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AABLOCK Price   

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All Time High:
Market Cap:
$6.3 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #AABLOCK is $0.037 USD.

Please note that the price of #AABLOCK was last updated over 310 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #AABLOCK statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest AABLOCK price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.037, and the exact last price of AABLOCK was $0.03695.

The all-time high AABLOCK coin price was $3.08.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of AABLOCK with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Blocknet crypto currency is #AABLOCK.

Blocknet is 2.6 years old.


The current market capitalization for Blocknet is $6,343.

Blocknet is ranking downwards to #2183, by market cap (and other factors).


There is an unknown daily trading volume on #AABLOCK.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Blocknet is $1.00.


The circulating supply of AABLOCK is 171,659 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.

Note the unusually low supply of Blocknet coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


AABLOCK has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.



Blocknet XRouter — A Comparison of Interoperable Protocols

Blocknet XRouter — A Comparison of Interoperable Protocols - XRouter solves the issues surrounding blockchain interoperability and scalability, advancing Blockchain 3.0 technology and opening up the gates to mainstream blockchain adoption. XRouter is a layer 2 TCP/IP blockchain solution allowing interoperability between ALL blockchains with the additional ability to also connect to non blockchain infrastructures so that an ecosystem of blockchain connected oracles can be built. XRouter forms a part of the Blocknet Protocol. This is a major milestone for blockchain as Blocknet has now made available the world’s first truly decentralized blockchain router, allowing developers to utilize on-chain data and services from public and private blockchains without needing to have any of them installed, as well as being able to utilize off-chain oracle data, API’s and services. XRouter lays the foundation for multi-blockchain architectures, real DeFi, on-chain/off-chain cohesiveness and an “Internet of Blockchains”. — Understanding the differences between blockchain 3.0 solutions. — There are various Blockchain based networks and projects all trying to solve the issues surrounding Blockchain interoperability; the ability for blockchains to interact and “talk” to one another as well as the ability to communicate with non-blockchain systems. As Blockchain technology has evolved three broad categories have emer...

Blocknet Project Update — October 5, 2021

Since our last project development update the Blocknet core developers and community contributors have been focused on integrating ERC-20/ETH with the Blocknet XBridge protocol, adding new assets and improvements to the Service Node automated setup tool, releasing an XLite wallet update, and starting work on the new v2.0 UI for Block DX, Blocknet’s flagship DEX. Work has also continued on the implentation of XRouter in Go and JS programming languages, both integral to the enabling of the Blocknet protocol in lightweight dapps and services. But before we dive into the details, here’s some other important news… — BLOCK/USDT pair opens on Bittrex Global. — This month also saw the opening of a new $BLOCK market on Bittrex Global exchange, with a USDT (Tether) pairing now available. Since the new market opened we have seen the trading volume pick up considerably across both pairs:An example of 24hr volume on Bittrex Global for BLOCK/USDT and BLOCK/BTC pairs — Development updates - — XLite Wallet. — The latest version of XLite was released on the 23rd September which addressed some minor bugs and added some UI improvements, facilitating even easier sending of assets. The Cloudchains developer has also recently worked on a fix for the Litecoin wallet on the back-end servers which should fix the intermittent balance and transaction issues that users were experiencing in the previous version of XL...

Blocknet lists on Pangolin Exchange as $aaBLOCK

13 May, Cape Town — Blocknet tokens are now listed on Pangolin DEX in advance of the release of the Blocknet’s decentralized Avalanche indexer. The listing puts $aaBLOCK, a means of payment for indexed chain data, on Avalanche’s C-chain, and serves to introduce the Avalanche community to the Blocknet. — Avalanche, meet the Blocknet. — With the Blocknet’s initial release of its decentralized indexer of Avalanche’s blockchains due this month, and a planned migration to its own subnet in due course, significant mutual interest between the two projects’ communities has emerged. However, BLOCK and AVAX have not been accessible on the same venues, preventing easy exploration of their respective ecosystems. Until now, that is. As of today, $aaBLOCK is accessible on Avalanche’s most liquid DEX, Pangolin, giving Avalanche users a natural place to acquire BLOCK and explore its interchain technologies like Block DX and XRouter. — Market availability. — To foster a healthy market, liquidity originating from the Blocknet’s superblock self-funding system will be added to the Pangolin liquidity pool today. In addition, Blocknet expects that holders of BLOCK and AVAX will be added to the pool to reach a planned minimum of ~$100k liquidity in the pool, ensuring good market availability and small spreads for users. Furthermore, a proposal will be submitted to Pangolin’s decentralized governance...

XRouter — The Biggest Advancement Since Ethereum

XRouter — The Biggest Advancement Since Ethereum - Blocknet’s XRouter, the world’s first blockchain router, is the final component poised to fill the gap required to create an “Internet of Blockchains.” XRouter enables any and all blockchains and smart contracts to communicate with one another and allows the monetization of inter-chain and multi-chain services. This is all made possible via decentralized access without a single chain download being necessary. XCloud, a decentralized microservice network built on XRouter, also allows decentralized access to off-chain oracle information that can then be made accessible to blockchains and smart contracts. In short, XRouter and XCloud solves blockchain interoperability. — The Internet of Blockchains (IoB) - To understand why blockchain interoperability, and subsequently, an internet of blockchains is so important to the advancement and acceptance of blockchain technology, an analogy is useful: the arrival of Bitcoin and specifically the blockchain is like the creation of the first computers. Early mainframe computers were only able to run a single program at a time, lacked any form of operating system, and couldn’t communicate with other computers. However, this soon began to change and these early computers eventually provided the platform on which operating systems would be built. In this way, the blockchain is similar in that it provided a common base pri...

The Blocknet to extend the power of Avalanche’s subnets with a decentralized indexing system

The Blocknet to extend the power of Avalanche’s subnets with a decentralized indexing system. - — Avalanche will leverage the Blocknet protocol to make its chains interoperable with almost every other blockchain in existence.. — The Blocknet is extending the power of Avalanche’s subnets with a decentralized indexing system, enabling dapps to use Avalanche contracts and transactions alongside those on any other blockchain in a trustless fashion. In addition, the Blocknet will migrate its own chain to Avalanche in order to be able to focus fully on interchain product development. Upon completion of the Avalanche indexing system (expected to be completed by May 2021), developers building with Blocknet and Avalanche will gain Avalanche chain data in a decentralized and accessible form, as well as the ability to orchestrate contracts on potentially every blockchain in existence. After release of the indexing system, the Blocknet will start the process of migrating to an Avalanche subnet (no timeframe has yet been set for the migration). — Strategic advantages - Since its inception in 2014, the Blocknet maintained its proof-of-stake blockchain for its node governance and self-funding systems. Maintaining its chain has taken up the majority of developer resources–a significant tax on the development of its interchain products and services. Avalanche is a provably secure protocol and platform, with rich DeFi a...

Ecosystem Update

September 2020. — The Ecosystem Update is your one-stop-shop for all the important Blocknet news each month. There are a number of exciting new updates to unpack in today’s newsletter, so let’s dive right in. — Blocknet Protocol - — ETH/ERC-20 Atomic Swap Support. — We are excited to let you know that ETH/ERC-20 XBridge integration is in progress and will continue over the next couple of months. This has been one of our most requested and highly anticipated features.  — @VitalikButerin For the uninitiated, XBridge is the decentralized exchange layer of the Blocknet Protocol that enables cross-chain atomic swaps, and was designed from the ground up to decentralize each component of the exchange process, including storage of funds, orderbooks, order broadcast and settlement. Preliminary work on ETH/ERC-20 integration began several years ago, but was put on hold until an XBridge compatible light wallet could be developed. This was a strategic decision, as the resources and experience required to run a full Ethereum node is outside the reach of most users. With our XLite wallet now in private beta and nearing a public release, we are proceeding full steam ahead with ETH/ERC-20 integration. Once integration is completed, you will be able to trustlessly swap ETH/ERC-20 for Bitcoin (or any other supported asset) on Block DX Exchange and leverage the Blocknet Protocol to build previou...

Word on the BLOCK

December 2020. — — Introduction - This newsletter is published once per month and is aimed at keeping the Blocknet community up-to-date on the finer details of the project. For those who are new to the Blocknet, we recommend you also check out the latest Ecosystem Update for a broader understanding of our project’s progress and vision. — Development - XLite public beta released — It’s official. XLiteWallet entered public beta on December 14th, 2020. You can now perform atomic swaps on BlockDXExchange and manage your crypto from a single lightweight wallet. This is your opportunity to test the future of decentralized exchange, today. More details and download links here., XLite supported assets — Bitcoin (BTC), Blocknet (BLOCK), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), DigiByte (DGB), Dash (DASH), Doge (DOGE), Litecoin (LTC), PIVX (PIVX), Ravencoin (RVN) and Syscoin (SYS) with many more to come., ERC-20 BLOCK cross-chain bridge complete — The code for a cross-chain bridge between BLOCK and an ERC-20 version of BLOCK (known as aBLOCK) has been written, committed to the AnySwap repository and successfully tested. All that is left to do is have the BLOCK/aBLOCK cross-chain bridge approved by AnySwap’s decentralized governance network. A proposal has already been submitted and is currently passing. Voting is open to holders of the ANY token and closes on Dec 16, 2020., Block DX 1.9.0 update — A new v...

Introducing aBLOCK

BLOCK can now be traded on the Ethereum mainnet — What is aBLOCK?. — The new aBLOCK token is a “wrapped” version of $BLOCK, making it possible for people from any country to buy BLOCK on Anyswap or other exchanges where ERC-20 tokens are traded on the Ethereum mainnet. By design, there is one BLOCK token wrapped inside each aBLOCK token. In other words, there is a 1:1 mapping between BLOCK and aBLOCK at the bridge where wrapping and unwrapping take place. This unwrapping can take place at any time, enabling buyers of aBLOCK to immediately convert to the native BLOCK token. At the Anyswap bridging station where wrapping/unwrapping takes place, the price of aBLOCK will be exactly equal to the price of BLOCK. However, the price of aBLOCK can vary from one exchange to another, in the same way the price of BLOCK can be different from one exchange to another. Fortunately, it is very easy to swap between them because Anyswap users can convert aBLOCK into BLOCK on the same site. For those unfamiliar with Anyswap, it is an easily accessible, easy to use, high liquidity, decentralized exchange. (Note, aBLOCK can also be acquired on Uniswap, another high liquidity, decentralized exchange.) — Why aBLOCK?. — The main benefits of aBLOCK are improved accessibility to purchase BLOCK, and as a payment token for Hydra, Blocknet’s “Decentralized Infura” solution. aBLOCK will make it possible for people from ...

Ecosystem Update

December 2020. — Your one-stop-shop for all the latest Blocknet news each month — Quick Take - ERC-20 BLOCK is now live on Ethereum., XLite slated for early 2021 public release., Block DX all time volume exceeds $1,000,000., Hydra slated for Q1 2021 release, documentation and website in the works., New Blocknet Roadmap to be released next week., — ERC-20 BLOCK is Now Live on Ethereum - It’s here! Our ERC-20 version of the native BLOCK coin, known as aBLOCK, is now live on Ethereum. The aBLOCK token brings immense utility to both the Ethereum and Blocknet ecosystems, and we could not be more excited about this important milestone. — One Giant Leap for Liquidity. — The ERC-20 BLOCK bridge provides Blocknet with direct access to the large capital reserves that exist on the Ethereum network. Ethereum based decentralized exchanges have seen huge increases in volume in 2020, with Uniswap recently surpassing $50b in all time volume. Thanks to aBLOCK, Ethereum users are now able to easily purchase aBLOCK via Ethereum based decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap (view aBLOCK on Uniswap here). Although it’s only been 2 weeks since the launch of aBLOCK, more than $28,000 USD has already been deposited into liquidity provider contracts on Uniswap.The aBLOCK pairs on Uniswap currently include Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT) and Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) The pooling of liquidity for BLOCK across diffe...

Word on the BLOCK

January 2021. — — Introduction - This newsletter is published once per month and is aimed at keeping the Blocknet community up-to-date on the finer details of the project. For those who are new to the Blocknet, we recommend you also check out the latest Ecosystem Update for a broader understanding of our project’s progress and vision. New Project Roadmap — We are pleased to announce our all new roadmap. Yes, it includes ETH/ERC-20 atomic swaps, cold staking and a web 3.0 DEX requiring no download! View the full roadmap here., Hydra slated for Q1 2021 release — We are continuing to prepare for our Q1 2021 release launch Hydra, our decentralized replacement for Infura. We’ve created a brand new Hydra landing page, which you can view here, and the Hydra developer documentation is also nearing completion., Preview of the Hydra developer documentation XLite slated for early 2021 public release — our DEX compatible multi-wallet XLite is on track to move from public beta to a production release in Q1 2021. Our developers and community have been extensively testing and debugging XLite over the past several months and are working out the final details before moving forward with a production release. The initial public release will support Bitcoin (BTC), Blocknet (BLOCK), Dash (DASH), Doge (DOGE), Litecoin (LTC), PIVX (PIVX) and Syscoin (SYS) with many more to come., Blocknet Core wallet 4.3.2 update...

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