market capitalization for Alkemi Network DAO Token is not available at this time.

Alkemi Network DAO Token is ranked #18807 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is an unknown volume of trading today on #ALK.


The circulating supply of ALK is 8,700,000 coins, which is 4% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Alkemi Network DAO Token coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


ALK is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


ALK has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on probably at least one crypto exchanges but we don't have this data.

View #ALK trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #ALK purchase.



Alkemi Network x Atato | Custody Partnership

Announcing Alkemi Network & Atato Custody Partnership Alkemi Network has a key focus, bridging institutional capital into DeFi. Throughout 2021, DeFi saw massive growth and adoption, but many would argue that institutional capital hasn’t arrived yet. This is because interacting with DeFi brings a variety of compliance, regulatory and operational challenges that make it difficult for institutions to participate. Contrarily we’ve seen a large influx of interest from a variety of funds and other financial institutions looking to take advantage of what DeFi has to offer. With the right on-ramps, institutional investors could put their idle digital assets to work and drive the next big wave of capital into DeFi. We’re excited to announce a strategic partnership between Alkemi Network and Atato to enable Atato’s clients to securely hold Alkemi assets on their digital asset custody platform and provide onramps for their digital assets to be put to work through Alkemi Network’s Earn Protocol — all while adhering to their strict security, operational and compliance requirements. — About Atato. — Atato is a Licensed crypto custodian that offers custody solutions for businesses that require a robust and versatile custody platform that simplifies the management and security of their cryptocurrencies using MPC technology. Atato custody offers unique features that allows you to add any token in one click an...

Alkemi Network x Banxa | Integration Partnership

Alkemi Network partners with the leading payment-service provider and processor for digital assets — Banxa Alkemi Network is pleased to announce a partnership with Banxa, the leading publicly-listed payments and compliance company for the digital assets space. Through this strategic integration, the Alkemi Network users will have access to direct fiat on-ramp gateway via the Alkemi Earn website. The Alkemi Network community will be able to officially purchase all Earn-supported stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies. We are thrilled to integrate with Banxa as we hope this will help improve the current user experience and allow purchasing of cryptocurrencies in a more efficient and secure way — bridging CeFi to DeFi has just become easier. About Banxa: Banxa is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) with a mission to build the bridge between traditional financial systems, regulation and the digital asset space. Banxa’s goal is to onboard the general public to digital currency by building a fully compliant payment infrastructure that enables simple and secure conversion of fiat currency to digital currency (e.g. USD/CAD to BTC/ETH). Banxa has offices in Australia, the Netherlands and Lithuania. For further information go to: About Alkemi Network: Alkemi Network is bridging CeFi to DeFi, building an institution-grade liquidity network for financial institutions and individuals to access professional DeFi and ...

Alkemi Network: What’s Ahead?

It has been an exciting first year for the protocol, community, and core team at large. This post covers the ‘WHY’ behind our 2022 Roadmap.. — Alkemi Network is a compliant liquidity network facilitating professional DeFi for financial institutions and individuals to earn yield on their Ethereum-based digital assets. We are on a mission to unlock DeFi, for CeFi. 2021 In Review: Traction to Date Successful capital raise February 2021 of $4.6 million, TGE Sept 9, 2021; Community-run DEX liquidity support, Alkemi Earn ‘Verified’ and ‘Open’ Pools Live, 100+ Alkemi Earn users, $50 million+ in gross deposits, Four-Year Liquidity Mining Program Live, Alkemi Network DAO Token discovery available here: Etherscan, Ethplorer, DEXTools, CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, Defi Llama, Uniswap, SushiSwap, 1inch, Zapper, DeBank, and the WalletConnect Registry, 5,500+ token holders, Community of 30k+, More than doubled the Network’s core team size to 16, Foundation set up, DAO operational; progressive decentralization in flight, — Our 2022 Roadmap is Here! - Fresh off a December 2020 company offsite, the Alkemi Network core team is excited to announce that we have published our 2022 roadmap! The next phase of the Alkemi Network protocol will push the innovation frontier forward for DeFi. Over the next year, we are doubling down on our institution-grade DeFi product and user experience. With the next phase of de...

Alkemi Network joins the Global DCA

Alkemi Network Joins the Global Digital Asset and Cryptocurrency Association (Global DCA) as a Full Member to Advance Digital Asset Industry Self-Regulation. Alkemi Network is pleased to announce it has joined the Global DCA, the digital asset industry’s emerging self-regulatory association. Comprised of over 50 member firms, the Global DCA exists to set global standards to steward the industry, provide educational programs for industry professionals and standard-setting bodies, and serve as a united voice on behalf of the global industry. All Full Members sign and attest to the Global DCA Code of Conduct and must successfully complete the Global DCA onboarding process.“As a pioneer in the emerging ‘compliant DeFi’ ecosystem, we are proud to become a member of the Global DCA. Since our launch in 2018, we have been committed to delivering professional, institution-grade solutions for our clients and we look forward to working closely with the association to develop global DeFi industry standards.”— Brian Mahoney, CSO Alkemi Network “We warmly welcome Alkemi Network to our membership,” said Renata Szkoda, Chairwoman of the Board of the Global DCA. “Alkemi Network is an integral part of the DeFi ecosystem. Through their membership, they are stepping forward to help lead responsible innovation in this growing space.” About Alkemi Network: Alkemi Network is bridging CeFi to DeFi, building an institution-grade ...

Ecosystem Update — November 2021

Ecosystem Update — November 2021 - — Continuing our growth trajectory over the Thanksgiving and Holiday Period. — — Liquidity Update - As of December 9th, gross funds deposited have exceeded $51m. Alkemi Earn has ~$31.4m in deposits across the ‘Verified’ and ‘Open’ pools, 115 liquidity providers have been onboarded to the ‘Verified’ pool, a 15% increase since October, Combined market utilization in the ‘Verified’ pool is ~55%, with ~$14.8m in current outstanding borrows, Gross funds deposited and borrowed in Verified Pool (Dune Analytics)Breakdown of total deposits and borrows across asset markets in Verified Pool (Dune Analytics) — Partnerships & Integrations - South East Asia’s favorite crypto app/exchange Zipmex has included ALK token in their ZLaunch program, where holders of ZMT, Zipmex’s pool token, use their tokens to earn ALK rewards. Within 8 minutes, $2.6m worth of ZMT have been locked — probably nothing. We have partnered with BNPL Pay, who is on a mission to disrupt the global credit markets by creating a unique uncollateralized lending protocol. Combining our ‘Verified’ DeFi liquidity pools with BNPL’s Banking Nodes, we are solidifying the potential for uncollateralized lending. Earn ‘Open’ Pool now offers the WBTC market to all protocol lenders & borrowers. WBTC standardizes Bitcoin to the ERC20 format, creating smart contracts for Bi...

Alkemi Network x BNPL | Partnership

Alkemi Network is pleased to announce a partnership with the BNPL Pay Protocol (Buy Now, Pay Later), ‘an innovative uncollateralized lending platform offering DeFi loans for the real world’. Through the partnership, both protocols are working to address the cost of capital problem in DeFi and are collaborating on the following: Enabling more efficient capital allocation on-chain and cross-platform, Enhancing the customer onboarding experience for KYC/AML-approved DeFi, Building out initial infrastructure for identity on-chain, BNPL intends to disrupt the global credit markets by creating a unique uncollateralized lending protocol. The protocol will allow users to borrow funds through its system of distributed P2P lenders run natively on the Ethereum blockchain. The Alkemi Network & BNPL Pay partnership is an exploration of synergies between two platforms connecting DeFi lenders to CeFi borrowers. With the combination of Alkemi Network’s KYC/AML-approved liquidity pools and BNPL’s Banking Nodes, there is considerable potential to grow together. “Uncollateralized lending (e.g. credit issuance) is next on the innovation frontier for DeFi markets. Our partnership with BNPL is a significant step in this direction as they represent the next evolution of lending markets in crypto. Alkemi Network offers a unique opportunity for BNPL to offer trusted counterparties access to its platform at scale, thus increasing the f...

Ecosystem Update — September / October 2021

Ecosystem Update — September / October 2021 - — ALK token is live! And Happy Halloween! 🎃 👻 🍬. — — TLDR - ALK token → The Alkemi Network governance token ALK was generated on the Ethereum blockchain September 9th 2021, Liquidity → Gross funds deposited on Alkemi Earn have reached $47m; 100+ institution-grade liquidity providers have participated to date., Team → Peter Gray joined Alkemi Network as Integrations & Partnerships Manager, What’s Next → Planning v2 release roadmap targeting Q1 2022, Ways to Participate → Interested in lending/borrowing assets? Email us, — ALK Token Generation Event Done! - 200 million Alkemi Network DAO Tokens (‘ALK’) were minted on 9th September 2021. Read details of this event in our Progressive Decentralization Update post. See ALK token activity by following links below: Scanners: Etherscan, Ethplorer, Trackers: DEXTools, CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, Defi Llama, Markets: Uniswap, SushiSwap, 1inch, — Liquidity Update - As of October 29th, gross funds deposited have reached $47m. Alkemi Earn has ~$37.4m in deposits across the ‘Verified’ and ‘Open’ pools, 100+ liquidity providers have been onboarded to the ‘Verified’ pool, a 43% increase since July, Combined market utilization is ~42%, with ~$15.7m in current outstanding borrows, Gross funds deposited and borrowed (Dune Analytics)Breakdown of total deposits an...

Alkemi Network Progressive Decentralization Update Q3 2021

We are excited to announce that Alkemi Network’s Token Generation Event (‘TGE’) occurred on September 9th, 2021. The next stage of progressive decentralization has begun and the migration towards full community ownership of the Alkemi Network is underway. We are very pleased to see the growth and adoption of Alkemi Earn to date; protocol-wide TVL stands at $35m+ with 75+ users. This post will provide a Q3 2021 protocol update on the following topics: Token Generation Event (‘TGE’); Minting of ALK tokens and ALK token distribution, ALK Token Utility; progressive decentralization and DAO governance, Alkemi Earn Open (permissionless) pool is now live, What’s next?, — TGE: Alkemi Network Token Generation Event - — 200 million Alkemi Network DAO Tokens (‘ALK’) were minted on 9th September 2021. — Official ALK token contract address: 0x6C16119B20fa52600230F074b349dA3cb861a7e3 The ALK token can be found at the following addresses: Uniswap, 1inch, DEXTools, CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, — ALK Governance Token Utility - Alkemi Network is the first decentralized liquidity network to facilitate both permissioned (‘Verified’) and permissionless (‘Open’) liquidity pools governed by one utility token. ALK holders will be able to propose and vote on decisions concerning protocol parameters on both pools, including setting interest rate models and base fee structures, administering asset market...

Alkemi Network TGE is Complete | Unveiling the ALK Governance Token

Alkemi Network is pleased to announce the next step of progressive decentralization has taken place. Alkemi Network has been deployed as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) live on the Ethereum mainnet.Alkemi Network participants are now empowered to propose and vote upon governance of the network. To this end, the native ALK utility governance token is now live on the Ethereum mainnet at the following contract address: 0x6c16119B20fa52600230F074b349dA3cb861a7e3 1 ALK token provides voters with 1 vote. DAO participants may propose and discuss governance at and the “✨-governance” channel on our Discord Alkemi Network DAO voting takes place at Please note that the token is also now available on Uniswap. Be sure to verify the token contract address (detailed above) is correct. Follow our Telegram channel for all additional updates. Kind regards, Alkemi Network Alkemi Network TGE is Complete | Unveiling the ALK Governance Token was originally published in Alkemi Network on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Ecosystem Update — August 2021

Ecosystem Update — August 2021 - — We are pleased to announce the completion of the Alkemi Network smart contract audit performed by Quantstamp. Alkemi Earn’s Assets Under Protocol have grown 16.6% MoM, now at $35m. Up next: Alkemi Network’s Decentralization Event.. — — TLDR - Audit → The smart contract audit is complete. More details to come, Liquidity → Alkemi Earn holds $35m in total deposits (+16.6% MoM), with 70+ liquidity providers and a 51.75% utilization rate; CrossTower and Coral DeFi have joined the protocol as LPs, Team → We welcome Nuno to the team as a new software developer, What’s Next → Alkemi Network’s Token Generation and Decentralization Event, Ways to Participate → To join us as a liquidity provider, email us, — Smart Contract Audit Completed - We are excited to announce that the Alkemi Network smart contract audit has been successfully completed by Quantstamp. As part of the audit, Quantstamp performed an extensive, thorough review of the network. Recommendations were given, adjustments were made and the network is secure. We will have more details to share in the following weeks.This marks the last major milestone prior to Alkemi Network’s decentralization and token generation event. — Liquidity Update - As of August 31st, Alkemi Earn total deposits have reached ~$35m, a 16.6% increase over July’s $30m., 70+ institution-grade liquidity prov...

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